Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

  Chapter 347 This car rides so wonderfully (please subscribe)

   "Are you sure?" Selego asked.

   To be honest, he is the most anxious person around Guilliman, who wants to attack the Chaos Gods.

  Slaanesh has always desired to devour all Eldar souls.

  Whether it is a mortal life or a god, they are all on the other party's devouring list.

   The conflict between him and Chaos is destined to be irreconcilable.

   "There is a lot of confidence. If we start a war, our chances of winning are more than 90%."

  Guilliman has long arranged and strengthened the various problems of the Eye of Terror.

   "Ninety percent."

   Elderal, Qianmian, Ifran and the others looked at each other.

   Obviously, Guilliman's answer surprised them very much.

   There is a 90% certainty that the Eye of Terror will be recovered.

   is beyond their imagination.

   It is important to know that the place where the Great Fall of the Spirit Race happened was when the Spirit Race Empire was at its strongest.

   was destroyed in the awakening of the Prince of Pleasure.

  Countless Eldar worlds were turned into demonic lands, and countless people either died or were transformed.

  For so many years, not to mention recovering those demon planets and recasting the glory of the Eldar Empire.

   Just protecting the webway and preventing demons from entering their ark world along the webway is already a very difficult task.

  Guilliman waved his hand, and a clear holographic projection was also played.

   What is shown in it is the situation of Mars and several large foundry worlds.

  A large number of machines are packaged, sent to the carrier plane and space elevator by the giant mechanical arm, and then sent to the low-earth orbit through the space elevator, loaded on the battleship, and ready to be transported to the designated planet.

  In addition to these, there are some pictures about the Necrons and their unique pyramids.

  The king of the dynasty who surrendered to the empire-King Suo Taifa has unified many dynasties with the help of the empire.

  Guilliman never let them participate in the war.

  The reason is here.

   Necrons have the highest resistance to Warp.

  Any whispers and corruption are hard to work on them.

  After discussing privately with Kaul, the Necrons were finally regarded as workers repairing the Great Rift and the Eye of Terror.

"King Sotai has already deployed anti-subspace devices in various worlds that have been poisoned by the Great Rift. The principle of this device is similar to their exorcism death zone, but it is not so powerful. It will only affect those who rely too much on the subspace. Creatures make an impact, that is, demons."

   "This device will slowly suppress the power of the warp, allowing the physical rules of the real universe to be repaired, thereby closing the big rift."

   Guilliman slid the projections, looked at Selego and the others and said.

   "As the race that can best perceive the warp, I have something for you to do."

   "What is it?" Selego asked.

"We need you to assist King Sotai to better complete the repair work and bridge this rift." Guilliman said: "The Necrons do not have the perception of subspace energy, they can only determine the location of those rifts by means of machinery , you Spirit Race are different, you can clearly perceive the energy gushing out of those cracks. For this reason, your cooperation is the most suitable."

"I have considered letting psykers do this. The problem is that today's psykers use the subspace energy filtered by the firewall. Their spiritual power is protected, and some perceptions will be blocked by the firewall. Block it, it is likely to cause negligence."

   Bring former sworn enemies to work together.

   Even Guilliman has the courage to say it.

  If someone else said it, I'm afraid the matter would fall through immediately.

   It will also lead to war.

  The conflict between the Eldar and the Necrons is extremely serious.

  Gods like Selego were beaten to death with Necrons and others.

   Now they need to work together!

   However, none of the Eldar prophets contradicted it.

  Even Selego didn't directly object.

  Even the Necrons have chosen to submit to Guilliman's command.

  The Nether Dragon is still lying on the opponent's shoulder, as cute as a pet.

   It is definitely not a wise thing to talk about the long-standing war and grievances between the two clans in front of the other party.

   "I'm a little worried." Selego said: "The Necrons may not be willing to join us."

  Guilliman waved his hand.

   "I have already considered this point. King Suotai vowed never to mention the grievances between your two races."

