Everyday Visit

The day had passed and Lady Vienna was found lazily lying in her room for the whole day. She felt tired from all these events from these past few days.

Her maid, Roxy, couldn't help the smile spreading to her face. "The crown prince had sent you some tea leaves, my lady."

The crown prince? Oh right, he promised to give her some tea leaves that time when she visited the palace...So he was serious?

"Here's also a note attached to it." With a note on hand, Roxy handed it to her lady. Lady Vienna reading the letters written on it. It was wrapped in an elegant envelope, with golden colored ribbon and sealed with the beautiful golden seal, with the sun and lion symbol of the royal family, indicating it was truly from the palace.

Here is the tea leaves I promised you. Enjoy drinking it, if you wish, you can visit the palace sometimes and I could drink it with you.

I can't wait to meet you again, Lady Vienna Xaviera. Or should I say, "Estelle..."


Prince Mathias

She can't help but admire it. It was written beautifully and elegantly. ....So this was the crown prince's handwriting...

If she received it as her past self, she would have thrown a whole celebration with this, but she's not that person anymore.

Minutes later, Titus appeared, "The duke sent you gifts, my lady."

"My lady, the duke sent you gifts."

Gifts? Ooh, she didn't know that the duke is capable of giving gifts. “Throw that away.” She does not have any plans to agree to him yet.”

I mean he's wealthy. But I was not aware that he's taking this marriage that seriously.

“It was already delivered here:”

"Place it here in my room then." She said, opening the book that the mysterious man gave her, somehow not really paying attention to what Roxy was saying. She sighed, seeing that the words were still there. No matter how many times she'll read it, nothing changes the fact that her whole life was written in it.

Roxy still stood by the door, hesitating to speak up the next words. "T-There's a problem, my lady."

The lady snapped back to reality, "What is it?"

"The duke's gifts seem to not fit in your room. It's in the living room and we do not know where we should put it."

Standing up, Lady Vienna checked to see the ruckus outside. Roxy was right. The duke's gifts were dresses and jewelry and filled the entire living room. Their mansion was big, but somehow, it didn't fit in here.

She can't help but chuckle at the sight. Oh...Duke Raziel, does he want her to wear all of it? What is he planning to do?

“My lady, Duke Raziel is here.” Announced her maid, Roxy.

She rolled her eyes, laying on her bed. "Tell him I’m sick.”

Her Knight, Titus appeared with a box in his hands. "My lady, the duke sent you gifts again.”

She shook her head no, “Throw that away.”

Roxy then came running to her, catching her breath. “My lady, the Duke, is by the door.”

She stood up at that. What?

Just in time, there was a loud bang on the door and it opened, revealing Duke Raziel.

She stood frozen, and glared at her maid for letting him in. “I apologize my lady, the Duke was demanding to see you.” Bowed her maid, clearly scared of what she’ll do.

She sighed. How persistent!

His tall figure towered over her. She looked at him up and down, studying his reaction. His jet black hair was glistening against the ray of sun escaping from the windows.

He noticed her stare and looked with his bright red eyes. His gaze was sharp, and normally, people would be intimidated. But not her. Duke Raziel approached her, leaning to her but she pushed him away.

“What are you doing here in my room? An unmarried man is not allowed to be in a lady’s room!" She yelled.

She could feel Duke Raziel smirking behind his worn mask. “That’s why I came here, Lady Vienna. Once you agree to my proposal, we will be a married couple. I told you, I’ll chase you to death. Aren't you too tired to say no to me?"

She wanted to avoid him as much as possible, but how could she when he always appears everywhere? She wanted to find the mysterious man and solve the book first!

“You won’t get to say no to me, Lady Vienna. Not to me.”

How persistent!

She glanced at the book on her bedside table. Fine, if he wants to discuss then we'll discuss. She thought.

"We just met a few days ago, your grace, can I ask why are you here so early in the morning?" she snapped.

She got used to his presence, dealing with him for the past few days. She stood her ground, daring to loop back at him.

She hates to admit it, but the duke was handsome for sure, much more handsome than the crown prince.

He bowed a bit at her. "I’m getting impatient. You need to say yes. Forgive me for the intrusion, my lady. But I want to greet you with a good morning with rose petals if you haven't noticed yet.”

