The Unwelcome Refuge: Entering Smiling Town      

As the group journeyed onward, they encountered unforeseen obstacles that forced them to consider entering Smiling Town despite Ren's initial reluctance.


It all began with a sudden change in weather, as dark clouds gathered overhead, threatening a torrential downpour. 


"Great. It was sunny a while ago," Elena remarked, her gaze shifting to the darkening sky. "Why did it suddenly start to rain?"


"Weather here couldn't change at a whim," Pamela interjected, her tone urgent as she urged everyone, "We have to find shelter fast. It's not safe to travel outside here with a storm brewing."


"Eh?" Azazel placed his hands behind his head, his expression nonchalant. "What could be dangerous about it? Back in my realm, we'd travel in streams that could get you lost in seconds, and if you're not careful enough, you could be trapped for all eternity with nothing but darkness as your friend."