  Hearing this, Selego thought for a while, and there seemed to be no excuse for objection.

  He looked to the other Eldar seers.

   want to see if they disagree.

   Elderal, Evelyn and the others showed no resistance or reluctance on their faces.

   "Since this is the case, the Spirit Race will definitely follow His Majesty's instructions and complete this matter." Selego said.

  Questioning an unprecedented king puts pressure on even a **** like Selego.

   Received Selego's promise, and Guilliman also gave his own promise.

   "With the Great Rift closed and the Eye of Terror reclaimed, the next phase of the Empire will free the trapped souls and gods of the Eldar, and help you deal with the fate of your souls falling into the hands of the gods of Chaos after death."

  Guilliman's words made many Eldar prophets and Selego all smile.

  After discussing some things about the Cadia battlefield, the meeting ended.

  Everyone saluted in turn, exited the meeting room, and returned to their strategy room or room for rest.

  Guilliman sat in his seat, tapped his fingers on the table, and conducted a simple review of the meeting just now.

   After confirming that there is nothing missing, he stood up and closed all the data windows.

  He refused the company of Sicarius and Valanor, walked along the glass corridor, and walked into his exclusive garden alone.

   After being busy, it is necessary to take a short break and divert your attention to other places.

   As the ruler of the empire, Guilliman enjoys the support of the entire empire.

  His gardens are filled with precious flowers from all over the galaxy.

  The crawler-mounted servants and the floating servo-skull used their mechanical arms to serve the flowers.

   Some servants also shuttled among them, taking care of the flowers and plants.

  When they saw Guilliman, they all saluted.

   "Get out."

  Guilliman waved all the servoskulls and servitors, and those gardening servants straight out.

  Wandering alone in the garden.

  The scale of this private garden is not small, equivalent to an imperial park.

  Guilliman strolled in the garden, the cold air made his mind emptied a lot.

  Only in such silence can he calm down and allow him to think about his own essence and what kind of existence he is.

  He is a mortal.

  The memory of a mortal soul in another world is still a constant reminder of his weakness and powerlessness as a human being.

   also always encouraged him to find the way back as soon as possible, and strive to stage a scene where the **** of war returns, and the tens of billions of legions come at the order.

  The only pity is that he was not married before time travel, and he was a 30-year-old magician.

  It is destined that he will not have a daughter who sleeps in a pigsty and eats chaff.

   It's a bit of a pity.

  He is still a Primarch.

  Forged by the emperor with the help of mysterious technology and subspace materials, it possesses terrifying power that the gods in mythology do not have.

  His Warp nature grants him eternity.

   is literally immortal.

   This is what many creatures are pursuing.

  They are always afraid that their short lifespan will come to an end, and they feel unwilling to leave.

  Guilliman will not have this kind of worry, unless he is killed, he will not die.

  He can live on until he tires of himself.

  Each Primarch is a man-made immortal.

   In the end, he is a god, a king

  The power of dominion and the power left behind by the Emperor make him otherworldly, able to easily defeat any enemy who tries to stop him.

  Whether it's those demons or a **** like Selego, he can easily win.

  He also controls countless Imperial Navy, Astartes, Astra Militarum, and Imperial people who fanatically support him.

  His will is enough to make the stars tremble.

  His will is enough to make all things fear.

  As long as there is an order, countless people will give their loyalty and sacrifice their lives for him.

  Guilliman stood by the porthole, staring at the countless floating battleships, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

   Even if you have mastered such a powerful force.

  He still feels lost.

   Seeing those mortals who gave their lives to win the war, and those staggering, emotionless casualty statistics, Guilliman also thought about whether he was qualified to use those sacrifices in exchange for the future of the empire.

  The gods were trapped in the Warp after being severely wounded by the Emperor.

  Yug-Sothoth's Cancer Legion is in decline.

  The space undead headed by the Silent King are already dying.

   Green-skinned orcs will soon become biological weapons controlled by the empire.

