
August 9th, 1994


Vox Machina after about 15 minutes began to calm down as Percy, Vex and I entered negotiations and would spend close to 4 hours going back and forth as we both had to provide context on what certain things are.

Like I had to explain what certain technologies were that never developed on Exandria as with magic they never developed or he would have to explain some cultural context around some crops or animals that I wanted.

Also let it be know Vex is absolutely terrifying in negotiations and was able to get a very good deal from me separate entirely from the main deal.

The main deal broke down into a couple components I put a number of requests for specific plants used in potion brewing, drinks and food production plants from Xhorhas as if they can grow their they can grow in any climate on Earth.

Three rest of my wants are fairly self explanatory as they all would be of great use

In gaining money and influence.

In return Percy wants technology and knowledge, nothing like jets or tanks rather stuff from the mid 1800s as he understands that he needs infrastructure to support his new technologies.

His first requests are firearms that used the percussion caps to study as they are of great interest with them he requested military doctrine from that era as firearms haven't seen large or even group level conflict yet.

For this I am going to receive books on potion craft, some seeds from various food crops local to white stone, beer, and some small magical plants. This would all be delivered in the coming days as deliveries take longer over their for them.

This deal may seem one sided but in the long it matter little how much Percy gets out of it as I am quite literally as far as possible away from the repercussions.

After the meeting finally ended I felt my charges reappear one charge into DND Wizard making me a level Seven and have access to level 4 spells and for mundane knowledge I put a charge into chemistry as with it I can now produce anything the modern world (2020s) can make.

After that I promptly pass out and dreamed of summoning great beasts from beyond the veil.

August 9th, 1994

I awoke about midday as a knock at my bedroom door.

"Sir, you have a lot of meeting in town today so get ready as in a hour Mr. Smith will be around with the car."

I groggily gave a reply and began to put on my business suit, then began to think on my new spells as with a couple I could truly cause some chaos or help ward my home against local mages.

The summoning magics are going to be complicated and a little iffy as I'm not sure what planer protections are in place as by summoning things I know it will attract attention and thankfully my Mirror acts as a tunnel not a open road.

But even summoning small aberrations like the Intellect Devour would be great thing to release in a Death Eater camp, as just one could cause so much damage to Voldy if he get released or reforms.

Speaking of Chaos I had a family to terrorize/murder as child beaters do deserve to live in peace. So I had cast Scry on the family which tossed my mind across the sky till it focused over a small home on the outskirts of Birmingham.

Filing that information away as my driver had reached one of many business that I had opened here in town, the Brewer, apothecary, carpenters, blacksmith anything a town may need to be self sufficient but many are not open yet.

What I am heading to is the book worker who I am supposed to teach how to make spell scrolls and spell books for the locals.

Milena Flourish a rather pleasant woman with long braided black hair that reached down down to her mid back greeted me. Her family has been working book working for over 300 years and she herself was one of the of shoots of main family, who she is actually in regular contact with (mainly her younger brother).

Dan-"Good afternoon, now I'll have to make this quick I have guests on there way. After our last meeting I have a general idea of what I wanted to make for our starter spell book."


For Cantrips:

Prestidigitation, as it is one of the most useful spells ever developed

Light, it's pretty self explanatory

Elemental Bolt, a custom Cantrip that lets the caster use any element for a the bolt

Mage Hand, you always need a extra hand.

For level 1 Spells (The villagers can only cast 3 a day):

Find Familiar, pets are always great and they also be great spies.

Identify, for checking the safety of their food to figuring out magical items.

Magic Missile, another self explanatory one auto hit self defense.

Tasha Caustic Brew, an offensive spell that shoots out a blob of acid.

Witch Bolt, a bolt of arcane energy that can take out a car.

Protection from Good and Evil, which when cast give the user an aura of protection.


These are not to be sold to the public outside of the village but anyone in the village is welcome to buy them and eventually spell scrolls to put new spells in.

