Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 400 The Ratman Council is Completely Destroyed (Subscribe)

  The words of the corrupt lord of the Pastilon clan are full of confidence.

   Humans now have some advantages.

   Not only captured the capital of the Ratmen, but also killed a large number of Ratmen who gathered from all over the world and wanted to regain the capital.

  It does not mean that humans will win the final battle.

  The momentary victory or defeat can't explain anything.

  As long as the Thirteenth Council is still there, and they are protected by the great horned rat, human beings will not be able to turn the sky.

  The plague of the Pestilen clan will let those humans know what despair is.

   Let them pay the worst price for their arrogance and ignorance.

  The Pestilens clan is definitely the most notorious ratman clan, and they are also known as the plague monks.

  They will plant all kinds of plagues on their bodies, so they always look full of tumors and abscesses.

  The black death, rash and blood eye disease are their masterpieces.

  The various diseases in the hands of the Pestilen clan are also the most important cards of the Ratman Empire.

   Once released, it will cause terrible destruction.

   It is not surprising that some weak races became extinct.

   "Humans, the invaders, will surely fail in the face of the tenacious, brave, and self-improving Skaven Empire. Long live the Horned Rat, and the Skaven Empire will surely win."

  The corrupt lord from the Skryre clan, who is best at making crazy creations combining mysterious technology and witchcraft, also stood up.

   This clan is known as the Warlock Engineers.

  Manually rotating six-tube Ratlin, a killing weapon made by mixing warpstone powder and gunpowder.

  A dimensional flamethrower made by mixing dimensional stone and combustible chemicals.

  Without rune protection, a dimensional flamethrower can turn a dwarf's heavy armor into molten iron.

  A doomwheel built using a warpstone engine.

  Dimensional Lightning Cannon, etc., all of these are from the Skryre clan.

  Clan Skryre is the largest manufacturer of various military equipment in the Skaven Empire.

  Using this special status, they gained a great voice in the Thirteenth Council.

  The current plan to destroy Xieyue Moslib is also led by them.

  Evil Moon Moslib is rumored to be a creation of the Old Sage, a moon made of a whole piece of dimensional stone, which has a fatal attraction to creatures that tend to be chaotic like the Ratmen.

   Whenever the evil moon is in the sky, it is also the time when the rat people, the races infected by chaos, are the most excited.

  The Ratman has been planning to destroy Xieyue, obtain a large amount of Dimension Stones, and make the Ratman Empire go to glory.

"Such empty words are useless, we have to be pragmatic, idiot." Another corrupt lord from the Aixin family retorted: "Humans have taken away the abandoned capital that the horned rat gave us, and destroyed the most important city. The main temple, we have to take measures as soon as possible."

   The corrupt lord of the Skryre clan who was refuted glanced at the colleague who dared to call him a fool, but he was angry in his heart but did not express anything.

  The corrupt lord dared not do that.

  Clan Aixin is famous for assassination.

  They are the sharpest swords in the Skaven Empire.

   Often before going to war head-on, they will continue to assassinate the opponent's high-level and important figures.

   Offended the other party, I don't know how to die.

   "There is no point in quarreling." The corrupt lord of the Mordel clan, who is good at breeding mutant creatures and creating rat giants, rat trolls and other war beasts, stopped his colleagues who accused each other.

   "The speed of destroying the evil moon must be accelerated. At the same time, the plague must be spread in various human cities. We must let humans know our anger and let them know the fate of offending the Ratman."

  After a long debate and quarrel, the members of the Thirteenth Council made the final decision.

   Formulated a vicious plan to take revenge on mankind in all aspects.

  They will spread plagues all over the world and pollute human water sources.

  At the same time, various spells and sacrifices will be used to launch various geological disasters, causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. to occur frequently.

   Blow up the evil moon again, and carry out a large-scale cleaning of the ground creatures.

   All in all, they cost humanity the heaviest price.

  If it is possible, I even hope that the human race can completely disappear.

  The Thirteenth Council wants to let all those who dare to make enemies of the Ratmen know.

  Whoever offends rats will be punished even if he is far away.

  Middenheim has become the most important city for mankind.

  Prosperous industries have brought about massive labor gaps.

   To this end, the sages of the exploration team promised a good life to those workers who were willing to enter the factory.

   Provide them with shelter and food.

   And what they have to do is to serve the Holy Emperor, enter the factory, and contribute to the great cause of the empire.

  The massive gathering of the population led to the arrival of the caravans.

   The adults of the exploration team don't want to over-develop the business at this stage.

  Wealth is useless without an empire to rely on.

  Like duckweed, it disperses as soon as the waves beat it.

   And the wealth of a world cannot satisfy the needs of an empire.

  Commercial activities and military colonization will not officially start until communication and exchanges with the empire are established.

   Even if the exploration team does not want to develop commerce, the wealth overflowing from the industrialized Middenheim is enough to attract countless people.

  Countless people came from all directions, trying to gain wealth in the development of this industrialized metropolis.

   Some races close to humans have also entered Middenheim.

  In addition to elves and dwarves, halflings also entered Middenheim.

   They are friendly, peaceful, and able to coexist peacefully with many races.

  Even the defenders of the forest, the dryads, are willing to get along with halflings.

   You must know that tree demons and even wood elves don't like to see them.

