Draconian race? Hope or End of all Hope

Chopin attack failed, she controls her whole-body trajectory forcing it to turned around making a 360-shield throw and on that moment she "trace on" something on the side of the eye of Chronos. She pulled it; it was a customize hand gun.

The entity flickered to make a small distance saw that he/she make his /her aura a tangible weapon, blocking the shield with it but the shock making him/her back away. The shield covered the mouse and he/she heared its statement.

Pika "The last remnant of the Zhou clan or should I name you Zhou Tianlan, don't try to escape anymore because it was impossible just fight already" pulling the trigger of the gun, the sound of a single shot can be heard.

When he heard his own abandon name. his soul shakes a little. ***k, it was too late for him to recovered after deflecting the shield boomerang, 12 bullets already penetrating his dragon scale. He put his full Aura Qi/Ki to defensive form and activating some space technique to transport of each bullet away but one was able to entered his body. That bullet also damages his outer soul so he had no choice but severe a part of it and trying not to cough blood for him not to lost focus of the mouse movement.

With a roar, having wounded but the aura around him become a little different, it intensifies making his virtual wings to mirror sword blades. All the appendages like eyes and mouths on his body also gathers some power, he locks the mouse who also entered a combat mode then he fired everything to its direction.

Pika pikup "Hmph, what's up with the form" the Pikachu of this timeline observing Chopin's black and white combat form, it was different than her form that can boost her power to a millennium chaos year, a total golden Pikachu. When she saw that Chopin recreated the handgun to knuckles then pulling some magnetic minerals out of her inventory, she understood that this Pikachu was not only a weapon master but also a playful combat master.

[Author's note: The two clashes on unknown speed, everything will be described on slow motion]

Pika "My body and soul are a weapon" the body she was on had no unique eyes; she summons her soul weapon like it was the shadow of the cap she was wearing. Everything was now on setup; she makes a volt tackle charges stance then shot herself on the entity that fired all kind of destructive artillery that aim on every weakness spot that a Pikachu had.

Chopin travel on a speed that she had never experience before, perceiving the trajectory of each aura laser that incoming she was able to predict it for her to dodge while some are hidden on the void, space and time she needed deflect them as for the conjured aura blade wings, she had a plan for it.

Enhancing both fists equip with knuckles and also her tail with 80% of her aura plus some old skill she had like highest tier perfect Conqueror Haki. It was a millisecond subtle were each attack being dodge that almost touching her body, the windbreaker made of her tribulation had its consciousness to protect her while for those mirrors like blade was being punch and swipe by her tail destroying them to pieces. The large shards of it were become her foothold for her to step on the void, with the use of it and by putting tribulation body enhancement to 95% she was able to appeared in front of her enemy in a blink, at that moment she total soul lock the entity using the large outer soul of this body she was on.

The entity plans to attack the mouse that appeared miles in front of him, continues firing annihilation aura beam and blades was now useless, knowing it was not super effective even it made a direct hit cause of the immense defense of its windbreaker. He had to match the Pikachu speed to fight head on, rushing to Chopin while using infinite creation ability.

Chopin didn't shaken when she heard the next attack. The entity next attack was an Armageddon class technique collision, creating worlds that had a red big sun as a detonator that will trigger a super massive annihilation explosion creating a black hole that will damage the flow of dark matter even it misses its target. She also saw the entity buff himself to enhance his physical abilities, knowing that if the attack will be negated by her then the being will make a direct attack or confrontation, she smiles smugly.

Pika "Trace On" the mineral gathers making iron ball matching the attack, each was like a core surrounded by her tribulation and then shoot it all to the entity's direction.


On that time, 4 little guys appeared on the boundary where Chopin's wake up, the 4 was wearing baby shirt with a hoodie, each has different logos painted on it, short and pair of flip-flop slippers. No one was able to detect them except the Pikachu of this timeline, she didn't greet them even the 4 was her little masters because she was still busy spectating properly the battle and quite worried of her real body.

