Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 348 Raid on Altdorf (for subscription)

   Going to study in the mainland of the empire is something that everyone will envy and gild yourself.

  Constantine once thought so.

   He was completely unaware of what was going to happen on this trip.

   Didn't think anything was going to happen either.

  With the mighty strength of the empire, what else can threaten that golden double-headed eagle!

   At the beginning, there were really no surprises.

   Sitting on the train is as comfortable as a vacation.

   There is an on-call train service, as well as comfortable and considerate double seat rooms.

   Close the door, and no one will know what to do.

  Until the urgent alarm sounded, Constantine realized that cross-space travel was not an easy task.

   Without the protection of the empire, they might have been torn to pieces by those terrifying monsters.

   Sitting in front of them, the mage fellow who was also chosen to go to the empire turned into a monster amidst painful and desperate wailing.

  A monster born out of man's worst nightmare.

  Thousands of venomous-looking baby faces emerged from the body covered in slime and tentacles.

  It is full of malicious eyes and a huge mouth full of fangs.

  The eerie growl sounded like the hateful voice of a killed baby.

  When you act, it's like a surging tide.

  The air became cold, sticky, and exuded the smell of rancid blood, making people feel unprecedented nausea and horror.

  Konstantin and Zatana were frightened immediately and turned pale.

   They want to get up and run away.

   However, after the train detected abnormal subspace energy fluctuations, it started an emergency procedure.

  All passengers were fixed in their seats, and a protective force field emerged to protect them.

   Watch as the monster howls and tries to attack the other passengers.

  Konstantin once felt that he should leave a last word or something.

   Fortunately, the train crew responded quickly.

   A few minutes later, several men and women in Inquisitor garb and a squad of Primaris warriors in power armor arrived on the scene.

   They are well equipped and well trained.

   It seems that he is already familiar with such things.

  They pulled the trigger decisively and shot the mutated terrifying monster.

  The bolt gun roared.

  The huge bullet hit the monster's body, making it cry like a child.

   "In the name of the Holy Emperor, get out of the human territory."

  A judge took out a thick tome depicting the holy emperor, held it up high, and roared loudly: "You will be driven out by his will."

  Divine power flowed from the judge.

  The huge limbs of the monster waved wildly, as if being hit by some invisible force.

  The soldiers also opened fire one after another, and the monster's body gradually weakened, and pieces of shining flesh fell off and melted.

  The monster's inner brilliance has quickly dimmed.

  His hazy outline sprayed out a little light, as if it was difficult to maintain his own existence.

   Accompanied by a desperate and shrill scream.

  The monster was eventually driven away.

   The mutation disappeared.

  The possessed mage collapsed limply to the ground.

  He stretched out his hand with difficulty, wanting to ask those soldiers for help.

  The fighters went up, no one knew what they looked like under the helmet.

  I saw them walk to the side of the mage, and the leader stabbed a dagger carved with complicated runes into the neck of the other party, with clean methods.

  Mages with great power are killed like chicks.

   His eyes widened and he took his last breath.

  Konstantin knew the mage, and the other party was also a colleague in the mage world, and he was quite well-known.

   Wields powerful magical powers and ancient spells.

  But it was so easily invaded by the strange existence of the subspace, and became the opponent's container.

  The terrifying aura emitted after becoming a container made Constantine feel the oppression of those ancient gods.

   If it appeared in the real world, it would be a proper doomsday natural disaster grade.

   Fortunately, the train has the protection of the Empire.

  The possessed mage possessed great power, but was easily suppressed in front of the empire's emergency squad.

   Watching the corpse of the corrupted mage being sent away, Constantine realized for the first time the horror of the word warp.

   At the beginning of the journey, there was no big problem.

  However, those who can become mages have no curiosity in their hearts.

  When the train was halfway through, the mage felt unprecedented power surging in his body.

  The strength of the magic has increased a lot.

  The previous magical elements were like fog, and mages condensed the fog through spells to form raindrops (magic power).

  But now they feel as if they were thrown into the sea.

  The originally thin magical elements were so thick that they were about to condense into crystals.

  The strong magic element gave the mage a sense of illusion.

   With a wave of his hand, a spell burns the city and destroys the country with ease.

  Under such a situation, who would not be eager to try how terrifying their own limit is.

  Constantine also had this impulse.

  The magic element is too strong.

