Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 384 We have to endure hardships for future generations (please subscribe)

   Hear the conversations of those veterans.

  Wesker suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart.

  From childhood to adulthood, the education he received told him to love the alliance and regard himself as a member of the alliance.

  Don't complain about how the alliance treats you, but ask yourself what contribution you have to the alliance.

   There must be ideological awareness and a spirit of self-sacrifice.

  We must give up our small family and strive to create value for everyone.

  Don't complain about the exploitation of those big companies, don't complain about the squeeze of the chamber of commerce, be grateful, and sing praises.

  Because it is thanks to the efforts of big entrepreneurs that human beings can colonize the Andromeda Nebula and survive.

  People can have their own houses and their own land.

  The people of every alliance must be closely united with the big business, so as to avoid the persecution of those aliens and survive in this dangerous universe.

   Without large enterprises and chambers of commerce, there would be no Wotan Union.

  The people of the alliance will suffer and become slaves of aliens.

  But when he grew up, he found that many things were not as described in the book.

  Every word in the book tells him to love the League and dedicate his life to the League.

  But there is no word to tell him what to do if the alliance doesn't love him!

  If the alliance regards him as a dispensable consumable!

   What should he do!

   No dignity, no recognition, and no money.

   Wesker doesn't want to fight.

   I don't want to travel hundreds or thousands of light years to kill someone I don't even know.

  He doesn't know the **** Empire.

  He doesn't know where the galaxy is.

  He only knows the east, west, north, south of Velo planet.

  Knowing that a glass of ale in the small town is five credits, and knowing that if you add more money, you can let a girl who accompanied you drink with you.

  His world is small.

  Small enough to make those high-ranking league bigwigs laugh at his ignorance and short-sightedness.

   But he had no choice.

  He was born with a heavy loan before he did anything.

   No matter how hard he tried, there was no way to repay those loans.

  All profitable businesses have been monopolized by those super companies.

  It is illegal for him to bypass those enterprises and sell his own grain for a higher profit.

  Those law enforcement officers are on the lookout for any non-compliant business practices day and night.

  Using violent means to require people to go to stores that require commissions, and the platform to sell their products "legally and compliantly".

   The laws of the Union are sacred and inviolable.

   Debt weighs on everyone.

  Everyone tries their best to make money within the limits allowed by the rules.

  But the more he tried his best, the poorer Wesker found himself.

  For a stable extra income, people abuse themselves arbitrarily.

  For example, for an extra package delivered to a certain place, the owner initially quoted 500 credits.

  In order to earn this extra money, some people did not hesitate to lower the price themselves, and only took four hundred and fifty.

  Consignors also lower prices again and again.

  Since four hundred and fifty were given away, why did he give five hundred!

   When it comes to the next time, the price will be lowered again.

  At the last job that was supposed to earn half, I could only earn ten percent, or even less.

  In addition to this, a share of the big companies must be drawn.

   In the hands of those people, there are very few.

  Wesker stepped onto the battlefield because he has no way to change his future.

  Some people also said that maybe they can go through the maddening exam through study, and then change their destiny and enter a large company to work.

  However, that is just an unattainable dream.

   Those high-level children have already booked their positions in the enterprise.

  Those with a little connections also made arrangements early on through their parents.

  In those monopolized fields, no one can question and challenge the field.

  Placing a dog at a high level can guarantee its normal operation.

  Enterprises don't need elites as top managers.

  As long as the existence of the ancestor core and database is maintained, everything will be fine.

  Those hard and tiring jobs, companies will release them to encourage people to compete.

  Those people have worked hard all their lives to be a dog that others can throw away at will and can lick their bones twice.

  1% of resources are reserved for 99% of the underlying competition.

  Those business owners watched them fight and bite like dogs, and then said a few words hypocritically, people should accept their fate, they should learn to be a dedicated screw, and use their physical strength to make money, so that life will become more and more sweet.

  For money, women have become the playthings of those who have power and money.

  For money, men have become slaves like walking dead.

  Every word in every book is praising peace and belittling war.

  Those who think they support war are either cerebral palsy or stupid.

  But when war is the only way to change one's future destiny, no one will reject war.

   Wesker said goodbye to his parents and packed his bags.

  He didn't want to kill people.

   But he didn't want to endure that miserable life anymore, being overwhelmed by heavy debts.

  He wants to climb up and live a less tiring life.