  The best chef among the halfling races.

   Most of them will become restaurant owners, tavern owners, street vendors selling food.

  The province where halflings live - Mootland.

   That fertile ground.

   I got it because they are so delicious to cook.

  When the reputation of Middenheim spread, many halflings also set off from their hometowns, hoping to find their place in this glorious city.

   Halflings are not suitable for entering factories.

   They are so small, smaller than a dwarf.

   Doesn't yet have the muscular build and physique of a dwarf.

   But halflings also have their own unique advantages.

   Some halflings are recruited for their cooking skills.

  The meals they cook basically have zero negative reviews.

  Some halflings also find storefronts, opening restaurants and taverns.

   Some halflings reached an agreement with the ruler of Middenheim, using their technology and steam equipment to reclaim wasteland outside the city for farming, vegetable cultivation, and farming.

   Relying on their ancestral farming and cooking skills, the halfling quickly won a place in Middenheim.

   However, not all halflings are honest.

  Some halflings who were eager for quick money ventured into the thieves industry and became mercenaries.

  Halflings are not strong in force, but they have unique talents.

   Has a pair of big furry feet, which can approach any target quietly.

   They are also able to resist supernatural forces.

  Many spells and potions and the like have no effect on them.

  Udi found a halfling thief as a member of his special team.

   That halfling was called Theresa.

  Udi heard from some people that the best thief is Teresa.

   After a lot of effort, I finally found him in the downtown area.

  At that time, he was **** in the downtown area for public display.

  The reason is that he stole a winery and drank the wine brewed by others.

   As a result, I drank too much and was so drunk that I slept in someone else's winery.

   Such a rampant thief will naturally be brought to justice.

  Udy used his identity to rescue him, and then let him join his team.

  The other is Harris who practiced all kinds of dark magic.

   It was pure accident that Udi was able to recruit this unscrupulous mage.

  While wandering in the business district, Udy found this guy using his spell to spy on the female guests of the inn.

   After being caught, after interrogation, I realized that this guy's good mage talent was all wasted.

   Practiced all kinds of messy magic.

   Fighting is not good, stealing chickens and dogs, cheating little girls and young women are six things.

   Udi's team is basically full of talents.

   Except for Gotrek and Fix, the frontal combat power of thieves and mages is worrying.

  However, this mission does not require much combat power.

   What is more important is how to successfully kill the members of the Thirteenth Council.

   It is really not difficult to capture Pillar City, but it is very difficult to capture the members of the Thirteenth Council.

  The members of the Thirteenth Council are all extremely cunning, and they will run away if the limelight is not right.

  In the battle of the Demon Rat Abolished Capital, the Thirteenth Council fully interpreted the phrase that the big rat can bend and stretch.

  After realizing that they could not resist the human invasion, the members of the Thirteenth Council ran to Pillar City without looking back.

   There, they continued to call on the Ratmen from all over the place to form an army, and to recover the capital in the name of the Horned Rat.

  Successfully let Dax, the hateful human invader, fall into the oceanic war of the people of the rat country.

  Udi's special team, combat power is not the most important thing, being able to kill the members of the Thirteenth Council is the most important thing.

  Wonderful works belong to strange works.

   But Udi believes that his vision is not wrong.

  On the training ground, Udi asked for the imperial armor of the team members to be sent to them.

  Each set of armor has been revised to ensure squad members can wear it.

   "This armor is tougher than any artifact I've ever seen." Gotrek stroked the imperial armor on his body.

  The texture of the dark double-headed eagle on it is clear, and various high-level and obscure runes are densely arranged on the surface of the armor.

  Gorek tried to imprint the armor with his weapon, but found it impossible.

  Even if he asked his partner Fix to chop with a tomahawk, he couldn't cut a trace.

"Perhaps it is an artifact." Fix said: "Some people have heard that those who acted according to the orders of the Holy Emperor possessed the power to kill gods. Middenheim's vampire army was destroyed in an instant, and the vampire lord is still alive. Imprisoned somewhere in Middenheim, with no escape."

   "If they have the power to kill gods, then what kind of existence is the Holy Emperor! Is it the Creator?" The eyes of the halfling thief Teresa showed thinking.

The mage Harris chuckled, "I'm afraid the Creator will be hacked to death by those guys. Look at these runes, they can not only be immune to magic damage, but also enhance the user's magic talent. This kind of rune skill It has overturned the common sense of mages."

   "I can't think of an emperor who is more powerful than the Creator." Gotrek gave up thinking.

  Dwarves should only go to battle with a battle ax and hack all enemies to death.

   Instead of thinking about these things.

  Others talked for a while, and gave up continuing to discuss the Holy Emperor.

   Their barren little brains can't imagine what kind of existence the Holy Emperor is.

  Just being members of the exploration team made them feel powerless to look up to.

  The combat power is insanely strong.

   Dominating a world is as easy and comfortable as eating and drinking for them.

  Just his subordinates are so strong.

  How strong must the Holy Emperor be?

   Isn't it the kind of existence that the world will be destroyed with just one breath.

  Everyone changed their armors and seized the time to hone their martial arts. When Udi arrived, they followed him to the airship port and prepared to go to Bafeng Mountain to perform tasks.

   Enter Pillar City and behead the Thirteenth Council.

  (end of this chapter)