
August 1st, 1994

After dinner we had a couple of hours so I brought us to the library where I knew all the Grangers would enjoy the books, I also

Had to do some research on the mirror and how to contact other planes of existence.

My research was stopped by Hermione who had gathered a small fortress of books where she and her mother were reading about Artificers.

Hermione-"I don't understand, even in the 1500s before the Statutes was put into place a Wizard who had a basic understanding of physics or was creative enough they could develop amazing Magi-Tech machines.

Their are even examples, in one of the books during The Scottish Wars of Independence The Warwolf was built with the help of Wizards and partially enchanted to allow it to even stand under its own weight.

Or during the Industrial Revolution the Wizard Government stole the train we ride on every year is enchanted, They know what's possible but I don't get why they won't implement it."

Daniel-"Hmmm, I can give a number of examples of how the mundane Christians hated magic, or how easy it was for knowledge to disappear during that time but to sum them all up is greed and fear." She gave me a look, like she was going to prostatic but waited and asked for more detail.

"Wizards over a millennium were the top dog in most societies, before the advancement of technology and sciences the ancient world had to rely on Magicals for a variety of things.

But as technology advanced and their need lessened in turn, now you have an entire section of the population that have lost large amounts of power and land.

So they slowly begin to grow hatred to the mundane who have taken their old power, the magicals at attack the mundane then mundane grows to hate magic this make a the cycle even worse.

As it forces the magicals to separate themselves into isolated communities leading into inbreeding that we see today.

During all of this isolation hatred of all things mundane starts to include their technology, which brings us to now.

Do to all of this you have a very small amount of people having control over 1,000s with no repercussions what so ever and they like most dictators do not want their people to advance or change.

That is why their hasn't been any real substantial change in over 500 years."

Mrs. Granger thankfully changed the subject to lighter things, and we spent the rest of the night talking in the library.


August 2nd, 1994

After finishing breakfast I made an announcement to the table.

Daniel-"I'm sorry to say this but I'm going to running all over town and in my workshop the rest of the week.

I got a phone call from Stephanie, she is in charge of opening the new business in town and told be that we have clearance to open all of my planned business.

So I was hoping I could ask the Grangers to take Rose and see the some of the historical landmarks in England, i of course will pay for the trips."

Hermione gives her parents a pleading look and they thankfully agreed. I sent them off soon after Rose gathered her bags and I wished her well and heard down to my Arcane workshop as I had a mirror to make.

The mirror/Ritual can be broken down into three sections, first is the Mirror itself which must be made from scratch and in addition to its base materials must have a number of Runes inscribed.

Second is the frame itself which must be made of a single piece of Obsidian detailed with gold and other precious metals.

Third is the ritual which is the most expensive part of the project, I must sacrifice a $500 dollars In incense and other components. Once this is complete it will allow me to get in contact with another plane for 1 hour plus spell level or if the other side has a mirror themselves we can be in contact for 4 hours at no material cost.

But for sending non living or things like seeds something of equal value must be sacrificed for something to travel across the planes, All items can not exceed the dimensions of the mirrors 2 by 4 feet.

So if I want to transport a bar of gold I must sacrifice another bar for the transport to occur, but things like seeds or non rare books will be cheap to transport through the mirror.

Eventually I want to build some Spelljamer ships to allow cheap trade and transport to other planes.

But before that I need to make a mirror and actually do have a lot of paperwork.