It’s time to become a trainer

It's already been a year after that incident in Celestia his daily life returns back to normal but one day at their backyard Clow is staring at 3 different kinds of eggs while holding a letter, the sender is his sister Alice it was send through a hidden network that only a BASS can use. When Lim receive the message and opens it what appeared is the eggs in front of them.

He reads the letter, to my scary brother Happy 6th Birthday, I know you always do random things in your new life hehehe Alicia the main BASS always send me Lim report about you, so I decide to give you a gift. Those eggs will hatch to any random Pokémon on their initial or max evolution form and it depends on your luck but this Pokémon is a little different on what you watch in animation on lower realm world or sees in a real pokemon world they contain a little bloodline of a high tier monster or being in upper origin worlds.

Well, becoming an elder made my life easy I've already had a lot of time on creating monsters and playing games xD. I'll already pass my position to my 1st adopted son and the other kins in my line are just helping him managing our world, same to our little sister Noel that decided to become the head of education hehehe typical it's not her type of work then lastly try to get a wife teehee damn who will continue our bloodline, it's all father's fault he made a cultivation manual that made you lose emotion or make a rule contract that after achieving the bystander realm you need to fulfilled. That's enough for now and Good luck my dearest scary brother on hatching those eggs, see you soon.

Looks like Alice is doing something crazier than I 'am with a knitting eyebrow he remembers one of her mischievous events parading a billion of tier 15 monster surrounding a single universe in the upper origin plane to scare it's owner then shifting his gaze to the eggs he sighs, oh yeah there is a traitor among us that needed to be punished hahahaha laughing like a villain.

The hand size doll that sweating on the air wanted to made a plea but before she made a statement for defending her rights, she was teleported into a reality marble, in that place she was restraint middle in the air surrounded by different weapons like flying dagger, sword, axes, lances and even modern warfare weapon included bathed with the origin aura of her boss.

Sorry BoSsun, waaa. She cried and made a dogeza on the air knocking 3 times her head on the void, before the first weapon struck her an invisible arm pulled her back to reality.

Just joking my dear BASS well, where partners until death do us part, he is giving an evil smile at Lim then he put her on his shoulder, I really don't mind about those reports, ok so don't cry anymore and I'd remember that one of my personas like to play games Lim can you check my personas memory bank to find it then sent all the information and all skill moves in Pokémon games.

With a teary red eye, she enters his consciousness to check it.

Transmitting his aura to the eggs to fasten their incubation, A couple of minutes he heard a notification and receives all the data about Pokémon. I see my persona who love games I will fulfill your wish, it's time to become a Pokémon trainer in another world.

Lim appeared and suddenly brings a topic to pastime, boss what do you think about the shrine palace that hidden at the Celestia.

I think the mirage that covered it is like a boundary that separate the palace to Celestia domain and that place is only connected to an alternate earth that you called blue star, the inhabitant of that world is ongoing in a trail against the honkai will that created by its universe heavens will. I did peek at their memories; they should be on the deeper part of a domain called the land of paradise.

Wow, the two eggs started to shake it will be going to hatch.

? he just changes the topic; Lim looks at the eggs, the two already had a crack it needed a little more time to hatch but the last egg that not giving sign of hatching is now undergoing in a tremendous change that made her more confuse because it has 4-tab of type: Ghost, Poison, Holy and Dark. It's there a holy type Pokémon?

Remember Lim don't appraise them this is not a game, it's ok to identify things but it's rude to those beings that have life.

Ok boss, she remembers that her boss hated those skills that can identity their target because of those individuals that transferred or reincarnated in another world with system, looking at their environment like it's a complete game that they don't even care about others life at all.

The two eggs burst of light, what appeared in their view is a Pokémon with a cream spot on its chest. Its round head is teal in the top half and cream on the bottom half. It has big, round eyes and large pointy ears. It has five-fingered hands and cream feet with three clawed toes. The fur close to the bottom is seems resemble to a dress and the other one is a chubby yellow rodent Pokémon.

Clow walks to the two newborn Pokémon, first a Munchlax, he petted it, this one has a 5% bloodline of a chaos moonlight war bear those race loves to fight, they travel to different planets by ripping the space, I've decided for your newborn gift from me is a Shock Fruit and he created one using his creation magic then give it to Munchlax then I should give it a name.

Munchlax receives the fruit from his trainer, he didn't hesitate to eat it because of the delicious smell of the fruit that made him hungry.

Good boy, your name will be Lex the Munchlax. He felt that someone hold his right leg and sees that it was the yellow rodent Pokémon, he picks up then observe it from the top to bottom. A Pikachu with a 3% Bloodline of a true divine candle dragon, he put Pikachu above Munchlax head as for your gift I'll gave you the law of divine thunder tribulations sending through a single poke on Pikachu's forehead and your name will be Chopin the Pikachu.

Lim: What kind of naming sense is that, she heard her boss command to go fetch some fresh coco goat milk inside the house. She just uses her mental power to teleport two bottles of milk and then materialize pet bowls then she masterfully distributes it for the two.

After a couple of minutes, Lex finishes his bowl shifted his gaze to Chopin; Munch Munchh! "Sister can you share a little milk for me".

Chopin heard Lex cry and replied Pika "Ok" she gave half of it to Lex.

Looking at the two enjoying their milk time. Lim ask her boss.

Boss, do you understand the two.

Well, it's easy to understand them by their movement and expression, looks like they love the taste of the coco goat milk, I almost forgot their food and he crouch down then materializing a pokeblock maker using the information in making it he pulled all necessary ingredients in his inventory and for the fruits as alternative he selected the best one that in every continent of teyvat use for their desserts.

Munch, Pika. They both have a glistening eye staring on the pilled of freshly warm pokeblocks and there is trace of saliva in their mouth.

All done, Lim distribute it to them and make sure to separate some for their breakfast, he shifted his gaze to the last egg and heard Lim.

No problem boss and that egg still need 8hrs of incubation period to hatch, should I include his part to?

After giving a big ok hand sign to Lim, he created a rocking chair and gets some afternoon nap.


It's 3:27 pm the noise of the two Pokémon playing awakens him, stretching both arm then he made a snap and the group appeared in a folded plane, in front of them is a lake after that are mountains then he gave a speech. From now you're my Pokémon partners and I'll give a demonstration how cool am I with his point finger he made a cut aiming to the mountains.

Lex and Chopin both follow his arm that made a wave move then a sword light release by his finger and the mountains in their view vanishes without a trace.

Munch? Pika? They both have a shocking expression.

Both of you want to learn? Then starting from now on follow me. Staring at the Pokémon recovered in shock and they both nodded on his direction, he materializes two poke ball that has the same function of a guardian beast box then throw it to the two. Both poke ball shakes three times, the red light keeps flickering and then the capture finish with a ting sound.

Lim gave him a round of applause.

He ignores her stands up and picks the poke balls then returns to reality. It's started to get dark; he releases the two from their poke ball and walks to the last egg, he carried it with a single arm then walk straight to the back door of the house both Lex and Chopin follow him like a good child.