Thwarted Escapes and Relentless Pursuits        


Elena took a deep breath, trying to diffuse the tension. "Stop it, all of you. She's just scared."


"I don't know Goddesses could get scared," Vivi muttered to Malifira.


Malifira shrugged. "Is what they do, apparently."


"No its not!" Pamela snapped, wiping away the snot on her nose.


Elena moved to Pamela's side, offering comfort with a gentle hand on her back. "Sorry about these guys, but they don't mean any harm."


Pamela looked up from her tear-streaked face, surprised by Elena's kindness. "R-really?"


"Yes," Elena affirmed, her gaze softening before she looked away. "At least, not all of us."


Pamela let out a shaky breath, her once bubbly demeanor reduced to that of a shrinking cry baby in the face of everyone's harshness.