What’s a Bloodborne

Yehey we are now out of these unending garden maze, Lim was happy hovering in front of her boss who had no sense of direction and now both them standing on backdoor of a 2-story western house. The design was like those houses that you can see on a corner of a huge developing cities.

Quite simple right, it had no design but this house was made by me alone without using any kind of power. Let me remember where I put the key first. Tsk, really getting old, Ah as for the memory about this thing are not included on my memory bank that you're safeguarding. He finds the key without any effort by checking each flower vase on one of the windows next to the door.

Lim snatch the key and unlock the door then enter. She saw was a kitchen but the all-around design of it was like a mini ramen house shop.

Boss did you use space magic on the whole house, small outside but big inside.

The bystander nodded while making his first step to the kitchen, the room over there was the storage room and the other door opposite of it was link to the hallway.

The entity you wanted to see was on the second floor. Without more time to check everything the two decided to go straight to their goal. On the 2nd floor Clow leads the way to a room with a double door.

Behind this door is the entity you wanted to see so, keep your promise to me. He pushes the door, both of them enter on the same time and he closes the door on a silent manner.

Lim was amazed on how big was the room is and what caught her both eyes was the bed in the middle. The moment she saw the face of the entity something made her remembered and also made her soul separated on her body.

Clow knows that this will happen but he didn't make a move and his main weapon vibrates. What picks up his interest was how grown the entity slumbering silently like it was waiting for someone or a time that it will wake up.


Lim's memory:

The BASS felt she return on a certain event; it was a big gathering of those divinators, this event was broadcast to every planet and they will try to see what is the future track of the whole upper origin plane. It was always empty but this time it was not.

The three first bystander with their BASS was on a café, it was their vacation. The brother was silently drinking his coffee while reading an old newspaper and his two sisters was doing their own thing while listening on the commentator of the event. Suddenly on the event a loud commotion started because when those divinators predict a big picture appeared and turn to a memory video that automatically played.

The video was focus on a young lady wearing a black trench coat, her long black hair fluttered on the wind matching with her neck tie. Everyone saw her haggard face, a simple beauty with a cosmos type pupil. She was a dual wielder, an unsheathed Nodachi on her left hand and a normal broken katana on her right. When she turned around the angle on the video changes, everyone saw a bloody scene, they understood that it was a war and the young lady was the slaughterer.

Those powerhouses who are watching the event knows the place where the young lady fighting is. It was the area where the one who is chosen as the owner of the whole upper realm resides. Those who are born as an original primordial or entity also made a conjecture because when they saw the video they didn't receive or feel a connection on that timeline as for those who are not, they receive a piece of memory. A war against to an unknown enemy and the young lady was the leader of it.

Everyone still focus on the scene, while some divinators bleeds and the other turned to dust, soul vanishes like they were not belong to anything. The young lady didn't stop on marching, every time a new group or team to block her died, she didn't even make a swing. When those practitioners watching was on shock because they cannot follow her movement, they only understand that her sword attack was fast, long enough to cut or annihilate planets and dimension on its radius. Some of them didn't feel any danger on the Nodachi but when they shifted their gaze on the broken weapon they cannot stop trembling, fear and also excitement, an entity that can kill them totally.

The young lady changes her direction to an open high-way, a road to a large colosseum. She moved fast enough that no one can keeps up, everything she passes was cut then she entered the colosseum and stopping in front of her target.

Those who were observing properly and especially the old one saw that the target was the manager of that generation the face was blurred for them not to find who it is, its mean it was not him. Every detail was etched on entity that she was facing.

The entity speaks: do you need a breathing before we start. It's been a month seen all of you sudden appeared, killing none stop until this day and I don't know when you all stops but you as their leader decided to end it all starting from me. Without me no one will able to stop you guys, he had a sadness painted on his face and he knew that they're on the losing side but still he had to fight to death.

It is for revenge nor vengeance or just conquering the three entire realms?

The young lady replied to him. Nah, I for us, we didn't want recognition nor become a leader like you but to tell that we exist, the realms abandon those entities that can harm it like us and you all happily sitting on the top enjoying what it gives. She looks up and murmured, those being that can stop me had already been gone. She locks the entity with her whole existence for it not escape of her perception. I'm good any time so prepare, upon re-sheathing the Nodachi on its scabbard it releases a dimensional slash obliterating entirely was faces her back, erasing half of the planet and etc. that align of its way. Ops hahaha, let's begin while holding the broken katana tightly.