They look like a 1-year-old kids, 3 was a dragonborn or a draconian and the last had a curious appearance matching her white hair. The male draconian started to setup a kitchen and planning to cook for his siblings it was his hobby. One of the females that had a clam poet vibe on her and next to her was a wine gourd that floating on a small cloud, her blue hair matches her temperament even a small part of it had white strand, she materializes chairs and table that they can sit on. While the other was a painter, she had a black hair but for some reason when she moves, it turn to green then she materializes a white blank scroll while observing the battle of the two large creature and started to paint.

Among the 4 newcomers the curious little girl sited on the opposite of her blue haired sister, opening her binder and buying some card packs to open while saying to them what do you think about that Pikachu that now possessing our family guardian beast battling, she can adapt and learning in fast paced on how to use high tier powers. Sound of chains can be heard when she moves her both hands but no one can perceive where it come from.

The little cook replied, Specter nee-san I don't get it on how this Pikachu appeared to an original being like our guardian beast even she had the same name. They receive the information of it from their eldest sister the one who let it enter on this timeline, all of them cannot even decipher her information so among them the 4 decided to check it.

The blue haired stated maybe it was luck, without a plan to spectate the battle she started to read some books while drinking medical sake and the other that was painting also gave a comment, I had a guessed that she is related to us because that Pikachu knows how to use Aura Nen-Qi, her mastery on using it was almost a par on us. The three heard her but they still continue on their own work making a smirk on their faces.


Putting her eyes of truth to the maximum she was able to see the prefect trajectory of the mini galaxy that will be thrown to her. Making a quick decision while approaching the entity, she shoots the materialize fission iron balls matching the trajectory of each planet while for the red sun, she created a small needle using it to negate its power inside.

When the attack collides to each other it didn't make the explosion that the entity wanted, it only resulted to destruction scattering debris and some material dust that block their vision of each other. He fires an annihilation breath to a shadow of the mouse that can be seen in the dust, it only penetrates through of it. it was afterimages and with the help of his perception he made a rotating attack with dragon claws releasing aura blade like storm.

Chopin use her Nen-Qi In plus with her maximum speed to deceive the being, she appeared on the top of the entity but also leaving an afterimage not only that she scattered some mineral around it. When the entity made attack, she blended herself within the dark matter, with an instant move after the attack of the entity subside, she appeared in front of it readying a strong punch.

Pika "Renewal Arts: Chopin Serious Series – Mega Thunder Punch" Her size was still the same as the head of her enemy, her punch was ripping the dark matter because of the yin and yang tribulation friction bumping each other on her fist. Those observing her can saw on her fist that it was contained with different weapon aura intent that will give a penetration power to pierce the dragon scale the enemy.

The entity was almost late to respond, he tried to move his head following the prediction line of the fist, to lessen the damage that he will receive.

It was like a flow of water and only a 3rd degree burn damage on its cheek scale that her attack made, knowing that the entity was also using her attack as opportunity to deal damage to her. She made a 360-turn making an iron tail attack but both of them thinking the same attack pattern. The entity that followed the punch force making him turn around giving Chopin a dragon tail attack aiming to flatten her.

When their attack collides to each other it created a force that enough to kill an army of primordial on tier 15. Chopin was push away a little, her perception already catches up on the follow up attack of the entity.

Pika "Do you think I'm an idiot, you know that attack incoming from the void, time and space are useless to us but you still do it" She knows that the being was using a system as assistance in fighting her, without turning back her windbreaker expanded then it sprouted some thorns to destroyed the virtual dragon arms that sudden appeared on four directions doing a void claw annihilation swipe.

Closing her both eyes, knowing the onslaught was still not finish become irritated because the entity created treasure weapon surrounding her aiming to every joint and blind spot she had.

Pika "Creating a system but the system you created was also using you, let me help you to get rid of it: Hacking – Parallel Thinking Invasion" ignoring the different weapons and projectiles incoming to her, she opens her eyes a black glint of intent pierce through the being consciousness. Creating a parallel thought or an extra consciousness to kill the entity's system.