  I want to have a stable home, a partner who loves him, and a life that can live well without debt.

  The few veterans talked and talked, and stopped talking.

  Wesker kept this sentence in his heart.

   The coalition loses, and the debt is gone.

  My long-cherished wish will come true!

   If wages cannot be paid, then why fight!

  Sacrifice for the alliance? ?

   Go eat shit.

  The military headquarters of Planet Rick 3 is set up in a giant fortress.

  The military commander in charge of planetary defense is Edwin.

  An elite who is already in a high position at a young age.

   Edwin was born in the Timos family.

   That family has a long history, dating back to the establishment of the Wotan Alliance.

  The family power has deep roots and extensive connections in the alliance army.

  Edwin was able to advance so quickly to become a surface commander in charge of a planet's defense.

   This time the war is over, he can rely on this excellent gold-plated resume to climb up a few more positions.

  He stood on the lookout of a tower at the highest point of the fortress.

  The watchtower can see everything in the entire fortress.

  The fortress has a ring built with high walls.

  Each high wall is extremely huge, like a towering mountain lying on the plain.

  The surface of the wall is smooth and shiny, like sharp canine teeth made of metal, firmly rooted in the rock.

   Different high walls intersect each other to form a dislocation defense.

  A large number of artillery and soldiers are patrolling back and forth.

   There are also a large number of fighters in the sky, and drones pass by.

  At this moment, it was the moment when the morning sun just rose, and the soft golden sunlight reflected the shimmering light on the city wall.

  The hazy heat haze-like energy force field rippled in the air.

   Edwin was full of pride and confidence.

  Such a majestic and indestructible high wall is like a giant embankment. The enemy's offensive is like a raging water wave. It looks terrible, but it will eventually smash into the high wall.

  What kind of power can capture this fortress!

   Unless the gods come.

   After inspecting the defense of the fortress, Edwin turned and walked down.

  A military meeting is already waiting for him in the command room.

  By the time he walked into the command room, several generals and commanders stationed as him were already in place.

  A huge suspended projection has also been turned on, outlining the defense of the Rick 3 planet in the air.

   Several alliance commanders all frowned deeply, holding data pads and talking in low voices.

  The military supplies of the alliance were attacked by the empire again.

   There is no doubt that the Empire has won.

  The war funds that should have arrived here three days ago were also lost in that battle.

   They're stuck.

   There is no money to pay soldiers.

"We don't have enough credit coins to distribute to soldiers, unless they are willing to accept only 70% of the credit." A commander swiped the data pad in his hand, and said in a somewhat helpless tone, "According to the war funds in our hands Calculated, if only 70% is paid, the reserves in our hands are enough to last for a month."

   "Then let's do it this way. It's better to send 70% of the money than not to send it. At least it can make them feel at ease and avoid trouble." A man with white hair said.

   "Then don't pay it, first pay the full salary of the senior officer." A man sitting in his seat with his eyes closed said: "Tell those soldiers that the salary will be paid out once every six months."

   "Will there be any problems with that?" said the commander who proposed to send 70%: "Those soldiers will mutiny."

   "They dare!" The man slammed the table, "Whoever dares to make trouble at this juncture, then he is a traitor to the alliance, and the shameless person who handed the enemy a knife must be sent to a military court."

   "Why don't you send 70% to appease the army, and you can still stabilize the morale of the army." An experienced military commander said.

   "For the first officer, not only the full amount, but also the bonus." Edwin heard the discussion of the commanders, interjected, and said domineeringly.

  He is the commander-in-chief on the surface of the planet, and everyone has to listen to him.

  He is the elite of the alliance, with insight and wisdom that no one else has.

   "Why do you want to do this!" Someone asked in puzzlement: "The army will mutiny."

"Satisfy the officers first, then you can suppress the army. Do you understand! Those low-level soldiers are hopelessly stupid. Without the suppression and control of the officers, they will definitely cause unimaginable troubles, and there is no way to form a strong control ."

"Satisfy those officers first, and then talk about other things. And those officers are generally from guilds and enterprises, unlike those big-headed soldiers who are all from the bottom. If you neglect those officers, even if you win, you will have to suffer a military court Punishment over there."

  As a member of the Timos family, Edwin naturally knows who the officers at all levels are basically.

  They may all be representatives of enterprises or children of certain families.

