A Warning

A blissful day on the world they within, he decided to just think a little because the situation he was in was still on stalemate and he knows that Shin still processing the situation on how she will greet them.

While thinking he felt his pair of pupils started to itch, what a greedy pair of eyes. Even his soul was properly synchronized this pair of pupils had already thirst of his Aura Nen-Qi when he opens them and it had already evolved many times gain different abilities that those on the list of any evil and heavenly eyes had.

Closing it he decided letting his soul eyes to eat it reverting it back to his own original eyes of a bystander.


She still walking back and forth thinking how to talk to them but she cannot even talk because she was not a complete soul only sending via telepathy transmission is the only way. While on this state she didn't even notice an extra presence observing her so close that if she moves on a millisecond upon turning, they will collide to each other, of course this being is faster than her.

It was Nameless, she sneakily gone out of her father soul heart to check her sibling's mother, she was quite satisfied on Shin's appearance in inside and out.

Ah! Still thinking and watching how about I accompany you?

Shin heard a child's voice; she looks around but didn't see and feel anyone who barge in her body but again she heard it.

Down, lower your view with chuckling voice like she was messing the beauty that standing on her front.

Shin looks down and saw a little girl that also observing her, her appraisal was still automatically activated, seeing Nameless information panel she bewildered making her more confuse.

You are???? But before she continues her taught transmission Nameless break her silence.

A weapon, a family and also a daughter to him. For I letting you appraise me, I also send you something or information on how we found you.

Shin didn't even had time to react a ton of information aka memories entered her mind.

She felt entering a dream, she saw him on his older version founding a large petrified ball it was the last technique of preserving what inside of her through sacrificing everything she had and then acquiring her eggs. Some of them hatch early and how they call him their father, the life they had with him. The failure of him not returning to them and for the others that didn't meet him, they cried but they were proud of him because they know it was his last job. Processing all the information she had receive, the feeling of sadness but still she felt that it is still not right, that's was a timeline different from reality she knows. Calming down she look at Nameless sending her a transmission "So that's how it is but how did he do it?".

Your right but also wrong, on the process of being an original entity we let that timeline detached to ours. We didn't look for it because we don't care from the start but a certain day, we started to dream acquiring information and all events happen on the life of our copy on that timeline. 1st the parents of the three leading bystanders are different on names and appearance, in reality their parents was born on upper original realm aka a genuine entity.

Correction my grandpa is a wish granter that can affects the whole three realms and my grandma is the embodiment of luck herself. Yeah, I know those who attained tier 14 can manipulate luck but she was different on ways like making an entity die by being killed on a normal disaster or being stab accidently on his/her kitchen without anyone knows who did it.

It's that even possible???

Yup possible for her because that's how her origin is.

2nd The me there is non-existent, I know them but they don't know me because the one they called eldest was my little sister that still on coma on my father's shadow.

I saw her on some wanted poster that scattered on some high tier worlds above thought, who never knows she was his daughter.

Hmph, we both born from his own blood on different method. I was his main weapon that attained an existence and as for Liliana, it's a little complicated because a certain phantom beast devourer that eaten its brethren that created using creation magic plus of course all the fault was his blood essence and soul blood.

As a result, two entities born with a genuine Bloodborne lineage.

But it's really ok for you to tell me all of this, you know after he drags them out, I will have a little time to say goodbye to him and the main wheel of reincarnation sure will try to drag me in. It will scan my soul and it will be dangerous if the three realms gain that information?

Nah that will never happen, I know you always believe on him and you stayed on his side for unknown chaos years. You already know everything about him, his habits and hobby. You even take a bath with him but before Nameless continue her mouth was covered by Shin hands.

Nameless did not bite it but lick to tickle her hand after that Shin turned around and covered her ears then Nameless pat her shoulder giving her a sign that she will not drop some dark past. Nameless continue her speech.

3rd the tier level there was the same but lacking on our point of view. 4th The bystander racial race will never lose on in reality because of the presence of the Bloodborne family guardian beasts, you already know one of them.

It was Akuma right?

Yeah, even though sometimes I hate that guy because of being an annoyance trying to act cute to gain attention from me but that guy was an existence scarier that it looks like, same with the others. They maybe spiritual animals but had become powerful entity that stay by my grandparent's side for too long.

