You can't put anything past mother

I look around the place in shock, as I sought for Smith, who was here a minute ago.

How did he disappear?

If memory serves me right, there was no means of escape from this place, then how did he escape?

I turn to look at the heaps of trash. Who knows, he might likely be under there, but there was nothing like that. The heaps of rubbish don't look like a place a person can run into, to hide.

There was no hiding place for a person there, so, it's humanly impossible for him to be under the heaps of dirt.

"What's wrong?" David turned my face towards him, "are you okay?"

"I was attacked," I circle my hand around him, and placed my head on his shoulder.

David circled his hand around me, and I breathed in his calming scent.

With David's presence here, I felt safe and loved.

"By whom? Did you see them?" David held my face with his palm and caused me to look up at him.

My heart was torn on the right thing to do.