Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 399 The Destruction of the Skaven (Subscribe)

   Watching the ratmen swarming out.

  The adjutant, who was disdainful just now, thought the Ratman could be killed with a snap of his fingers, turned pale.

  He didn't expect that these **** ratmen would attack their defense line in this way.

  Those heavy steam machines rely on the steam pipes connected to them to provide power.

  After falling into the deep pit, the heavy machinery crushed the steam pipes, paralyzing them.

  Udi was not surprised by this.

   Ratmen are a vile and cunning race.

   Without the protection of the Holy Emperor, they would have no way to fight these hateful creatures.

  The Ratmen were able to build such a vast kingdom underground.

   rely on their excellent burrowing ability.

   Realizing that the ground cannot be broken through, it is not surprising that he uses his talent to open up the situation.

  The foul-smelling ratmen howled from the sunken gap.

  The bottom of the steam machinery collapsed continuously, causing those heavy machinery to lose their support and fall down.

  Puffs of high-temperature white steam came out of the broken steam pipe.

  Some Ratmen were sprayed by the high-temperature and high-pressure steam, making shrill screams.

   But the hot steam didn't stop them for long.

  The dead slave rats soon flooded the steam pipes, holding everything down.

  Other skaven crawled over the dead body and attacked the humans.

  The soldiers standing at the front were overwhelmed by the tide of rats. They only had time to scream a few times, but there was no more movement.

   "Switch weapons, we have to fight a close combat." Udi patted the adjutant's shoulder armor, grabbed the two-handed sword and rushed up, rushing towards the black tide of Skaven.

  He set his sights on a mutated Ratman.

  The monster was very huge, and the deformed head could no longer be seen to be similar to the rat man.

   With a huge body, Udi stood in front of the opponent, like a child who didn't grow up.

  The monster's shoulders were as wide as Udi's height.

   Muscular arms are so long that they almost touch the ground.

  Its hands have twisted and sharp claws.

   Can easily tear apart armor made of steel.

   Thin, dirty fur with big boils filled with thick water.

  The bald, hairless tail incorporates a sharp, hiltless dagger with poor stitching techniques.

  The scarlet eyes stared straight at Udi, full of mad and **** hatred and anger.

  It growled and rushed towards Udi.

  Pink, warty tongue sticking out of the air is disgusting and nauseating.

  The sharp teeth are each as long as a dagger.

  The foul-smelling saliva dripped from the mouth, and the smell was mixed with the monster's own stench, making people sick to the stomach.

  Even wearing a filter respirator, Udi can still feel the stench moving in his nasal cavity.

  Udi blocked the opponent's first blow.

  The ratman monster's sharp claws and his long sword shot out a series of sparks as they collided.

  The impact of the two made him feel his hands were shaking.

  That guy's strength is so powerful that he has the illusion that his own hands are going to be destroyed.

  The only good news is that that guy's reaction speed is not as fast as his.

   Seizing the opportunity, Udi pierced the opponent's flank with a sword.

   All the long swords in his hand were submerged into the monster's body.

   When he was howling in pain, he swiped the long sword in his hand, and all his intestines flowed out all at once.

  The monster howled in pain and waved its claws in despair.

  Udi took a few steps back to avoid getting hurt.

  The monster staggered back, looking down at the scarlet intestines.

   Reached out his hand to stuff it back into his stomach and left.

  Udi jumped up, raised the sword in his hand, and beheaded the opponent directly.

  The huge corpse fell to the ground with a dull sound.

   "Holy light, blessed by the omniscient and omnipotent emperor of the empire." Udi looked at the corpse of the monster, prayed in a low voice, and rushed up again with his sword, choosing other targets to hunt and kill.

   Ratmen swarmed from the ground like a tide, endlessly.

  Those guys were all skinny, malnourished, and frantic like hungry wolves on a winter's day.

   Their weapons are rusted and dented, and their scabbed fur is covered with dirty rags.

   Those eyes had a malevolent gleam.

   Obviously, they are slave rats used as cannon fodder.

   These guys are cheap and grow fast, and they are the best cannon fodder for the Skaven Empire.

  The human soldiers who realized the changing situation also abandoned their long-range weapons and drew their swords or battle axes.

  The sound of the blade cutting bones and the sound of the Rat Man dying echoed continuously in the tunnel.

  Udi took a deep breath, and then buried himself in the rat tide.

  The cold and sharp blade pierced the Ratman's body easily.