5th can I hug you? She gives Shin a brightful beaming smile because the moment dad learn that you were their mother, you've become the most important being to him. He looks at you more than what you think now, I can feel that if there is a problem concerning about your whole being, he can even exchange his own life for it to be solve.

Shin had a red face after hearing that, she opens her arms for Nameless to hug her. A warm feeling that she received from Nameless make her more alive that she had never felt on her entire life living on this world she created.

After Nameless finished hugging her she pulled a phone on her inventory, opening a message to show it to Shin.

Shin looks at the screen, the only written on the message was 0.99% the sender was Clow's sisters. She understood it, the chance of a complete Shin aka when time she will combine to her inner soul all about her will be cleaned up nothing will remain and that 0.99% was the complete memory of the Heavenly Chaos Dragon Called Shin will remain on its sea of consciousness, also the chance of the complete soul to entered it for it to receive an inheritance containing all knowledge and information's that she had gain all these years of her life as a true dragon.

Biting her lips because she knows it was impossible fit, there is a way but need someone's help. The problem is she knows that as a bystander they will not try to mess up one story of a world or a cosmos.

Nameless look at her, it will be alright as bonus I will show you something that those who ask a question and an answer of those entities that seek power.

Taking a deep breath her vision changes to somewhere else, a bloody sight that she always familiar with because the way the man she looks up always do this kind of mission. Large dead bodies of entities bigger than a anything else was pile up, on the top was a man sitting on a chair, his appearance was more mature version of Clow. Sleeping hugging the sword staff that she made but when he opens his eyes and the only thing Shin saw at him was a man that hunt powerful entities.

This? She knows that even primordial tier entities had envy on their eyes when they look at a bystander, on that time he let her appraise him. The description she saw on his panel was a human being without talent, abilities and he had nothing, not even ambition but he was stronger than anybody. She watches him train his sister's kin, a training that even a peak tier 15 cannot handle was giving to a bystander on early tier 15. On an unknown of time and space sealed by him, these bystanders were doing one move set with an infinite cycle, it was crazy that even she was sacred that almost her sanity turned negative but what caught her attention was those bystanders was not even backing down, blood and sweat was drifting on the air, concentration and perseverance that they didn't even care about their life just to gain a single enlightenment to boost their power.

Well, how to explain. I hate it, I should be the one sitting on that place not him because it will be cooler if it was me, I always dream of protecting everyone though. It was not the bloodline but the real meaning of our last name and there are only two paths for our family. One was a hunter and the other was a handicap entity or psychopath without sanity. You know those kids inside you made another path that is to carry the existence of Liliana, Skadi and Specter who walks on the path of hunter. They making sure no one among the three will lose their way as a hunter, that's the role they had to do. As for now dad hold my existence, he already knows that someday I need to complete the promise of the first Bloodborne. I will not tell you about the content it a secret hehehehe, playing like a child turning around while both hands were on her back.

She had stayed with them for too long, Shin knows that he and both of his sisters were powerful but broken inside but they can still maintain that smile, they never forget that they were just a human being. She looks at Nameless that sudden chuckle.

Well let's look at them who were train to be the new guardian beasts' member of the family, changing the topic looking what outside of Shin's body.

Nemaless created three screen that projects 3 entities on different place of the world Shin called her home.

The content of the first screen was Grand. After their master trainer give them permission to explore this world, the three move in different directions.

He found this large training platform, there was a tablet for instruction on how to activate it using voice command after putting aura on it.

He didn't care about the precaution because the training platform is for peak Chaos tier being only. His tier was little low, it was a sure death for a normal administrator to do this.

Genga "Start" It just a blink ten undetected slashes enter his one-meter EN, Grand putting his aura Nen-Qi and haki to 90% to change the direction of the slashes.

At that moment a large cube that can covered the whole platform appeared above him, on split second he was able to tell that those engravement on the cube was high tier magic that can destroy body and soul then some part of platform sudden release a gravity force to bind him.

Reversing the flow of power inside and out of his body for him to be able do move a little, every shadow around this world gathers around him mixing with blood lust and killing intent like an aura cloaking his entire body, he was like a candle that its flame was touching the falling cube trying to push it up then made his punch.

