Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 369 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth 10 (subscribe)

  Eerie whispers echoed in the dark room with flickering dim candles.

   Those invisible things with scales and sharp claws wandered in it, making painful and confused sounds.

  They babble, longing for more blood and pure souls for them to feed on.

  These formless monstrosities were once a mighty civilized race, but eventually went astray, becoming lifeless of the Warp with an eternal hunger.

  Those eerie voices are enough to make a mortal's sanity collapse and become confused.

   will make them cry in screams.

  Many cancerous heroes have long been accustomed to the existence of whispers, and even regard them as an indispensable part of themselves.

   They sat in their own flesh and blood seats, waiting for Marvell, who presided over the meeting, to continue.

  These people who participated in the meeting were all candidates for the assassination of the emperor of the empire.

  Each one has a terrible background and holds unimaginable power.

  The controller of Asgard, known as Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms.

  Born in the Eternal Clan, with immortal lifespan, Thanos who was once the overlord of the universe.

   Mastering the original power, the Phoenix girl was resurrected by Yogg-Sothos after being killed.

  The mother of the Hulk family, as long as he is angry, Banner's strength has no upper limit.

  The last one is the captain of the universe who has the power of mystery.

   It is said that he can travel through time and space.

   Before the transformation, his power was still above Marvell, and his status and prestige were also above the other party.

   It's a pity that Marvell was the first person to fall into the arms of Yogg Sothoth, who was then aliased as the Polygon.

  After the transformation, the strength of Captain Universe is still comparable to Marvell.

  However, the status has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Marville took control of the entire cancerous army, and he became the opponent's subordinate,

  These cancerous heroes are given a weapon infused with the power of the Omnipotent.

  That weapon can harm all immortal beings in the world.

  The emperor of the empire has great power, but he is not immortal.

   As long as the weapon can be pierced into his chest, it can make him take damage.

"The master's failure is inevitable. The power he projected into this world cannot defeat that arrogant tyrant, and he can only persist for a few rounds at most." Marvell looked at these selected cancer heroes and said this The end of the war.

  They are not stupid.

  The cutting-edge technology and strong industrial capabilities mastered by the empire have made him invincible.

   Their failure is doomed.

   Even Yogg Sotos himself has to admit this.

  Guilliman is stronger than he imagined.

   The speed at which the empire became stronger was also something that could not have been foreseen.

  The Cancerous Legion will suffer their first bitter defeat in a long time.

   But there is one last thing they can do, which is to slow down the speed at which the empire grows stronger and prepare for a future comeback.

   And the key to all of this is to seriously injure, even kill the Emperor Guilliman.

   Without that wise monarch, the human empire will inevitably fall into a chaotic political struggle.

   "These rounds are our last chance. Your task is to stab your weapons into his immortal body at all costs. Except for attack, no defense can block the weapons in your hands."

   "This honor will belong to me." Odin, the former king of gods, Lord of Asgard, and Supreme Being of the Nine Realms, said in a low voice: "The scream of a tyrant on the verge of death is the most pleasant thing to hear."

"There has never been an immortal king in this world, and there has never been an eternal ruler. That stupid native thought he could control everything, lead his own race beyond the constraints of fate and time and space, and become an eternal and immortal holy race, but he couldn't Understand how cruel the multiverse really is. His fantasies are only fantasies after all, and cannot be realized. Let us work together to make him realize his own weakness and powerlessness."

  When Phoenix Girl said this, she was full of anger.

  She was hacked to pieces by Imperial warriors in iron armor.

  If it hadn't been for the One Who Returns Her, she really wouldn't have had the chance to stand here and speak.

  Captain Universe's voice is very deep, with a weird tone lurking in it.

   "We're going to win like we always have."

   Marvell looked at them, and didn't have too many words.

  He was wearing the suit of battle armor with countless profanity runes on his body as always.

  The squirming eyes on the faces watched the chosen ones.

   They knew each other before accepting the power of the One.

  They are the most suitable personnel for this operation.

  Naturally, he couldn't match the native emperor in terms of strength.

   But they are also enough to deal with the personal guard next to the emperor.

  Pierce the cursed weapon into that guy's body, and everything will be settled.

  Even if they lose this battle, they will be able to make a comeback someday in the future and wash away the shame of failure.

  The empire will eventually collapse and become history.

   It doesn't matter what sacrifices are required to achieve this goal.

   Yogg-Sothoth don't die, they are immortal.

   It doesn't matter if Guilliman destroys their souls

  Yogg-Sothoth will save them again from eternal nothingness.

   This is the power of the omnipotent.

   Guilliman had a lot of victories.

   But he won't always win.

   It only takes one failure for him to lose everything.

  Many bloated, patched starships suddenly appeared in the void as if by magic.

   No warp fluctuations, nor that weird sorcerous fire.

   just like that suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

   "WAAAAGH." A deafening roar came from a starship.

  Ufer stood in the giant urban spaceship made of metal scraps.