The video sudden turned black when the two will start to clash, all entities watching the live broadcast wanted to rush to event place to complaint. One of the organizers already snatch the commentator mic to made an emergency announcement, almost half of the divinators already dead and some was trying their best to keeps track on that timeline bleeding all over their body orifices.

At the moment the picture turned again and the young lady was already win. She was standing on a 10x10 square platform and the planet where is the colosseum located a while ago was already been destroyed, destroyed treasures weapons scattered on the space as for her enemy was on the last breath lying in front of her. His armored was broken, one of his legs was cut cleaned, all over his body was covered with wounds that he received while deflecting the young lady attacks and his regenerative skills already cannot keep up even his outer soul was now cracking trying to protect his inner soul.

Coughing with blood he asks the young lady, before you give me the final blow can I ask you what being are you nor that broken weapon you holding, what is that thing.

The young lady replied, I'm just a human, an orphan and this weapon appeared one day in front of my sisters and brothers. The man smiles and he gave his last words, I see and as the winner you can do what you wanted to do.

Beheading, a simple slash killed the existence that everyone called the supreme, the overalled entity or the one they called rulers of the three realms.

Now that all the beings that can stop me is dead, she expanded her outer soul enough to swallowed the three realms, it's not devouring but her total range of attack after that she pulled a cigar then puff a little of it, she coughs and spoke. I'm still not good on smoking medical cigar then she made a kendo stance while chanting something.

I'm a human, my body and soul can be a weapon

I'm holding a sword and I'm a sword that equals to nothing

------- dust like existence and had ----...

Through life and -------

I offer it all for I to c---------....

Everyone watching that scene knows what was coming, the chants they heard was broken enough made them realize it was not comparable to a complete sword chant. She swings down the broken weapon with the finishing words "Dividing Cut" the invisible wall as boundary of the three realms cut and dissolve to nothingness that made a large movement of high condense dark matter from the upper origin realm floods down to middle until the bottom aka lower worlds.

The old one that observing the screen, shook his head. That chant took away half of her existence, experience, memory and etc. What madness but I'm still angry those weapon that she destroyed are from my collections and dammit who the hell choose a total leader like that, he cannot even manage the whole realm.

Huh, he was shocks on what the young lady next move

On the screen the lady completed her goals, she put the broken katana back to its black sword sheath then she made a snap that created a seed. Closing her eyes and buffing it plus saying the words of goodbye, from now on there will be no leaders but this seed will become a tree that will carry everything on this combine realms that already become one. Grow bigger and if someone appeared that had the ability to destroy the tree that grown from this seed or made it alarmed, we will nor I will appear before it. she opens her sharp close eyes and a glint of killing intent waves on it, we will hunt it and burn everything he/she had to the ground.

The big picture turned to black, divinators that still perform the prediction was on madness, the organizers and medical supports cannot even cancel their skill until everyone fainted to exhaustion.

The old one alarmed, the origin seed and if it grows it will become a virtual tree. The three realms were apart of large tree, its seed had been cast out of it because it turned to black that wanted only destruction of everything then it receive a new name from the first primordial calling it as origin abyss.

Looks like I need to use my favor this year and ask those three to look for her, he teleported and his destination was that café where the bystanders having their vacation. He didn't even know when he left a beautiful woman hugging a stuff toy entered his office to look for him, it was his eldest daughter.

Lim who is on a third person view knows what will happen next, this memory was not just from her it was also from upper origin realm consciousness, she wanted to get out of this reminiscence because her body was out there doing something. This, when did the realm put this mindset to my body pls finish it already, she started to get angry and she had a promise to keep?

On a certain café the young costumers that from the large clans, families either not were receive a call to return to their home worlds. A group from the Xu and Ran clan had a little argument, everyone was on a hurry to leave but this group was curious why the proprieties on the cashier was not worried about the future they've see on the event, one of them ask her. Ah, no ma'am why are you not worried or afraid to that entity that someday will appeared on the future that will destroy the balance?

They got a replied from her: I'm not because of those three on the middle sitting silently relaxing like it was nothing to them while showing a peaceful smile. Everyone who were listening felt it was a joke but some of them remembered something, their elder always say that if you see individuals that look like normal human to you nor on your eyes, they were ants like existence please don't do anything if you don't want our clan or race vanish without a trace and the only entities can remember us nor our family name was those who are on peak, they are different cause it was a racial race special enough that only those who are strong can handle their origin.