Tianlan was thinking to stall time by creating an unknown number of weapons and shooting annihilation aura through his appendages, a continues onslaught using his total perception that was lock to the mouse that pauses a second as the target. Damn, he was late again and he didn't manage to block it and even he had the attack had a piercing power. When the mouse opens her eyes, it uses his perception a guiding line to penetrate his consciousness.

The system in a form of a beautiful woman busy calculating and predicting the Pikachu's every movement helping her host was late to pick up or felt that there was already an intruder in front of her.

A small black light turning to a normal size black Pikachu clad on yin and yang tribulation made a punch straight to the face of the system enough to push her to the ground and pinning it down with her weight. It "trace on" a gun that had annihilation bullets then empty it magazine shooting it to the system from head to the heart piercing through its soul compose of unknown source codes. After destroying the system, the black Pikachu dissolve in thin air because she already finishes the task it given to her by the original or maybe she only had enough power to maintain herself in a couple of mins inside a high entity consciousness, it can feel the pressure and rage of it that started to crawl to her location.

Chopin that started to destroyed each weapon incoming to her saw that the entity was started to gone mad losing its sanity because of its system that destroyed. A system was connected to his/her consciousness and bind to his/her soul. She made a thunder clap creating an emp turning every weapon to dust and erasing the other attack incoming in her.

Pika "Heh" Holding her poke cap with her right hand for it not to fall down while moving a little to the side to dodge an invisible straight attack then she looks at the entity on that angle that already changes on form.

Pika pika "Oh 2nd phase, activating all kind of rage, berserk skill and etc, not become a being without rationality, this is it I see a potential fight to death" she moves up her left arm then pointing the middle finger of it aiming at the head of the entity. She was planning to copy a soul attack that her master trainer demonstrates back then on their training.

Tianlan entered a new form that almost like a western dragon that had many eye tattoos embed all over his body, slowly regaining enough sanity to think thanks to his automatic back up skill activation code that if he was on a bad taste it will trigger to turn on every single taboo skill he had like blood and soul burning, Dragonic Rage, Berserk and so on, also some of those passive will make his body release invisible aura sword slashes in any directions that Chopin dodge a while ago.

Damn, Heck no. He flickered a second because he saw that Chopin was aiming not his body but his whole entire soul, he felt it because his outer soul already become an armor to covered the inner, his soul was like being overwhelm and being squeeze by Chopin's outer soul.

He thought he dodge it, the feeling of pain echoes on his head wanted to turned to his left to look for the damage he had taken but something blocks his view it was Chopin, the mouse performing a kick clad of tribulation was already on contact to his face.

It was always late, he had to endured it. The direct hit created a large banging sound that can be heard all over the trap. The Pikachu copies on the timeline trap support each other and the children watching saw it clearly on what Chopin did it was almost one of the same techniques reminding them of someone.

Ignoring the pain, he wanted to bite the mouse like a snake wanted to swallow it entirely. He failed again; it was an afterimage but his perception cope up using the force he had use on trying to eat the mouse he turned around then creating two swords making a slashed upward where Chopin appeared planning to hit him with her tail.

The attack only cut a fake again, the mouse already in front kicking his head up but he dodges it backing away a little too made a sword swing.

Chopin use her tail and calculating the aura of the attack to negate it, she was able to block perfectly. Upon parrying she flickered around creating multi afterimage making different martial art attack. As for her, she dives down into the sea of dark matter blending on it then she prepared an attack aiming at the entity's heart.

Without any second to rest, the entity that wanted to find the real unleashed a devastation one kill horizon sword attack that also release an invisible shock or like an emp contain with his Dragonic Sword Intent around the entire trap shaking it, crack started to appeared that slowly expanding.

The other Pikachu's was like smoke returning to the original. The entity now had a leeway to take a breath but on that moment all his danger alarmed skill activated that only work if the enemy was using an ultimate or a move that can kill him on one hit.