  An attack spell can easily unleash a hundred or thousand times more power than usual.

  The mage couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart.

   He is much faster than Constantine and Zatanna.

  The ending is naturally GG.

   Seeing this scene, both Constantine and Zatana were thankful that their hands and feet were a little slower.

   Otherwise, they must have been executed just now.

   This is no joke.

   Look at those warriors in power armor.

  They don't care who the infected person is.

  Several servants installed on the anti-gravity suspension vehicle flew over and cleaned up the traces left by the battle just now.

  Use welding gun and filler material to repair the gap caused by the explosive bomb.

  "All passengers are requested to strictly abide by the rules, do not move around at will, and do not violate the rules, restrain your curiosity, and do not try any supernatural powers and spells in the carriage."

   "There are thousands of rules, safety first, dishonesty in the car, tears in the eyes of relatives."

  The voice of the flight attendant came out along the loudspeaker in the car, warning everyone to be careful again and not to move around at will, which violated the rules.

  Zatana's face was still in shock, "It's terrible."

  Konstantin hugged him in his arms and comforted him softly.

   "It's okay, I'm here."

   "Where did this train tunnel pass?" Zatana asked with lingering fear.

  As a member of a magical family, she is not poor in knowledge.

   With the collection of books at home, Zatana can be said to be a master in the field of mysticism.

  However, what happened just now made her feel extremely horrified.

  The mage just wanted to mobilize the ubiquitous magic elements, and there was such an accident.

   Without even having time to react, the god-like terrifying will instantly snatched his body and used him to enter the train.

  Konstantin shook his head, he looked towards one direction of the train, where there were only bright lights and seats protected by protective force fields.

  The train is very huge, and there are no windows or anything.

   Can't see any scene outside the tunnel at all.

   "Maybe, we are walking under the eyes of those monsters. Once we show any opportunity, they will attack without hesitation and devour our souls and bodies."

  Zhatana's face became even paler.

  She knew that what Constantine said was very likely to be true.

  The empire built a road in the realm of monsters that could lead to other universes.


  The methods of Louis II, the lord of Rickland, are amazing.

  He actually made contact with the hidden High Elves, and made an alliance with them on an absolutely tempting offer.

  Elves have a much longer history than other races.

   It is said that they are the second sons of the Old Sages. After creating the Lizardmen, the Old Sages created the elves.

   It is also said that the ancient sages did not create the elves, but taught the ancestors of the elves so that they could gain the enlightenment of civilization.

   The scientific research scholars of the Human Empire have studied the information sent back by Valyrian and others, and tend to the latter guess.

   Elves, like humans, exist in many universes.

   Even if there are no enemies of the Old Ones, elves will appear.

   For this reason, it is very likely that the Old Ones taught the elves.

   It is also possible that their elf genes from other universes were brought to this universe.

  The existence of elves is very extensive, and it is impossible for all of them to be created by the Old Ones.

  The Old Sage created two star gates in this world, allowing them to travel between different universes and planets.

   They work to cleanse the Warp of evil and attempt to restore peace to the Warp.

   Unfortunately, their plan ultimately failed.

  There are many reasons, from the destruction of the warp space, and it may also be the influence of the battle of heaven, the ancient saints finally failed.

   Chaos energy poured into this world along the star gate.

  The Old Sage was forced to withdraw to avoid attracting more attention from the Chaos Gods.

  The Old Ones are like blood-smelling food that will keep attracting sharks until the world collapses.

  The Old Ones chose to leave, leaving only their creations to live alone.

   Fortunately, the Chaos Gods didn't pay attention to this world, and it can be said that they didn't care.

  Their prey is always the Old Ones.

  However, even if the Chaos Gods did not focus on it, the aftermath of the arrival of the Gods alone brought heavy disasters to this world.

  In 4000 BC, the world was attacked by demons pouring in from the star gate.

   There were heavy casualties and wailing everywhere.

  Countless souls were captured into the realm of the Chaos Gods, tortured and became food.

  In this doomsday moment, lizardmen, dwarves, and elves united to save the world.

  Under the guidance of the Lizardmen, the Elven Mages created a magical vortex that absorbed the influx of Chaos energy and weakened the Demon.

  After many years of war, those guys were driven back into the warp.

   Since then, the elves and dwarves have established a huge empire.

   experienced a series of complicated battles and wars.

