
August 26th 1994

The weight of the situation had started to sink in as this point and she had a look I had seen in Percy a couple of times when we discussed his family.

I handed her a glass of water and sat her down, I waited for her to start and let her process the situation.

Rose-"They were not the first men I killed, I killed my teacher 1st year but this time I don't feel as bad but I still feel something." Her eyes bored into my soul as wanting me to tell her something to fix the situation.

Dan-"Taking a life is never easy, even when you know they would have killed you. But you must understand Rose if you had not killed those men they would have killed you or your friends.

And taking those lives doesn't mean you are a monster as I have met a great deal of monsters and you are not one of them.

You have met Vex'ahila a number of times and she has killed a great number of beasts, men and monsters and I guarantee she doesn't think you a monster."

Rose took in a deep breath and closed her eyes and whispered some things to herself. We then sat for a little while and just processed what had happened, till Rose broke the silence.

Rose-"You said that you would explain about the workshop, so what all can you tell me about the more dangerous things down there."

Dan-"Oh, I almost forgot follow me." I guided her deep into the bowls of the estate, where the oldest of the contractions was till we walked into a what looked like a empty closet. "Okay, I changed it after you snuck into my office so close your eyes."

She rolled her eyes but agreed, I did cast blindness just to be safe and started the password process.

Entering the center of the room I began tracing a complex arcane equations in the air as gear began to churn and grind as the room itself began to move farther into the Earth.

About a minute later, we stopped miles deep into the Earth and a door appeared in-front of us and opened.

Dropping my spell on Rose, we walked into my main workshop where made spell components to developing D&D monsters.

Rose, looked around the room and let out a kind of let down "oh".

Dan looked over at her"What's that about, we're you expecting some dark and dingy cellar where I kept people Locked up for experimentation."

As my workshop looked more like a modern lab than a fantasy workshop, it was a sterile white with hard steel tables but in the various off shoot hallways contained rooms meant for the crafting of jewelry to enclosures where I had imported DND animals to all of it enchanted and wares to the best of my abilities.

I walked her through my lab and showed her my various projects till we reached a room with a small box in wrapping paper.

Dan-"I had planned on giving you this before you left for Hogwarts but now is fine."

Roses opens the box and in it is a masterfully crafted set of jewelry and a beautifully intricate felt pen.

Dan-"This set of Jewelry is meant to protect one's mind from intrusions and in the case of emergency they can act as your sending stone. While the pen can transform into a rapier as I didn't think they would let you keep it at school."

Rose grabbed me and repeated thank about a 100 times.

August 26th 1994

In the morning I felt an extra set of charges build once again, again dnd wizard which means I get 6th level spells to experiment with and a charge in modern computer to update my lab and the town.

As now with the charge I now have knowledge of computer hardware till about the early 2000s.

Heading past Roses room and heard her still snoring and made my way down into the kitchens where I began cooking breakfast with the assistance of one of the servants.

About 5 minutes into my breakfast Rose came down still exhausted from the previous night but it looked like she had slept.

Dan-"What do you want to do for the next couple of week as you go back to school the 1st so the next couple days are yours. We can train in any school of magic, take a trip to anywhere in Western Europe, or even just chill out for the next couple of days."

Rose tapped her fork to her chin and thoughts to herself, "How, you haven't showed me any mental magics spells and maybe a little artifice because some of the clock work stuff is pretty interesting."

Dan-"Mental magics like Intellectual Fortress or modify memory can be of great use when dealing with idiots so I have no problem with this, but for artifice it's kind of hard to jump straight into so if you want to learn it we will have to start with the most basic areas."

So till September 1st we did a lot of practical lessons in engineering as mind magic she had a great deal of potential with and with the jewelry giving her a natural guide.

In Artifice I went with practical applications like simple machines and we started to get into building things like crossbows and simple gear works.