Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 385 Will your eyes dry out! (seeking subscription)

  The communication was quickly connected.

  After hearing what the other party said, several communication personnel hurriedly got up to look for the captain and Seth.

  The news that the Union army in the fort wanted to surrender quickly reached Seth's ears.

  At this time, the Flesh Tearmen are gathering on the deck.

  The orbital ring has fallen, and the major command centers have been captured by the empire.

  The Wotan Alliance has been unable to make any waves.

  Air combat is also going on.

   It is only a matter of time before the imperial fighter formation wins.

   Wait until air supremacy is in the hands of the Empire.

  Seth planned to lead the Flesh Tearers to launch a ground raid, defeat the last defense of the Wotan Alliance, and seize a world for the Holy Emperor.

  I thought there would be a tough **** battle.

   Only then can the huge fortress be captured.

  The sudden surrender notice surprised him.

   "Who is the Supreme Commander now?" Seth asked who opened the dialogue window.

   "I, Kodd, am now the representative of all soldiers." There was a trace of panic and anxiety in the other party's words.

   Obviously, surrendering to the empire is also a very risky thing for them.

   "Are you sure you want to surrender? Where is your original officer?" Seth asked.

"They have been controlled by us. They are our sincerity to the empire. The only request of all our soldiers is that the empire can let us go. Everyone here is forced to go to the battlefield. We owe a few lifetimes Debts that cannot be repaid, and generations will have to work for those businesses and chambers of commerce."

"A lot of people here just went to the battlefield just to get a reward to repay the debt they owed, but the people in the alliance did not fulfill their promises, and they were not even willing to pay the agreed reward at the beginning. We don't want to die, really ."

   Seth fell silent.

  The rioting soldiers seized their commander as a gesture of surrender to the Empire.

  The reason is that the Union soldiers are unwilling to work hard for the pitifully small salary that will not be honored.

  Reality is always more illogical than literature created by the craziest human artist.

  Who would have thought that a fortress would fall for such a reason!

  Seth smiled mockingly.

  Empire also had such a thing.

   I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the Andromeda Nebula, which spans two million light-years.

   Humans or intelligent beings or whatever, make the same mistakes all the time.

  Perhaps only the Holy Emperor can end this ridiculous cycle.

  The empire rarely massacres the bottom, unless the problem is very serious and those people are already irredeemable.

  As long as those soldiers put down their weapons and surrender, there will generally not be any massacres against them.

  The Empire disdains to do such a thing.

  Even in previous noble rebellions, most of the nobles were executed.

   It is rare to say that the whole world was slaughtered.

  Seth is happy with the outcome.

   It was the glory of the Holy Emperor that made these confused soldiers realize what was right and what was wrong.

   Can also save a lot of work.

   Flesh Tearers are not afraid of war.

   But they were short on time, and if he wanted to capture a thousand worlds, he had to speed up.

"I agree." Seth replied: "I swear in the name of the Holy Emperor, all soldiers will be pardoned, as long as you put down your weapons. But we will not let go of any high-level alliance. Take responsibility for your own mistakes."

   "I know that." Cord replied, "They belong to you."

  Communication ends.

  High Command is occupied by rioting soldiers.

  The war has also come to an end here.

  The imperial fighter formation sent back a message.

  Many Alliance warplanes have disengaged and surrendered to the Empire.

  They have successfully seized air supremacy.

   It seems that what those soldiers said is true.

   "Maybe there is a conspiracy hidden."

   One of Seth's combat brothers said, "We should be careful."

   "Then they will reap death." Seth said casually. "It's never a good choice or a sensible thing to cheat the empire."

  If it is a trap, then Seth can only launch a massacre.

   Until the last enemy against the Empire falls.

   Dedicate this world to the Holy Emperor in blood and corpses.

  When the communication was over, Kodd and the others were all excited when they learned that the empire accepted their surrender.

   "We don't have to face those demons anymore." He said to the people next to him.

   Edwin's face turned pale when he was under control.

   "You can't do this, this is betrayal. This is your hometown? Are you so willing to let outsiders rule you?"

  No one paid any attention to him.

  Code glanced at him, then turned his head and ignored him.

  He ordered all shields and weapon systems to be shut down.

   Cleared out a huge platform for the opponent.

  The roar of the gunboat came from the sky.

  The roar of the power engine set off a strong wind in the air, blowing the hair and clothes of Codd and others.

  The gunboat slowly stopped on the platform.