   His scarlet eyes stared at the distant planet and the countless orc battleships floating beside him, feeling unprecedented excitement.

  He is only one step away from becoming the orc emperor.

   Back then, he was still a little orc boy.

  Responsible for monitoring those slaves in the dark mine to ensure that they can complete the mining tasks on time.

  In the past, he never imagined that one day, he would become an orc warlord who could compete for the throne of the orc emperor.

   As long as the Bonebreaker is defeated, the world will belong to him.

   "It's this planet." The orc kid next to him shouted excitedly: "Let's grab the position of the super big guy."

   "Defeat the Bonecrusher, Boss."



  All the orc boys got excited, knocking on the weapons in their hands and roaring.

  Ulver paid no attention to the screams of the orc boys.

  Bonecrusher is not an easy character to deal with.

  If you want to kill the opponent, you have to pay some price to do it.

   Their arrival quickly attracted the attention of other orcs.

   Facing the same race, they did not launch an attack.

   Instead, they kept sending inquiries, asking the other party to tell them their name and clan.

   "Master Uver is back, back." Uver roared through the ship's comms, echoing through every ship. "I will be your new emperor, the new emperor."

   Such words resounded through every battleship.

   All the orc warlords and leaders who wanted to ask were stunned.

   There is someone so arrogant that he dares to challenge the great Bonebreaker, the Orc Emperor.

   is simply asking for a dead end.

  Many orc warships made way for Uvar's fleet.

  I'm afraid that touching this idiot will bring me terrible disaster.

  Bonecrusher did not stay on the surface of the Killing Planet.

   has been staying on his battleship.

  The other party's words were not processed in any way, but directly said on the public channel.

   Naturally, he heard it clearly.

   Those scarlet eyes were full of anger.

   Angry that the other party dared to challenge himself.

   It's been years since any orcs have done anything like this.

  Because those who dared to challenge themselves were beaten to a pulp by themselves.

  Bonebreaker's body is also very huge, wearing a terrifying giant armor.

   Just walking around, there is a terrible sense of oppression.

  His tallness also caused the promenade and various rooms of the battleship to be built very large to allow the Bone Crusher to pass.

   Screaming grits gather at Bonecrusher's feet.

   Cursing the stupid orc who dared to challenge his master.

  The opponent has the confidence to win.

  Grott is pitifully small compared to Bonecrusher, about the size of his thumb.

  The orc bosses next to the bonebreaker are also amazing in size.

  The huge armor on his body depicts conspicuous and huge totems.

  Ufer's words are undoubtedly challenging the status of the bonebreaker.

  All these orcs let out an angry low roar.

   Orcs are a race that speaks with their fists.

  Only the strongest orc can sit on the emperor's throne.

   Faced with the challenge that Uverd posed in front of so many orcs, the Emperor Bonebreaker had no choice but to fight.

   Never try to use crowd tactics to deal with the rebels.

   Orcs and humans are very different.

   During the challenge, even as the orc emperor, he may not be able to command those orcs.

  They are loyal to the strongest orc, the orc emperor.

   If Bonebreaker is not the strongest, then he is not the Orc Emperor.

  Any approach other than defeating the challenger head-on will not be approved by those orcs.

  Bonebreaker can only keep his position by using his iron fist to completely knock the opponent down to the ground.

   "Idiot, let me beat your head out on the ground." The Bonebreaker also let out a huge roar, echoing on every battleship.

   "The position of emperor belongs to me." Ufo growled not to be outdone.





  All the orcs cheered with excitement.

  They are looking forward to this duel.

  Whoever wins will be the orc emperor.

   There is no fighting, nor any scheming.

  Under such circumstances, apart from fighting head-on, there is nothing else to do.

  The place for the duel was quickly chosen.

  Two huge orcs were teleported to a huge ruined city at the same time.

   Only a solid surface can withstand the aftermath of their struggle.

  If fighting in space, maybe the ship will be affected by their battle at some point and disintegrate in space.

  The orcs all backed away, leaving a huge open space.

   Wufo stretched his limbs and exercised his muscles and bones.

  That ferocious face inlaid with metal revealed a sly smile.

  He could feel the strength of the Bonebreaker, which was not as strong as that super big shrimp.

   There is a great chance of winning.

  Bonebreaker also moves a huge armored body, exuding ferocity and cruelty.

  The bodies of the two guys are so huge.

   When moving, it looks like a giant battle fortress billowing with black air.

  Inlaid with various thick armor.

  Even the jaw was replaced with steel.

   The two orcs didn't talk too much, and they didn't talk harshly to each other like humans in a duel.

  The battle between them was very straightforward, without any nonsense.

   Ufo, who didn't like to suffer, took the lead in attacking, holding the huge machete specially forged by the empire in his hand.

  The heavy force made an explosion sound in the air.

  Bonebreaker used the huge mechanical claw on his right arm to block the huge machete.

   The fight between the two is so scary.

  The weapon struck, making a deafening, ear-stinging sound.