   Those big soldiers are used for sacrifice. After the war is over, it is unknown whether they will be there or not.

   At that time, their salary will be paid together with the pension.

  Big soldiers generally owe money to the chamber of commerce, and if they don't give pensions, they will definitely be brought to the parliament.

   Those chambers of commerce don't care if people die or not, but if the money is not paid back, it will definitely not work.

  Even if those big soldiers are alive, they can't say anything.

   It's not that they won't be issued to you, it's just that they are in financial difficulties, and all will be honored after the end of the war.

  I am not even willing to make this little contribution to the alliance, and I am not yet a member of the alliance.

  Ideological awareness is so low.

   There is no sense of community and self-sacrifice.

   Those guys who maliciously ask for salary should all be sent to military courts.

   Those officers are different.

   Behind them are all chambers of commerce and families.

   Annoyed them, and it will cause him some troubles in the future, and it will be difficult to work on many things.

  As the general commander of the surface, Edwin still has great authority.

  At least in terms of ground troops, he has the final say.

   Everyone looked at each other, and they could only do what he wanted.

   After talking about salary, they discussed another matter.

   "There is still a vacancy for the position of regimental commander in the garrison of a mining site in the western continent. Let's confirm this in advance today."

   "This non-commissioned officer named Kodd should be quite suitable. He has been in the army for more than ten years, starting from the grassroots, all the way to the position of company commander, and has experienced some actual combat."

   As commanders discuss.

  A man appears in the holographic projection.

  The body is strong and powerful, and the eyes are as sharp as a falcon.

  Slim and capable short hair, and a few shocking scars on his face.

   It looks like a veteran who has been baptized by blood and fire.

   Edwin took a look.

  Born at the bottom, no background.

  How can such a person do a good job.

   "This candidate is still a bit reckless, and needs more experience." Edwin rejected the commander's proposal, and with a wave of his hand, he chose his own candidate. "Look at this new company commander, Cole, from the Tus family. He has been in the army for a year and a half, and he has already been promoted to the position of company commander. Although he still can't recognize all the military equipment, he still has to rely on cheat sheets to say the slogans and instructions. But he is diligent, willing to learn, and works hard, so he is just right to be the head of the regiment, as a young man, he just needs to experience some experience, and we have to give him more opportunities."

   "Of course, you can speak freely if you have any questions. There is no talk here. What is emphasized here is democracy, and what is emphasized is to convince people with reason."

   Several other commanders participating in the meeting glanced at each other.

  The officer who refuted Edwin last time has now gone to dig a trench.

   It looks like they are asked to give their opinions, but in fact, whoever gives their opinions will dig trenches.

   Seeing that no one had any objections, Edwin nodded, signed the appointment document, handed it over to the sergeant at the side, and asked this young man named Cole to come and see him.

   Edwin's private reception room is very luxurious and resplendent.

  Push the door and go in, and you will see a chandelier made of rare crystals, shining brightly.

  The scarlet carpet is soft, paving the entire room.

  There are also various precious works of art on the bookshelves.

   There is also a command knife placed on the knife holder.

  Ergonomic leather seats allow guests to feel more relaxed than ever.

  Just passing through the reception room, Cole had a clear understanding of the financial resources of the Timos family.

   As expected of the alliance family that has always controlled the army.

  The strength of the family is terrifying.

   "Commander." Cole's attitude was very respectful.

   Edwin nodded, he was very satisfied with the attitude of the other party.

"I pushed you up against all odds, Cole, you must perform well, don't let down the prestige of the Tuss family, and don't let down your father's expectations for you. For you, he tried his best to do it for you. You pave the way."

   "I understand, my lord, I will do my duty and obey your orders resolutely." Cole shouted in a sworn tone.

"This alliance was established by our ancestors after suffering. If we don't defend it, who will defend it?? Rely on those unconscionable pariahs? Their ancestors did nothing, and they are naturally humble. Born to suffer."

"They refuse to reflect on themselves and complete their work well, but they only complain that we are in a high position and that the world is unfair. But they don't want to think about it. If their ancestors were willing to endure hardships tens of thousands of years ago, they would If they work hard, they can be like us? So they should not complain about us, but their ancestors, unfortunately, very few people can see this clearly."

  Cole stood upright and gave an unofficial Union military salute.

   "The life and death of the Gouli Alliance is the responsibility of the family. The children of the Tusi family have joined the army for generations, and my generation will not disappoint the honor of their ancestors."

