
September 1st, 1994

We arrived 15 minutes early before the train arrived for her to make her way to Hogwarts.

Dan-"Well, I'll Miss you little Rose and if anything happens call me on the sending stone if anything happens like it has the previous years."

Rose-"I know Dan I'll call you everyday and if to help with homework." She then pulled me into a tight hug.

Dan-"Now, I know I just gave you that set of jewelry but here is a special gift to make sure you are safe." Wrapped in a cloths is a set of intricately decorated Braces that have Large Elk with Lillie's growing among the massive antlers, Placing them on her arms they tied themselves onto her. "Now, imagine a blade forming in in the wrist." With that a dragon bone blade formed out of the bracers it carved with a series of arcane equations into the shape of a variety of gears.

Dan-"In the event you lose your wand and sword you will always have a weapon and it's blood bound to you so no one can take them off but you. So have a good year and be safe my little Rose."

Giving her one last hug and departed from the station as I had much more work to do, as trouble is brewing and I needed my land and people to be protected.

Charges put into DND Wizard and Mechs.


Changing POVs and what has been happening among the planes.

In the lands of Exandria in upon the continent of Tal'Dorei in the upper North East corner sat a ancient city by the name of Whitestone were a man in his thirties sat in his office.

One Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III the current king of Whitestone had for the past two months been experimenting with technology never seen before on Exandria.

As with the help of his new friend(?)/business partner had given a lot of advanced engineering, agriculture, physics ect, These books inspired and showed him new inventions and insights.

He truly tried to invent and release information that would only improve the world like the New farming techniques that have tripled the food output of there farms, and the new equipment had allowed 60% of the farmers to leave the farms and join his new schools and factories.

The food preservation was his favorite innovation as with it his cities economy had diversified even farther getting away from its reliance on raw material exports. As canned, and different recipes had diversified the diet of his people and made famine a distant memory.

The factories were not his most extravagant or amazing invention but they employed most of his citizens in safe and well paying jobs.

Most produce "consumer goods" like clothes, furniture and other day to days things so cheap even the poorest of his people were fed and clothed.

But in a entirely new district of the city is the military district where the factories that produce the new military goods and equipment.

New guns and artillery based off the designs Dan sent through; the standard infantry rifle based of the Brown Bess, The Galloper gun a three pounder cannon used against infantry and larger for siege.

He still is working on military doctrine for fighting as with magic so prevalent he needs to secure his own loyal mages and artificers.

Thus the project he was most proud of a comprehensive education system for Whitestone, were any native born child could attend free of charge all that was asked for them to work In Whitestone for a period of at least 10 years.

The basic non magical school went from preschool all the way to university were they would study mundane sciences and engineering. The other education tract is the magical where those showing talent, natural affinity or pure intelligence to become a arcane caster.

The magical education would shift into two areas then further divided into normal magical schools of thought.

The two major are Artificer and wizardry as a Artificer must study magic and mundane science they will go on to private or government funded research and development meant to further advance Whitestones technology.

A wizard would study magic itself and develop new spells and artifacts, they will go into the normal schools of magic.

To fill his massive need for teachers and other people he called in most of his owed favors and bribed a couple of people and eventually had 100s of learned people from all across the planet many were wizards of sorcery Alloura had known and put him in contact with while others were from the Dwendalian Empire.

While it will take at least 4 till he had competent wizards (Lvl-5) who could completely serve in the military.

To fund these massive expenses that almost gave his lovely wife a heart attack he with the help of the books from his new business partner Daniel Armstrong.

Most of his money came from food sales as much of the country and sections of world were recovering from Vecnas assault and incursion, thus they all needed large shipments of food.

While many of the new inventions like Firearms and the printings press were his own ideas the biggest inspirations came from his new business partner, Daniel Armstrong was an interesting individual to Percy as his world was very different than his own yet similar in many ways.


Outside the Material plane of Exandria in the Astral sea a meeting was held, this was not held by a mortal beings rather the gods themselves for the first time since the incursion of Vecna.

Avandra, The Change Bringer

Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon

Corellon, The Arch Heart

Erathis, The Law Bearer

Ioun, The Knowing Mentor

Kord, The Storm Lord

Melora, The Wild Mother

Moradin, The All-Hammer

Pelor, The Dawnfather

Sarenrae, The Everlight

Sehanine, The Moon Weaver

The Raven Queen, The Matron

They met in the realm of Melora, a Demi plane that is a giant interconnected ecosystem of every type, jungles butted up against tundras all holding creatures from across Exandria.

In the center Melora personal home, a home that many would consider a Hobbit home a place some of the gods looked ridiculous in but all loved for its atmosphere and good food.

Pelor self elected leader of the gods called for them to listen.

Pekoe-"First thank you Melora for allowing us to use your home, but a development has accrued on the material plane that we have been made aware of recently.

In the city of Whitestone a man by the man of Perceval De-Rolo had come in contact with a being from outside the the planet cluster."

This caused some murmuring among the crowd as with Vecnas recent activities were still very fresh on the gods mind.

Pelor-"Thankfully it had made not attempt currently to physically come to this plane but has been sending items here through some mage craft."

Ioun-"That explains some things, I have had a upswing in "worship" in that city. None of it direct but by the proliferation of knowledge and at such a scale had empowered me to a small degree, which is encouraging as V-man tends to deal in secrets and lack of knowledge." She didn't speak Vecna name as he tends to crash a party when his name is spoken.

The group gathered that that was good news but many still didn't trust this as the last time mortals advanced this quickly the calamity happened but they were hopeful but they needed to keep a watchful eye on everything.


Back on Earth off the coast of Britain along a privately owned beach in the name of the Armstrong family work was being completed.

As for the past couple of weeks a group of 50 men had been swarming the old ship and getting her into working order.

The engines needed to be completely scrapped and replaced with modern variants that have been enhanced by magic to no longer require fuel. The hull was etched with a complex runes that increased its armor and over all stability, the guns were also improved while still able to be loaded with normal ammunition they can shoot shots of magic.

But all of this was improved and protected over the past couple of and on the 15 of September the Black Prince Once Again Rose to the surface.