
August 8th, 1994

It took most of the week just for the paper work to be completed as I had to get a number of licenses for buying equipment for all the various businesses I wanted to established but with a little help from magic we were able to get them from explosive production to alcohol my town was cleared for it all and wouldn't be weird if we bought controlled substances.

So the town became a absolute swarm of work buildings were expanded or rebuilt, old businesses were bought and re opened. I had to get ahold of some of the older people to send word out to the squib community to immigrate to the town.

Changing our sleepy town from the a sleepy hamlet of 500 to steep increase of 600 and constantly increasing. So new homes needed to be built and with the help of magic the town was ever expanding down and up.

With the mundane side of work completed I started work on my magic mirror.

The mirror must exceed the material cost of $5,000 dollars in exotic or rare metals this with enchanting it to extreme ends will allow me to contact other planes of existence and eventually other multiverses like a different version of the HP dimension.

For now I want to contact one of the D&D multiverses, by the name of Exandria. My reasoning is that Percy DeRolo while a shady mother fucker is perfect for contacting for getting ahold of some magic plants and animals in exchange for mundane knowledge.

So on the 8th of August with my mirror complete I cast the spell and a window between worlds was opened.


Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III POV about a year into his retirement and after his wedding. Warning self hate and survivors guilt.

Percy looked out over the city he was raised in, the sun was sadly blocked out by a very large storm cloud so he was sadly in one of his many flashbacks.

He saw bodies hanging from the Suntree, his mighty city burning while the city was overrun with undead monsters, his family being tore apart in front of him. His mother screaming at him to save her and he can't every time he moves she is pulled further and further away.


He is suddenly pulled from his dark thoughts and brought back to reality, his loving wife Vex and his first born daughter.

Vex-"Percy, everyone is in the sitting room come on, I'll set Vesper down and meet you there."

Percy followed his wife through the castle seeing the many happy faces in his staff, greeting them by name as he goes (never be to safe) till he reached the family sitting room.

His shoulders relaxed the stress of ruling slowly leaving as he is amongst his family, Grog showing off his ability to read (he was personally very proud), Pike and Scanlan who had recently married laughing quietly about a story Keyleth was telling about some idiotic person in her court and finally his wife and sister sitting Side by side talking happily about something.

[Even amongst his new family he still felt his failures, his brother is still gone Vax and no matter how secure the castle or what thing he invents he will always be a failure.]

No…he wasn't going their tonight he was safe, and he was going to enjoy his family's company.

For the next hour he relaxed for the first time in months his nightmares stayed away, no thoughts of his failures or what dangers are waiting outside the gates waiting to bust in.

Then something in the air shifted, ever to slightly but someone as experienced as them felt it. The air in the room went stale as a tear in the very fabric of reality began to appear right in front of him, Vox Machina never unarmed quickly set into fighting position and surrounded the mirror.

The Mirror was surprisingly beautiful intricately designed in various details that resembled the various architecture of Whitestone and at the top was a large Whitestone Crest, it also gives off this ethereal purple energy and layered over it as something all of them recognized the green glow of the Divine Gate.

Percy-"Call Gilmore we are going to need some back up this is something serious."

Pike casted a message spell and Gilmore suddenly appeared with a bright purple flash and began to cast a number of identification spells.

Before Gilmore could explain what was happening a man suddenly appeared in the Mirror.

[Daniel Armstrong]

Daniel looked at the group weaponry drawn and aimed at the mirror and gave a slight sheepish look.

Daniel-"Ah…..Hello, I am Baron Daniel Armstrong and I apologize for how I am contacting you but this is my only way too. Now, I am contacting with the purpose of a establishing some type of trade between ourselves. Also please ask any questions."

Percy looked over to Gilmore for an explanation on what he found and spoke to Daniel "One moment please" and quickly moved towards Gilmore out of view of the mirror while Scanlan moved in front of the mirror.

Gilmore-"Alright what I can tell this is some very interesting magic and requires some very expensive and rare materials that I thing don't actually exists on this plane. So who ever this is outside our plane if not planet cluster so beyond the Divine gate which is why it is surrounding it."

While Percy and Gilmore talk and Percy relayed it in the earring, Scanlan Shorthalt world greatest Bard, loved and story teller worked his magic.

Scanlan-"Hello Daniel Scanlan Shorthalt leader of Vox Machina it's a pleasure to speak to you, we were in the middle of our monthly meeting so if you could explain why you are calling that would be great." He said In his most pleasant and smarmy voice.

Daniel gave him an actual smile and a small laugh-"Well that is a long story Scanlan, you see I am trying to contact you from beyond your planer cluster for very specific reasons materials. You see I have through some confidential means gained knowledge of your group's various exploits and knew you could for a price gather some things for me as I can not currently reach your plane."

Scanlan looked over to Percy for the go ahead to continue talking to this probably crazy man.

Scanlan-"...Well Daniel you have to understand this even for us is a stretch, men from other Material planes is pretty out their. So we are going to need some proof." He got a nod form Percy at that and stepped aside.

Daniel-"Of course here, now for a little more explanation. On our plane magic is a little more restricted as only a small percentage of the population can wield thus mundane thinkers like yourself have been in power for over 500 years and have completely changed the world." What Dan passing through was a simple percussion cap that were used in the 1860s that would eventually lead to modern day bullets with it was a diagram in how it would attach to a gun and the current atlas for the United Kingdom.

Passing the mirror the divine gate "held" each item for a moment as they checked for influences of other divine beings.

Percy pulled out a set of tongs and gently picked up each item and examined them, noting the various chemicals he didn't recognize and then looked over the diagram and handed the book over to Vex to look over.

This….this changed everything in his firearm production, Miss fires are going to be at an all time minimum as this will replace the flash pan.

He was already planning a rebuild for Bad News when Vex nudged him to look at the book he sent through, it held maps, weather patterns and wildlife breakdowns for his country.

The population of true meant that it's population outnumbered the council lands by at least double, this was it he found his solutions he could protect his family (No one will die again) and he had made deals with devils before what one more.

Percy then moved in front of the mirror once again "Well Mr. Armstrong it seems we will be entering some talks, now what do you require."

Dan gave a smile any super villain would be proud of and spoke "Lord De Rollo this is the start of a beautiful friendship."