  The hiss of high-pressure gas sounded, mixed with the sound of mechanical gears turning.

  The hatch opens slowly.

  Twenty giants wearing metal armor with scarlet body and black shoulders appeared on the platform.

  Their helmets are also black, and the position of the visor is painted with white to look like a skeleton.

  The eyepiece emits an off-white light.

  The huge size gives people a huge sense of oppression.

  A giant who didn't wear a helmet, but only installed a ring force field generator decorated with eagle wings behind his head, stepped out.

   It was Seth.

   "Are you going to surrender to the empire?" Seth looked at the small group of people in front of him.

  It is easier to kill them than accept their surrender.

   This is an unspoken truth.

   It will take no more than ten minutes to kill these people.

   "Yes, we surrendered to the empire." Kodd said strongly.

   No one can keep calm in front of these giants.

  Especially after seeing the giant chainsaw sword on the opponent's waist, it is even more impossible to calm down.

  The chainsword has been cleaned, but the smell of blood can still be smelled.

  Kord could imagine the scene where the giant with a chainsaw sword massacred the soldiers on those orbital rings.

   That is definitely a scene like a Shura field.

  Not to mention witnessing, even just thinking about it is unbearable.

   Seth stared at the other person, and then spoke again after a moment.

   "Where are your officers?"

   "Basically all have been caught, and some are still absconding." Kord clapped his hands, and Edwin and others were brought up.

  Everyone has fear and anxiety on their faces.

   Cole, who had just been promoted, even fainted from fright.

  Seth scanned the officers around and looked at Cord after confirming that their identities were correct.

   "Then it's up to you to execute them yourself."

  Corder knew this was a test for them.

   Those who kill Union officers will no longer be accepted.

   But he didn't have a choice, he took a pulse pistol from a person next to him.

   walked in front of Edwin.

   "No." Edwin screamed, "Do you know what family I am from?"

   "I'm sorry." Corder said, "I have to fight for my offspring."

  Cord's words were full of sarcasm.

   It was exactly where Edwin thought Kord was unqualified.

  His predecessors didn't work hard, so how could he be the head of the regiment.

  Naturally, only those ancestors and descendants who have worked hard and made the right choice can be the head of the regiment.

   in order to defend the alliance.

  The howling sound of the laser sounded, piercing through Edwin's head.

   There was a thumb-sized hole in his head that was blackened by the high temperature.

   Edwin was killed.

   This elite of noble birth and loyal to the alliance died just like that.

  Wesker also stood up, pointed a gun at an alliance officer, and executed him.

  He is determined to stand on the side of the empire.

   Sorry, he owes too much debt.

  Combining the penalty interest brought by the failure to repay the loan in time this time, no matter how hard you work in this life, it will not be enough.

   The alliance is immortal, he is doomed to have no way out.

   One after another soldiers stood up.

   They have no way out.

   Waiting until the last officer fell, Seth turned and walked towards the gunboat.

   "The logistics force will assist you in the transformation."

  There is no need to stay here anymore.

   This world already belongs to the Holy Emperor.


   A good start.

  Wesker couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he watched the steel giants step onto the gunboat.

  He didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

  The only thought is that at least the debt problem does not have to worry about.

   "I have seen the things of destruction come. Nothing can resist them. If there is one, maybe only the great horned rat. The problem is that the horned rat has no longer answered our painful begging."

  A clan chief located in the Thirteenth Council.

  The Rat Waste is the largest city of the Skaven.

   is also the heart of their entire underground empire.

  Birthplace of the Ratmen all over the world.

   Possesses powerful magic, strong fortifications and terrifying military power unimaginable by the outside world.

  The endless caves are repeatedly superimposed, the twisted corridors are criss-crossed, and the horror city is built on the basis of viciousness and filth.

  The world's largest city with the most skaven was perfectly hidden by the Gray Seers who mastered the magic of warpstone.

  The abandoned capital has complex and complete industrial facilities.

  The huge running generator with complex structure is running eternally in the dark.

   Immeasurable rats stand and run like humans.

  Deformed machines keep churning out disgusting mutants.

   Bloated female rats with shrunken limbs, constantly multiplying corrupt offspring.

  As the capital of the Skaven, this terrifying city is naturally the largest economic and commercial center of the Underground Empire. Every year, a large number of clan members transport goods and slaves here.

  Mysterious skaven lords, gray prophets, and warlords gather here, where chaotic and disorderly political struggles are staged day after day in the labyrinth of darkness.

