The Royal Ball

As the Royal ball approached day by day, the whole town was preparing for it and the busiest was the palace. And before long, the Royal ball finally arrived. Sitting at her vanity, Lady Vienna had finally chosen the perfect dress she'll wear for the event tonight.

"Everyone will stop and stare at you, my lady," Said Roxy as she put make-up on her lady.

Of course, Lady Vienna had fully prepared herself. Smirking, she stared at her reflection, fully aware of her beauty.

Her red lips and pale skin complements her red hair and green eyes, her rosy cheeks showing. The dress she picked for tonight is one of the dresses Duke Raziel had given to her. It was an off-shoulder ball gown that shines with its glitters. Her hair was up in a low bun as it framed her small face.

Lady Vienna really went all out. She dressed to impress.

The Royal ball would be starting in an hour soon, and Duke Raziel is probably on his way to escort her.

With that, Titus walked into the room, stared at her for a minute before blinking and blushing at the sight. He bowed to Lady Vienna and said, "Duke Raziel is waiting outside, my lady."

"Oh, I'll be down then." Standing up, she left the book on her vanity and descended the staircase. She'll deal with it later as soon as she gets home. For now, focus on the show. When she let Roxy open the door, she was greeted by the sight of the duke, staring at her.

The duke offered his hand to the lady, smirking underneath his mask. "Are you ready, Estelle?"

Accepting his hand, Lady Vienna's lips formed into a smirk too, "Yes, let's give it our best, Raziel."


"Announcing the arrival of Duke Raziel Valen Donovan of the Duchy of Xynnar, with her lady, Lady Vienna Estelle Thaleia Xaviera of the Duchy of Creneia."

Holding the hand of lady Vienna, Duke Donovan took a step and they entered the palace.

Seeing that everyone stopped to stare at them, other's mouth's went wide in shock, while some whispered with each other, filling the palace with a chatter.

"So the rumors weren't wrong."

"shh, they'll hear you."

Lady Vienna glanced at the two lady's that were whispering to each other. Flashing them a smirk, she watched as colors left their face, turning pale. They had purposely arrived late so they would grab everyone's attention. This was the reaction they wanted. The crowd didn't fail them. Time to put on a show.

Once they reached the drinks area, she grabbed two glasses of wine and gave one to the duke. The duke shook his head, "Do you plan on getting drunk, Estelle? It's still early for that."

"Shh, if you don't want to, then I'll drink this on my own." She said, taking a sip. She needed wine to have courage for tonight.

People were still staring at them. she could feel it. And she loves this attention. Raziel then guided her to meet the other nobles. Greeting each of them, Raziel spoke up, "Meet my fiance, Lady Vienna."

"Wow, you're turning into a man, Duke Raziel." Count Tumaini said, smiling at the both of them. "Oh, are you the daughter of Duke Xaviera?" He asked.

Lady Vinnia nodded, "Yes I am." She could feel Raziel's hand wrapping her waist and she let him.

"I thought the rumors were false, Raziel." Said another noble, glancing at the hands of Raziel on her waist. Counts and Marquesses dressed in their suits and mustaches perfectly brushed had joined in, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"It was just like yesterday that I last saw you as a kid. How fast time flies." Marquess Toivo commented. "When will the wedding be? Send us some invitations."

Raziel stiffened at the question, but glanced at her to meet her eyes. "We haven't planned it out that much yet, for now we are enjoying each other's company, right Estelle?"

Lady Vienna stared back. "Of course, my dear Raziel."

She could hear the nobles laughing and commenting about love.

"Looks like you're deep in love. We'll leave you two lovebirds alone, then." And with that, the nobles left them alone.

She spotted her brother, father and mother dressed in their suits and ball gown. Raziel seemed to notice as he said, "Oh, I haven't officially met your whole family yet. Shall we go and greet them?"

Approaching her family, she bowed at them. "Hello, brother, father. Good evening."

"Good evening, Duke and Duchess Xaviera, and to you Marquess Xaviera."

They nodded, looking at Lady Vienna.

