Shiny, Shura, Soul items and skill granting.

In the living room there is furball Pokémon sleeping while hugging his bloated belly and snoring with a snot bubble, in front of him a table at the top of it is an egg sitting on a soft square pillow.

Tsk, who have thought that you Lim keeps giving Lex pokeblocks, he cast area silence to were Lex at and after finishing making dinner, he is now preparing different ingredients to make a lot of confectioners.

Lim who's riding at Chopin's head laugh, hahaha I never thought that guy is too cute on begging for food while Chopin munching a muffin and watching her trainer every move.

? Lim look at Chopin she's only a newborn but it's already wanted to learn something as expected of having a bloodline of a true divine candle dragon known as the wises among the dragon race. He petted the Pikachu; I'll show a little capability of electricity or lightning and thunder element to you in slow motion so watch and learn properly.

Pika? With an excitement on the eyes.

Clow pulled small 2 iron balls but this item was consisted of iron sand that was compressed by lightning/thunder element. Sending lightning magic to the balls the magnetic power compressing the iron loosen, it's started to deform and started to take shape first is a square next a triangle, rectangle, from utensils to kitchenware's then stop on a sharp cleaver to cut the ingredients on the top of the chopping board. The two apple lines up were divides in half without any resistance at all. After that he compress it again to iron balls, did you watch it properly? If yes then made a nod and if not shake your head. Then if yes, your reward is these 2 iron balls for you to practice. Chopin nodded at him.

Pikapi "I did learn a little and I want to try it". She nodded to her master trainer and then receives the iron balls at her hand then jumps at the table run toward the living room, sits up at the coach next to Lex. She started with her control of electric power to try manipulate the magnetic force of iron sand.

Lim: Boss are you sure that's the demonstration a while ago is for beginners?

Hahaha, if you want to be strong just put more guts and believe on yourself same to Pokémon's they are beings that don't want to embarrassed their trainers, there is a saying on Pokémon world there is no useless Pokémon only trainers. After a couple of minutes all the ingredients are done it's ready for the next step the baking. His to bored to control the fire using magic so he decided to summon and pulled a talisman in his inventory while holding it he made different hand gestures "Onmyoji's Summon Talisman Technique" what appeared is a small spirit of fire then commanded it to control the fire, both of them enter cooking mode.

Lim receive a critical hit watching the scene that made her cough, the **** damn Nen-Qi Specialize job they can really defy everything. She decided to ignore her boss and float where the Pokémon are, maybe Chopin needs a teacher to guide her.


It's already 6 pm when Dr. Lindsay got home, upon opening the door a cute yellow rodent greeted her. She picks it up on the ground and observe it, what kind of animal is this then before she continues to explore it her hearing perception felt a big breathing motion that a human cannot do, she walks to the living room while carrying Chopin on her arms and what enter in her view was a 0.6 m fat fur ball animal sleeping on the couch it was Lex.

?? as a researcher it's her first time to see animals like this, she approaches and poke the one on the couch but it didn't budge because is sleepy like a log. She heard a Pika sound, shifted her gaze on her arm, the rodent like animal looking at her with a cute eye and decided to put it down near the couch, it run to the kitchen then heard her grandson voice coming at that direction.

She sits next to Lex and see the egg on the table. Fixing her glasses observing the pattern on the egg and trying to remember the books that contain all kind of animals and monsters that living on every continent of Teyvat.

A few minutes in a thinking position she gave a conclusion that there is no such an egg that look like this on those books? She frowned and called her grandson to the living room, boy come here for a second.


Clow walk to the living room, grandma your home so what's the problem and Chopin jumps to his shoulder.

Where did you get them?

You mean these guys; I accidently pick up 3 eggs while roaming near the Chasm and brought them up home but who have thought that after cleaning the eggs and warming it up the two hatches to this unknown kind of animals. They don't look like carnivores and easy to get along.

Dr. Lindsay: Looks like the one on your shoulder can manipulate electro element? She been observing Chopin that busy manipulating the iron balls while they both having conversation.

