Too Capable

[BONUS] Chapter 4/6


In his inventory, Ren looked at the [Infernal Scepter] and [Vulcan's Armor].

[Infernal Scepter (Legendary)

● Forged from Ifrits limbs and core, this glowing staff of crystalized Lava with the skull of a diablo on its handle provides its user the spell [Inferno], dealing massive AoE fire damage and a 100% success [Burn] if LCK is higher than enemies.

● Must equip to gain the spell [Inferno]. Un-equipping will remove the spell from your spell list.

● Acquired after defeating Vulcan for the first time.

● INT +470

● Durability: 10/10

● Class: Mages ]

[Vulcan's Armor (Common)

● Made from layers of hardened magma, this Armor could resist fire.

● An armor that looked like layers of rocks with glowing red Lava flowing like veins on its surface.

● DEF +20

● Class: Only for real men ]