I Am Ready

She smiled. “No, I don't want to go to work. You can go. I just want to enjoy this luxurious life staying at home.”

“Fine, you're the boss of my life. You can do whatever you wish to.” He said, taking a sip of his juice. He quickly ate his breakfast and left for work because lots of work was waiting for him at the company.

Eden got so busy with his work that he started to come home late and hardly spent time with Lavanya as he slept early every night because of his tiredness with all the work, and every morning, he left the mansion early. Sometimes, even before Lavanya could wake up.

On the weekend, he was sleeping by ten o'clock in the morning. Lavanya was feeling angry with him. She held the pillow in her hand and hit him hard with it. He opened his eyes with the sudden attack and looked at Lavanya, whose face was red with anger.