   Effortlessly run them through,

   One sharp swipe can cut the Ratman's body in two.

  Udi let his killing instinct overwhelm him.

  He cut off the weapon in the hand of a slave rat trying to sneak up on him with one sword, and cut into the opponent's throat with one sword.

   After finishing one enemy, he kicked another skaven away.

  Swung the sword to block the enemy's blow, and then slashed down with all his strength, splitting the opponent's skull.

  Udi has no fear, only killing and obsession with victory in his heart.

   After avoiding the attack of a strong storm rat.

  Udi kicked the opponent's knee, and his iron boots directly broke the opponent's bone.

  The Rat Man fell to the ground, howling in pain.

  Udi stepped up, stabbed the opponent with a sword, and cut the guy open, avoiding the gushing blood.

   Not long after, a pile of ratman corpses fell under his feet.

   So did the other human soldiers.

  Beside them are all the corpses of Skaven ratmen.

  Human weapons are far sharper and harder than those of the Skaven.

  Can cut off and penetrate their weapons and armor easily.

  Every human soldier was like chopping melons and vegetables, easily killing dozens of times more ratmen.

  A group of tall, dressed in black armor far better than other Ratmen, appeared at the entrance of the tunnel with a coat of arms engraved with the image of a horned rat in their hands. They looked like regular troops of the Ratmen.

   After they screamed, they rushed towards Udi and the others.

   Rats armed with maces and flamethrowers also charged after them.

   Green flames shot out from the muzzle of the dimensional gun held by the fire-breathing mouse behind them.

   That is the rat man mage who mastered the inferior dimensional magic also waved the scepter, releasing the green thunder.

   Several soldiers whose armor was broken and whose runes were blurred died screaming.

  The armor that lost its magic immunity melted in the fire and thunder.

  Dimensional fire and sorcery set their flesh on fire.

   Those guys quickly turned into skeletons, and then in the blink of an eye, they turned into dust blown by the wind.

   Not even a whole body could be found.

  Udi is fearless.

  The symbols on the rune armor on his body are still intact.

  When the dimensional flame and the thunder released by the rat man mage touched the armor.

  Those runes released a faint brilliance.

   Blocked the terrible flames and the mage's thunder.

  He raised his sword and killed it.

  The skaven soldiers in black armor tried to stop him.

  But he was knocked down like chopping melons and vegetables.

  He cut and blasted the skaven carrying the warp flamethrower, letting them die in the explosion and self-combustion.

   That was when the Ratman mage was in close combat, and his performance was even worse.

  Udi can kill several weak ratman mages with a single sword strike.

  The ratmen beside him died one after another.

   Their fragile bodies were pierced and cut off by Udi.

   More Ratman came up to fill the gap formed by the fallen Ratmen.

  They replenish so quickly.

  Udi is like a tireless machine, slaughtering enemies.

  Beside him, there are scattered flesh and blood remains everywhere.

  His armor was also smeared with blood, completely changing its color.

  Cannon fire and gunfire sounded.

  The Ripper trudged into the wide tunnels of the unfinished fortress, supporting the struggling defenses.

   The huge exhaust pipe behind the Ripper made a sharp whistle, and billowing steam and black smoke were released from it.

  Among the deafening gunshots, each blow knocked down all the ratmen in front of it.

  The marbles ejected from the muzzle of the huge gun formed a killing net, punching blood holes in the ratmen within the range.

  The high-speed rotating circular sawtooth is like a sickle, harvesting patches of weeds.

   Minced meat flew and blood spattered.

  In just a few seconds, the elite ratmen who launched the charge fell down in pieces and turned into pieces of meat at an extremely fast speed.

   Those war wheels that were just rolled out were also smashed.

  The skaven trolls had no advantage against the Ripper and were easily killed.

  The efficient massacre made these Ratmen no longer have the courage, and when the bell rang again, they fled in a panic.

  Udi pierced his sharp sword into the body of a slave rat, and cut its body apart amidst the other's screams.

   Lifting his head, the Ratman had dragged the dead body back into the dark tunnel.

  The eerie screams also slowly faded away.

   But those guys didn't leave.

  If you walk into the dark tunnel, you can still hear the sound of those rat men chewing on the corpse.

  Tiredness welled up Udy's body.

   This battle didn't last long, but it was very intense, exhausting his physical strength.

  Look around, there are **** scenes everywhere.

  The pungent **** smell temporarily covered up the stench.