The group bewildered; they know that this café was one of the safes place marks by any races. While waiting for their recipe, they feel a large presence and everyone on the café turned on a single direction. A newcomer, a man around on his thirties that everyone only saw on large gathering nor on special event that every leader of clans or races are present, the old one was sitting in front of three individuals with an observing manner.

The old one asks them; do you know her?

One of the sisters answered: Damn game over again, no and why a known individual sudden appeared like he was to plead for help, do you know what day is it? While patting the white furball on the table sleeping.

Then the other one that had finish making a plan like she was building a huge mech looks at the old one then she started playing the marker. let me guess your purpose, you want to use this chaos year favor right.

Well, I know it was a vacation but it is really emergency right, I believe your answer that no one of you knows her. Yup, my favor this year, I want for all every bystander to locate her and bring her in front me alive. He was serious because he was still mad on how the young lady destroyed his collections not only that he also receiving a search and kill order from the realm plane itself.

Not everyone on the shop felt that they've rendered on their movement like they were freeze in time and can hear the conversation properly.

The middle-aged man that had a jojo build body that wearing a yellowish shirt, tattered jeans and an old geta put down the newspaper he was holding. Do you mind if these young ones listening to our conversation?

Not really even some of them can be a successor of their clans and if they had no guts, they will just forget everything on what will they hear. Yes or no, I want an answer now if you three accept my favor.

Ok, while sipping his coffee we accept but this order was for a chaos year only and you cannot give the same request again.

Old One: Tsk, among the three of you, you had the largest soul not only exceeds mine and you're a sword master right, it will be easy to find a single trace of her.

Sword master huh, I can only do normal swings and maybe if some experts of all races saw it, they will just laugh at me hahaha.

The old one had a headache, you three really quiet a salted fish. He wanted to add something on his favor then he shifted his eyes on the three BASS busy eating snacks on the table.

The three saw it, the old one put a mindset on them but when it entered the BASS the realm consciousness altered it to something.

Ok I'm done here, wish you luck guys. He teleported back to his office while giving the table a tap.

Neh brother should I remove the thing that entered our BASS, Alice sends a telepathy to his brother only receive a no as an answer.

The costumers shivered a little, some of them rush out of the café while the others were trying to relax by activating some holy skills they've got. A man wearing an apron who had a normal build gets out of the kitchen walking straight to the three with a calmness aura that everyone felt.

Uncle, mom and aunt? I heard it all, a mission for everyone. He was a Kin of one of them.

Little Mukoda, you know that we three are here to enjoy our day off. It's vacation, just let everyone knows about the incoming search and can give me another homemade cake, a big one. Oh, forgot ask Klaus about a document that I gave to his wife. The one that talked was Noel the youngest of the three that always making some mechanical lifeform blueprints.

Ok, dammit I thought I can have a vacation next month to. Before he goes back the kitchen, he sends a telepathy to the three making sure that no one will hear even the BASS nor the proprieties his wife will. The young lady on the video, the Nodachi is one of your favorite weapon right aunt? I don't know who she is but that weapon was the thing you had use to save me and everyone that I care back then. Not receiving a reply, while walking he already made an answer for himself that was a secret that three needed to be concealed.

The brother Tobi picks up the newspaper making a joke through telepathy, oh someone of your Kins already making an assumption. That Nodachi is big dagger right making a mocking smile on his sister that restarting a console but receive a kick below the table.

Brother what do you think, she was on a tier above 16 and those entities that can stops her that already dead should be us right, her "O_n __the_ and A_nti__".

Why you're thinking something like that, everything will be fine and looks like those battle maniacs started to search for her now? His large perception detected those entities even they concealed their movements.

Alice just makes a quick nodded spamming the buttons of her game console but also gave a comment. I don't care as long they will not hinder us to live peacefully, let them do want they want.

When almost the café was empty a new costumer arrived, it was the young lady that looking for the old one and she gave bow on the three calling them as uncle and aunties.

Artemis you don't need to be polite to us, you're looking for your father, right? He did just come here to give us a new job.

I already know but can I request my own commission.

Noel responded, let's hear it first and I will decide not this two.

She felt relieve and talk. Same request but when you find her, please go to me first because I felt she was similar to me back then but a little different before mom and dad meet with the help of uncle.

Your circumstances back then? Your an unbirth primordial spirit and I think that lady on the divination was not but something. Oh well same method, head mean we take it or tail we will reject it.

On the third person view of this memory Lim was trying herself to create a way out. Putting all the hints she had seen and hear, knowing that her gosujin had a Nodachi that she had never seen before and those broken words on their telepathy communicating to each other. She had her answer, slam her fist harder and harder she was able to make a crack that expanding making a space for her to comes out.