Pika "Renewal Art – Chopin Original Series: Tribulation Overdrive" Changing her knuckles tracing it on to ice pick, her aura sharpens with the use of Nen-Qi IN + total concealment she was like an entity that had no existence, bypassing the dragon perception she shoots herself on unknown speed to it aiming to hit where the heart was.

Tianlan decided to put his luck on this to survive, enclosing his perception limiting it to centimeter and taking a deep breath. In a millisecond the attack already touching chest where his heart was, the burning sensation of something melting cause of the hot made by the mouse tribulation made him react.

Gotcha, now die. The mouse comes from below him; he made a sideward void step for him to dodge and didn't care about the large wound he had receive. He made a double sword swing putting 90% of his aura on it.

Chopin failed on her sneak attack saw a super high speed multi-invisible sword slashes thinner enough that even a normal peak tier 15 or 16 cannot follow it.

Pika "Renewal Arts: Chopin's Original Series – Noblesse Ultimate Throw" all the mineral dust that was scattered on the trap was instantly "Trace On" to different kind of melee weapon and gathered next to her

Everything was on the same line of fire, unlimited weapons collide to each aura slashes perfectly creating series of massive supernovas. The knockback made Chopin push back on a spot where she wanted to be, her back collide on the Key of Chronos. She holds it then changing it to its cannon arsenal mode not waiting for the explosion subside she fired it hard. The buff on it was still there enhancing its total power plus charging her tribulations on the attack.

The entity perceives the attack he made a defensive stance putting his double aura swords to block it, without the system to help him covered his back he created a parallel thought that will help him on deploying shield, arrays and barriers. The attack arrived instantly, an aura tribulation beam that its span was almost covered his entire body. He was able to block it but it causes him too much power, panting hard and the explosions was already subsided.

Damn it, he lost the Pikachu again then he felt he was being restrained by something only hearing its voice that he was captured. Putting some extra aura to enhance his eyes he was able to see that his entire body was chained.

It that moment that the entity block her cannon attack, the weapons that turned to dust scattered next to the entity she "Trace On" it to invisible chain and with the use of Nen-Qi In she was able to bind the entity.

The entity didn't lost hope, trying to struggle to break the chain using tattoos like eyes that started to gather power but for some reason when he plans to fire it, it was cancel aka the chains had the power to restrain him totally and then planning to bite it but the Pikachu was already appeared on front but the size of it was already the same as him. Its windbreaker that made from tribulation was waving like flame expanding all over around, its fists was now covered with gauntlets and he felt it this was his final moment, he was totally stun lock with those unique eyes.

I see she had the of eyes of truth but its tier was on 15, absorbing and burning the dark matter around then recalling all copies on this broken trap boosting every stat that body and soul it had. It was fast, the mouse onslaught was already arrived.

Pika pi "Renewal Arts: Chopin's Original Series – Reversal Dempsey Roll" Combination of different boxing punches starting from flicker jab on its dragon face to stun it a little, lowering her stance and central balance, waving her body in a pattern of infinity her onslaught started. When each punch collides to the enemy's body, her Aura Nen-Qi penetrates though its aura defense plus with the concept of soft and hard her punches was able to break its scale sending her aura inside to destroy his internals that will also directly pierce to its inner soul.

Planning to end it with a corkscrew punch but somehow or someone stops her massive fist and negating its power that made her bewildered. She checks who it was and saw a small girl with horns, tail and had a black hair but when she moves it almost turned to dark green like it was its shadow holding a paint brush and on her back was an almost completed canvas scroll, it was one of those four that she didn't feel when they entered her trap. This one turned back and look at the entity that almost losing consciousness, it waves her hand then entity deformed turning to a regular man that now lying on a void platform coughing blood.