   "Sir." Udi's adjutant came over.

  His situation is not looking very good.

  The crimson blood stained his armor red.

   There was also a wound on the shoulder, and blood was flowing.

   "Don't be so careless next time." Udi said: "Those mice are very cunning. If you can find the underground cavity in advance, maybe we won't have this melee battle."

  The adjutant wearing an air filter mask showed a look of shame.

  The countless defeats of the Ratman in front made him think that this race was nothing more than that.

   Didn't realize that those cunning skaven soon made him realize the price of arrogance.

   The collapse of the defensive line is not a big deal.

   Dax has enough strength in his hands to retake the defense.

   But the hat of incompetence will definitely fall on them.

   "It's okay." Udi didn't criticize the other party's thoughts, but just hoped that the other party could pay attention, "But you have to remember that we are not only fighting for ourselves, if we can solve the rat man, it will benefit the entire human race."

  The adjutant nodded.

  Udi asked him to go to a military doctor for treatment before preparing for the next work.

   Fisher jumped off a Ripper and walked up to Udi.

"Are you OK."

   "It's okay, those ratmen still can't take my life." Udi laughed.

   Fisher nodded, looking at the steam machine that fell into the deep pit.

   "Those guys are really cunning."

   "They ain't gutter rats if they ain't cunning."

  The workers rushed over from the fort.

  They held various tools and used steam engineering machines to carry materials to repair the defense line.

high speed.

   If there are no accidents, they should be able to repair and reinforce the machinery and ground before the Ratman's next attack.

  Udi and Escher chatted for a while.

   After a while, a soldier in charge of delivering the message rushed over.

   "Udi, Master Dax is looking for you."

  Udi could only leave Fisher, who was talking, and walk to the soldier who sent the message.

   "What is Master Dax looking for me for?"

   "I don't know, he just said he wants you to see him."

   "Okay, I'm going to rinse off, and I'll be right over."

   Udi handed the job over to the lieutenant and Fisher and went to rinse.

  His body was covered with blood and those pieces of flesh.

  This will not be solidified yet, and it has no taste yet.

   Wait until it dries up, the taste is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

  After a brief rinse, Udy walked outside Dax's tent.

   Heart-throbbing and panic-stricken moans came out rhythmically from the tent.

  Open the tarpaulin, and you will see the naked, damaged female mouse.

  The female mouse was protruding forward and backward, with choppy waves, a tall figure and a slender waist.

  The skin is even more white and delicate.

  If you ignore the rat man's head, that figure is definitely the best of the best.

   It's a pity that the mother mouse has been broken now.

   Limbs limp like that, lying on the torture chair.

  The eyes are white, and the mouth is drooling uncontrollably.

  The body is full of traces left by primitive torture.

  The sharp teeth were knocked out one by one.

   Every finger was strangled, rotten and bloody.

   Limbs were fixed by sharp knives and hooks, and bright red blood flowed continuously along the torn wound.

   Several mages in black robes stood in the tent, exuding an uncomfortable atmosphere.

  They are all undead practitioners, who are good at witchcraft that play with soul and flesh and blood.

  Udi could smell a trace of the spell in the foul air.

   There is no doubt that the Ratman suffered a combination of witchcraft and torture.

  It is more efficient to use pain to break the opponent's spiritual defense, and then let the mage read the hidden secret.

   Its mind has been completely destroyed.

  Dax cut off the head of the female rat-man assassin with a sword, and ordered the body to be thrown outside to be minced and burned with a look of disgust.

   "My lord." Udi saluted Dax.

  Dax nodded while wiping his sword, "You're here."

  Udi asked: "Is there anything I need to ask my subordinates?"

"The assassin leaked the location of the Thirteenth Council. After the fall of the capital, those cowards fled to another important city. It was also an important city for the dwarves. It used to be called Eight Peaks Mountain, and it fell into the hands of the Ratmen. It became their pillar city, where the Thirteenth Council was hidden."

  The dwarves in this world have slowly declined over a long period of time.

   But they have also been brilliant.

  In the era when human beings had not yet risen.

  The mountain kingdom of the dwarves and the elves are the two strongest and most prosperous races.

   And Eight Peaks Mountain is definitely the most glorious and prosperous city in the history of dwarves.

  It existed before the dwarves fought the elves, and it was built by the greatest craftsmen.

  After a massive ancient war broke out with the elves.

  Millions of dwarves and elves killed each other for honor.

