Hours Are Lost

Lavanya wasn't feeling sleepy because of her habit of sleeping in Eden's arms. She was missing him. She held her phone and sent him a message. “Sorry, baby. I was feeling a little jealous at that time when I saw the messages. I miss you. Please come back.”

Eden's phone beeped. He picked it up and quickly opened the message when he saw Lavanya's name on the screen. He read the message.and smiled, typing the reply. “I want to come back to you, but I can't leave my brother-in-law alone.”

Lavanya furrowed her eyebrows, reading his message. “What? Daksh Bhai is with you?”

“Yes. He gave my number to your cousin. Sister-in-law got to know about this, and she gave him the same punishment which you gave me. He had to sleep with me.” He sent the message, adding lots of face with the tears of joy emojis.

She laughed, reading the message. “Enjoy your sleepover.” She sent it with a winking face emoji.