Chapter Eight

If there's anything I could say I have done to make May come to me, the answer is nothing. Many things happened at that particular moment, the hunger that was killing me left, I was silent for some time, you know that feeling when your crush approaches you, that was how I felt, numb.

May walked up to where I sat under the shade and took a spot beside me.

" May, how are you doing" I couldn't arrange my words cause am still shocked.

"Am fine, looks like you got a cheeseburger, what flavour am I missing?" She smiled as she makes herself comfortable. I have to put out the shock and keep calm.

"Do you want to have some?" I offered.

"Nope, am good and besides it's getting cold" she rests her back on the tree.

"It gets delicious whenever it's cold," I said knowing full well I couldn't even eat it if it gets cold.

"Thanks anyway" she waved it off politely. I have to keep the conversation going but am lacking words and I don't wanna say something stupid.

"So why the visit?" I said smiling, but I couldn't let my burger get cold so I begin to eat it, well it never loosed its flavour.

"I saw you walked past the queue and looks like you didn't get a shirt," she said looking at me, I don't know why she was staring at me but bet I didn't know I could eat my burger like a gentleman, I took every bite slowly and neatly.

"Oh about that, I was tired hanging around since I wasn't able to get a shirt myself" I replied.

"Well, I got one extra" she raised one of the packaged shirts for me to see.

"Nice, how were you able to get yourself two shirts? I thought they share one only?" I was still taking my cheeseburger quietly.

"Tyler got it I didn't"

When she mentioned Tyler's name I almost choked.

"Enough with the Tyler stuff already, jeez," I said in my mind trying to adjust myself. I don't just know but his name is kinda repulsive to me.

"Lucky him" was all I could say at that time.

"You can have it" she dropped it beside me. I began to wonder if that was the reason she traced me here, wow.

"Um.. thanks," I said softly.

"You're welcome" she looked up and closed her eyes, I wondered what she thinking this time but I couldn't get myself to say something. I just mind my cheeseburger, taking the last bite in the awkward silence, not very long her phone beeped.

"I have to go now" she stood up and was ready to go.

" Do you want me to walk with you?" I asked her knowing that it is the only way I could return the favour.

"Not necessary" she smiled, "Bye Tom" she walked off.

"See you tomorrow" I echoed behind her not sure if she heard it.

"Wow, she got me a shirt" I couldn't get myself to believe that. I opened the packaged shirt and it was written, Harry. B.

"But why did she get it for me?, Maybe she's feeling the same" I trashed the brown bag and rested under the shade for a while but I was in deep thought, I was concerned about May getting me a shirt, at that moment I smiled.


"Where have you been girl?" Mira asked May, seems they've been waiting for her and they're already worn out because of that.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting," May said softly and her eyes sincerely showing that she's sorry for keeping them waiting too long.

"It's alright," Tyler said as he moved over to May and held her hands.

"Oh come on you guys," Ino said giving Tyler a disgusting look, they all laughed.


At the quarters' girl's dorm, Mira came over to hang out with her friend May, they seems to have so much fun together. Since the school started both girls valued each other so much, they act like sisters or you can say childhood friends, you can't see them not together all the time and that's how their friendship grew.

"Don't you think Tyler is taking this parenting class as something else when it comes to both of you?" Mira asked May as she loosen the ball of wool.

"Well he's overreacting based on that" May chuckled, " when the class ends everything will go back as it is and I'll make sure of that"

"He kinda shows he loves you" Mira gave her friend a joking smile.

"Oh pls...." May trailed off when someone knocked at her door.

"Who's there?" Both girls asked at the same interval.

"Someone," a male voice said.

At that moment May smiled and walked up to the door.

"" May sang slowly, not long the voice sprouted into a big laughter.

"You have a very bad voice when it comes to singing," Sherlock said as May opened the door.

May didn't hesitate to hug him and both started laughing, Sherlock walked into the room and sat down on the bed dressed with a pink spreadsheet.

"Seems like someone didn't see me," Sherlock said looking at Mira with an amusing face.

"Spare the greeting, fart face" Mira smiled.

"Gooday my lady" Sherlock started laughing again this time Mira joined, it's a little feature that differentiates Sherlock and Mira, Sherlock is a calm guy but a little wild almost wild like Mira Mesa.

"What brings you to my place today?" May asked, carelessly sitting down beside Sherlock.

" I wanted to check on you, it's been a while," Sherlock said.

"Yeah because you decided to be a runaway friend" Mira snorted jokingly. Sherlock smiled.

"Seems like you guys are having some girl's time" Sherlock looked around noticing some balls of wool lying around.

"Obviously" Mira shrugged.

"I guess I didn't disturb "Sherlock smirked.

"Oh yes you did" Mira retorted jokingly.

"Don't mind her" May said.

Sherlock is in first grade too but he's not in my class, he met May during the resumption of the college I guess that's where both he, May and Mira started being friends. Sherlock has a thing when it comes to girls, almost all his friends are girls no one knows if they're his FFBs- friends for benefits. Well, his friendship with May and Mira seems to be at another level, they almost act like siblings.



The class was noisy as usual, guys sat on their desks making fun of themselves while girls do what they do best. Our parenting class will be over today and all the couples will likely divorce so that all the madness that I have seen for the past week will end especially Tyler. Not long after the bell rang, our parenting teacher Mrs Clair walked into the class, this time she was in hot attire if I must say, nobody knew a British woman in her thirties could still value fashion to that point of dressing.

"Hello boys and girls" she started in her usual British accent, "Hope you all are ready to present your..."

"Our babies," Rukkie said which led the class to an uproar, I couldn't stand it so I fall into the crew of laughing. Rukkie is one of the class's notorious guys and he's a funny mate with his windy hair unkempt but it looks good and that's what attracts girls to him, he's lucky on that aspect if I must say.

"How dare you.." Mrs Clair already looks like a wounded lion.

"Sorry ma'am," Rukkie said but at that point, the class went dead and nobody found anything funny at that moment. I guess the Rukkie guy is in trouble.

"Stand!" Mrs Clair ordered at once. Rukkie didn't hesitate in doing that.

"Now, I'll like you to come and explain to us how your practical went," Mrs Clair said without flinching a smile on her face.

Rukkie called up his partner and they began.

"Ta..ta..ta..tat" Mrs Clair waved her index finger repulsively, then she walked up to him, " you can make fun of yourself after getting an F!".


"Will y'all shut up!" Mrs Clair retorted, she exhaled and made her way back to the front desk, seems like her fury wore her off.

"I'll be grading all of you now and also the parenting practical is off," she said but this time calmly.

That's what I have been waiting for, the word 'off', wow. My first motion was at Tyler then to May.

" I guess it's a divorce then" a smirk lit up in my face.