Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 368 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth 9 (subscribe)

  Ufre stepped out of the drained pool of energy.

  Every step made the metal floor groan overwhelmed.

  The huge body has an extremely terrifying visual impact.

   Has a terrible sense of oppression.

   It makes people feel that it is difficult to breathe.

  The orc warlord stood there, standing proudly like a majestic monument.

  It is synonymous with war and destruction, and it is a terrible **** who came out of the lost era.

  That ferocious face unabashedly proclaims its brutality and power to the world.

   The servo skull suspended beside him and the staff riding on the suspended workbench are like tiny ants.

   Compared with its huge volume, it is very insignificant.

  The ascended Ulfoh is the perfect combination of the Old Ones' skill and the Imperial knowledge.

  A terrifying monster conceived and born in the Battle of Paradise by the ancient holy civilization that lasted for hundreds of millions of years, and perfected by Guilliman.

   "WAAAAAGH." Uver let out a deafening growl.

  The terrifying sound caused sound waves visible to the naked eye to appear in the air, shaking the mechanical instruments next to it.

  The data machine slave embedded in the bulkhead also trembled, and its tongueless mouth let out a silent howl.

  The electronic eyes emitting scarlet light flickered, making people feel a little fear and uneasiness.

boom! boom! boom!

   A violent voice sounded.

  The glass faces of some gauges shattered under the terrible sonic shock.

  The staff manipulated the suspended platform and slowly drove away from the original position to avoid being injured by the terrifying roar of the orc warlord.

  Ufer felt unprecedented power.

  So powerful, surging in every inch of flesh and blood.

  This terrifying body can easily destroy even the stars in the sky.

  He looked towards the high platform.

   I saw Selego at first sight.

  The sad, already history, Eldar **** who was swept into the trash.

  Thin, tall body is so pathetic, only worthy of comparison with those snotty farts.

  Resisting his punch, I'm afraid it would be enough.

   Those bean sprouts with small arms and legs are weak chickens that can't be seen.

  Ufer mercilessly criticized in his heart.

   Moving his eyes a little further, he saw the giant with the golden double-headed eagle on his chest.

  The eyes of the giant were very calm.

   Just stood there watching himself growl.

  Ufre is no stranger to its nature.

   That is the new Lord of Humanity, the Emperor of the Empire.

  A super super big guy who empowered himself.

  Uffor looked down at his stout and powerful body.

  The knotted flesh and blood is full of surging power.

   One punch is probably enough to knock out the **** out of Bonecrusher.

  This galaxy, I can already walk sideways at will.

   "Boss, we have become stronger." An orc boy came up from behind and shouted excitedly.

   Some orc boys were sent into the energy pool with Ulfal, and they are planned to be used as his assistants.

   Now, he has completed his evolution.

   Those orc boys have naturally completed their evolution.

   All became extremely strong.

  The thick muscle lines are like terrifying ancient snakes and pythons wrapped around them.

   "We have to negotiate a new price." Uver said in a low voice, "Master Uver has become stronger, so the price should be higher."

"Yes, boss, we can't suffer." The orc kid on the side said: "WAAAAAAGH, hurry up and ask that big guy to give us more armor and big guns, and build a huge moon for the boss throne."

   "That's right, Boss, we will follow you, make a big noise, scare this group of shrimps to death, and then they will be honest, and they will have whatever they want."

   "Boss, **** it."

   "Dry their dried shrimps and bean sprouts."

   "Boss, don't be cowardly."

   "WAAAAAAGH." Uver growled again, using this crazy sound to declare his power.

  Powerful, terrifying, powerful enough to crush everything.

  A power that makes the stars tremble, and Lord Uver's enemies tremble.

  The other orc boys also roared.





  The sounds made by the orcs were deafening and terrifying.

  All the staff fled in despair.

  More gauge glass shattered with a roar.

  The machine slaves all hummed in pain.

   A few servo skulls even crackle and pop sparks.

   Braving black smoke, hovering and hitting the ground.

   "Shut up." Guilliman's words were not loud, but they were extremely penetrating, resounding in the ears of every orc.

  The majesty contained in it made them stop subconsciously.

  Uver also stopped.

  Looking at that super big Xiami, he was always a little scared.

  But when I thought that I was already so strong.

  Becoming an orc emperor is not out of reach.

  His heart was full of confidence again.

  It's just a big shrimp, if you don't talk about beating him today, he will scream.

   No matter what, they have to sit on an equal footing, and build a throne belonging to Lord Wufo next to his throne.

  "Shrimp is a super big guy." Uver walked naked to the Eldar and humans on the high platform, "There are some things that we have to discuss again."