   Even on the streets, there are desperadoes, thieves, gangsters, bandits, traitors, and assassins, forming a lawless power struggle.

  Countless factions have set off **** fights around city wealth, political power, wealth, etc., which will never stop.

  Every skaven is killing each other for the Horned Rat's supreme plans and personal interests.

   Find ways to push the end of the world.

  Many factions have thought about killing the Skaven once and for all, or raiding their capital.

  However, they all gave up in the end.

   It is by no means an easy task to enter the Wasteland of the Demon Rat.

  The surrounding area of ​​the Abandoned City of Demon Rats is shrouded in a swamp of death.

   Those who enter are mortal and not alive.

  The rotting water and mud of the swamp mix with each other, and a highly poisonous miasma rises from the ever-changing reactions.

  The Ratmen unscrupulously discharged all kinds of highly toxic plagues and biochemical agents into the swamp, causing the already unbearable swamp to become even more corrupt.

  After a long period of accumulation, a billowing poisonous mist even formed over the swamp.

   A ray of sunlight cannot penetrate the clouds and come to the ground.

  A large number of Ska slave fleets, diving ratmen, and small mobile shacks shuttled in the dark and narrow river channels of the swamp.

   Harvesting ships roam the endless swamps, looking for rotting crops and fungi.

  The slaves and low-level ratmen captured from various races worked under the whip of the ratman supervisor and were forced to inhale those terrible poisonous gases.

   They often die a painful death within a few weeks.

  Those slaves have to endure the internal organs being corroded by poisonous gas until they rot a little bit and become pus.

   The closer you get to the abandoned city of Demon Rats in the depths of the swamp, the thicker the toxin-laden fog becomes.

   By the end there wasn't even a gleam of light.

  Only those cities where the radiance emitted by the installation of the dimension stone reflects the darkness.

  The continuous fleet slowly sailed into the city's giant port under the surveillance of the sentry.

  They often brought tons of grain and untold numbers of slaves.

  There are countless Skavens working hard in the Devil Rat Wasteland, contributing their blood and tears to the prosperity of this horrible city.

   Their short and tragic life will be bound to mines and factories.

   Living slaves are squeezed as hard as possible until they die.

  Dead slaves would mix grains to make food for living slaves.

  This city is so horrible, **** and cruel.

  The alien invaders who broke into here would often usher in unimaginable tragedies.

   Of course, this horror, **** and brutal acquaintance capital will soon be a thing of the past.

  A man who is destined to destroy the Abandoned City of Demon Rats is coming.

  He is the Rat Slayer Pioneer, Rat Extermination Warrior, Rat Man's Nemesis, the most hated person in the 13th Council, and the man who must kill the Horned Rat - Dax.

  Dax set his goal on the abandoned capital of the Ratmen, and with Valyrian's permission, he recruited an army, planning to completely eradicate the Ratmen's empire.

  Dax has been working hard to eliminate the rat people, and enjoys it.

  Because of the absence of oil, the scientific and technological development of the Imperial Expeditionary Team also experienced a slight deviation.

   Various stitch monsters mixed with magic and industrial technology were born.

  For example, the hovering airship that Dax is in.

  The hull is made of wood and metal, with various magic runes etched on the surface, and a furnace is installed at the stern.

  The power source of the furnace is the power stone extracted by the technical sages of the exploration team by referring to the practice of the elves.

  The airship is equipped with a large number of artillery, and it also carries more than two hundred human soldiers.

  Dax stood at the head of the hovering airship, bragging to his subordinates about his past glorious achievements.

"I think I fought seven battles and seven battles in Roaring Mountain. I hacked for three days and four nights. I used my sword to kill the Skaven. They fled in embarrassment. From the side of the battlefield , I hacked to the other side of the battlefield, but the Emperor Man Ruide who hadn't died told me to chop slowly."

   Dax was excited to speak, but the officers next to him showed a look of lovelessness.

  Dax would repeat this story morning, day and night.

  If someone asks, he will happily say a few more times.

  From Roaring Mountain to the Ratman stronghold that was destroyed not long ago.

   However, there are several officers on board who have just been transferred to Dax's men.

   Obviously, they hadn't heard the story.

  At this time, they were surrounding Dax, fascinated by the sound.

   "My lord, if you cut it for so long, will your eyes dry out?"

   Dax was taken aback for a while when he was talking excitedly.

  Look at the officer who asked the question.

   From Dax's astonished eyes, it can be seen that this is the first time someone has asked such a tricky question.

  (end of this chapter)