   Edwin patted Cole on the shoulder, feeling more and more satisfied.

   This is the cornerstone of the alliance.

  Just as I was about to say some words of encouragement, the harsh siren sounded.

   A flood of messages poured into the command room of the fortress.

  The empire is coming.

   The Flesh Tearizers have their Celestial-class warships.

   Seth, who can be used as a sinner and has also given up the position of chapter leader, did not bring him out.

  He chose a battleship as his flagship.

  The battleship was named Atonement by him.

  The meaning is self-evident.

  The Seekers Chapter defeated the Alliance army attempting to launch a surprise attack on the Empire, and captured a large number of Alliance soldiers.

   Got star maps and military information about the entire alliance from their database.

  The first loot Seth chose was the Rick Galaxy.

   That system is on the border of the Alliance.

   There is a habitable world.

  Start from this planet, start his road to salvation, until the goal of a thousand planets is achieved.

  After learning from the captain's communication that the fleet has entered the Rick galaxy.

  In full armor, Seth and his men came out of their training room and strode towards the bridge.

  Two priests holding mechanical gear scepters walked on both sides of them.

  A group of people walked through the crowded lower deck.

  Holding the censer in hand, surrounded by the smoke from the incense, the priest prayed, blessing the hard-working crew members in the name of the Holy Emperor and the Great Emperor, and relieving their inner depression and confusion.

   Walk between those bioinstrumentation stations.

  There are always sounds of mechanical gears and energy leaping in those devices.

  The Penitence Machine Slaves with their eyes and mouths sewn on were bound to those machines.

   Data cables connect the programmed minds to keep these devices running smoothly.

   Walk towards the strategic area along a wide corridor lined with sculptures of many imperial heroes on both sides.

  Calls for the Holy Emperor are endless.

  Even if this place is more than two million light-years away from Terra, people can draw strength from these slogans.

  They are genuinely excited to serve the cause of the Holy Emperor.

  When Seth enters the bridge.

  The Wotan Alliance's space station on the edge of the galaxy is already crumbling.

  It was an extremely huge structure.

   It is constructed of carbon-steel composite materials and flies periodically around the stars of the Rick galaxy.

  It is full of artillery positions, and various interference weapons are installed.

  However, in front of the imperial fleet, it is just a moving target.

   A series of light beams and missiles that illuminated the void hit the space station, causing a series of ripples on its shield.

  The shield technology used by the Wotan Alliance is the same as the void shield used by the Empire in principle.

   In terms of application, the shields of the Wotan Alliance are more advanced than the old-fashioned shields of the Empire.

   If you use conventional attacks, you need to consume a lot of energy and shells.

  And the broken shield will return to normal after a few seconds.

  The Empire uses another method to destroy the Wotan Alliance space station.

  Use space bombs to bombard the space structure around the target, destroy its spatial continuity, and use space tension to destroy the space station.

   This trick is very useful.

  The space station, which was able to withstand bombing for several days or even months, was torn apart by the tension in the continuous space tremors.

  The space created by the Wotan Alliance appears extremely weak in the face of the rules of the universe.

   Under the bombardment of the imperial fleet one after another, the huge orbital space station was completely destroyed.

   It was engulfed in constant explosions and flames, gradually collapsing.

   Torn to pieces by the continuously stretching and shrinking space structure.

  Part of the warships of the Wotan Alliance formed a chisel-shaped offensive.

   But was defeated in front of the offensive of the empire.

  The empire's fleet soon approached the only terrestrial planet in the Rick galaxy - the Rick III planet.

  Rick 3 is rich in a special mineral, which is an important raw material for the alliance's military industry.

   To this end, the Wotan Alliance has established a complete defense system in low-earth orbit.

  Huge orbital ports are lined with jammers and shield generators.

   To deal with these space stations, you cannot use space bombs like you do outside the galaxy.

  In that case, it is very likely that various natural disasters will occur on the entire planet, and even the planet will disintegrate.

  The ultimate goal of the empire is to obtain planets and resources for external expansion, not simply to slash and destroy all the way in the name of the holy emperor.

   That's something only the Chaos God would do.

   As a ruler, Guilliman would definitely not allow his subordinates to do such a thing.

   Seth presents a thousand worlds to the Holy Emperor.

   Naturally, it cannot be a fragmented wreck.

