
August 21-25th, 1994

Today we were to join the Grangers in there back to school Shopping, and I was greatly disappointed with the books they were requesting.

Dan-"I'm just saying for such a "highly" regarded school they should really have a better selection of classes. I mean the mundane studies class alone is out of date by at least a century." As I ranted while we date in one of the smaller restaurants in the alley, rose just patted me on the shoulder with a small Smile on her face.

Rose-"Well not everyone is developing entire schools of magic in there free time. But I am actually looking forward to the break, from the summer I think you stuffed a year of stuff in a month." Speaking of that she actually looked healthy now, her sallow checks now full and her once spindly arms are now muscled from her sword practices.

Dan-"Wait you thought you we were done no, I'll be sending you some books and spells as I can't have my little sister be falling behind can I."

Roses face fell slightly at the idea of more studying but the idea of more spell testing got her attention, as she had been working with me on designing future spells. She enjoyed the more expensive ones as after the ward stone incident she had become slightly obsessed with them.

The adult grangers gave each other a look at me saying she was my little sister but our nice family bonding moment was interrupted by the Weasley Brood.

As they also it seems had decided to go shopping today, casting intellect shield as these people would drive me mad without it.

Mrs.Weasly-"Oh, Rosy it's so good to see you again." She then grabbed and picked up Rose pulling her into a very big hug. "And Hermione it's good to see you, Ginny has been looking forward to seeing you all again....." she kept talking for the awhile about completely meaningless things till one of the twins pointed me out to her.

"Well hello dear, who might you be." Hw asked me in a level tone but worried at why I was with this young girl and before I could answer Rose interrupted.

Rose-"This is my cousin, Daniel Armstrong he is related to me via my grandmother." She left out what side of the family.

Mrs.Weasly-"Oh…it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Mrs.Weasley it's a pleasure dear." She then went back to fretting over her various children and speaking to the other adults which I had no problem with.

So I slowly shifted into the background of the conversation, listening to the trio of Ginny, Rose and Hermione talk about there summer till the Weasley girl brought up the Quidditch World Cup.

Ginny-"It's going to be amazing, people from all over Europe will be there to watch the game and of course you girls are invited, if your families say it's okay." She said already pleading with the older Grangers.

The older Grangers didn't mind and I had already planned on attending in secret as wanted to keep some of my abilities secret From the wizards g public.

Also Rose would be coming back home with me as I wanted to send her off to Hogwarts and personally I didn't like the mother she just to much.

Once back home in preparation for her going back to school I ran her through a number of different tests in all aspects of wizardry. (She is level 2 now)

From potions to animals knowledge she passed it all to the point I would cAll her a competent 4 year student in my opinion, she was also tested in mundane standers and was able to pass her basic tests.

All of the tests took 4 days and with a day of rest I sent her off (With a messaging Stone) with the redheads while I teleported onto the grounds of the Tournament and by then my charges once again appear and I was officially half way to begin an arch mage.

As for the mundane knowledge I attempted something different, I had never tried To use it to access knowledge for what other planes consider mundane. So I reached out towards a star farther out than ever before on the mundane side and I new set of memories entered my mind.


I was a new age, 1900s and and age it would be, I had been researching and designing for months now and I had finally cracked it Auto machines.

Complex works of Steel and oil that will revolutionize the world, men and woman would leave the fields and be able to pursue higher education like never before.

In the coming months I designed vehicles that would plow and help men build buildings quicker than ever before.

In the coming years I would regret this discovery as the nations of the world will weaponize them and naming them Mechs.


*Iron Harvest Auto machines / mechs 1/5*

August 25th 1994

By the time I had taken in and processed my new memories it was already sundown and I entered the fairgrounds using a Hat of Disguise.

The fairgrounds were actually pretty impressive, filled with 100s of stalls stretching into the forest.

The people were the best part, as many had come from all over Europe to watch the game. All of them dressed in different attire, the French wearing revolutionary era noble clothes, Germans are split some wearing traditional 19th century business suits while other are wearing modern cloths I even some Nirvana shirts.

The game I didn't give a shit about, I've always been a hockey guy more than any sport, but when the Irish won that's when everything got interesting.

As the grounds were flooded with drunk Irishmen and soon the entire place was filled with parties and merriment. But I could already see the signs of the situation getting out of control, Auroras also drinking or not caring about the ever growing mob starting.

Around 2 in the morning with most of the people drunk the first of the attacks had started.

It was the local Mundane man who owned the land that the cup was taking place on, a number of the pure bloods drunk on drink and power began to throw him in the air back and forth till one cast a bludgeoning curse and it all escalated from there.

Those already tormenting the man began send more more painful spells and more joined in and it spread to the mundane borns someone yelled a slur at one of them and the fighting broke out.

And it reached the peak as someone cast the dark mark over the entire grounds and chaos truly broke out then as Death eaters began burning the place down and killing anyone who tried stop them.

With a sharp whistle I summoned my Ethereal war hammer and ran for the nearest group of death eaters.

Slamming the hammer directly into the skull of the wizard send brain matter all over his companion and seeing the growing riot I reached out into the air grasping at the very fabric of space a pulled against it as a rip began to appear and pouring from it was a geyser of water.