Yeah, grandma she's expert on that. He scratches the back of his head and the heated food on the kitchen already giving a delicious smell that enter on their nose. I think it's time to eat dinner and grandma just try to get along with them their 100% interesting animals.

Huh really boy, she petted Chopin and explore its body using her perception that made her laugh. Boy if I have time you try to lend them to me for hours.

No problem that grandma as long as you don't dissect them.

Lex awaken and it gets up on the couch, his every step made thud sound and made a munch sound while rubbing his belly "Hungry"?

Both of them look at him and laugh, they all walk on the kitchen to have their dinner.


Next day Clow awaken because of the loud noises coming from the first floor, he walks down the stairs and rushes to the living room. He sees his grandma and Chopin trying to experiment on something while Lex holding large open bottle jar that contain Pokeblocks his mouth is too full, the egg on the table already gone then he heard his grandma spoke.

Boy you just woke up try to shift your view on window, she pointing on a bipedal Pokémon with a white roundish body, On its back are numerous spikes and it has smaller spikes on top of its head similar to tufty fur. Its arms and legs are short with three digits on both its hands and feet. It also has a stubby tail. sleeping on a hammock hugging a pillow.

He walks near it, a shiny Gengar this one has 6% true shura bloodline and he carried it down on the hammock with his small body then shake it ups and down trying to awaken the Pokemon, the gengar awaken it makes a series of growl that he wants to be put down already.

Genga "why is the world spinning" after a few second while sitting on the cold floor being clam, he shifted his gaze to the rude boy and he knows that this boy is his trainer.

Clow observe the Gengar again, it has golden red eyes and it's too emotional then he decided with a name, you'll be Grand from now on. It didn't refute the name but he heard a large noise coming on the Gengar's belly he laugh. You're hungry, hey Lex come here and share some universal Pokeblocks to this guy.

Lex approaches him while holding a bottle jar of Pokeblocks with his both hands and offer it to their new companion, munch "try it, it's delicious".

Genga Genga "Thank you trainer for the name and brother can I really have some of that", he was looking at the fatso that offering him some food but shifted his gaze on his belly comprehending that he is also a fatso. He didn't hesitate anymore opening his mouth using psychic power he manipulates the Pokeblocks out the bottle jar it's line up enters his mouth then he chewed and the soft food slowly melting on his tongue made him growl.

Genga "It's good, I love the unique taste".

Clow watching the two exchanging he chuckled, well done Lex you know how share your food, he petted him and you Grand come here I'll give you your welcome gift in entering the family.

Grand approaches his trainer, a warm poke on his forehead he received the so-called gift it was 4 extra arms covered with armors and it has the same elemental power he had. Ganga "WoW" he keeps playing his extra arms by opening and closing it hands then using 4 different skill aura sphere, shadow ball, ice punch and fire punch.

Gengaa "look look brother I can do a lot of things using these arms".

Lex: Munch ?? staring on the 4 new arms of his bro with a confuse eyes he stretches his arm and try to pokes the nearest arm that has aura sphere on it using his finger with the power of shock fruit but before the damage plus the aftershock occur their trainer Clow isolate that small space.

These guys messing around. Lim appeared and spoke, like their abnormal trainer right boss, she smiling evilly at him but only laugh as a replied return to her.

After having a satisfying laugh, he turns back and sees that his grandma staring at them with curiosity that made him shrugged his shoulder. Grandma relax nothing dangerous happen, I just help this guy awaken his bloodline ok while patting the belly of Grand, so stop staring at us like that. If gaze can kill people, we'd been dead multiple times already and lastly, it's time to prepare breakfast. He walks with a fast pace enters the kitchen without looking back leaving Lex and Grand on the scene.

An hour later, Clow needed to throw his grandma out of the house because she keeps pestering the Pokemons especially Grand his extra arms getting all the attention.

I know boy it's time for me to go to the city so stop pestering me to, her eyes fix on one of Grand arms that manipulating fire element, she inspecting it on how it works. They look like the extra arms of a ruin hunter but this thing on him can float it's like extra appendages but before she continues her inspection she heard her grandson command, Grand use your mind to retract those arms already.

