Return Gift

Daksh went to meet the girl whom Jai chose for him, with Jai, and his parents.

“Welcome, Jai Uncle.” The girl's father, Rakesh, and his wife, Aarti welcomed them.

“Thank you, Rakesh.” Jai looked at Daksh and introduced him. “He is my grandson, Daksh.” Daksh smiled and touched Aarti's and Rakesh's feet for blessings.

Later, Jai introduced them to Aakash and Sakshi, and they went to sit inside the living room. They all were happily talking with each other when Rakesh said to Aarti, “Aarti, Go and bring Niharika.”

Aarti nodded and left the room. Niharika was nervously sitting on the bed. When she saw Aarti entering her room, she quickly stood up and asked, “Mom, is this really important? I don't want to meet him.”

“Niharika, it was your late grandfather's last wish that you get married into this family.” Aarti touched her cheek. “Trust me, they're nice people, and the boy is very handsome. You will like him. Let's go now.”