  Bafengshan, a giant dwarf city, also participated in the **** battle between the two clans.

   They angrily drove all the elves out of the forest area around the city.

  The process is pleasing to the hearts of the people, but it sows the disaster of destruction.

  The cultural exchanges and economic trade between elves and dwarves have allowed them to reach the high end of their respective wealth.

  The ancient wars consumed their hard-earned wealth.

   And let the two races form a blood feud.

  The ancient war between the elves and the dwarves ended with the final victory of the dwarves.

  The elves were forced to leave the mainland, gave up their territory on the mainland, and returned overseas.

   Before the dwarves who won the war had time to celebrate, a series of geological disasters made them realize the cruelty of fate.

  Mountains curved, fissures extended, valleys collapsed, and ash and rocks spewed from eastern volcanoes enveloped the entire world.

  There are ruins everywhere.

  Thick volcanic ash covered the entire sky like black locusts with gods.

  Crops withered and livestock died suddenly.

  The dwarves were forced to retreat to their fortress, enduring the ravages of bad weather on their kingdom.

  Geological disasters caused countless orcs to migrate, and finally came into contact with dwarves, and cruel fights broke out.

   Ratmen also declared war on the dwarves at this time.

   Swarmed out from under the ground to systematically take over the large mines and minor mines of the dwarf kingdom.

  Use the huge network of underground tunnels to quickly and efficiently attack all the strongholds of the dwarves from the ground.

  At that time, Eight Peaks Mountain was the largest and most prosperous city of the dwarves.

   There are important and precious mineral veins under Bafeng Mountain.

  They have no chance of giving up.

  In order to defend the Eight Peaks Mountain, the dwarves tried their best to resist the attacks of the ratmen and goblins, and defended their ancient kingdom.

  Mobilize troops to deal with every disaster the Ratmen create.

   Lay out death traps in intricate tunnels and corridors.

  Send elite dwarven patrols armed with powerful weapons and armor made by the runesmith himself.

   Also specially formed a heavy armored unit called the Iron Breaker to patrol regularly to target the Ratmen.

  Any skaven that appears will be shot by dwarven rifles, pistols, and cannons.

   For every inch of dwarf land, the Skaven will pay a heavy price.

   What's more troublesome is that when they seize a tunnel, they are often taken back in a short time.

  The Thirteenth Council, which made huge sacrifices but received nothing in return, came up with a vicious plan.

  They unite with the local green-skinned orcs to attack the dwarves on the ground.

  Use dimensional fragments and special poisons to slowly pollute the dwarves' water sources.

   And sent giant rats to eat the little food left by the dwarves.

  A series of blows caused the morale of the dwarves to fall into a slump due to the plague and lack of food and water.

  When the Skaven developed a portable dimensional flamethrower that could melt dwarven heavy armor.

  The dwarves of Bafeng Mountain inevitably went to destruction.

  The Ratmen used various plagues and poisonous gases to severely injure the dwarves, causing their offspring to die frequently.

   In a frontal battle, the heavy armor of the dwarves has no resistance in front of the flames of the dimension.

  After a series of fights, this splendid dwarf city fell, and only a hundred or so surviving dwarves escaped.

  Bafeng Mountain has the largest deposit of precious metals and jewelry in the mainland

  After the Ratmen took control there, they soon gained a lot of wealth by virtue of their digging talents.

   Countless Ratman slaves are working day by day, using their lives to mine minerals for the warlords and the Thirteenth Council, and to amass wealth.

  It is also the most prosperous Ratmen underground city besides the Abandoned Rat City.

  The Thirteenth Council is hiding there.

  Commanding the Ratmen all over the world to launch a holy war.

  The Ratman is an extremely selfish creature. If the members of the Thirteenth Council who commanded them can be killed, they will inevitably fall into chaos without a leader.

   "I want you to kill the Thirteenth Council." Dax said: "Screw the heads of all those rats."

  Udi has no reason to refuse.

   This is a chance for him to become famous in one fell swoop.

   "Give me an elite squad, and I'll bring you back the heads of members of the Thirteenth Council."

   "I'm afraid it can't be done, you know that. Those soldiers learn how to fight head-on. Infiltration and assassination are not their strong point. You have to find the right person."

  Hearing what Dax said, Udy was taken aback for a moment.

   You have to find someone yourself!

  This job sounds difficult!

