Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 370 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth 11 (subscribe)

   Standing next to the three Primarchs, Valanor was wearing golden armor and holding a halberd, faithfully fulfilling his duties as the Marshal of the Imperial Army.

   Hear the conversation between the Primarchs.

   Endless emotions also rose in my heart.

  A magnificent army and war engine never seen before is ready to go.

  Powerful armaments capable of destroying the galaxy are also gathering here.

  Victory is already in the pocket of the human empire, and it is within easy reach.

  Even if it is the favor of the Chaos gods, it is impossible to resist the wrath of the empire, and it will surely meet the fate of defeat under the offensive of human beings.

  The Emperor's Dream is within reach.

  The long dark night will come to an end after this war, and the dawn will come.

  The future of mankind is infinitely bright.

  Sicarius and the other soldiers in charge of guarding also suppressed the excitement in their hearts.

  Looking intently at the location of the three original bodies.

  The three Primarchs will fight side by side.

  What power in this galaxy can stop them?

  Victory is theirs.

   There is no doubt about this.

  The group of Eldar prophets headed by Selego remained strangely silent.

   He looked at the position of the three original bodies with complicated eyes.

  Except for the ancient saints who have been annihilated in the long river of history, there are few forces that can defeat Chaos head-on, and even the forces that dare to confront Chaos head-on are pitifully few.

  Emperor once made a strong attack, launched a great expedition, declared war on the gods, and tried to completely end their era.

  However, when the man was only one step away from the final goal, he failed.

  The final ending is even more tragic.

  In order to prevent the Emperor from appearing in this world, he chose to commit suicide.

   The road to fight against the gods is long and difficult, and it is by no means an easy task.

   It is even more difficult to win the final victory. A little carelessness will lead to an abyss, and there is no possibility of redemption.

   Now, Guilliman has also reached that crucial step.

  As long as they win the battle against Yogg-Sothoth, human beings have the real qualifications to go to the unimaginable heavens.

   also has the confidence to really fight against the gods.

   Unimaginable grand plans and great achievements will be created in his hands.

  The dawn of mankind will be opened by him.

   "Let those gods cry and fear." Ryan said in a deep voice, "It is our unstoppable destiny to rule the diversity of the heavens. One day, those so-called gods will all fall under our sword."

"Those hypocrites only dare to hide in the shadows and scream. When we are strong enough, they will naturally be safe." Guilliman said to the two Primarch brothers: "When this battle is over, you It will also be devoted to a more magnificent battlefield."

   "One day, every universe discovered by the human empire will have a magnificent creation designed by me." Dorn said: "Your Majesty, I think you will not fail to satisfy this wish of this humble minister!"

   "Haha, I'm afraid you'll hate the tedious work." Guilliman put his hand on Dawn's shoulder and said with a smile.

  The assembly and mobilization of the general offensive army took a lot of time.

  The establishment of the lighthouse system and the repair of the webway have made the navigation of imperial ships safer.

  The Legion needed to launch a full-scale attack on Cadia, and even the Eye of Terror, is extremely terrifying, and it can be said that it has never been seen before.

  Coordinating such a staggering army size is an unprecedented challenge for the many bureaucrats in the Ministry of Military Affairs.

  Many workers have had to use stimulants to increase their productivity and hours.

   Many people even collapsed and were sent to the hospital for recuperation.

  But their dedication also allowed this unprecedented scale of troops to be assembled and an orderly command system established.

  The original wargroup arrived one after another with their Celestial-class warships.

  They will fulfill the mission that the Chapter failed to accomplish ten thousand years ago.

   That is to follow the emperor's will and attribute the entire galaxy to human beings.

   This time, they vowed never to let this great mission be delayed.

   The galaxy must belong to human beings thoroughly.

  Dante arrives with the Blood Angels.

  The moment the Holy Blood jumped out of the subspace.

  Fighting for the Holy Emperor, the battle cry of the blood of Sanguinius resounded through the communications of every ship.

   Their battle cry is exciting and exciting.

  The Sons of Blood are the noble heirs of the Angels.

   is an immortal hero who fought endlessly through the eternal night.

   Mephiston, Astorius, Oldamere and other Sons of Blood stood proudly on both sides of Dante.

  They were ready to die for the Holy Emperor.

  No matter who the enemy is, they will rush forward without hesitation and bestow death on the opponent with the weapons in their hands.