   "What are you discussing?" Guilliman asked calmly, staring at the unscrupulous orc warlord.

   "You must know that Bonebreaker is our great hero and our good leader. Isn't it kind of you to ask us to deal with him?"

  Then what do you want? Guilliman looked at the big green monster who wanted to renegotiate the terms of the alliance with a smile on his face.

"It will be more beneficial." Wufo said categorically and decisively: "Come first, ten ten boxes of big bang bang, ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten boxes of big bang bang, and ten ten big ships ."

  Beastman's ten ten is ten multiplied by ten, not a problem like stuttering.

   "Hurry up, bring it to our boss, otherwise..." An orc boy jumped out, showing a ferocious, sinister smile.

   "Yes, bring it to our boss."

"hurry up."

  The other orcs also roared.

   "I don't know how to live or die." Valanor just wanted to raise the halberd in his hand, planning to show the other party some color.

  Dare to negotiate the price with the Holy Emperor here.

   I really don't know how to write dead characters.

  Valanor, who was about to make a move, was stopped by Guilliman.

   There is no need to do this kind of thing.

   Not to mention, the character of an orc.

  If other people do it, they may not be convinced.

   It's time to write down Ma Wei for this arrogant guy who doesn't know the depth.

   "It's really a lion, what if I don't give it?"

   "Then we won't be able to do things for you." Uver's terrifying face showed slyness, "It's not that I don't do things for you, the super super big shrimp, the main reason is that you give too little.

   Anyway, I took so much scrap, and turned into a super big guy.

   No loss at all.

  Let's lay down the burden now, and care so much about you.

  Master Uverd is smart.

   Mere shrimp, it's not just random.

   "Yes, if you don't give it to us, we won't do it."

   "It won't be done. We won't do it."

   "Xiami is super big, I advise you to be more acquainted, and don't provoke our boss."

  The orc boys were also booing.

  Selego, Elderal and others showed a hint of displeasure.

  These **** orcs are too shameless.

  Valano, Sicarius and others are ready to suppress these idiots at any time.

  Guilliman watched the howling orcs.

   "Kneel down." He made a sound.

  Intense light was released from his body.

  The light was like a flood, drowning Uvar and his orc kid, making them cry out in pain.

  His voice was full of majesty, like a **** in the nine heavens asking humble mortal things to submit to him.

  Ulver tried to growl to fight against the terrible pressure, but his throat no longer obeyed his orders.

  His muscles felt tingling, and his shoulders seemed to be lifting a mountain, making him bend his knees a little bit.

   That figure became taller and heavier in their eyes.

   There was a dull loud noise, and Ufo could no longer bear the terrible pressure, and that strong body knelt down on one knee.

   It's like a chain reaction.

  Many orc boys who were roaring just now also knelt down.

  Guilliman stood on the high platform and stared at them.

   Not only is his power strong enough to make these orcs kneel down, when they accept the imperial evolution experiment, the order of loyalty to the emperor of the human empire is implanted with the change of the gene sequence.

"This is the last time I will tolerate your offense, Uvor." Guilliman's voice shook like thunder, beating in the orc's ears, "Next time, I will find someone from among your subordinates. to replace you."

"No!" Wufu resisted the terrible pressure and said with all his strength: "I am the strongest, and my orc boy will never betray me. You can't find any substitute for me!" kid."

   "Really?" Guilliman stretched out his hand, casually pointing at the orc boy next to Uver, "Perhaps, I can let him replace you."

   "God Mao Ershen, I am loyal, my dear Xiami Super Big Boss Your Majesty." The orc boy grinned, and his ferocious face showed excitement.

  It seems that I have the kind of happiness that I got so much waste in a world.

  The domineering armor and awesome guns are all his.

   "I am loyal to His Majesty Xiami Super Big, I will definitely listen to His Majesty Xiami Super Big, and I will definitely not learn from the boss."

  Ufo looked at the orc leader who looked excited and wished he could take over immediately.

   Eyes widened.

  This script is wrong.

   It was you who yelled the happiest just now.


  The orc leader's voice just fell.

   A group of orcs all scrambled to speak out.

   Become the super big guy and take charge of countless orc kids.

  Xiami's super big guy can make their wishes come true with just one word.

   This is the closest they have come to success.

  Seize the opportunity and become a super big guy in the future.

  If you can't seize the opportunity, you will be an orc boy for the rest of your life.

   "I can do it too, Your Majesty Xiami is super big."

   "I'm coming, I'm the most obedient."

   "My dear Xiami Super Big Boss, your strength is stronger than Brother Gou, and your brain is more intelligent than Brother Mao. Let us worship, let me come."