"The current Middenheim is the largest city of mankind, gathering all kinds of capable people. I can give you some time to return to Middenheim to recruit a team that can complete the task. I will I will give you a special approval document, so that you can use various advanced steam equipment and rune equipment, and I will also get you a few sets of authentic imperial armor, just like the one I have, it can keep you alive. "

   A smile appeared on Udi's face.

  The armor on Dax's body is first-class.

   Not to mention being immune to magic, there is not even a white mark on the knife.

  A perfect artifact.

   "Guaranteed to complete the task, please approve twenty sets of armor for me, and I will definitely bring back the heads of members of the Thirteenth Council for you."

  Dax didn't even think about it, he just kicked his leg.

"Twenty sets, you're crazy. The sages can't make those armors now, and they haven't received the material support from the empire. One set is less than one set. You treat me as the son of the holy emperor, You want as many sets as you want. I'll give you five sets at most."

   "Five sets are five sets." Udi got up and patted the mud on his body, with a smile on his face.

  Start with five sets of artifacts.

   I have never been rich in my life.

   This time, he will kill seven in and seven out in Bafeng Mountain, and take the heads of the thirteen rat thieves.

"Go, go back to Middenheim and find some elite soldiers and generals. Assassins, thieves who are good at stealth, kill the Thirteenth Council, if you can assassinate those rat-men warlords, assassinate those rat-men warlords, They must be left without a leader."

  Holding the document signed by Dax, Udi directly took the steam elevator to the ground.

  His responsibilities will be taken care of by other people, so he won't have to worry about it.

  The steam automatic elevator slowly ascended with the roar of machinery, and the speed also slowly increased.

   A windproof kerosene lamp hangs overhead.

   Provides a yellowish, faint glow.

  The air slowly becomes fresh.

  Udi took off his filter respirator for the first time in months and took a deep breath of odor-free air.

  The steam automatic elevator reached the ground after running for twenty minutes.

   Their operations have gone far underground.

   It takes a lot of time to come up every time.

  Materials and food are transported by elevators and pipelines.

  Just as he stepped out of the elevator, he heard a distant roar.

   Looking up, a huge factory spouting steam came into view.

  In the old wasteland of the Rat, a large number of factories and military facilities have been established.

  The Ratmen left a large amount of warpstone and mineral resources here.

  With a little processing, those things can be used by humans.

  The miasma of the swamp has almost dissipated.

  A large number of magic plants used to purify the swamp were thrown into the swamp.

  They greedily absorb those toxins and waste materials, and grow extraordinarily luxuriantly.

   The water quality of the foul swamp is becoming clearer.

   The foul smell is dissipating.

   After some time, those swamps can be used to grow food or build hydroponic bases.

  It was exactly noon when Udi got to the ground.

  The warm sun shone on his body, making him feel warmer than ever before.

  This is the first time I feel this way.

   Just basking in the sun made him feel unprecedented happiness.

  A high-speed airship is ready for him.

  The person in charge took him directly to the airship.

  As the navigator shouted, the furnace of the airship roared, activating the runes covering the hull, and rushed into the sky, heading straight for Middenheim.


  Factory area.

  After finishing the day's work, Gessler moved his sore muscles and bones, walked out of the factory, stepped on the golden sunset in the face of the hope that was about to fall, and prepared to go home.

  He used to be a farmer recruited by the nobles to fight against outsiders.

  After the big men of the exploration team captured Altdorf, he stayed there for a while.

   Later, it was said that manpower should be concentrated to build a fully industrialized city, and these people were transported to Middenheim as workers.

  His daily job is to work in the factory, and the factory provides three meals a day and salary.

   Gessler touched his stomach.

  The previous skin and bones have disappeared, replaced by a small, inconspicuous belly.

   Such a figure only belongs to nobles and those who have status and status.

   "I didn't expect that one day I would be able to live such a life without worrying about food and clothing. It's really a blessing." Gessler looked at the steam engines lined up on both sides of the road.

  That deafening voice made him feel very pleasant and at ease.

  Hearing this sound means that there is work to do and that you can have enough food.

   Don't seek great wealth, at least eat three meals a day, eat enough, wear warm clothes, and have a place to settle down.

   No beastman harassment, no threat from those beasts.

   Just need to work every day, you can get food that can easily feed the family, and you can even eat meat and buy a few new clothes.

   On days like this, he is really satisfied.

   Gessler is currently located in an industrial area.

  Leaving the industrial area, you will arrive at the intersection.

  A junction leads to the residential area.