  They will never disappoint the holy blood in their bodies, and they will never disappoint the trust of the people of the empire, let alone disappoint the Holy Emperor.

  The Space Wolves Chapter is also here.

  They are led by the legendary hero of the empire, the chief wolf of Fenris-Logan.

  The wolves came across the galaxy with the anger that had been suppressed for thousands of years, just to wash away the past shame in the battle to recover Cadia.

  They held on to Cadia, but were eventually forced to withdraw, allowing Abaddon to win that battle.

  The wolves will never admit defeat.

  They will lick their wounds in the dark and recharge their batteries until they show their fangs to the enemy again.

  Commander Heibin Dalian, the youngest wolf lord; Ragnar.

  Head Priest, also known as the Slayer: Ulrik.

  The two heroes stood on both sides of Logan, watching the magnificent legion of the empire through the porthole.

   Behind them came the Sons of Fenris, who were getting ready.

   They were full of rage and longed for the vanguard honor bestowed by the Holy Emperor.

  Nothing can stop the wrath of the Destroying Wolf.

   They are symbols of Ragnarok.

  When the wild wolf roared and regarded the sun and the moon as prey and chased them, it also kicked off the prelude to the death of the gods.

  As a priest, Jess stood behind the three legendary heroes of the empire.

  His eyes were also filled with anger and desire for revenge.

   On Vigilus, he once fought Abaddon, but was knocked down and humiliated by him.

  If there is a chance, he hopes to return the former shame to the opponent on the battlefield of Cadia.

   Wolves never forget hatred and shame.

  The current chapter leader of the Salamanders Chapter, Tushan, also responded to the call of the Holy Emperor, and led the chapter to the Cadia battlefield, where he participated in many fierce battles.

   Now, they also came to the gathering place.

  The fire dragon sons of Nocturne Star will never fail their lord, nor will they fail those subjects who yearn for their protection.

  Lava and fire forged these strong warriors.

   Even in the face of unimaginably powerful enemies, never imagine that they will succumb to this.

  Father of foundry - Herstein.

  Chief Pharmacist: Heras.

  Guardian of Nocturne Star: Peras and others stood behind Tushan.

   There was unprecedented determination in his eyes.

  They have arrived, with the raging rage of the Dragonborn who wants to devour all enemies.

  In the name of the Holy Emperor, in the name of Vulcan, they will remove all obstacles for mankind.

  The first ray of light in the dawn era must be emitted by the burning flames of the noble souls of the sons of fire dragons.

  The Falcons of Chogoris also came at the command of the Lord of Men.

  They are eagles soaring on the grassland.

  They are sharp knives at the throat of the enemy.

  White Scars is led by Imperial Hero-Korsaro Khan.

   On his shoulder stands a golden eagle.

   It was given to him by the previous Chapter Master, and he was called An Zuqi.

  Nightmare Hunter: Jodahar Khan.

  Storm Prophet: Heroes such as Baladin also come with Corsaro.

   Their eyes are sharp, like eagles about to hunt, and no enemy can escape their punishment.

  White Scars are masters of lightning strikes.

   They pursue the fastest speed.

  The enemy is often cut into pieces before they can react.

  The hunters come with pride and loyalty.

  The sword has been sharpened, the bow has been stringed, only to hunt.

  The warriors of the Iron Hands also came driving their Celestial-class warships.

  The return of Ferrus eliminated the struggle between the various forces on Medusa.

  After Guilliman received the allegiance of the Nether Dragon, he completely replaced the Emperor's former position and became the new Omnissia, ending Medusa's years of faith struggle.

  Father of Steel - Cardan Sturnus as the leader of the war.

   This guy is a pure firepower believer.

  He has been committed to making the Iron Hands complete new upgrades and become mobile firepower batteries.

  I hope that the brothers of the entire battle group can be equipped with hundreds of strong firepower omnics and intelligent suspension force airships.

  From the foundry father of the Lakouan clan-Feros.

   Yi Tuen from the Gesaka clan.

  Carnock of Clan Avigne origin.

  Roman from the Karagu clan.

  The four legendary heroes of the empire stood beside Kadan Stunus, silent, like a cold, logical machine.

  They carry a variety of fearsome weapons, just waiting to unleash them on the enemy.

  The main force of the Imperial Fist who has not arrived is still building projects in the webway, building various magnificent fortress cities in important places in the galaxy, ensuring the empire's further control over the webway and the galaxy.

