
He kissed her forehead. “It's alright.”

He wore his pajamas and went to the walk-in closet to get her a top and a pair of pajamas. He gave them to her. “Wear this.”

She quickly wore them. He switched off the lights and pulled her into his arms, laying beside her. She placed her head on his bare chest. “Aren't you angry with me?”

He caressed her back. “Why will I be angry with you?”

“I spoiled our nuptial night.” She slowly replied, lifting her head to look at him.

“I can never be angry with you.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips. They fell asleep soon.

Eden woke up first in the morning. He turned to look at his side and smiled when he saw Lavanya sleeping like a baby.

“Good morning, wifey.” He whispered in her ear. She stirred in her sleep, slowly opened her eyes, and smiled. “Good morning.”

She sat on the bed. He was continuously looking at her.

“Why are you looking at me like this?” She asked while tying her hair in a bun.