   Seth gazed at the orbital ring of steel and diamond that encircled the entire planet below.

  Countless tiny spots emitting light covered the surface of the pitch-black body.

  Those were artillery pieces beyond count, shells and spears screaming across the starry sky, bombarding the ships of the Empire.

  The size of the orbital station is intimidating.

   It's like a giant wall across the galaxy.

   Half a kilometer in width and height.

  Intertwined cannons and light spears reflect its sides brightly.

   Fragments of the alliance ships floated in the void, in stark contrast to the immobile steel track.

  The defense of the orbital ring is stronger than the space stations on the outer reaches of the galaxy.

   To seize this world without destroying the planet, there are not many ways the empire can use.

  Seth didn't bother to use other methods.

   "Order the fleet to focus fire, punch a hole in the opponent's shield, and get all the combat brothers ready to teleport. We will dedicate this world to the Holy Emperor."

   "Anyone who dares to bear arms before you is an enemy and needs no pardon."

   Seth watched his battle brothers.

  Each one confessed that they were guilty of sin.

  They only narrowly failed to live up to the Holy Emperor, and only in blood and fire can such sins be washed away.

  The priest affixed the oath paper for them, and the machine servant made the final inspection for them.

  When news came from the captain.

  The priest and the machine servant left from the teleportation deck.

   Following a tacit salvo from the imperial fleet, it penetrated the defensive shield of the orbital ring.

  The teleportation beam also lights up.

   issued a burst of light.

  By the time the Flesh Tearers opened their eyes again, they had already landed on a huge platform.

  The faces of the alliance fighters showed consternation.

   "Time to kill, for the Holy Emperor, for the Holy Blood." Seth roared, using a huge chainsword with subatomic cutting ability.

  The chain saw sword made a deafening roar.

  The first alliance soldier was chopped into pieces before he could react.

  The scene was extremely tragic, the armor was sawed open, the flesh was torn apart, and the intestines and blood flowed out together.

  The other Flesh Tearmen also pulled the trigger.

   Blow up the soldiers closest to them to pieces.

  Wotan Union soldiers were blown to pieces by explosive bombs, cutting off limbs.

  Blood smears every surface.

  Seth marches in roar, fighting in the name of the Holy Emperor.

   Slash with his chainsword, blast with his bolters.

  The dead were broken into pieces, their intestines flew out.

  An Alliance soldier charged at him, screaming in anger and terror.

  Seth easily dodged the opponent's attack, grabbed the opponent's face, and stabbed the chainsword in his hand into the opponent's chest.

   took out the internal organs of the opponent.

   Saw teeth whizzed through armor, flesh and bone.

  The Alliance soldier screamed, filled with pain, until he died.

  The Alliance mechanical troop rushed over from the corridor and launched an attack on the invading Flesh Tearmen.

  Mechanical troops use power armor made of those ancient technologies.

  The defense of each set of power armor is astonishingly terrifying.

  Using the reactor to provide power drive, it is also equipped with individual shields and various powerful weapons.

  If long-range bombardment is used, it will be difficult to defeat these mechanical troops.

   Their individual shields make them immune to most attacks.

   Only by using melee weapons to bite through their armor and shred the biochemical prosthetics implanted in their bodies can these enemies be truly dealt with.

  Seth fought hard among those mechanical troops, tearing a path through the enemy army, leading to the core area of ​​the orbital ring.

   His battle-brothers are at his side.

  The cobweb-like corridors and passages are connected. Enemies are coming from all directions like a tide, but they are smashed to pieces by the empire's offensive.

   The defense is getting more and more desperate.

  No matter what they do, it is difficult to hinder the offensive of the empire.

  Seth's helmet detector indicated that they were approaching the orbital ring's command center.

   Captured there, the Orbital Ring's defenses and artillery would be thrown into disarray.

   Even shields will be lowered.

  That would be a disaster for the Wotan Alliance army.

  Alliance soldiers built their defenses with armor.

  The melta cannon and the laser cannon were all activated, waiting for the trigger to be fired, and they would shoot out beams that could melt and pierce steel.

   At the first sight of the Imperial troops, the defenders opened fire.

  The channel was filled with ejected shells and bullets, and endless halos lit up the walls on both sides.

   However, in front of the Flesh Tearer, that kind of defense is useless.