  The Raven Guard and the Ultramarines, led by Calgar, are cutting off each other's logistics.

  Do not participate in the offensive on the frontal battlefield.

  The Dark Angels led by Azrael have their own secret mission.

  After the absolute destruction of the Comoros, the Dark Watchers let them deal with some problems left over from ancient times, and do the preliminary work for humans to completely take over the galaxy, and even the entire universe.

  The arrival of many start-up battle groups has added more glory and glory to this war, which has a special symbolic meaning.

  In addition to this, many subgroups also followed, further expanding the scale of the assembly.

  The Absolver Chapter, Skeletal Eagle Chapter, Crusader Chapter, etc. all sent the main force or important figures to gather.

  The scattered Cadia Corps will also participate in this battle to regain their homeland.

  Every Cardian is filled with unprecedented excitement and enthusiasm.

   They are going home.

   Has been promoted to general, and Minka, who is equipped with a large number of mechanical prosthetics, is standing on the battleship Cadia Glory.

  She was still a young girl at the beginning, and she has already experienced countless battles, from a small soldier to an imperial general with countless meritorious deeds.

  She came to assemble with the children of Cadia who were living outside.

   Every wandering son of Cadia is guided in a dream.

  A demon-ravaged homeland mother awaits her child's rescue.

  Before the expedition.

  A magnificent swearing-in meeting is essential.

  Guilliman personally signed the order document.

   Let many officials be responsible for this matter, and it must be perfect.

  He wants to hold a grand enough swearing-in meeting in this magnificent army that can boost morale.

  Many people who claim to be rational think that such a ceremony is a waste of money.

  Guilliman never thought so.

   Such a grand ceremony can bring psychological satisfaction to the participants.

  If many soldiers cannot accept life extension surgery.

  You may only participate in such a grand ceremony once in your life.

   This is very precious to them.

   is the best reward for their **** battles.

   The sages of Mechanicus spent a lot of time adjusting the time of all battleships to be consistent.

  Space-time curvature introduces slight distortions in time and space.

  It is difficult to feel this with human senses.

  Such distortions will have a higher impact on communication quality, causing picture distortion and loss of sound.

  In addition to adjusting the time, the sages also checked the communication equipment of the ship to ensure that the machine soul would not go on strike in the grand ceremony that followed.

  With the full cooperation of several departments of the empire, the swearing-in meeting went very smoothly.

  The flags of every participating force are flying in the huge and wide square of the Emperor Supreme.

   Great bells and horns sounded.

  Many imperial soldiers and original cast warriors stood proudly under the flying banners.

  They stared at the magnificent throne, looking forward to the appearance of their lord and blessings for their journey.

  Ryan and Donne took the lead.

  The soldiers shouted and praised their great strength and achievements.

  The deafening sound resounded through every battleship.

  Everyone's face was flushed, and they were extremely excited that they had the honor to participate in this magnificent ceremony.

   "It's more like Ulanor in the past." Donne raised his hand to the cheering people.

  Lian shook his head, "No, the scale of Ulano was much smaller than here, and we were much more stupid than now."

  Dawn smiled.

   Today's lions are really very different from before.

  After experiencing the catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago, he took honor very lightly.

  Ten thousand years ago, it would have been a thousand times more difficult for him to admit that he was stupid than to kill him.

  When the horns and bells reached their climax, the long-awaited new Lord of Humanity walked between the two Primarch brothers, facing many soldiers of the empire.

  He had donned the holy armor and held the Emperor's sword.

  The king's crown made by Vulkan is worn on his head.

   All of a sudden, everything was quiet.

  Even the machine souls in those roaring machines quieted down, controlling the machines to move lightly.

   That stalwart figure attracted all the people's attention.

   Where the naked eye can't see, people are staring at the display screen connected to the servo skull.

  Whether they are soldiers in service or workers at work, they all look at their lord, their patron, their leader.

  The emperor stood beside the two Primarch brothers. Before he could speak, countless people were already in tears.

  No one can express clearly the inner emotions.

   But if the other party ordered them to die, they would definitely execute it without hesitation.

   Guilliman spoke.

  His voice was like the roar of a giant cannon, sweeping across the Emperor Supreme and many battleships suspended in the void.

   Some people were also surprised to find that even where the communication equipment was broken, they could still hear Guilliman's words.

  The voice was transmitted along the soul to the ears of everyone who participated in the battle of Cadia.