   "No orc kid knows how to defeat a bonebreaker better than I do, let me do it."

  Uffer: (ω)! .

  I treat you as brothers.

   You fooled me into negotiating with the big guy, and now you want to sell me!

  Uver turned his head, swept back with his huge arm, and knocked all the orc boys who were moving forward.

   "I will always be loyal to His Majesty, even if I have nothing, I will still defeat the Bonebreaker."

   "This is the last time you are allowed to offend me. Next time, I will directly find those orc boys who are willing to serve me to replace you."

   Following Guilliman's words, many orc boys wailed.

   Their hopes of becoming a super-big guy were shattered just like that.

  Super big guy means better armor, better guns, and more exciting WAAAAGH.

   What a wonderful life.

   just abandoned them.

  The boss is too cowardly.

  Did not dare to be tough.

  Guilliman withdrew his power, and Uvor stood up, glaring at these ungrateful, heartless and immoral bastards.

  At any rate, I am also loyal and righteous. I have always been loyal to the previous bosses and dared to fight. Why did I accept such a bunch of bastards.

  The fight is not active, and the sales boss is the first.

   The animal style is not ancient.

   Beast style is not ancient.

   "Arm them all." Guilliman ignored the story of Uver and his boys falling in love and killing each other, and gave orders to the mechanical priests.

  Uver was led into a mechanical rack specially built for him.

   Armor parts were delivered.

  Ulfar needed armor that was so bulky that it had to be disassembled for transport.

  Each part requires the cooperation of an industrial-grade suspension vehicle and a giant robotic arm on the ceiling to move it.

  Under the command of the mechanical priest, technicians installed various armors for Uver.

   The Neural Data System module is installed first.

  The dark silver lining is aligned with the reserved nerve interface, and embedded in Uver's body.

   Marked with an unactivated dark silver helical metal splice port.

  The tingling sensation made Ufo let out a low hum, making him irritable.

  However, compared with the violence of the technician boy, the actions of the human engineer can be said to be very gentle.

  In the eyes of Orc Dagiba, there is no ill-fitting armor in this world.

  Take a high-horsepower industrial station, and turn the screw facing the notch, and it will definitely be screwed tightly.

   As for whether those boys will be screwed to death, that is up to Brother Mao.

  After installing the neural lining, the tech-priests sang praises to the great God of All Machines.

   Boots first.

  The heavy industrial equipment groaned in pain, and the nano-steel cables used for traction tightened up. If the molecular structure method was not used to make it tough enough, it would probably collapse on the spot.

  Ufer was fixed and lifted into the air.

  The industrial truck dragged two huge disassembled metal giant boots to his feet.

   When putting him down again, place it exactly in the giant boot.

  Steaming industrial swivel arms screw the hex screw in, ensuring a tight fit with no gaps.

  Four industrial machine slaves with power engines equipped the greaves of the calf on Ufo's thick calf, and fixed and tightened it.

  Amid the buzzing of the mechanical arm, the leg armor was quickly installed.

  The breastplate was hoisted into the air with a crane and a suspension engineering vehicle, and adjusted to Ufo's chest position.

   After the calibration is correct and the outgoing parameters are specified, with a bang, the breastplate and the back deck are locked to each other, and there is a slight sound of armor fitting.

  Use the rotating arm to fix all the screws of the mobile game, and the last step is to install the protective force field behind Uver's head.

   After completing this step, the task of arming Uvor is complete.

   "Praise the holy emperor, may his will protect the operation of the machine soul."

   The mechanical priests shouted.

   During their solemn prayer, a robotic arm activated the armor's built-in systems.

   A humming sound sounds.

  The power source is operating normally.

  All parts of the armor are functioning normally.

   The parameter feedback is correct.

   A series of voices sounded one after another.

  The tall mechanical frame used to fix Ufo's huge body slowly retreated to both sides amidst the hissing of steam, and shrank to the side.

   Ufo moved his body.

  The armor perfectly fits his thick body.

  Punching out at random, he felt that his strength seemed to be amplified, giving him the illusion that he seemed invincible.

  There is a kind of world who can

  Uffer glanced at Guilliman on the dais.

   only silently completed the thoughts in his heart.

   There is a feeling that the Galaxy Shrimp is the first, I am the second, and the two are the third.

  The orc leaders who followed Wufu were also armed.

  Looking at his new armor, as well as the machete and big gun he just got in his hand.

   All the orc boys felt unprecedented joy in their hearts, and they wished for a grand WAAAAAGH expedition right away.

