I Will Come Back Soon

Lavanya was studying sitting in the living room when Eden appeared there with two cups of coffee. She didn't notice him coming inside and sitting beside her because she was lost in reading her book. He snapped his fingers in front of her to get her attention. She lifted her head from the book and looked at him with a worried look on her face.

He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “What's wrong?”

“I am not able to understand this.” She pointed at a topic in her book. He took the book from her and started reading that topic. “It's very easy. Come, I will explain to you."

He explained that topic to her using some examples, and she understood it really well. “You're a great teacher!”

He laughed at her comment. “Thank you!”

He picked the coffee cups from the table and gave one cup to her while taking a sip from his cup. They were enjoying their coffee when Eden's phone started ringing. He placed the cup on the table, retrieved his phone from his pocket, and answered the call.