"Ever since my brothers betrayed my father ten thousand years ago and set off the mighty Horus Rebellion, causing him to sit on the golden throne, human beings have become the playthings of the so-called gods, and they play with them recklessly. And looting. Looking down on us with contempt, like playthings in the palm of your hand."

   "Every moment the gears of the human empire turn are lubricated by the blood and tears of countless imperial heroes. Survival has become our greatest suffering. Countless soldiers die every moment to protect this empire."

  "Our compatriots have to work to death in order to obtain enough supplies to support the war, and to exchange for the chance of survival for our own race."

"Those traitors and gods always thought that they could hide in the subspace and commit all kinds of crimes without any consequences. However, starting today, we will tell them that human beings have had enough of this humiliation, they The destruction and despair that have been given to us, we will return them a hundred times, a thousand times. We will tear the throats of those demons, seize the foundation of their existence, and plant the seeds of destruction in their disgusting and twisted bodies, standing Where they were born declares their end."

   "The Indomitable Crusade has been going on for centuries, and we have achieved unprecedented victories, but these are far from enough, because those loathsome enemies have not yet paid the price they should pay."

  Guilliman's words echoed not only on the Emperor Supreme, but also on the entire fleet.

  Countless soldiers were watching, holding their weapons tightly, looking at their sovereign with blurred eyes.

  Humanity has suffered for too long, and has paid too much.

  The soldiers who went out never returned to their hometown.

  Those loyal warriors shed their last drop of blood to protect their people.

   The fire of vengeance burns in their chests.

  Everything will be liquidated.

  Guilliman raised the long sword in his hand.

  The Emperor's Fire burns.

  His body also released light.

  That is the power of domination, that is the power of faith, that is the power of countless human beliefs gathered together.

"We will have vengeance, my people, my people. Only when the last so-called **** falls at our feet can we be truly free. When the last demon falls at our feet, we will be free." The real future."

   Guilliman began to roar, and the sound resounded throughout the square.

  Thousands of soldiers, primordial warriors, nuns, knights, and mechanical followers all fell into madness at his words.

  Human beings are sometimes timid, cowardly, afraid of death, and even bow their knees and howl and beg for mercy.

  The gods despise this race, mocking and teasing the incompetence of human beings, a short-lived race.

  However, as long as countless tiny humans have a sufficiently crazy leader, everything will become completely different.

  This incompetent race mocked by the gods will unite, become crazy, and fear death.

  When their leaders challenge the so-called gods, they will follow closely, and will not be afraid because the enemy is a god.

  Under the leadership of Guilliman, mankind began to show its cruel and terrifying side.

   "Slay false gods and burn demons."

   Guilliman waved his arms.

   Countless soldiers and fighters also followed him and shouted enthusiastically.

   "Slay false gods and burn demons."

   "Slay false gods and burn demons."

   "Slay false gods and burn demons."

   "Slay false gods and burn demons."

   Ryan and Donne also raised their arms and shouted.

   The Destroying Wolves of Fenris.

   Chogoris' Falcon.

  The dragon son of Nocturne Star.

  The father of steel conceived by Medusa.

  The Blood Angel that Baal walks out of.

   They were all cheering too.

   Even years of training can hardly stop the enthusiasm and sense of mission in their hearts, so they can't help but follow the crowd and cheer.

  Every person in a war vehicle, every factory worker, every soldier, every old man, every child, every man, every woman is shouting.

  Humanity has been united.

  The Nether Dragon and Selego stood side by side on a high platform.

  Old enemies now stand together, showing the same shock and trepidation.

   What humans will do is crazy enough to make countless creatures tremble.

   For countless years, no race has dared to do such a thing.

  Their enemy is the God of Chaos, representing the original power of the birth of the world.

   Those guys are immortal.

  For an unimaginably long time, the evil **** of chaos has been strengthened by the emotions released by the killing and desire of countless races, civilizations, and creatures.

   Their power has already reached an unimaginable level.

   There are no words that can express the power of those Chaos Gods.

  The universe that gave birth to all things is just a building block that they can play with in the eyes of those creatures.

  Humans dare to declare war on these Chaos Gods.

   "It's getting more and more crazy." The Nether Dragon said in a deep voice.

  When Guilliman broke into the cave that sealed him.

  His impression of him was just an arrogant, self-defeating idiot like the Emperor.

