First New Year Together

Lavanya sat on the bed with the album in her hands but didn't open it. Eden furrowed his eyebrows. “Lavanya, Why are you not opening the album?”

“I am feeling that you don't want me to see it.” She stared at the album in her hands.

He sat beside her. “Why would I not want you to see it?”

“I don't know, but the expression you just made when I asked for your parent's photo gave me this idea.” She said with a pout.

He didn't want to tell her the actual reason that he never saw his parent's photo because it reminds him of all the bad memories of his childhood, so he said in a funny way, “Actually, I hate to admit this, but this photo album has a most embarrassing childhood photo of mine which I don't want you to see.”

She laughed. “Now, I am going to see that photo.” She opened the album, and on the first page, she found the photo she wanted to see. A beautiful couple was in the photograph, holding a child. She looked at the photo with a smile.