This Is Not Good

Daksh was getting ready for his engagement. He was wearing an off-white tuxedo with a light pink shirt underneath and a light pink tie. He was badly missing Lavanya. Sakshi entered the room to get him. “Let's leave Daksh, or else we will be late.”

“I will join you downstairs soon, mom.” He fixed his tie, looking in the mirror to avoid Sakshi's eyes because he didn't want her to sense his sadness, but Sakshi had already noticed it. “Are you not happy?”

He looked down. “I am. Niharika is a nice girl. It's just that I am missing Lavanya.”

“Even I wish she was here.” She touched his cheek. “She must miss you a lot too, and she will be very angry with you when she gets to know that you got engaged without her. You should prepare yourself to bear her anger.”

He sighed. “I just want her to come here with that boy whom she was going to marry. I want to see if she is really happy with him or not.”