   Later, the other party's development was beyond his imagination.

   This lunatic accomplished in a few hundred years what other civilizations could not do in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

   Now, he is also trying to declare war on the Chaos Gods and seize their authority.

  Is there anyone in this world crazier than this madman!

  The Nether Dragon has lived for so long, I have never seen it before.

  Compared with the madness of the emperor, it is like a little witch seeing a big witch.

"A small galaxy is doomed to be unable to satisfy him. A war that even God is doomed to be small is coming. He will not admit defeat, and neither will his enemies." Selego lamented sadly: "Across multiple , across the heavens, the gods will also die without dignity."

   "Cosmic universes will tremble and fear beneath his feet," whispered the Nether Dragon.

  When the swearing-in ceremony is over.

   A series of teleportation flashes teleported the representatives back to the ships to which their respective troops belonged.

  The celestial-class warships suspended in the void light up their engines one after another.

  Everything has come to an end.

  They will go straight to the battlefield of Cadia to end the traitors and enemies from across the universe.

   Then it is to regain the Eye of Terror, and completely expel the interference of the Chaos God on the galaxy.

  They will use various anti-subspace equipment to expel the enemy and rebuild the rules of reality.

  The morale of the empire's troops is like a rainbow, and they can't wait to march to Cadia to win the final victory for the empire.

  When the first ship bearing the imperial double-headed eagle emblem appeared on the outskirts of the Cadia system.

  Whispers in the shadows are full of fear.

  The cries of the devil also resounded throughout Cadia.

he came.

   A shadow creature cried out.

he came.

   Countless shadow creatures cried out.

  His name is a curse, and every demon who utters it feels pain.

  His presence is poison, and misfortune awaits any shadow that tries to peek into him.

  He is a blazing flame whose coming will consume all but ashes.

   Not one shadow creature dared to say that name.

  Fear is spreading along the darkness.

   There is no name, but word of mouth.

  They only dare to say that person.

  The Silent King raised the metal head from his immortal throne.

  The switch to release the nightbringer fragments is in his hand.

  The king who was born in ancient times looked at the bright sky.

   There's a hint of sadness that shouldn't be there.

   Is this the end of his reign?

   Is this the fate of the Necrontyr after they have struggled for so long? ?

  He didn't criticize King Suotai's group for their choice.

   They long to live.

   And he clings to the ancient glory of the Necrontyr.

  There is no right or wrong between the two choices.

   "Never thought that the one who releases you will be me after all." The Silent King looked at the small floating pyramid in his hand and whispered.

   After obtaining the knowledge of Yogg-Sothos, the tomb technicians of the Necrons built various giant structures relying on the Cadia galaxy and established magnificent lines of defense.

   The imperial ship charging at the front had already died when it entered the real universe.

  The Necrons modified the parameters of the regional space and artificially created a distortion barrier.

  Time and space are no longer coherent, but become dislocated.

  The ship will be cut off by the dislocation space when it is caught off guard.

  Even if the materials used to build ships are comparable to neutron stars, it is still difficult to stop the cutting caused by spatial dislocation.

   The incision is extremely smooth, cutting directly from the subatomic level, so fast that no one can react.

  A silent explosion appeared on the ship, and the fire void lit up, illuminating the darkness.

  Tens of thousands of soldiers died, and before they could utter a scream, they all died in battle.

  However, the revenge anger of the empire has been ignited, how could it be extinguished by death and blood, it will only become more blazing and more terrifying, until all the enemies are burned to ashes.

  After the vanguard fleet composed of hundreds of ships crossed the first protective barrier.

  The vast void once again erupted with a strong flash of light, illuminating the vast universe.

   The vacuum was torn a huge gap.

  Dense brilliance poured out of it.

   Huge celestial-class warships appeared in the void.

  Those ships have already accumulated firepower.

  As soon as it appeared, it released a series of destroying beams of destroying stars.

  Those beams of destruction illuminate the dark void, shattering their carefully constructed defenses under the desperate gaze of the enemy.

  Even with the help of Yogg-Sothos, it would be difficult for them to establish a defense system capable of fighting the empire in such a short period of time.

   Coupled with the reverse engineering led by Ryan, it also allowed the empire to grasp the details of the enemy.

  Guilliman assembled such a huge legion in order to crush Yogg-Sothoth and expel him from this universe.

  The war between humans and the One Who Returns All Things will continue for many years, and there is no need to win or lose for a while.

