Chapter Seven

"Get your T-shirts for the mascot ball game, our lions are ready to squash our enemies down to the earth with no mercy!!!".

The school journal team are already out to sell the supporting T-shirts for the school's upcoming ball game, about three stands are filled up with students each dragging to get the shirt with the name of their best player or crush on it. When I talk about crush am referring to girls who crush on most of the ballplayers in our school because of their thick skin and they are handsome too.

Well, I wasn't a fan of sports and not interested in picking any of the T-shirts but I just hang around hoping I'd get one because I have to be supportive in whatever they do in my school, ball sport is not my thing, am not strong enough to push my opponents and hit heads with them, if I'd ever get the chance to play just know I'll be buried right there in the field.

"Get your hands off that shirt, it's mine"

"No you give it back it's not yours I picked Harry. B shirt before you" Both girls already raging over a shirt, not long the queue became noisy, well too bad I was in that queue and I couldn't bear to hang around so I went to the second stand but there was no difference at least I could manage the second stand than the first.

"Thank you for supporting the mascot lions," the member of the journal team says to each person that collects the T-shirts, I was closer enough to get mine so that I could leave the queue for goodness sake.

"Hi" a girl tapped me from behind. I turned to see if it was anyone familiar but no it's not.

"Hi," I said back putting all my best efforts to look approachable because I'm already tired of standing in the queue.

"Sorry for disturbing you," She said with her eyes doing more than pleading.

"It's alright" I replied still wanting to know why she called attention, it was really rare back then in my high school for girls to call my attention cause I was no social type well just like school nerds but I didn't belong to them I don't even like the school nerds, they're always on glasses and act like they know all things, I just don't belong anywhere I do my things my way that's how I could explain it.

"Please can I take your place, I'm in a hurry and can't wait for anytime longer" she pleaded with her eyes already looking like she's going to cry any minute if I say no. I have been standing for like minutes, now that I have the chance to take the shirt and leave, an unknown girl with a baby eye is pleading for my place, the worst part is I couldn't say no to her I just don't know why but I have something for hot girls and the one right before me is pleading.

" It's ok" I let myself out of the queue and let her take my place but at the back of my mind, I knew I wouldn't hang around anymore I had to give up the shirt.

"Thanks so much," she said as she took my hands. At that moment I went numb it took me some minutes to get that she was holding me.

" Al.. alright," I said and she let go of my hands, I walked away with my hands cold.

"Wow" I keep saying to myself.

Tyler and Ino were out with the girls, Mira and May, of course, seems like they're also fans of the ball game, since the parenting class started Tyler have been treating May like they were destined for life to be coupled. Well not just them but most of us in the parenting class is acting like that, too bad the class will be over tomorrow and the heck of these egg lovers whatever will stop. Tyler took May to get their best player T-Shirt but seems like May is among the girls I classified as those that crush on the ballplayers.

"Should I get Shaq or Harry, they're the best ballers known in mascot" Tyler asked her, actually it's easy for him to get those cause Ino kept a place for them.

"No thanks," May told him, it's not what she wanted, she picked up a T-shirt written James, most girls crush on him because of his broad shoulders and cute eyes and he's kinda a simple person.

" James??" Tyler asked rhetorically.

"Yes" May answered him making sure she cleared his doubts, that may be the first time May disagreed with him but I guess he should adapt to it. It was all over Tyler's face that he was not happy with what happened but May seems not to give a damn about it she just acted normal, well at that process I walked past them but I didn't notice their presence cause I was already stressed out so I didn't bother to look around, that was the moment May saw me and she knew I didn't get a shirt cause I wasn't holding one.

"Can I have the one you got for me?" she asked Tyler, Tyler thought she finally changed her mind then he handed it over to her cheerfully.

"I'll be back," May said to him and left.

"One cheeseburger pls?" I ordered.

"Alright coming up," the man said, but I had to wait for some minutes because he was also attending to other customers that came before me.

" Tom"

I looked back and it was June who called me, she waved at me like she wanted me to come over to where she is.

"Seriously, like don't I have to get what I want and how the hell did she find me here?" I kept ranting in my head till I get to her.

"Hey what's up?" I greeted her trying my best to opt bad approach, really it's been a bad day for me already.

"Am fine, just saw you walked up to this place" she said smiling, If there's something I should notice about her it's the baby sling she bought for our egg, I don't know how serious she took the parenting class, anyways it'll end tomorrow so that all the madness about it will end too.

"Yeah, I was hungry so I decided to get something to eat," I said.

"You didn't get a T-shirt?" She asked checking if I had one.

"It's obvious, I didn't" I chuckled.

"Too bad, anyways I just decided to meet up with you since you're close by" she smiled.

"Oh that's nice of you" I didn't know what else to say just tucked my hands in my pockets.

" I gotta run," she said.

"Let me guess, cheer practice?"

She smiled, "yeah, nice guesswork".

" Now I can have my cheeseburger in peace" I whined, my stomach is already getting worse so I have to take something already. I walked up to the man and it seems like he knew what I ordered.

"Here's your cheeseburger, be happy it's not cold yet" He offered me the brown bag with my cheeseburger in it

"Thanks" I smiled. I walked to the nearest shade beside the cheeseburger stand.

"At last a little peace of mind," I said to myself, I was sure to be comfortable before eating my cheeseburger. I opened the brown bag, the delicious aroma of the burger took me off but seriously this is the normal cheeseburger I do eat all the time but this moment it felt like heavenly manna.

"Yummy yummy....."

"Hey, Tom".

I trailed off, I haven't even let the cheeseburger into my mouth before I heard my name.

"What the heck have I done to....." I raged in my head as I swiftly turn to see who interrupted my meal but this time it's not June or any random person, it's May.

"Hey Tom, seems you're busy with something," she said.

"Oh it's you," I said softly.