On the room when the BASS soul separated to her body and sealed by a black sphere, Clow didn't do anything he was just watching everything around the room if there are any changes.

Raja pops out of her box and landed to his head then she asks him.

Not stopping it, you're testing her too much. You know even without the mindset that hijack her body it is normal that anyone can see your daughter will go crazy then attack her. For your 2nd daughter to grown beautifully and had a little resemblance to the madam. The two ignore the BASS body that release a killing intent heavier enough to fill the whole room.

If she was able to comes out from that then I'll ask Alice to give her an upgrade for her to had the ability to take care of any large problem in the future.

Aigo do you really had no plan to stop that.

Hmph, no need while stepping back a little cause the BASS entered a battle mode.


The BASS body was on windbreaker attire, she created a katana and filled the room with treasure weapons aiming the entity sleeping in the middle.

Execution mode "Slaughters breath: form 969 – Crimson moon halo" she was on a sword draw stance, her unique burning aura NEN-Qi gathered on her weapon and in a succession of unleashing this attack will create a heavy downward slash that ignore laws, rules nor any defensive powers. The body felt that the soul broke the seal but it activated a skill to bind it.

Lim on soul mode was out of the black sphere, shouting stop while rushing trying reach and touch her body but a soul chain materializes binding her on midair then she saw it.

In a split millisecond before her body made the attack, a new entity appeared on the room and if someone was watching Clow's main weapon that he was holding was now disappeared.

When it appeared all the weapons scattered turned to nothingness not leaving any dust. A little girl on a tank top white shirt, brown short and a pair of slippers. This entity was on a special hunting mode half her body was divided by it, Lim's body that on the attacking stance was froze on time literally it cannot keep up of the newcomer speed, its weapon vanishes and it receive a slap enough to made her own soul that was bind pulled directly returned back to her body.

Lim felt the attack, all her bones crack to pieces, every organ of her body was like being torn apart and the damage was also directed to her soul. The cracking sound every time she bounces, all her resistance for pain or nullifications was off, even all her regeneration ability was like non-existence and she cannot even open her mouth to say that it was hurt. She was losing consciousness and when she felt that the next directory of her body was in front on the newcomer with a brave heart, she wanted to know who it was. Activating her appraisal without no care if she will succeed or not, at least she tried something. The information panel appeared and with a faded consciousness after reading the entity name, she made a smile murmuring "I see".

Name: Nameless D. Bloodborne

Race: Sword Race 1% + 99% High Human

State: Semi Family Hunting Mode – Bloodborne Killing State

Tier: 15.5 Half Step Unknown

Description: A weapon but also the daughter of an entity called Tobi D. Bloodborne. She was maybe created by mixing normal steel and iron but the man himself poured his own blood + soul blood while creating her. The only weapon that can handle his full power not breaking on a single use, every time he was injured and killing high entities their blood was like water that the sword being bathed of it or when it had a little damage Tobi will use his blood to repair it. A long time of year the normal sword didn't gain a soul but become an entity with the blood of a real Bloodborne.

The girl was planning to end the BASS that keeps bouncing like it was trap on a large invisible box making sure that its blood will not dirtier the floor and walls of the room with a finger slash.

Raja flickered catching the BASS with her scarf organ, covering it to make sure to protect it against the girl and with a tone of an elder she said to it.

Little Nameless, you did promise that you will not kill in front of your little sister, right?

Raja don't cover her; she breaks a promise not only that she pointed her weapon at my sister and I don't mind fighting you head on. She looks at Raja with her sharp devoid eyes and two different kind of weapon slowly materialize on her hands but before it was completed, she receives a pat on her head.

Nameless I know your just following the rules of the family but this time give her a chance.

Tsk, she flickered above Clow performing an attack while saying to him. You, heartless father of mine, you didn't even visit her once and now she had grown than I'm without us knowing that she will become the enemy of the three realms. What the h*ll was that divination of those f***ing old guys making her a wanted being.

Clow didn't dodge just receive with his arm and making sure he was using the same amount of power to block it or to negate the total force that it will release, performing a renewal taekwondo perfect circle? Do you plan to kill me while opening his closed eyes, seeing his daughter that sudden flips up using the momentum when he blocks it then creating a customize long barrel gun shooting at him? When she pulled the trigger, the bullets didn't come out of it muzzle but it appeared touching Clow's shirt aiming at his heart.

His defense was able to handle it then he normally picks the bullets that trying to drill of his shirt. Nameless didn't care at all if her attack succeeds, flickering again and deactivating her hunting mode appearing above the bed sitting next to her sister.