  The Empire bared its terrifying fangs to its enemies.

   Nothing can stop a human being filled with vengeful rage.

  When the Necrons and many aliens were in a state of desperation, the orcs attacked them decisively.

   "For the super super big shrimp." Uver, who replaced the bonebreaker as the new orc emperor, ordered his big tech to turn his guns and attack the nearest space necromancer ship.

  In the terrified communication call of the other party, a shell that was enough to crush the other party was fired.

  Looking at all kinds of crooked and grotesque imperial double-headed eagle flags hung by the orcs, they began to wreak havoc in the defense line.

  Space Undead, Dark Eldar, and many alien commanders all showed shocking expressions on their faces.

  Who would have thought that the orc who has always been brainless and only knows how to fight and kill is actually a 25-year-old boy!

  The defeat of the void line of defense was accelerated after the orcs jumped back.

   Various space stations, pyramids, and obelisks are burning in the void.

  The remaining enemies of the Empire fled in haste towards the heavily distorted star.

  Some ships died in successive attacks and turned into spaceships.

  The remaining power drives the wreckage forward. until more explosions are triggered.

  Under the influence of the warp, the huge star has grown fangs and horns, and even the light has been distorted, turning into colorful black.

   Strange shadows flow in it, forming a huge black shadow space near its star.

  The fortress world of Cadia was also dragged into the shadow space by unimaginable forces.

  The surviving enemies escaped inside.

  The warships of the empire were blocked.

  An invisible force blocked them.

   Letting them bombard indiscriminately will not help.

   Attacks from the physical world simply cannot touch that world.

  Yug-Sothoth showed his awesome power.

   Anchors the entire space.

If the anti-subspace force field is used forcibly, it is very likely that the world of Cadia will be like flesh and blood hooked by arrows, and it will be pulled away from the level of the real universe and thrown into the subspace, eternal sinking , so that a wound that cannot heal appears in reality.

   Such a structure is naturally not what Guilliman wants to see.

  The recovery of the Cadia battlefield is crucial.

   It is related to whether the big rift can be completely closed.

  The ulceration of a wound is likely to bring about a chain reaction, and even cause the death of the injured.

  For this reason, it is unrealistic to forcibly separate Cadia from the real universe to achieve the purpose of expelling Yogg-Sothos.

   When it was determined that only airborne could solve the problem, Guilliman ordered people to prepare for the airborne.

   If you want to recover, there is only space, go to Cadia to solve all the behind-the-scenes masterminds, and then it is possible for this anchored space to return to normal.

   Watching his magnificent legion being blocked from the shadow space.

  Guilliman knew it was time to act.

  The reason why he personally marched was because he guessed that Yogg-Sothoth would show the ability and strength that mortals could not resist.

   Just a clone distorts the star and anchors a piece of space. Such a method is not terrible.

  If the main body appears, to what extent will it reach!

  Guilliman stood up from his throne.

  He looked at the two Primarch brothers standing beside him.

   "I don't know if the stubborn stone of the empire and the knight lord of Caliban are interested in joining my attacking force."

   No one will refuse the honor of fighting alongside the Holy Emperor.

  Except for Ryan and Dorne, many imperial heroes have already been prepared.

  Dante, Logan, Tushan, Valanor, Sicarius, Ventris, and even many prophets of the Eldar and Selego are also planning to come to Cadia together.

   In addition, there is also the orc emperor Ufo who jumped back and his elite guards.

  As an orc, Ufferk has a natural desire for war.

   In the face of Guilliman, he is obedient, and in the face of those bad shrimps who are not as good as Guilliman, he has always liked to strike hard.

   More importantly, he and Abaddon had some accounts to settle.

  The orcs will not swallow their hatred, they will only return it to the other party as it is.

  Guilliman used his power to tear a path through the shadow realm created by Yogg-Sothoth.

  The teleportation device was able to function, teleporting many imperial fighters to Cadia on the road that Guilliman tore open.

   Primarch souls live in the warp, and when they are teleported, they are not as insensitive as others.

  Both Ryan and Dawn saw things in the shadow space.

  Those things felt a little fear even from their perspective.

  There is no real darkness there, but the tip of an iceberg of a terrible abyss, with eyes and tentacles that squirm endlessly.

  They are intertwined together, making a terrible, malicious grin.

   That weird evil **** used some means to anchor the space in the abyss.