The cube stops on mid-air only a centimeter above Grand fist. Retracting his fist and using his point finger to touch the cube then he walks out of the fighting platform with a happy expression on his face. He hymns a song, creating a fishing road he decided to find a lake.

Shin who was watching had a little shock on her face because when the happy Gengar leave the area, the cube slowly melted on the air and the fighting platform short-circuited.

Heh, although some magic that engrave on that cube can cancel any attacks with the same properties that it will receive but Grand had used a different way, well as for me or to dad we both just poke it normally. To us any kind of magic will never reach us nor can even made a scratch on our body, you already know that right.

Shin nodded at her, every being on tier 15 had a lot of nullification and resistance abilities.

Ok ok next, changing the screen where Chopin was projected.

Both of them saw a Pikachu wearing a captain hat driving a mechanical ship, using it high end technology to harvest ripe fruits of the large tree orchards that she had found.

This ah we can ignore it right, Nameless look at Shin but Shin only made a warry smile.

Well let's check the last one, yet they saw Lex sleeping in front of the pantheon with a full tummy but a little different.

Nameless made a snap the view change, it was Lex sea of consciousness.

The munchlax was busy defending himself against unknown among of treasure weapons that he had conjured, being scratch is fatal he even seals his cultivation base just using raw physical power. Moving fast as he can, dodge rolling around, deflecting techniques that each weapon sent to his direction using a spatula and a wok as an instant shield to guard against any fatal strike he will receive.

Why do I feel he was experiencing a trail on a sword tomb?

Nah look at his smile this was just his basic routing but if I were to train them it will more hellish that no one can imagine.

Oh, looks like it's time for him to finish it.

Munch "Renewal Arts: Absolute Counter" Using the power that the wok absorbs from the weapons to use it a horsepower he made a 360-swing using the spatula. As a result, each weapon slowly crumbling turning to dust.

Munch "Young boss" he was waving on single spot like Lex knows that he was being watch by them.

Nameless: He still needs a little improvement. Wait something is not right changing the scene where her dad was.

What happened? Shin didn't feel any change around her body nor the world they were in.

Ok this is more getting interesting so dad what will you show to us, she looks at Shin and pointed screen that she had enlarge.


Lim didn't care anymore because of her link to her boss she knows that this man is planning something.

It's not like the same puns: Oh shit, here we go again but different.

When her boss stands up and made a stretching, she felt different something that had been fully release. Noise of gathering chains that cannot be seen, no aura nor anything he fluctuate and lastly when he opens his eyes Lim receive an outline a point-to-point teleportation node will be instantly made and calculated, the goal was the large gate aka the border of the middle realm plane to upper origin plane.

Neh don't stop me this time this is just a warning to them.

With a crazy laugh Lim said to him, I'm with you boss, show me the power of the complete you even it was just a tiny speck of attack.

Then don't blink or else you will miss it.

Who wanted to do the strike, a chain with a rusty crude sword head materialize.

You why now, all along you're the second sword that I've made. The spirit of the sword appeared, a small Kun floating having a happy vibe asking him to use its sword body for the strike.

Nameless who was watching pause then shaking her head, friend looks like it's time for you to go but do you think dad will allow it. among those swords you had been able to withstand his power for a thousand swing. Should I go out, ah nah just kidding. She looks at her father while gripping her fist then shout: Just do it.

Shin decided to look at the world their where in on 3rd perspective, yet Nameless tap her shoulder making her see it, this world being wrapped by unknown number of pairs of metallic wings made of bystander chains as the feathers were their sword heads.

When it flaps virtual aura feathers scattered around, Shin feels how dreadful those feathers are and her danger perception saying she will die if she made contact on a single one.

She bites her lips upon hearing Nameless that all for this is for her because her life was played by the realm.

Clow turned around because she heard Nameless, his eyes maybe returned to normal but it receives all the abilities of those greedy eyes and boost it to the next level.

Using one of its abilities he was able see Shin and Nameless together, he made a smile. She really loves to sneak around well; they look like their having fun then his gaze fix on the little Kun.

Eh when did the young boss came out, hey let me in too how come the two of you together there? Lim felt a little jealous but her attention was keeps changing to them and to her boss.

