
"I apologize for what I did. I know I acted like a bitch, but can you blame me for that?" 

"Your actions were justified, ma. It was my fault that all this happened to your son. Had it not been for my sake, he wouldn't have undergone all he did."

"I was selfish. I didn't think of you. You lost your parents, and I wasn't considerate about it. I'm sorry." She looked down in embarrassment, "I should have been there for you, but I was after the safety of my son." She sniffed, "I'm a bad mother-in-law, I don't deserve you." 

"It's okay mother. I don't blame you. I'm happy you are alive and well."

"Please, son, forgive me." She begged, "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm begging you for it. Please forgive me."