The entity on verge on losing consciousness saw the one who stops the mouse attack that almost made him shiver, he knows that this small entity was the one who lead an army of alter destroying the whole Zhou territory and killing everyone on it. This little fragile girl was just using her brush to paint the life of the old ancestor of his clan, each leader of branches and strong heroes that they had on a scroll, they cannot even lay a hand on her it was unstoppable because her coercion and when they almost reach her a dragon made of paint will protect her. He knows it was his total end and didn't struggle anymore, closing both eyes waiting for her to finish the painting.

Chopin also cancel her combat form returning to a regular Pikachu but she didn't off her defensive awareness making sure that the enemy was not making a move to the newcomer, she cannot say her name and now she also detected the other three that waiting outside the realm then she heard a calm soft voice.

You should not the one cleaning this messed but us, not a drifter but we the ones started that war back then. A single stroke of her brush the painting was done after that she looks at Chopin and continue on her sentence. Let's go everyone is waiting.

Pika "Copy" She made a salute like a soldier, she was able to see properly in slow motion on how the enemy drag inside the painting. Both of them flickered then appeared where she left the Pikachu of this timeline sleeping bag.

She saw the other three, one was a curious little girl opening some packet cards and that moment she realizes that this little guy was one of those two Abyssal Void Sea Hunter Race Embryo that was on a card that her master trainer spark on his pulling cards. Shifting her gaze to the male little cook then to the other drunkard one, she bewildered. If those two hatches how about the others where they came from and who is the mother of these guys or maybe they had non aka literally it was the same as the embryos? She already read the memory of the Pikachu of this timeline, she doesn't get it that almost made her sighed so deep that the four saw and then they laugh at her.

Come here sit next to me, it was the white haired curious one that called her. She cannot call them by name or else she will be stack on this timeline and she knows her time was almost up then she decided to call them on their nicknames.

Pika "Ok, Little Shark" She walks and sat next to her, she also sees a hunter's hat on table. She understands now that these guys renamed their race to draconian as sub race adding it to high-human race.

Little Homie you should give her some refreshment, I think our visitor was tired after some exercise. The one who said that was the draconian with a blue hair busy reading some books while sipping on a Chinese wine cup.

Chopin receive the drink that appeared on her front then the little cook boy also walks on her front putting a bowl of hot soup with plenty special ingredients on it that also affects the soul.

Pika "Thanks little masters" trying to avoid that she already knows who are them, she made an old martial thank of appreciation to them.

Chopin started to eat but stop on mid-way because she felt that the one next to her shrugged then sigh, she peeks on her then understand that little shark had a bad hand on pulling cards.

Specter felt the gaze, she looks at the Pikachu and told to her. Do you want to try opening one pack, well my bad luck strikes again then she put unopen pack card on front of it.

Nee-san at least let her finish first, our little cook brother also wanted to ask something and I also had a question. The one that talk was Dusk who started to create a new painting starting from creating new ink for her to use.

Neh, what are you and who's your trainer, quite strong and you're not even one year old.

Pika "I'm just a ---" before she finishes her sentence, she felt something, it was a call from her timeline, her soul shake trying to separate on the body she was on.

The four also perceive it, Ling who was reading pause and calculate it. 3 – 4 mins huh without anyone noticing she plastered something on Chopin's inner soul.

Pika pika "We always wanted to know why our master trainer wanted us to become strong, we got an answered from him. Someday they will appear, I wanted that the three of you become a pillar for them. protect them or be guide nor a companion as a family guardian beast" Looking at the unfinished bowl, it had the same taste when her master trainer cook food but lacking on something and then she shifted her gaze to look at the four that present giving them a smile but before she goes back on a millisecond, she opens the unpack card by sending a small invisible cut then closing her both eyes. An unknown force pulled her out of this timeline.

Pika pikup "She's gone, look like everyone had the same thought when we almost wipe out those on upper origin plane" saying it to her little masters.

Ah, like I said when those acquaintances, some clans, families and original primordial beings that dad knows was not on the list that we had killed nor any clues that they exist.