  If human beings forcefully use anti-subspace devices, they will push this space into that abyss.

  Cadia has changed beyond recognition, into a tentacled, skull-shaped world.

   Those corruptions are so severe and terrible.

  If it is allowed to spread, I am afraid that the entire universe will become an abominable hell.

  They remembered some of Guilliman's words and the information sent back from the other universe.

  Some places may have become the kind of terrible **** they couldn't imagine.

  In the terrifying universe of the heavens, human beings must fight and fight as always to prevent that terrible fate from coming.

   When the light faded, the two Primarchs stood on the squirming ground.

   All are separated.

  There are only some Custodians and Primaris warriors around.

  The Holy Emperor was far away from them, and was teleported to another location by the interference of the enemy.

  Those monstrous, fanged mouths let out piercing screams as they arrived.

  The whole world has been corrupted.

  Those corruptions are so horrific that even a glance makes one's heart tremble.

  The sound of fighting came from afar.

   Rays of light broke the law of the shadow space under the will of the holy emperor, and cast loyal human warriors on the surface.

   Primaris warriors are fighting hard, slashing and killing all enemies they can see.

  With no enemies, bombard the ground indiscriminately, and clean up the eyes, mouth, tongue, and tentacles on the surface.

   "For the Holy Emperor."

   "For the Empire."

   Various war cries continued to sound.

  Communications were also cut off.

  Different armies cannot contact each other at all.

  The only reassuring thing is that the teleportation flash is still on.

   A steady stream of Primaris warriors and hard-nosed Imperial troops was projected to the surface.

  Many imperial heroes rely on their own strategy and wisdom to gather troops and look for their lord.

  At the same time, march towards the weird fortress in the deepest darkness

   Teleportation was disrupted.

  The power of the omniscient and omnipotent is so terrifying.

   Even Guilliman couldn't correct the teleportation when it started.

   When the teleportation ended, Guilliman was only guarded by three Primordial warriors.

   One of the more frightening things is that he was teleported to the most core area.

  The stronghold of the cancerous army.

   Many cancerous heroes with deformed bodies showed distorted smiles.

   Occupying the perfect body made by Fabius, Horus, the clone of Yogg Sothoth, sat on the huge throne.

  The image of Horus combines the advantages of many primarchs, and looks very noble.

   It's no wonder that the other party chose to possess such a body.

   Abaddon and a group of Chaos Warriors stood beside him, looking at Guilliman who was sent here, showing a grin.

   "You are too impulsive." Horus said in a low voice: "I was still thinking about what kind of means I should use to get you into my trap. But I didn't realize that you came here on your own initiative."

   "I'm defeated." Guilliman activated the Emperor's Sword, and the raging flames caused many cancerous heroes to show fear and anxiety. It was obvious that they were afraid of the sword in Guilliman's hand.

   "Do you think you will still win?" Horus stood up, revealing a ferocious grin.

   "I think I can chop you into eighteen pieces, Yogg-Sothoth, go back to your world now, and I can forgive you idiot for offending me." Guilliman said, holding the Emperor's sword high.

  Whether you are aggressive enough or not depends on whether you blow hard enough or not.

  Anyway, you don't need money to talk about it, so you can do whatever you want.

   Horus was so angry that Guilliman almost collapsed.

  A little aborigine can also talk to an all-knowing and omnipotent person in this way!

   I really don't know how to live or die.

   "It's time for you to witness my power, the power of an all-knowing and omnipotent being." Horus jumped off his throne, wearing the armor with countless strange symbols.

  Holding a huge warhammer, he jumped up and slammed into Guilliman's position.

   "Take care of yourself." After Guilliman finished speaking, he threw the three Primordial warriors aside, told them to take care of themselves, and then rushed towards each other with swords in both hands.

  The blade and the hammer collided together.

  A terrifying shock wave erupted centered on the two of them.

  The cancerous heroes next to him were thrown away.

  Both unleashed a powerful force that could destroy the world.

  Every impact is like the roar of an avalanche, the roar of the earth.

   It's as terrifying as millions of volcanoes erupting at the same time, and hundreds of millions of celestial bodies colliding.

   Several cancerous heroes tried their best not to let the aftermath blow away.

  In their hands are weapons imbued with the power of the Omnipotent.

   Ready to find an opportunity to attack Guilliman, wanting to end the madness of this native emperor.

  (end of this chapter)