As a group of three water elementals began swarming the wizards aiming for hands and heads, as the they can't cast spells of they can't breathe.

The death eaters began focusing on me and began casting killing cures and a variety of deadly spells. Many of the spells go wide into the crowd hitting some of the civilians that are fleeing from the chaos.

With this group occupied by my elementals I began to move to about the campgrounds killing off the occasional death eater who were causing a great deal of damage. For who I was searching for was Barry Crouch Jr. who would be trying to attack Rose and be the catalyst for all of the events in the coming year.

And I finally found him trying to sneak up Rose and her friends, but before I could cast a spell to kill him Rose spun around and cut his wand hand right off.

Barry then stumbled and let out a yell and clutched the stub of where his hand once was, and then pointed her Rapier right at me while her friends focused on Barty.

She did Not recognizing me under disguise, I cast a sleep spell on Barty and quickly drop my disguises

Dan-"Are you okay Rose? I was in a meeting and came as soon as I heard about the attack."

Rose-"I'm fine but my wand was stolen but I had my sword so we have been okay." She had a small quake in her voice but she steady her self. Her friends were not so confident, Hermione and Ginny both had tear streaks going down there faces but both still had there hands on their wands.

Dan-"Good I'm happy you are fine, here let me take care of this thing." Casting hold person and silence him and to be a little safer fully cut off his remaining hand, Then poured a healing potion on the stumps to prevent him from bleeding out. Once he couldn't fight back I proceeded to search his person finding roses wand. "Now, follow me I'll get you all to the Weasleys and here is your wand Rose keep them at the ready."

Placing Bartty on *Floating Disk* and had him follow us along, we ran into a couple of more groups that were taken care of with great ease as these Wizards are comparably weak and many of them drunk.

Then we hit the biggest group yet we tried to avoid them but the leader of it had them surround us.

The leader spoke in voice that remained me of a oil slick. "Ah, Rose Potter and her friends the blood traitor and a mud blood. My Master will be very pleased if I bring you to him, now girl surrender and come peacefully and we will kill your friends quickly."

Rose tightened her grip on her sword then looked over to me and her friends, I reached into my coat pocket and tossed her a a clay ball.

I yelled out "crush it!" And a half sphere formed of out of pure moon light appeared around the the three girls.

With them protected I reached into my bag and grabbed a gnarled knife and stilt my hand then spoke a language that shouldn't be spoken by human mouths.

"Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh".

With that the world went wrong once again as jet black tentacles began to form from the very shadow that scattered the ground and the wizards went still not understanding what they saw.

With a single word "Lllln'gha" mouths formed on the tentacles and began to feast upon the flesh of the wizards there screams filled the air but Altered by the otherworldly monstrosity that I allowed into the world.

Not all the wizards are occupied and the leader of the group whose mask fell off during the fight was non other than Malfoy.

He realizing I was fueling the spell ordered them to focus on me, they cast every lethal spell they could as using transfiguration pulled earth to blunt the hits.

But some of the cutting curses made their way through, seeing I was still outnumbered I looked at the corpses that scattered the ground and pulled a decoratively carved in Sumerian script and spoke in a voice not my own.

"ברוך המתים, כי נפשם עשויה לנוח אך גופם עדיין חייב לשרת." And green gas began to flow from the mouth of the skull as it laughed a horrible laugh as the dead began to rise from their slumber and attack there former allies.

Malfoy seeing his loss was eminent and teleported out of the fight his minions were not so lucky as they were being struck down by the dead as the tentacles were dispelled to keep the madness reigned in.

With most of the death eaters dead or undead, I had my zombies if they had any vault keys on their person give them to me. Surprisingly enough a couple had them and I would be emptying them quite soon, with the situation handled I dropped my spells as undead were frowned upon and the Auroras are on their way.

Heading over to rose and her group, they were fine physically but Ginny who had been exposed to a a degree of madness before didn't look to great.

Dan-"I was not here, and that is what you will tell the cops as necromancy is heavily looked down upon as is what I released upon them."

Rose, looked at she mildly shell shocked friends nodded and asked. "Are those why I'm not allowed in the workshop?"

Dan-"*Sigh* one of many my little Rose, but I'll explain when you get some privacy and I'll be right back." Giving her a quick hug I teleported away to the mansion dropping my keys and outfit then chugging some healing potions to hide the damage I had taken.

I quickly teleported back to the grounds and began to shout out for Roses and ran towards her position.

By this point the auroras were swarming the crime scene casting spells to find out who had done this and with her was the adult Weasleys who were helping her answer the cop's questions.

Running up I wrapped in a tight hug and whispered in her ear "I'm very proud of you little Rose." Whipping a tear from her face I say her back down with the cops and introduce d my self to them.

Dan-"I'm Daniel Armstrong current legal Guardian of Rose, please tell me what happened."

The two generic cops questioned us and moved on soon after as they had 100s of people to question and were being pushed from up on high as this was a huge diplomatic fuck up.

I teleported Hermione home and then Rose and I made it home and I brought us up to my office.