Hoooh, I got it. It was Specter, when she picks the open pack that Chopin opened and check the cards, one of them was the card she wanted the most.

Nee-san can you read the air, the little cook who had just finish cooking all the meal and putting it on the middle of the table. He wipes his both hands on his apron then pick up the chopstick also made a comment. I also wanted to meet dad properly and fight him on a Shokugeki Battle. Almost half of them didn't saw him because they still didn't hatch of their eggs only leaving them the name that they hold so dear.

We cannot even see our own timeline, I don't even know if the reason was big sister who performed that sword attack combining the three realms back then and now, she was on sleep it's hard to contact her even I tried so many times invading her consciousness. Ling said that while placing aside the books she had finish reading.

While Dusk put down her brush then add something to her sister sentence, I don't even know if when dad hatch us on the original timeline where that Pikachu comes from, we here or aka our memories that everything we had done also send to our original body.

Relax relax, everything will ok and just believe on pops. She also started eating and using her mind power she sends the card she had got on a cosmos connected to the invisible chain that bind on her outer soul. Her homemade portable beast space so large that only contain creature she wanted to own, it was like those worlds that connected to their binder book. The four and the Pikachu was now chatting then sharing some thoughts also sending it to their other siblings.


On a certain part of this large combine realm, there was a draconian watching a view of two red sun crashing to each other and the planets that revolves of it started to explode. Typically, he was standing on a severed head of an entity he had just killed, this one is a martial art expert.

A hymn entered his ear then someone called his name.

Chong Yue, why on daze. He looks back and saw a serious baby girl with white hair wearing a hunter outfit, the carcass of entity after the fight he had fought was being eating by unknown amount of void sea race creature swarming infinitely. Skadi Nee-san can you put a concealment on them, it's to gore.

My bad then, did you forget something again? Let me remind you what dad always say "Don't thing to hard about everything what's going on and just go out to kill a few entities that will try to disturb our life or not, even if they still had a sanity left or just a mindless beast. You know it's just what hunters do…."

Chong Yue nodded at her. Someday we will meet him again but this time it was our real dad, scratching his cheek knowing or he had a feeling that the real father was crazier than the one they have on this timeline.

Let's search for the next target while trying to smile at her brother, continuing the hymn of a hunter the two disappeared to start a new hunt.


On a certain world, inside a modern military chopper two of the draconian siblings observing a lady sleeping.

Hmph, sis you damn slacker not only you disturb me on my chess game and dragging me out of my own world but at least that now everything was answered cause of that Pikachu appeared here I will not blame myself of those alter died on my command.

He felt relieved then he shifted his gaze to the beautiful lady, sis you know it's impossible for her to know us and this timeline was just part of reality where dad still didn't acquire us, its mean we as eggs was still inside of that dead dragon body. The lady that they observing was the reincarnated of that dragon, shifting his gaze to his sister that longing for a care of a parent he sighed deeply in his heart.

Both of them always fight but for him among the siblings this one was the closes one to him.

I know brother but can I just see her a few times even I jump to different time or year that this world had, for me just learning all about her on how her life begins and end that will make my everyday complete. She didn't meet her father when she hatches that's why for her seeing this lady was important for her. She grips his brother hand tightly.

Let's go, I think time for everyone to gather and sis I will talk to them, we will try to make everything right ok. Both of them vanish on that place that no one among the crew inside the chopper notice.

When the two disappeared, the lady started to dream, a bad dream. Then someone wakes her up.


…Miss Jia, wake up!

Lee Jin: Are you alright? Your're sweating all over.

Ah miss Jin… I must've fallen asleep

Lee Jin: I'm sorry… it appears that the schedule was a little too ambitious. Get ready. We'll be arriving soon.

The Chopper was now above of Alphatrix HQ, the lady that sleeping a while ago was the granddaughter of this huge innovation company.


Outside the realm where no dark matter flows, any kind of energy nor power and etc. there was a planet surrounded by alter entities who survive on that war. The land was properly cultivated and was planted of treasure herbs, any kind of farm product.