It is not like she did not notice the roses sprawled all over her hallway, she simply chose not to notice it. The sweet scent of the rose exudes was even too noticeable that it was too much for her.

So it was the duke's doing...what is he up to now?

"I appreciate it, but I'm allergic to roses." The lady answered. It was a lie. She was never allergic to roses. She just wants to deal with this duke and push him away.

The duke did not bulge and just nodded his head, his expression remaining calm. He was used to this type of Lady Vienna Xaviera.

And he likes it about her. After all, he loves getting challenged. "I see, forgive me for not being considerate enough. Shall we have a stroll?” He asked as they settled into her study room to talk for a bit.

"Why? " She asked, clearly not wanting to spend time with him.

"I am certain you already know that, Lady Xaviera." He stated. "I want to spend some time with my future wife. Plus, preparation for our marriage."

"I do not know what you are talking about, your grace." She fired back, playing innocent now.

"Are you playing hard to get now?" The duke asked.

The lady sighed. So this is how he wants to play it? I told you, stop chasing me. You already know my answer."

"I already informed your father and he agreed. Now you do not have a choice but to accept my offer, Lady Vienna." He continued, "We both could benefit from this, I believe you are fully aware of that."

Her father already agreed? How could he! She felt a bit betrayed by this.

She will be killed by the next ten months anyway....meaning, she only has that time left to enjoy her life in this world, if the story turns out true....for now, she stays neutral with the book.

With that time limit, what will happen if I change the flow of the story? What if...agreeing to this would help me later? She thought.

She stopped, realizing something...agreeing to this marriage won't be that bad. He's handsome, he's wealthy, and he can fight. Plus, he's Dillon. He can find anyone I ask him... Smiling, she immediately hatched a plan.

"Wait, sir duke." She said, stopping him.

"Yes?" He turned to look at her, waiting.

“How about this...forget that marriage proposal. We'll start slow. You'll be my fiance first and let's see if we can stand each other to the point where we can reach the marriage stage."

The Crown prince and the princess would end up together in the end anyway. She wanted to tell the duke how the story would end with her having to be killed... that won't get to be with the one he loved so dearly, which is the princess. However, something held her back. For now, while she still did not find the man she's looking for, she has to keep it to herself. "Plus, people won't believe it if we instantly get married."

"If that's what you want, then I'll take it for now. But you can always sign the papers whenever you want. I still need a wife, not a fiance."

"Then I'll also request...I want you to look for a particular man with long silver hair and black eyes." She can't help but smirk. Dillon or Duke Raziel is perfect for this plan to help her.

Duke Raziel was confused, doubting her as she was just strongly rejecting him earlier. "Alright, but for what? We did not even get married and you're already cheating on me?" He asked.

She shrugged. "This is my request as your fiance."

The duke's eyes widened and immediately replied. "Then I'll do it."

She grinned at that. "Good. Then I'll be your fiance starting today."

The duke nodded, the crease on his eyes tells her that he's smiling. He offered his hands for her to shake and she accepted. Now that they seem to be in an agreement, things are going pretty well.

"Alright. I'll grant your request, rest assured that you'll be hearing from me within next week." The duke replied.

She paused, thinking about it. "Oh, now that you're my fiance, shall I call you Raziel?"

Duke Raziel contemplated, before nodding. "Yes, then shall I call you Estelle?"

She cringed, remembering that Prince Mathias also asked that. “How about Vienna? Just Vienna…”

He nodded. "Okay then, Vienna. That's settled then."

“Wait before I forget, I heard rumors about me.” The Duke said.

“Oh, what was it about, Raziel?”

“Apparently, they said I like men? That I like your brother that’s why I come to your house often?”

She couldn’t hide the chuckle that escaped her lips. “Really? That’s outrageous, Raizel.”

“You spread that, didn’t you?”

She sent him a smile. “What? I did that to drive you away, my duke.”

The duke just shook his head. “Nevermind, I’ll forgive you for that.” And with that, the duke turned around to leave. "See you at the Royal Ball. I’ll be your escort.”

Lady Vienna stared at the book just at her bedside table. Smirking, she grabbed the book in her hands. Throwing it on the firewood, she watched in satisfaction as flames engulfed it, burning it until there were only ashes left.

She doesn't need this anymore. For now, she’ll have to pave her own way, even if it takes changing the book and her fate.