He Needed Me

Daksh went to a shop and bought a beautiful dress. When Sakshi saw the shopping bag in his hand, she teased him. “My son cares about my daughter-in-law so much. He is already buying gifts for her.”

Daksh sat beside her. “It's not for Niharika. It's for Lavanya.”

Sakshi furrowed her eyebrows. “Lavanya? Why did you get it for her?”

“Her birthday is coming.” He replied, retrieving his phone from his pocket.

“I know that, but she isn't here, and no one knows when she will come here.” She looked at the shopping bag.

He remembered Shreya's words when she told him that Lavanya had asked her to tell him that she would come soon. “I will give this and the gift I got for her last year to her when she comes here.” He said, typing something on his phone.

Sakshi sighed and didn't say anything to him.


Lavanya and Eden boarded the plane for India. Eden kissed her hand. “Are you excited to meet your family?”