Her Mickey

They reached the second floor and enjoyed the best view of Paris.

Lavanya was looking very happy when they came down. “It was so good, and I didn't even feel scared when we were up there.”

“Where do you want to go next?” He pulled her cheek.

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don't know much about the places here except for Eiffel Tower.”

“It's okay. Let's go to Sienne.” He held her hand and went to walk along the Sienne. He was enjoying the walk with her happily, holding her hand. “Can you guess where are we going tomorrow?”

“Where are we going?” She became excited.

He held her waist. “I am taking you to Disneyland.”

“What?” She shouted in happiness, attracting the attention of people around them. Noticing this, she lowered her voice. “Are you really taking me to Disneyland?”

He nodded with a smile. She hugged him excitedly. “Thank you so much. It will be my first time visiting Disneyland. I am very excited. We will wear couples t-shirts.”