On the center of this world there was a huge tree and below of it was a large ordinary western cabin.

A little draconian walk out of this house following him was a bunch of small golems carrying bento food boxes. After a couple of minutes of walking he arrive on his destination where the workshop of his sister was.

Even he was still a far of the place he can see a small figure holding a hammer then using a special breath technique to ignite it. Clanging and banging sound can be heard, this sister of his was patching up a wounded bio mechanical volcanic dragon.

Nian Nee-san it's time to eat, he called her many times until he throws a rock at her but it was easily dodge.

Hey little bro that was dangerous and right on time I'm hungry. She flickered appearing in front of his brother, let's go inside the workshop and I know your also tired on tending our farm lands.

We already got the news but still we had a life here for now so let's enjoy it a bit and she only receive a nodded as respond. Huh, tsk everyone really had their own personality.

Hahaha Nee-san do you think we are like you that always forgot about everything when you start to make something and that playful vibes on you, also made the others knows that you will do something dangerous.

Ok ok, I bet everyone is happy now. Like I said back then my conjuncture is always right making a peace sign upon opening the large gate of her workshop then turned around for this brother of hers to see.


Now let's return to the BASS. Lim felt she was floating, when she opens her eyes and only thing, she sees was black.

Am I dead? She hears a roar that made her shivered, she looks back and a scene started to generate in front of her.

She saw her young master Noel helping three large entities. One was an Iron eater clad on black armor adding up a white and a black fat rabbit. They busy occupying or fighting an entity that looks like a wolf and the other was like a dog, both these entities are on frenzy state that trying to pass through of their defensive blockage. This two was aiming for something, Lim follows the direction and she see her Goshujin-sama doing a dragging stance like she was holding an invisible rope and all her bystander chains was shoot out chaining to a massive being.

This, on shock seeing the white worm like creature that had a lot of mouth like grinder roaring, it was not on rage this one had entered killing state but its real head was on a spot where a man like a beggar holding a katana without a tsuba standing still observing something, it was a black embryo that started to hatch. The embryo was the worm aim also same with the two hungry frenzy entity on the other side.

She realizes now that this was her boss shadow and the scene that still playing was a past memory. The baby broke out of her embryo, the man tied his katana on his waist and carried it using his left arm while he moves up his right arm planning to block the worm like being. The worm like creature that already opens its main mouth and planning to shoot an unknown attack stops, it closes its every mouth and its eyes that continuous releasing a coercion then transforming to a furball landing to the hand of the man.

The furball releases a growl that made the two-frenzy state entity calm down.

Her Goshujin and young master takes a deep breath then walk to her boss was.

Noel: Damn it you had a daughter again but who is the mother ha ha ha. This is truly hilarious brother.

Alice: you know she was dangerous being right, empty like a normal newborn and can you even take care of it, she was not the same as Nameless. Looking at her brother that sit cross legs, she felt different emotion inside of him through their family connection.

Raja: Tsk thanks bud, I almost out of control luckily as a cat like creature my laziness helps a lot. She was just got out of the family guardian beast box and thanking the furball. Oh, what a beautiful child and she had the same eyes as the madam.

The katana entered her human transformation, seeing the baby she asks the man.

She is my little sister, right? Nameless heart was being captured on how cute it was, she tried to touch it but two pair of small hand caught her finger that made her happy.

While the furball jumps to the man's lap, its sudden movement made everyone laugh. It brings out its tongue to lick the cheek of the newborn child.

Nameless: Dad don't mess up naming her.

Hmph, thanks for acknowledging her Akuma "the furball". Scratching the back of his head he decided.

Liliana, Liliana Bloodborne. This will be your name from now on while watching its cute face that happily giggling.

The white and black rabbit heard the name that Tobi gave made them muttered something, is she the last hope or the end of all hope.

The scene was done and Lim felt it's time for her to wake up.