Harry Potter Movie

She tried to remove his hand from her waist and said, “It's all a surprise. Go and freshen up first.”

He left her and went upstairs after placing a kiss on her forehead. She gave one last look at the final decorations, giving some instructions to the servants while waiting for Eden.

He came downstairs and found her sitting in the living room with two cups of coffee placed on the table in front of her. He sat beside her. She gave him a cup of coffee.

“Thank You.” He took the sip. He looked around the living room and asked, “Why have you decorated it so much?”

“Don't ask me any questions about this.” She warned him.

He chuckled. “I am the boss of many employees. I always like to give them orders, wanting them to fulfill my orders obediently, and now, here I am, a girl bosses me around, and I always have to listen to and fulfill her orders.”