Tsk, I always remember what did you thought to me. The most dangerous beings are not those who are favor of a world, cosmos nor the realm but who was the 1st to attain the so-called peak of tier or their own unique level nor who are the one who 1st breakthrough on that state, right dad the first among the three bystanders. Even if those old guys above breakthrough to tier 16, they will not be enough to fight that being that you wanted to kill, shaking her head then gave a deep breath and her devoid pupils gain life like a blue planet.

Looks like you read some news, when did my sister picks you up and when did you awaken that mode, you know that my father your grandpa hates that form. He walks and sited to the old rocking chair near the bed waiting for her reply.

That happened when I ask you to send me away for me to have my own adventure and also enlighten myself failing to protect her. While enjoying my adventure I accidentally meet entity no. 8 "Kaiju no. 8 just kidding" of the list of those being who become devourers, grasping its tier was the same as mine but I'm losing because of its age, experience and profoundness of skill. On that struggle I had no choice but to awaken the Bloodborne form, I win but the damage I receive was not simple, cannot maintain my human form and become a drifter without direction, on that time I simulate my self on that form. Every simulation of that form always resulted to infinite loop of killing, that time I realize what's a Bloodborne was.

A human entity that hunts higher entities with their mortal body, especial gadgets and customize weapons.

I don't know when and how did auntie pick me up, maybe because of busy simulating on that form I didn't feel the date and time. I just appeared on a planet manage by an family alter and there auntie was looking at me with fierce gaze with that furball Akuma grinning at me like she was mocking me. A little annoyance on her voice.

After explaining on how she manages to awake that form, her gaze that was still focus at her sister while muttering some words. She was born normal even she had absorbed your blood, soul blood and the corpses of those we hunted, not receiving your experience on life like I who was born with intelligence like those who were reincarnated or isekaid on otherworld's, a normal newborn baby with a blank mind like a paper that needed to be cared by a normal parent not an entity with mentally ill emotion but I know he did his all to become a proper father. Looking at the sleeping beauty, she still remembers the whole scene of that incident because of them letting the 4th devourer on the list escape. They said the safest place was the most dangerous place, that being on his/her soul hide between the boundary of reality and Clow's shadow.


A happy day she asks her father who was not on guard resting at home to takes out her sister for a walk, that time was a great opportunity for that devourer to strike. An unknown type of sneak attack, Nameless was able to block it, receiving heavy wounds to protect her sister and when the entity saw her sister it become crazy.

It sacrifices its body to escape them and it didn't know what happened, his/her soul felt something when it saw the other girl. Ha ha ha, what's this why I can stop the feeling of hunger, like a rabid dog hungry for a week losing his/her sanity. The entity launches its whole body to them, opening its massive mouth that still salivating to devourer them.

Nameless knows that her tier was lower than the enemy, she wanted to buy time after sending telepathy to her father. The entity was faster than her message, it even cancels nor hold her long distance teleportation either high-speed movement skill nor her life protection was disable cause of the presence of the entity. On that time her sister taps her, it cancels her human transformation return to a katana on a size that her sister can hold.

Her sister unsheathed her performing a slash equal to nothingness enough to obliterate the hungry soul that almost an inch to them. Clow was late only 2 milliseconds, he only saw Nameless crying while hugging her little sister like it was not breathing that time.

Nameless saw him, she didn't see any kind of expression but through their family connection she can feel a jumble of emotions on him.


That incident made them vigilance never turned off their total perception that even different kind of boundary that connects to reality was being scanned infinitely.

It's a cheat, I'm the sister but look at her grown big and her figure, WT* with those pair of round melons. She's poking it, Raja that just finish healing the BASS flickered appeared next to her.

Little Nameless can I slap you or give a you a bonk, you're harassing her with a serious tone and readying her paw. Looks like she was wearing body limiters on that future divination, hiding her countenance and (-) charm.

Both of them heard a cough, when did you become a pervert my daughter or do you develop a sister complex?

Eh, I don't have those complexes and I'm a simple typical little girl, just a little jealous. If someone saw that the sister was being carried by the younger sibling was quite embarrassing right. Pops why not find a wife, how can you let I stack on this form until now?

Huh, someday if that even possible hahaha oh well. What's the last story book I didn't finish reading for her?

Hmph, the book on the 2nd shelves, fifth row and its title: the huntress of the woods. She started to gather her sister's long hair that almost getting out of the bed touching the floor to groom it. While for Raja she just returned to the table where the BASS was, opening her own market place and buying some snacks for her to eat.