  They used their teleportation ability to bypass the firepower and appeared directly behind the opponent. The weapons in their hands easily tore the soldiers of the Wotan Alliance to pieces.

   This process is repeated over and over again.

  Any defensive line is meaningless.

  The meat tearers go all the way.

   Left countless dark gray and scarlet corpses behind.

  With screams and cries, the last line of defense also fell.

  Seth and others crossed the line of defense full of splashed blood and broken corpses, and walked into the command center of the orbital ring.

  The first thing that catches the eye is the tall and wide dome with a light blue arc jumping on the top.

  A huge cylindrical platform stands under the dome.

  The platform is densely loaded with computing engines like bead chains.

  The sharp sound of energy transmission rang from time to time.

  Heavy cables form a complicated network above the platform, and the end disappears into the armor-wrapped channel.

  The hovering drone buzzed, and the red light beam it released scanned the huge computing engine database.

   Around the platform, hundreds of Wotan Alliance fighters have gathered.

  They used armor and defensive materials to stack up intricate defensive trenches on the open floor.

  When Seth and others walked into the hall, the melta cannon, chain machine gun, multi-barreled laser cannon, and the weapons in the hands of the alliance soldiers all fired.

  Destructive light instantly filled the entire hall.

   Such a defense is meaningless to the Empire.

  Seth had already entered the curtain of reality and illusion before those attacks hit him, and showed his figure on the enemy's position again.

  With a wave of the chainsaw sword in his hand, he cut the alliance soldier who was manipulating the machine gun into two pieces, even the machine gun that spewed out flames.

  The other Flesh Tearers adopted the same tactic.

  The screams and horrific screams resounded throughout the room, and even spread outside the corridor.

   Those Alliance fighters ushered in their own doom in horror.

  Watching those **** **** gods tear everything apart. Turn the huge command center into a purgatory.

  The surviving soldiers were so frightened that they dropped their weapons and fled.

  Fear spreads like a plague on the orbital ring.

  After the fall of the first command center, the orbital ring's artillery coordination and shields went wrong.

  The Imperial Fleet seized the opportunity and sent a large number of troops to the orbital ring for the final purge.

  Once the tide of destruction begins to spread, it cannot be stopped.

   Blood flows from one control point to the next.

  From the ground, the orbital ring looks like it has been infected by some kind of disease that is eating away at a very fast rate.

  The burning fire spreads and spreads rapidly from one node to another.

  After the orbital ring declared its fall.

  The warplanes of the empire roared down from the sky, passed through the atmosphere, and planned to seize the air supremacy of planet Rick III.

  Wesker, who was standing on the city wall, could see the bright light emerging from the sky.

   That's the flare of the orbital ring falling.

  It has only been a few days since the alarm sounded.

  From the destruction of the first space station outside the galaxy, to the collapse of the orbital ring, and the appearance of imperial fighters, the speed was too fast for people to react.

   Realizing the strength of the empire, the headquarters made a decisive decision and decided to defend the fort first and transfer all the troops back to garrison.

  Under the leadership of Edwin, many alliance generals swore to fight the empire to the end.

  People are in the fortress and will never surrender.

   The alliance generals are so strong, and some of them are on the side of the empire.

  The empire sentenced all surrendered generals to death.

  The death of the Karen sage made the upper echelons of the empire extremely angry.

  The indiscriminate massacre of civilians and lower classes is another thing that the Holy Emperor does not allow.

   For this reason, the anger can only be spread on the top of the alliance.

   So far, the top leaders of the alliance who surrendered have basically been executed.

   Of course, there are also some political considerations.

  The war has started.

  Peaceful alliance is no longer possible.

  Even if the Wotan Alliance is subdued now, their hearts are full of hatred.

   will become an unstable factor in the future.

   Just like those nobles at the beginning of the imperial reform.

   They will complain that the Empire took their power away.

   Constantly trying to challenge the Holy Emperor's reforms.

  Do not hesitate to do all kinds of things that harm the interests of mankind, just to prove that the reform of the Holy Emperor is wrong.

   In order to rule the Andromeda Nebula smoothly and smoothly, and allow the local human bloodline branch to integrate into the empire, the original alliance must be completely destroyed.

  Those families, businesses, congressmen, etc. that have influence and control wealth and power, all must be destroyed by the most violent means.

   Only by complete destruction can a new order belonging to the empire be rebuilt in the ruins.