  The lizardmen are hidden from the world, guarding the legacy of the ancient saints wholeheartedly, and preparing for the war against chaos.

  After a series of events, the population of the elves has been greatly reduced, and the fertility rate cannot be raised. They can only choose to withdraw from the hegemony of the mainland after the rise of human beings.

  The dwarves hide in the deep mountains and concentrate on mining, and have no interest in human dominance.

   As time goes on, elves and dwarves become less and less common.

  Many farmers may never have seen these two races in their lifetime.

  Those damned goblins and halflings were the most they saw.

  When the elves entered Altdorf at the invitation of Louis II, the Elector of Rick, it immediately caused a huge commotion.

   "Elf, look, it's an elf."

   some children shouted excitedly.

  The onlookers talked a lot, with curiosity and excitement on their faces.

  Looking at the tall figures in silver armor, blond hair, white skin, and tall figures riding horses through the stone arch, they entered the square.

  The square was crowded with civilians who came to watch the ceremony.

  The civilians who saw the elves for the first time were very excited.

  Some high-ranking officials whispered to each other when they saw the gorgeous attire of the elves, discussing the exquisite craftsmanship used in those armors enviously.

  Especially the elves at the front of the queue, the decorations are even more luxurious.

  The shining silver-plated armor is inlaid with gold, or it looks like wings, or ears, or flames.

  The helmet is flat, tall and pointed, shining in the sunlight.

  The cloak behind him is made of fine leather, embroidered with exquisite patterns.

  Some are rare and exotic animals, some are forest flowers and plants, and some are the sun, moon and stars.

  The elf knight headed by it has a tattoo of a flying dragon with two wings.

  Even the sides of his helmet are inlaid with silver dragon wings, which looks extraordinary, majestic and majestic.

  Louis II greeted these allies in the center of the square with many nobles.

   "It's really our luck that the elves responded to our invitation." Louis II bowed and said, "Your arrival has inspired the whole of Altdorf, and we were terrified by those terrifying monsters."

   "The elves will never forget their oath. We once promised to repay your ancestors for their kindness." The elf knight in the lead did not dismount, but looked down at Louis II condescendingly.

   "Haha, the story of how elves value promises can be memorized even by three-year-old human children." Louis II flattered him.

  The elf also showed a smile on his face. He got off his horse and introduced the magisters and nobles in the team.

  Louis II also took the opportunity to introduce some cronies and nobles.

"In addition to bringing mages to join the battle, we also brought some helpers. Those dragons who live with us on the island of Ulthuan are willing to participate in this war. For this reason, we chose the three most powerful dragons, As a helper this time. Please also prepare some food for them."

   As soon as the voice fell, three huge black shadows appeared on the surface.

   According to legend, a giant dragon with power comparable to that of a **** appeared above the crowd, causing a burst of screams.

  They were all covered with silver-blue scales, and when the pair of wings stretched out, they left a huge shadow on the ground.

  The sharp claws are as sharp as steel, reflecting light under the sunlight.

  The huge body is also covered with armor.

   Especially on the tender belly.

   The overall look is even more ferocious, just standing there, the feeling of oppression is oncoming.

  Louis II showed excitement the first time he saw the dragon.

   With such a powerful helper, why worry that the coalition forces will not be able to capture Middenheim.

   "Preparing food is not difficult. I will send a supervisor to you. If you need anything, just greet him directly. We will definitely meet the requirements of our allies as much as possible."

  Hearing what Louis II said, the leading elf nodded.

   "Then leave it to you."

   "You are very exhausted from the long journey. Let me take you to the guest room to rest. Tonight is the welcome banquet. We will talk about business tomorrow." Louis II said.


   Valyrian stared blankly at the assembled team in front of him.

  Udi, Fisher and others are all in the team.

  They are all ordinary people, following the steel giants to raid Altdorf, and are responsible for handling the follow-up work of the execution of the nobles by the giants.

  Those giants don't waste time trying to appease the civilians and maintain order.

   These tasks can only be handed over to Udi and others.

   Waiting until the ordinary people had assembled, Valyrian said.

"The raid on Altdorf this time is only to destroy the nobles' will to resist. First, innocent civilians are not allowed to be attacked, and second, burning, killing and looting are not allowed. The only enemies we attack are nobles and army commanders. layer."

  (end of this chapter)