Clow started to read the story book, it's not a lovely kind genre but a bloody gore story. when his daughter that still slumbering was little it always cry if he reads a normal story for children but Nameless was able to find the best story for her to make her asleep it was horror genre.


Going back to the Pikachu drifted to a hidden timeline. When Chopin fired her first shot, she saw that the entity pulled his/her existence to the past or future timelines on the trap making his/her existence on a single reality abandoning the worlds it had captured.

Pika "Oh, guys it's time for a cleanup" she saw that the entity resizes its huge body, the bullets she fired was block by an invisible multi barrier and she commanded her copies to destroyed the worlds it captured from the past timeline before those worlds started to produce life as for the other copies was in the future on standby readying there to assist her.

The Pikachu of this timeline was using an avatar to observe the fight, she was curious about this Pikachu after she finish appraising it. The one occupying her body was not even 1 year old but she had a tier between deity – transcendent also called ascendant tier, its sanity was (-) same level of a chaos being and the last was its description that encrypted that she cannot even decipher with a limited time, knowing that the Pikachu will soon be called by her real timeline.

Pika pikup "Huh, how did she know that the ring on my hat had a book binder" it was impossible of anyone can open it as long it was not her or her little masters, she look again on the status panel of it and her eyes stop on a single place the trainer. It was covered by asterisk and next to it was a column divider with a word sensei then again it was hidden. Comparing it to her status it was really different but somehow, she felt nostalgic only giving a smile then looks at Chopin started to boost her weapon.

Chopin on her sniping position summon the guy family binder.

Pika "Magic Boost Page: Tier 15 disaster magic cards" using her mental energy each card that can boost weapon to its maximum floats, aligning like she was playing a card game. Commanding her copies that standby to annoy the guy while preparing her an attack that can destroy it shields.

Pika "Gain and enhance, there is no tier 16 magic then I will be the one who will make it" picking on of the magic card turning to a light whiling the sniper, on its tip a magic circle started to formulate. She gives a smirk and continue to apply the cards she had chooses, remember improvise those word from her master trainer.

The entity knows that impossible to make an escape if the Pikachu on other timeline spirit lock his/her presence, they were bombarding him/her with bullets from their mini gun. The entity fires an overheat Aura Qi/Ki like laser to each Pikachu's, this attack pierce time and space but the Pikachu's block it normally with the whole body of the eye of Chronos.

Damn this, activate creation magic using the soul he/she gather from those worlds he/she consumed he created an army to stall time against those Pikachu's. the entity already felt Chopin who enhancing her next attack, it decided to fire an intense breath of annihilation to her direction.

The Pikachu of this timeline that observing saw that those enhancement started to gather on the tip of Chopin's sniper. Each magic started to disassembled, decoding to coding and then reconstruction multiple times.

Pika pikup "She's crazy, after a long time no one had able to create it and now you a drifter want to make an experiment using my power" she knows Chopin needed time, recreating a bow planning to help her but for some reason she heard her voice "Trap card page: all absorption and counter spell cards, form a deck".

She never budges about the attack incoming, a copy of her appeared like a lookout and this one without any hesitation activated each of the card of the 40-deck brick from "Mirror force, Damage Polarizer and etc." each of this card activated pile like an invisible barrier. The entity breath shattered 39 of it until the last one on that moment the last barrier tried to absorbs it but because of the tier force it still cannot handle so Chopin who had finish recreating the enhancement magic commanded the lookout to hold her tightly.

Pika "Multi-shot, many to one" She fired her weapon, thanks to her copy that not only hold her but also absorb the recoil. The bullet she fired was not one but combine of bullets of each magazine cartridge next to her was now emptied.

Her attack erases the dragon breath and when it hit the entity shield it explode creating a large crack.

The explosion made the entity perception limited and each Pikachu copy also interfering it. After the attack subside and knows that his/her barriers are broken, the entity flickered then he/she tried to checked the position where the shot came from but the original mouse was not there anymore.

In a millisecond he/she felt a force almost touching his/her dragon head. He/she always remembered that fighting an alter entity, their attack was magnetic that almost cannot be dodge and hard to block. The other way not to take a hard blow or receive a fatal damage was to receive a scratch. The entity was able to avoid the attack but receive a burn mark on his/her cheek, it saw the Pikachu was now on a size same as big as his/her dragon head. The attack was an upper cut shield strike using the eye of Chronos combined with her unique yin and yang tribulation.