To make these spell books in DND would take at least 1 hour per spell and 100s of gold in ink and paper costs, but with modern paper making processes and modern inks a printing press can be used to mass produce spell books.

Then when a person wants to begin using the books they just need to push their magic into the book or place a drop of blood binding it to their souls. This also has the byproduct of making the books personalized for example a person of a warrior heart could have their book shift to that of tattoos.

Once the process was up and running I made my way back to the estate where the girls and their families had returned from their trip.

Rose greeted me at the door and immediately began to regale me with the various things she saw at all the museums, how she and Hermione saw Roman ghosts in the castles of Dover.

The Grangers did say that they needed to get back to their jobs back in London very soon but Hermione was practically begging them to let her stay and study here with Rose but they obviously had conditions.

She would call them every day at least once and would only stay for two more weeks as they wanted spend time with their daughter before she went back to school.

From the look Rose gave me I accepted and now had to shift my curriculum for them, we ate a wonderful dinner and I headed straight to bed.

August 12th, 1994

Rose POV

Rose Potter was loving life for the first time since could remember she was loving life, for the past month and a half she had so many amazing experiences.

Her cousin who had showed her so many things about magic, oh the spells she could cast, not through a wand a fucking sword she loved to send out Witch Bolts out through monsters Dan summoned.

She even got to spend part of her summer like a normal person, traveling Britain seeing the amazing museums and she even got to spend it with her girlfriend….we friend just friend totally not romantic.

So when she saw Dan staying up later and later every night and not getting enough sleep she started to get worried, maybe she was getting paranoid or maybe she had just been burned by adults in the past.

So one night she and Hermione stayed up late and tried to listen in on what he was doing in his office.

Dan-"Yes, Percy flight via non magical means has been around for about 200 years now and you could in theory do it yourself but I don't see the point.

She could hear him talking to some man (?) in there but she could see so she ever so slightly opened the door to see.

She saw Dan talking through some mirror she had seen appear after she got back from her trip, and under her invisibility cloak entered the room.

She saw a number of seeds, plants and even a cage with an snake with wings. In the mirror she saw a man with white hair and a woman with sharp ears that Hermione had to cover her mouth in shock.

Hermione then quietly whispered "Elf" into her ears while she motioned her for them to move to get a better look.

Percy, let out a small sigh "I know you understand that having air support is a major tactical advantage, but besides that it's a prestige and popularity thing if I do this I can attract more engineer minded individuals.

Also with the smelting techniques you showed me our steel production is out producing even some Dwarves Settlements. This means our firearm stability has reached the point where we don't have any breaches, we have also had our bell makers begin testing the cannons you sent over and should have prototypes in the next couple of days."

The snake in the cage woke up at this point and began tasting the air and began hissing at her and Hermione direction.

~Where am I, what is this place it tastes wrong, you girl I taste you but not see you.~

Dan, began looking around the room with a serious expression "Percy Vex I apologize for the interruption but I seams I have intruders."

With a wave of his hand the door shuts tight and greenish purple chains formed around it, Dan then stood from his chair "Who ever you are I recommend you announce your self as, you should never enter a wizards home uninvited"

Then cracks in space began to appear all around the room and coalesced into a 5 foot tall portal, "One, last chance" Dan waited for a moment and then things came out of them.

A man in tattered robes and carried a lantern that gave off a sickly green light. It then began to try and speak but failed as it's vocal cords had long rotted away, but it reached into a pack and tipped a vial of blood into its throat and a cracked and pained voice spoke.

"Νιώθω τρεις αδιάφθορες ψυχές, και η μία έσπασε βαθιά τον κύριό μου."

Dan, nodded "Καλά Αρπάξτε τα δύο, προσπαθήστε να μην τους πληγώσετε" then with a speed the girls did not expect this undead monster to have and grabbed the cloak over them, snatching it away revealing them to the room.

Rose-".....uuuuuh, hi Dan."