Saya’s Call

Dealing with the ladies was actually more tiring than dealing with Vulcan, and Ren didn't want to face another woman right now.

He had enough of them for one day.

He was about to cancel the call and silence his phone when the ringing stopped. There were numerous missed calls and messages from Saya when his screen went back to normal.

Ren looked over at the clock. It was still seven in the evening, but he felt like time had already moved faster.

It was just hours ago that they had their mini-reunion, but it felt like decades to Ren. It was one of the disadvantages of the huge time gap. He was disoriented with the actual time in the real world.

What could she be calling nonstop?

Curious, Ren checked the message that Saya left.

[Saya: Ren, when you read this. Call me. I need to talk with you. It's urgent]


I doubt it. Ren thought.

His and Saya's idea of urgent was entirely different.