  The tentacles of the Tyranids entering the galaxy were basically cut off, only the void far away from the galaxy still had signs of them, and it was no longer a threat to the empire.

  The galaxy has no enemies who can fight the empire.

  Under such a good situation, there are also some voices preaching peace in the empire.

  I hope that all localities will shift their economic focus to people's livelihood, instead of maintaining a state of war, pay more attention to people's happiness, and further improve the quality of life.

  Guilliman didn't have much reaction to this, he just asked people to guide these voices from becoming mainstream.

  If he is an ordinary person, he will inevitably make such a request.

   Putting the productivity originally used to develop armaments in the field of people's livelihood will inevitably improve the quality of life of the people of the empire again.

   It only takes a few hours for each worker a year to basically meet the needs of survival.

  Nowadays, most industrial achievements have become consumables for war.

   It is true that people always want a better life.

  But when Guilliman really stood in the position of the ruler of the race.

   Only then do we truly understand that peace and happiness are the biggest lies.

  War and suffering is the only way to perpetuate the race.

  Pursuing peace is just putting the rope of suicide around one's own neck and tightening it a little bit.

  The security of the human empire comes from the expansion and colonization of the universe.

   No matter when and where, only outward-looking civilizations can survive.

  What kind of technology and power you have, if you live in a corner, you will eventually perish.

  Guilliman was thinking while walking.

  When a petal of one of his flowers fell, he bent down and gently caught it.

  He looked at the petals in his hand thoughtfully.

  Petals are also regarded as a kind of peace symbol.

  People always look forward to ushering in peace and a peaceful life amid flowers and cheers.

   Sadly, petals do not represent peace.

  Guilliman's garden has many kinds of flowers.

  Some of these flowers are aggressive and deceptive.

  Those beautiful flowers are bright red and tender, and they look pitiful.

   But if you look carefully, you can see that there are steel needle-like teeth in the beautiful gem-like flower core.

  When the prey is greedy for the beauty of the petals and approaches, the teeth will stab out violently, injecting toxins into the opponent's body, and then the corpse will slide into the petals and be swallowed into the digestive sac for digestion.

   There are some flower species that are even more terrifying. They are not only beautiful, but also have a sweet taste.

  The petals are bright and will grow in groups, forming a beautiful but deadly sea of ​​flowers.

  However, these flowers are the kiss of death, with neurotoxins in their sweet smell.

  When there are enough of them, the neurotoxins in them can make the animals unconscious and die, making the carcass the nourishment of the roots.

   For this reason, these flowers tend to grow very vigorously.

   It is a mockery to see flowers as symbols of peace.

  People always think that things that look good also represent beauty, but the fact is quite the opposite.

  Guilliman collected his thoughts, rubbed the petals with his thick fingers, and the petals were crushed.

  The fresh air poured into Guilliman's lungs along his nasal cavity, and was pushed by the lungs powerfully into the blood circulation of the whole body.

  He threw away the rotten petals, walked to the depths of the garden, put away his weakness.

  Peace will always be a lie.

  A pathetic and unrealistic lie.

  Let the flames of war continue to burn.

   Until human beings are burned to ashes.

  The new expedition will start after the Battle of Cadia.

  The enemies that the empire will face will no longer be mortal life, but the gods who live in the highest heaven.

   This is an inevitable thing.

  The Eye of Terror Expedition, the Transverse Expedition and the Intergalactic Expedition will be the three most important upcoming expeditions for the Empire.

   Inter-universe train.

  Constantine and others who were selected to go to the empire sat in the exclusive private room, their faces pale and their legs trembling with fright at the scene in front of them.

  Even if I have been in **** for so long, I have never had such a thrilling experience like today.

  Just watching from the sidelines already makes people's legs go weak. If it wasn't for being trapped by the protective force field, Constantine would definitely turn his head and run away.

   This ghostly place is not where he should come.

  ps: There is a small chapter tonight, alas, I won't come out anymore.

  (end of this chapter)