
Finally, the moment for Lili to walk towards the stage arrived. The second she knew that all the bigshots of the country would attend the wedding, Lili decided not to look anywhere except at the stage while walking.

However, the presence of top-notch actors, politicians and businesspeople made her heart race like a horse. The more she told herself to calm down, the more her pulse sprinted. Gradually, step by step, her eyes could see the people standing on the stage. Unknowingly, her eyes focused on the handsome guy in the white suit. With eyes on him, Lili walked carefully.

"Such a cheap dress! Aren't you left with any money to purchase a grander outfit!" a female in the audience laughed.

Soon, the silent hall turned chaotic, with people whispering and biting their ears. Lili could identify the owner of that voice and mocking laugh- Aimee Bradford. 'What is she doing here? What is that TAKEN CARE OF guy doing?' Lili tried her best in not showing her emotions on her face. As if nothing happened, she walked towards the white suit man, who face became much clear second by second.

Though it was a face she had seen everywhere - on the holdings, magazines, and news, he somehow didn't look like the usual proud guy. Lili could sense some sort of light in his eyes and charm on his face. His backward combed raven black hair made his elegant face more visible, thinner, and refined.

As she didn't lose his eye contact, Nik also didn't break the first eye contact with his beloved. And of course, couldn't, even if he wanted to; That is how gorgeous she was. His eyes didn't want to blink and waste a second. He could see that the dress was a hundred times better on her. The minimalistic makeup enlightened her beautiful features. The way her light brown hair was braided and decorated with butterflies and flowers brought out the cute little girl inside her.

Niklaus was angry at the person who commented on his bride. He wanted to speak to Beau, but couldn't, as he knew Lili was frightened. Behind the stretching pink lips, he noticed fear and difficulty. He figured out that she was staring at him only to distract herself and concentrate on her first goal- 'to reach the stage without tripping on the two-inch heel.'

At last, Lili reached the stage and took a deep breath, happy that she had successfully reached the stage. But her heart skipped a beat and behaved abnormally to see Mr. Cooper in front of her. 'Dying would be much better than this!'

And in the next second, she remembered she hadn't prepared the vows or even the ring. 'Did Beau take care of this, too? Idiot! Why would he do that? Lili!!!! You messed it up?' She wished she could shout and realize the volcanic eruption inside her but couldn't. Maintaining a stupid smile, she stood, hoping that Beau would take care of those too.

'He did!!!' her heart danced to see a letter in her name and a ring beside it. 'You are best, Beau!' Her happiness was so much that her face blushed and a cute radiant smile replaced the fake one. At the moment, she was more worried that she may become a fool in front of the entire world. That tension surpassed the main point of her getting married to an overbearing man.

With the same smile, she read out the vows and exchanged rings. 'It's Done!' she exhaled.

"For the AV, I have prepared something for Liliya Meyers!" Niklaus Cooper announced, making Lili's heart race. Being the first person to get married among all her classmates, she had zero awareness of marriages.

'What is that again? Just kill me!'

"Let's see how Liliya chose this dress," Nik continued, which made Lili shock and the audience clap.

With a heavy heart, she sucked her bottom lip and looked at the screen, hoping that he could edit a little. But Lili's teeth kissed, and lips pinched to see the video. It was edited - all the comments that she made on the dresses were cut and made into a video. She felt like a wanted attack on her.

While the delegates maintained their posture and dignity, the media and the women giggled, laughed, and appeared as if their stomach would burst out anytime. Lili could also sense anger and helplessness in some faces for looking down on a girl in such a large crowd.

As soon as the video ended, "Let's see which dress I have selected!" The audience roared to hear that and the second the streaming began, everyone's eyes got glued to the screen. Slowly, whispering began among the girls, betting among themselves which dress Niklaus would select.

Nik walked to the grand layered dress and many 'YES' echoed the hall. "Is she a donkey to carry this?" The audience turned pin drop in silence to that comment, while Lili enjoyed seeing the heartbreak over the female audience faces.

He then walked to the mermaid dress, which Bella was excited about. "I don't want her to be uncomfortable." Lili's smile extended to hear that. She gazed at the screen, biting her lips with excitement on which dress he would choose.

Nik walked to the long train dress, and the audience roared again. "She isn't a sweeper." And that statement zipped everyone's mouth. "This looks fine!" he remarked, pointing to the mannequin with the same dress as Lili. "I want her to stand beside me comfortably."

"Is this dress finalized?" a voice like Beau asked. There was some sudden silence in the video. Every girl in the crowd wished he would change his opinion. "Let her select! I don't want to force my opinion on her!"

The hall thundered with claps while a few frowned. Lili, too, was clapping and dancing inside, but maintained a calm posture.

Within a minute, the environment changed, and the crowd got stuck into their mobiles. 'God! What's happening now?' The wedding made her go through a roller coaster of emotions. "What's going on?" she feebly hissed, curious to know what's on those phones.

"It's a surprise, Wifey!" the tall guy beside her chuckled.

'Ah!! Yuck! Is he my husband now?' As she turned furious, she noticed Beau calling the media. 'Why? Why is that idiot calling them? I don't want to hear their embarrassing questions and comments.' she twisted her new ring with anxiousness and cried to herself.

"Firstly, congratulations on getting married. Mr. Cooper, what made you buy Bradford's shares, out of nowhere?"

"Now you are the major shareholder of the company!"

"Were you already planning for this takeover?"

The journalists were throwing questions one by one, but Niklaus weirdly maintained silence. Lili's was also having the same questions in mind. But all that she could see was a mocking smile on Mr. Cooper's face. 'When is he going to answer?'

"Does it have anything to do with Mr. Bradford's daughter's comment?"

Lili's eyes widened to hear that.

"Now! We are speaking! Could you come forward?" Mr. Cooper called the journalist who put forward that question. "YES! It was Mr. Bradford's daughter that made me buy the shares." Everyone's heart sank on listening to Niklaus' response. "And… my wife Mrs. Liliya Cooper will be the new CEO of that company."