  Another intersection leads to the business district.

   There is another intersection leading to the inner city.

   That's where the adults in Valyrian stayed.

  All roads are paved with concrete and hardened, clean and tidy.

   From time to time, steam vehicles will pass by the road.

  Light poles are erected on both sides of the road, and unlit gas lamps are hung on them.

   It is said that after a period of time, everywhere you go will be replaced with electric lights.

  Gellers didn't understand this either.

   He thinks, this gas lamp is already very good.

  Even if it is a little dim, it is already very convenient.

  Gessler hummed a little tune, just walked back like that.

  His residence was assigned to Residential Complex A-6-9527.

   All residences are now assigned uniformly.

  Those big figures don't seem to attach much importance to stimulating the commercial economy. Although commercial districts have been established, there are no large-scale commercial activities.

   When Geisler got home, his wife and children had already had dinner and were chatting outside the house.

  Their house is not big, there are only two compartments, but it is enough for a family to live in.

  One for the children and one for the couple.

   This kind of life is nothing compared to the nobles.

   But if compared with his miserable life as a serf in the past, it is really a world of difference.

  Children play the game of chivalry.

  After coming to this city, the children were exposed to something called comics.

  Recently, there is a cartoon story about a humble knight who helps a fallen princess regain the kingdom, finally marries the queen, and becomes the king.

  For this reason, many children like to imitate the plots inside.

  Gellers looked at the happy children, and the smile on his face grew brighter.

  Praise be to the holy emperor who has never been seen.

   Let this day continue.

   Don't push a poor man like him into the abyss again.

   "Dear Queen, I will dedicate my heart and lifelong loyalty to you." Gessler's eldest child - Laurie said: "I will destroy all enemies for you, Your Lady Queen."

   "I accept your loyalty, my knight." The girl in charge of playing the role of the queen said after imitating the nobles she had seen before.

  Several adults looked at the children having fun, and were also happy to see their success. They gathered together to talk about hearsay news.

   Such as the alliance of dwarves and the war of ratmen.

  Gessler and the others were arguing in full swing, and they looked like they were planning strategies and pointing out the country.

  Although they don't even know in which direction the Demon Rat Waste is.

   But this does not prevent them from bringing out some seemingly lofty remarks heard in taverns and teahouses to show their knowledge.

   When it was getting dark, everyone took their children and went back to their respective homes.

  At home, Gessler listened to several children shouting about the knowledge and experiences they had learned at school.

  "Our teacher asked me what kind of person I want to be in the future, and I said I want to be a knight, a knight who will serve the Queen." said the eldest son Laurie.

   "It's a good ideal, but it's a pity we don't have a queen." Gessler joked.

   "There is no queen, but there must be a princess in distress. I want to help that princess defeat the holy emperor and take back her kingdom." Laurie, who was only in his teens, had a yearning expression on his face when he said this.

  Fantasy about becoming a hero, helping the beautiful princess in trouble to defeat the evil villain and regain the kingdom.

   Hearing what his son said, Gessler's originally kind face turned extremely ugly.

   "You want to defeat the holy emperor for the troubled princess and take back her kingdom?" Gessler couldn't believe that his child would have such an idea,

   "Of course, how handsome, I want to beat."

   Laurie hadn't realized his father's face had changed.


   A crisp slap sounded, interrupting Laurie's next words.

   Gessler, who was talking and laughing just now, slapped his son backhand, so hard that five bright red finger prints appeared on his son's face.

   "How can you have such an idea??"

   Laurie froze in place, not knowing why his father beat him.

"If the princess's enemy is the Holy Emperor, then what you have to do is to kill the princess without hesitation. My child, how can you imagine your savior as an enemy? What a sin. Without him, you Do you think your father can still stand here? Do you think our family can live such a stable life?"

"Your father, I was so close to dying in Altdorf that you would never have seen my body if it hadn't been for Lord Valyrian. They rescued us by the order of the Holy Emperor and gave us enough to eat And water, let us have a place to live, to live safely and happily."

   "You can play those games, but you can never make the Holy Emperor your enemy. He is everything to us, Laurie. I don't want to hit you, but I can't think of any other way to make you remember."

   Gessler looked closely into his child's eyes.

"You will swear to me that you will only be a knight of the Holy Emperor, Laurie. Throw those **** nobles and queens on the trash heap. They don't deserve any allegiance. They are all despicable brutes and deserve only spit and humiliation. ."