"Hello, sister, and also to you Raziel. Are you both enjoying the ball?"

Raziel nodded, "We are. Thank you for letting me escort your daughter for tonight. I promise you I'll return her home safely."

Her mother nodded, "That's good."

Her father added. "Please take care of her."

"Yes, I'll make sure to take care of her."

"Then please excuse us." Lady Vinnia said, and wanted to go to the center part.

"I'm surprised how you managed to convince my father despite our family's competition in territories."

"Well, I've offered a lot to your father." Raziel answered.

Out of nowhere, everything went silent as the announcer yelled again, grabbing their attention.

"Announcing the Crown Prince, Prince Alexander "Mathias" de Stavios III with her fiance, Avelina Ofelia de Solerr."'s the most awaited part. They've finally arrived...the stars of the night.

From the big door, everyone gasped at the sight. Prince Mathias and Princess Avelina were walking towards the front part and ascended the stairs. They looked elegant and expensive with Prince Mathias' yellow tailored suit, complimenting his golden hair and eyes, and Princes Avelina's light blue ball gown, complimenting her silver hair.

She admit, they look good together.

As the crowd went silent, Prince Mathias flashed his billion dollar smile, waving elegantly at the audience. "I would like to thank everyone for coming. I hope you enjoy this royal ball as I have an announcement to make." He paused, smiling at Prince Avelina beside her. "I will be marrying Princess Avelina soon."

The crowd cheered and everyone rejoiced.

Lady Vienna rolled her eyes, but noticed Princess Avelina's reaction. She was smiling, but her eyes were telling something. They looked sad. Although she once got jealous of her, she felt a bit sorry for her now. Lady Vienna is sure that all of this is too sudden for her, she's still recovering from her fallen empire.

"Now dance and celebrate all you want. Tonight is a feast." Prince Mathias continued and the musicians started to play a song.

Prince Mathias caught her eyes and he smiled, descending the stairs with Princess Avelina. "I'm glad you could make it, Lady Vienna," he greeted once he saw the lady.

Lady Vienna smiled, "Of course, I wouldn't miss this great celebration." Glancing at Prince Avelina, she bowed graciously at the both of them. "I want to congratulate you both."

"Thank you." He replied, glancing at Raziel beside me. "I see you came with your fiancé? Am I right?"

"Yes, your highness." She replied. Duke Raziel was silent, but he stared intently at Prince Mathias, seemingly analyzing him. Prince Mathias seemed to notice it and chuckled nervously, "Oh, I thought it was just a rumor. I'm happy for you both, Duke Raziel."

Raziel nodded, "As am I, your highness."

"Then please excuse us, we'll be greeting the other nobles." Said Prince Mathias as Princess Avelina glanced at her, looking like she wanted to say something but couldn't.

From the background, the song changed into a slow rhythm and all the other couples started to dance. Beside her, Raziel bowed slightly to her and offered his hand. "Shall we have a dance, Estelle?"

Taking his hand, she nodded. "Gladly, Raziel."

Positioning themselves at the center, "I I may..." Raziel placed his right hand on her waist as he clasped his hand to hers. She placed her other hand on his shoulder and smirked. "Shall we begin, then?"

Moving her legs, he guided her every step. Her eyes widened in surprise, shocked to see that Raziel can dance well. She looked at his piercing red eyes.

"I didn't know you could dance."

"Trust me, you'll be surprised that I know more things, Estelle. If you'll allow us to get married right away..."

Oh...Here we go again. She rolled her eyes. "Well, we shouldn't rush."

Continuing the dance, she glanced around them and saw that people were staring at them again.

"I think we took their attention too much for tonight."

"Yes, but don't you want it? It felt like our celebration and not the crown prince's."

She chuckled, oh yes she wanted it.

"Come here." She felt a voice in her head. She gasped, stopping her steps.

Raziel halted too, looking at her with concern in his eyes. "Are you alright?"

She held his hand, leaning his body to the duke for support. "I-I can't breathe. And I feel dizzy." She managed to say, blinking her eyes.

"Shall we leave this place then?"