   It makes no difference whether Edwin and the others surrender or not.

   They are all going to die.

  All the top leaders of the alliance regard death as home, and would rather die than surrender.

  Wesker and other leading soldiers are not so determined.

   The temporary recruits like them are typical cannon fodder.

  The reason why they are not afraid of death is money.

  It turned out that the promised salary was not paid, so it was difficult to work hard.

   Don't even give the agreed money, work hard! Sell ​​it.

"We have to change our way of life." Ke De looked at the brothers in the company, "It's useless for you to continue to work hard, they don't give you any money, and we don't get any benefits, so just leave us the job of dying. ."

  Kord has worked for the alliance for more than ten years, and there are seven or eight injuries that almost killed him.

   Only got the position of a company commander.

   A few days ago, I thought I could fill a vacancy and upgrade to another liter.

   As a result, another brat was airborne.

  That **** had to look at the cheat sheet to read out the army slogans. He couldn't even recognize light, medium and heavy vehicles, so he became the regiment leader.

   Just because that brat has a background!

   Just because he was born well!

  Corder thought he was a joke.

  He shed blood and tears for the alliance, rolled around in the pile of dead people countless times, and didn't even get a wife to warm the bed.

  The result is this!

   Wesker didn't speak, but sadness also appeared in his heart.

  If he fails to repay the loan in time, he will be punished, and the penalty interest will be more terrifying than the principal.

   At that time, the land will be confiscated, and a large sum of money will be owed.

   At that time, if he dies, the pension he received may not be able to fill in the amount.

  Then what is the point of him coming out to work hard!

   "Then we won't work hard for them." A soldier said.

   "Yes, why."

   "Fuck the Alliance."

   "Go eat shit, labor and management don't care about them."

  Looking at the excited crowd, who were holding weapons tightly in their hands, Kord showed a cruel smile.

  He is not the only one who is dissatisfied.

  The alliance's long history of corruption has **** off a lot of people.

  You can get a position that you can't even get if you try your best.

   All those people were filled with dissatisfaction.

  It's a pity that there was no chance before, the alliance is too big, and all kinds of cutting-edge technologies are in the hands of enterprises and chambers of commerce. Those who want to resist them often end in misery.

  The arrival of the empire made them see an opportunity.

  No matter what the empire looks like, as long as the top leaders of the alliance die, the alliance will be in chaos.

   Chaos represents opportunity.

   "Go, kill them." Kord shouted.

  Cord Company riots are just the tip of the iceberg.

  Many dissatisfied people became the source of rebellion at the slightest provocation.

   Take weapons against the empire, and the end is a dead end.

   There is still a way to survive if you surrender early.

   With such a small salary, it is impossible to fight those monsters like **** demon gods.

   It is better to kill the top management of the alliance.

  How bad can it be if you lose, at most it will be over.

   If you win, you can clear your debts, and you can get revenge if you have grudges.

  The strong fortress has not yet received the attack of the empire, but it has already become a sea of ​​​​flames in the riots.

  The soldiers who didn't get paid were already very resentful, and the strength of the empire made them feel that the alliance was maliciously asking them to die.

  The benefits are taken by yourself.

  Send me to death and let me go!

  How can there be such a reason in this world!

  During the riot, the headquarters was also attacked.

  Countless soldiers who wanted to kill the commander all flocked to kill the **** who deducted their salary.

"Traitors, despicable and shameless traitors, do you know what you are doing?" Edwin, who was hiding in the headquarters, screamed angrily, and there were some armed officers and personal guards beside him, "Where is your loyalty? Alliance Birth you, raise you, but you turn to foreign enemies. So selfish, so ignorant of repaying kindness, really wolf-hearted, not as good as animals."

   Besieged among the soldiers outside the headquarters, I don't know who answered his words.

   "My lord, we have to endure hardships for our descendants, otherwise they will have to complain that our ancestors have not endured hardships."

  The fall of the headquarters is inevitable.

   It was like a spark was thrown onto the dry grassland, and the fire quickly ignited.

   The rioting group is too large.

  By the end, all the soldiers joined the riot.

  They even aimed the muzzles of the heavy vehicles used for city defense at the headquarters.

   Edwin and his subordinates had to give up resistance and walked out.

  Kode quickly led people to occupy the headquarters.

  He immediately asked technical experts to send a message of surrender to the empire.

  (end of this chapter)