   After Wufo and other orcs were armed, Guilliman had someone open the entrance of the small universe and lead them into the small universe.

   Of course, before that, let them restore the time flow of the small universe to normal.

  The time velocity of the microcosm is different from that of the macrocosm.

  Using this method can quickly spawn those orcs and let them reproduce quickly.

  Guilliman felt that this method could also be used in future battles against the enemy.

   Lure the enemy into the small universe, trap them inside, and then open a hundred times, a thousand times the time acceleration.

   Let them crash.

   Such means can already be said to be the means of immortals.

  Like the people of Lanke, seven days in the mountains, thousands of years in the world.

   Come up so many times, I am not afraid that the enemy will not collapse.

  Of course, this is just an idea.

  The entire small universe is full of imperial orcs, divided into several tribes, fighting constantly.

  By relying on armor, big guns, and terrifying body shape, Ufo easily killed those orc chieftains who dared to challenge him.

   Solved all the opponents, and Wufu naturally gained the right to rule these orcs.

  In several consecutive small universes used to cultivate orcs, Ufo used simple and rude methods to subdue them.

   There is no difficulty at all.

   After all, the body shape is placed there.

  Let Uver rule over all the orcs.

  Guilliman asked people to start the next plan.

   Handed over to Ulfal all the scrapped warships, weapons and equipment pulled from the ship graves and seized from the Chaos traitors.

  Those green orcs always have a way of recycling waste into something usable.

   Don't give them too good equipment.

  Of course, the orc bosses still need some good armor.

   This is a symbol of their identity and status.

  It can also subtly tell those orcs that only by following the empire can they have handsome armor and mighty guns.

   Orcs benefit from this.

  Cheap, durable, and without the burden of logistics and aftermath.

  Where can I find such a biological weapon!

  Wait until Uver is ready.

  The empire will adjust the entrance and exit of the small universe.

  Ulfud will quietly lead his army to the Killing Star, replacing Bonebreaker as the new Orc Emperor.

  If it is possible, when the time comes, I will switch sides and handle the opponent properly.

   Adjusting the entrance of the small universe is not a difficult problem for the mechanical sages.

  When they submitted the proposal to Guilliman, they had already conducted many experiments and mastered a large number of data parameters.

  After solving the problem of subduing the orcs, those generals and sages have perfected the entire battle plan for Guilliman.

  After a lot of scanning and calculations, they found a suitable place that can be used to open the entrance of the small universe in the galaxy where the killing star belongs, far away from the gravitational field of the star.

  After getting the results, they started to act.

   Modifying the entrance of the small universe did not stir up any space-time ripples.

   This is a quiet thing.

   It's like a thief stealthily making an insignificant cut in the belt of a passer-by.

  Ufo is preparing his own army, preparing to overthrow the old emperor and become the new orc emperor.

   Planet Cadia.

  This was once the front line of the Empire against Chaos, and it was also the second strongest fortress of the Empire after Terra.

   Countless Cadians and Imperial loyalists fought back the Chaos invasion here again and again.

  However, now this planet has been completely polluted by the evil power of the Cancer Legion.

   Chaos pollution and terrible evil are creeping everywhere, and everything here can no longer be explained by common sense.

  The entire galaxy is full of weird mutants, becoming a terrible **** that no mortal mind can contain.

   The wriggling giant tentacles danced in the void, like billions of intertwined poisonous snakes.

  The planet becomes a nightmarish entity.

   Terrible fangs extended from the planet's interior, piercing the sky.

  The continents became mouths, and the mountains became sharp spikes.

   What flows in the river is no longer water, but wriggling, viscous blood.

  The entire planet is completely distorted and corrupted.

  Even a stone oozes hateful malice.

   Cancerous monsters roam this weird and scary world, hungry and tortured by endless hunger and thirst.

  Deep in a stronghold covered in flesh and disgusting tentacles.

  The original Captain Marvel and many of his capable men are here, discussing the upcoming battle.

  The empire's offensive made them realize that their defeat was inevitable.

  But they were not ready to catch them without a fight.

   But planning how to cause the greatest casualties to the empire.

  The emperor's personal conquest made them see a wonderful opportunity.

  Under the behest of Horus, Marvel planned to prepare a team to assassinate Guilliman.

  It will be captained by Horus, the avatar of the all-knowing and omnipotent Yogg-Sothoth, and the most powerful group of people will be selected to become members of the assassination team.

For this mission, Yogg Sothos spared no effort to personally resurrect several powerful figures who were killed in the previous wars and whose souls were banished to eternal nothingness, just to defeat the emperor of the human empire , severely damaged the empire once.

  (end of this chapter)