  The terrifying shock wave centered on the two of them and spread in all directions, like rolling white ocean waves.

  Smoky and dusty.

   Let the earth shake.

   It doesn't look like an attack that mortal creatures can unleash.

  To be honest, to a certain extent, they are not considered creatures of the mortal world.

  One is a powerful weapon of war created by combining the most advanced technology of the ancient saints and the knowledge of the empire.

  One is the orc savior who has gone through countless hardships and received the blessing of two orc gods.

  The battle between them is not something other orcs can mix.

  Just standing next to it will be overturned to the ground by the huge impact.

  Bonecrusher has much more combat experience than Uvor.

  He cut all the way up from the orc kid, and finally became the orc emperor.

   After several consecutive confrontations.

  Giant claws held Uvar's broadsword under control, and another armored hand slammed it out.

  That heavy force is enough to blow up a heavy vehicle.

  Fist landed on Uver's face.

  The clear sound of bone cracking resounded on the battlefield.

  The white teeth flew out mixed with blood.

   One of the huge fangs was broken.

  Ufre let out a painful wail.

   Pulled the giant gun mounted on the other hand.

  Countless specially-made bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, directly hitting the Bone Crusher's face, causing him to back away while covering his face in pain.

  The mechanical limbs installed on the body are also dancing wildly.

  Ufer seized the opportunity and slashed at the opponent's armor.

   A huge howl sounded.

   The machete sliced ​​through the Bonebreaker's armor, sinking into his body.

  Bonebreaker let out a painful roar, becoming more tyrannical and cruel.

  crazyly slammed into the opponent, cut through the opponent's armor with his sharp claws, and twisted his arm.

  The battle between the two is so brutal.

  The final winner is Ufer after all.

  He resisted the pain of sharp claws piercing into his arm, crushing the pain of flesh and blood, and swung the machete wrapped in blue arcs towards the opponent's head.

   Under the watchful eyes of all the orcs, the bonebreaker's head was cut off with a sword.

  Wearing thick giant armor, the body of the Bonebreaker as huge as a mountain spurts blood like a fountain from the incision.

  Bonebreaker's head rolled on the ground.

  Those eyes full of violence and cruelty, the light and pupils in them also slowly faded and dimmed.

  The chosen one of the two orc gods died like this.

   A scarred Uver was victorious.

  He endured the pain, bent down and picked up the head of the bonebreaker and raised it above his head, roaring with all his strength: "WAAAAAAAGH."

   Countless orcs all knelt down and shouted together.





   They ushered in a brand new emperor.

  As the battle progressed, the resistance of the enemies of the empire became weaker and weaker.

   Calgar's fierce attack from the rear caught them off guard.

  The imperial conquest by the emperor himself, and the frontal battlefield assisted by the two primarchs, caused tremendous pressure on the frontline.

  They had to give up a lot of territory and retreated to the vicinity of the Kalia battlefield.

  Orcs, surviving dark Eldar, space undead, cancerous legion, and all kinds of weird and strange aliens who are unwilling to accept the fate of being wiped out by humans.

  They all gathered together, relying on the Cadia galaxy, and established countless lines of defense that combined technology and witchcraft.

  The legions of the empire are also slowly gathering together.

  The troops led by the two Primarchs and the Emperor of the Holy Empire joined together.

   will launch a decisive battle to recover the Cadia fortress, and completely wipe out the last resistance of the enemies of the empire.

  The unification of the Milky Way is close at hand, and mankind will usher in an unprecedented golden age.

   Every corner of the galaxy will hang the Imperial double-headed eagle banner.

   No civilization can stand against them.

   No civilization can stand against them.

  Everything has been settled, the galaxy belongs to human beings.

   Nobody thought they were going to lose this war.

  The empire has assembled an unprecedented force.

   There are hundreds of celestial-class warships alone.

   Hundreds of millions of star corps, a magnificent naval fleet.

   More than four hundred thousand Primaris warriors gathered around the Holy Emperor and the two Primarchs.

  Once the war starts, all enemies who dare to resist the empire will be crushed with devastating force.

   "When this battle is over, we will have fulfilled our former dream." Guilliman stood on the Emperor Supreme, and the two Primarchs stood behind him.

   Ryan also smiled.

   "The dream that was destroyed by Horus will be repaired by us."

"It's really rare for the lion of Caliban to say such sentimental words." Dawn, who has always been unsmiling, also showed a rare smile, "But our journey is not over yet, and our compatriots in the multiverse of the heavens are still here. Suffering, they desperately need our rescue."

"Sanguinius has already set off, and it will be our turn soon. A new great expedition, this time, we will never allow it to fail." Ryan clenched his fist and said firmly: "This time, no one can stop it We. We will be united and help each other. We will never be deceived by their lies again."

  Guilliman turned to look at his two brothers.

   "I believe in it, and this time, we won't make the same mistakes."

  ps: There is still the last chapter, so I will write other chapters.

  (end of this chapter)