Brother-In-Law's Sleepover

The wedding ceremony ended peacefully, and the Shah family welcomed the new member of their family happily. Lavanya was really happy for Daksh. All the guests were leaving after the wedding reception. Aakash and Sakshi gave everyone gifts and sweets.

Lavanya was with Niharika, and Daksh was helping the guests to settle their luggage in the cars when one of his cousins, Avantika came to him. “Daksh, you know I am leaving today. I have a request for you.”

“Okay, what do you want?”

“I want Eden's number.” Daksh raised his eyebrows at her request, but later a really great idea appeared in his mind, and he gave her Eden's number, which he was currently using in India. She thanked him before getting inside the car.


Lavanya was sitting with Eden in her room at night. He was gently stroking her hair. “Lavanya, I want to talk to you about something.”

She tilted her head to look at him. “What is it about?”