  The child nodded, "I swear, father. I will only become a knight of the Holy Emperor."

  Gessler nodded at his child's sincerity of correcting when he knew his mistakes.

   Rush back to Middenheim from the waste capital of the Rat.

   Udi wasted days.

  He couldn't care less about admiring the rapid changes in Middenheim.

  Those factories are becoming more and more numerous.

   Various floating ships come and go, unloading and loading goods.

   There are also steam trains, steam vehicles traveling on the surface.

  Midenheim is becoming a metropolis like never before.

  If it weren't for the mission on his body, Udi would really like to go shopping.

  But out of mission considerations, he still gave up.

  After landing, he went straight to the tavern on the edge of the city.

  Some merchants and adventurers gathered here.

  If you want to find a group of suitable experts who can sneak into Bafeng Mountain and assassinate members of the Thirteenth Council of Ratmen, it is definitely the most suitable place to find them.

  However, as soon as he walked into a bar called the Dog and the Donkey, he accidentally encountered a fight.

   A duo of humans and dwarves beat up all the guests.

   Beer spilled everywhere.

  The **** bar girls are all screaming and running away in panic.

  The two tyrannical lunatics quickly attracted Udi's attention.

   Obviously, these two people have good martial arts.

   More importantly, they are insidious enough.

  During the fight, all kinds of insidious methods emerged one after another, and the mercenaries who beat them far outnumbered them screamed and screamed, but there was nothing they could do.

   Such a talent was naturally caught by Udi at a glance.

  After questioning, the dwarf is called Gotrek, and the human is called Fix.

  The combination of these two guys is also somewhat famous.

   Repelled the Skaven, also hunted vampires, ogres, and even Chaos Demons and so on.

   people sent the duo nicknamed Butcher.

   The duo was not very interested in Udi's invitation.

  They came here only because they were curious about what had become of Middenheim, which was rumored to be miraculous.

   Soon, they will embark on a new journey.

  But when he heard that he was going to assassinate the members of the Thirteenth Council of the Ratmen at Mount Bafeng, Gotrek changed his mind and agreed to go to Mount Bafeng with Udi.

  The duo has been to Bafeng Mountain, and went deep into the tunnel inside, so they know something about it.

   Next, Udi only needs to find another thief who can sneak into Skaven's lair, a mage who can crack the trap, and after a while of grinding the team, he can set off.

  Bafeng Mountain.

  The Ratmen call it Pillar City.

  The continuous failure of the assassins dispatched continuously made the members of the Thirteenth Council more and more irritable.

   Some ratman warlords also felt fear of humans.

  They have paid too much, but failed to regain the Holy Land of the Demon Rat.

  Below the Great Horned Rat Temple in Pillar City, the members of the Council of Thirteen who escaped from the Wasted Rat City are holding a meeting.

   The room is deep, filled with the power of the Warpstone.

  The overly strong dimensional power has deformed the spatial structure of this area.

"We have nowhere to go." A decayed lord said, its bloated body was sitting on a chair inlaid with warp stones, "We must let those damned humans know that we have the power to destroy everything, too much Stimulating us will only lead the world to an early destruction."

  "Over the years, we have placed enough altars and magic circles around the world, enough to bring the Blood Moon Mosley to this world and let them collide. At that time, countless fragments will destroy everything."

   "They won't accept threats."

  "It is impossible for us to surrender. We have lost so many resources and people, and we have to surrender to those **** humans. Never. We must fight to the end."

   Several other decayed said.

   "Then let's destroy it together. A world without Ratmen shouldn't exist." The rotten lord who raised his opinion at the beginning shouted.

"The situation is not so bad, we still have a lot of cards to play." The rotting lord from the Pestilen clan, who was covered with pus, said: "Those soldiers and ordinary humans are still flesh and blood, and the plague can still play a role. .We will pollute the water sources of those human soldiers, take away their supplies, and drag down those who want to seize the capital of the devil rats."

   "Will that take too long!" A corrupt lord asked: "It seems that time is not with us!"

"How could time not be on our side? Don't those humans still dare to sneak in here and cut off our heads?" The corrupt lord from the Pestilen clan said in a mocking tone: "They can't do this. , and we only need a little trouble, and we will immediately change positions and continue to fulfill the mission entrusted to us by the horned rat. The destruction of those human cities is destined not to catch us, and will only be drowned in the endless ratman war , being eaten."

  (end of this chapter)