Genga "Copy", he already on verge of collapse.

Well boy can you lend me him for a day.

Nah grandma, I need to give them a simple briefing today. Here all your items and bag, you'll be late to your appointment. His pushing her out the door and close it with bang. Dr. Lindsay scratches her head then nodding while muttering "yeah, yeah I got a lot of time to check those guys after I done my work" and she decided to go on the road already.

Inside the house, Clow called everyone.

Guys let's go to the backyard, I need to give all of you some initial skills and plan or routine to get stronger. He claps to call their attentions.

Genga, Pi ka, Munch "Ok trainer"


The three Pokemon line up horizontally sitting on the grass behind them was the garden and in front their trainer giving a speech like a general standing his hands on his back.

Frist I will send all Pokemon moves that a Pikachu, Munchlax to Snorlax and a Gengar can learn from lv5 – 100. He snaps a light on his pointing finger appeared and shoot it to their forehead. The three made a cry because of the seires of skill and information they received.

Pikapi "That's a lot", Munch "????" his world spinning, Gen Gaaa "My brain gonna explode".

Now that you all have receive the moves in initial level but you three needed to improved your mastery on each of it because I'll assessing your gains once a year and next my plan was to teach you some martial skill but before that I'll give you some soul item equipment. With his creation magic he created a wooden stick for Lex, a Pokemon baseball cap for Chopin, the last was a black and white scarf for Grand.

Lim listen on his head decided to appraise the items. She starts with the wooden stick.


Name: Omega's Warmonger Stick, Attack: it depends on the power of his/her holder pour in on single strike, durability: Infinite, undestroyable item and it cannot be drop, host Lex the Munchlax.

Description: This stick was created on a branch of a certain chaos level tree of life. It can multiply the attack of its host to 100%, if it's not equipped 50% of its capability will transfer to enhance the total overall damage of his/her host, it has the ability to remove all the body limiters of its holder and has the auto-ability to heal in millisecond any kind of wounds of its host in battle lastly it can increase the comprehension of its host to his/her skills. One hit from it will make the enemy addictive to being beaten Hehehe.

Name: Lucky Poke Cap, Attack: None, durability: Infinite, undestroyable item and it cannot be drop, host Chopin the Pikachu.

Description: This cap weave on unknown silk that only tier 15 being knows, it gives the holder an ability to defy destiny, ability to manipulate luck of any being below tier 15 entity, increase the holders luck to the maximum, it also increases the holder learnability and lastly it will give its holder the eyes of truth that heightened visual senses, allowing him/her to see fast movements normally impossible for any being eyes can follow, or minute details with great clarity. The eyes are also equipped with a self-restoration function such that over time, they will heal themselves of any damage sustained. Most importantly, his/her eyes see 'The Truth' of the world he/she travels. This allows him/her to see past world altering illusions along with perceiving an individual's unique aura. Upon staring at an entity for a duration, he/she is able to see their "true name" for those on disguised, but only if its heart is present.

Name: Alpha and Omega Scarf, Attack: None, Durability: Infinite, undestroyable item and it cannot be drop, host Grand the Gengar.

Description: This scarf was weave with the silk that was bathed on the blood of a certain primordial that has a high level of mastery on manipulation of creation and destruction skills or power. It increases the holder ability on manipulating holy and dark element, it can give the holder the ability to manipulate other elements except her/his own, it increases the destruction output of its host on 100% and if not equipped 50% of it's capability will transfer to its holder lastly it will give an extra skill called reaper death scythe.


Huh?? *** is this random soul items, when the boss receive the three this world didn't reject them because the eggs was automatically registered to its system that was also expected to goshujin-sama but now it's my job to register this items damn, staring at her boss distributing the items, she didn't have a choice and directly opens the Teyvat system to register the items then also check if there is an error on the system.

Ok guys looks like you love the soul items you've received, now try to call them in and out of your soul using mind power to command it that will be you're training for today and after you three accomplish it same reward are stash of Pokeblocks, he steps on the side created a white board and maker then write some future training plans for the three.