Ok I'll use you but the only thing that will perish was your sword body, I will create a new one for you and then he isolates the Kun for it not receive a rebound after its sword body destroyed. The chain let go of its sword head, he holds it tightly and thanks to the boosted abilities of his eyes he was able to calculate the trajectory where he wanted his attack to appear.

Lim saw it properly the moment he played the sword a little before making a simple sword thrust upward.

Boss that's a nice stab with a smile while clapping she added, I don't think anyone can block that now or if one or two tier 15.5 was on the gate they will be able to deflect it.

She saw him collect the dust left behind by the sword while the Kun was little dejected because its sword body didn't even handle 5% complete power of his creator.

That's enough as a warning, in split second he materializes materials and created a new sword for the Kun with a matching sword sheath.

He smile and ask the Kun if it like its new home, the Kun floats and rub its whole body to Clow then it dive inside the sword like it was water. The chain waited for its sword head to be attach by him slowly and properly.

Do you think someone will die nah she will sure be the one who block it or maybe those guys on the RED "Retire Extremely Dangerous" list.

Lim nodded at him, well those guys are your friends I think they will just try to ignore the damage even no one will block it. they don't care how many will die on your hands though.

Retracting his bystander chain wings then reactivating its seal while doing it he and Lim sudden heard a small growl, both of them turned around. There was a small chaos dragon with her four small limbs sitting next to her physical dead body.

Heh, with a snap Shin disappeared on her spot. She was appeared on his arms.

You cannot even maintain that body well you love to stay on this form as a habit, your quite heavy.

Shin heard him, she looks at his face opening her mouth and she sudden jump out of his arms to bite his head.

Clow dodge it normally and catches her again to give her another hug, hahaha just joking ok. Soul don't have weight to begin with, your still easily to tease right Lim.

Yeah, you already old Shin neh boss I think it's time to get them.

With a nodded they walk near the belly of Shin's dead body.

He materialize a stool and some item for surgical, You just need to nodded I know you cannot communicate because your sustaining this body. It's ok for to pull them out now, right?

Shin nodded to him and Lim sat on her head.

Lim can you make 14 containers for her 12 eggs plus for the 2 embryos.

Ok boss with a snap 14 containers was created and line up, she pulled the card contain the two abyssal void sea race and with her mental power she summon it putting them of their own container.

Shin knows about them thanks to the information that Nameless pass. She looks at Clow who was sharpening a scalpel. Their silent was broke by Namless who sudden appeared.

Hoh, with a popcorn on her hands she said to them. Dad, can I watch you cook then Clow replied.

Let I the man called the 1st bystander to cook the best dish on my life while grinning at her.

Lim shout at Shin to ignore the two while as for Shin she just scratches her head.


A large city with a large gate, that gate was the entrance to upper origin realm but before properly entered the zone the 1st thing that will check or scan an entity, a world or a cosmos was the management.

Entities lining up just to enter the gate, when they entered they will appeared on a lobby of a large company this was the management.

A couple wearing a customize suit was busy organizing their items they had pick an escort mission. The white-haired woman walks to the receptionist to ask for detail who will they escort.

She calls the receptionist that attend her Malkuth, while having a friendly conversation her husband sudden called her.

Angelica, you know it was an escort mission to let our client to meet teacher, it's quite easy for us retired employee to do that and now especially his whereabouts is known to his circle of friends, colleagues and his students like us.

I know that, can you at least let me gather information about the client properly and Roland you know that this mission was a secret why are you shouting, if our children will hear that we sudden take a mission to go down they will go mad at us.

Huh those guys already old and especially we are expert doing a job like this.

Malkuth break their commotion, she gave the two the description of their client and where they can find him/her.

After the two receive it, they sudden perceive the movement of the large outer soul that touching the boundary between the middle to the upper origin plane.

Ah shit did teacher going to attack.

Angelica sudden kick her husband, don't jinx but both of them and every single employee standby sudden made a defensive aura deployment then they saw the head of the management herself on a blink going out of the gate to block the incoming attack.


Outside the large gate Infront of ceratin busy restaurant shop, 4 individual playing mahjong. A man with a red gaze his opposite was a woman with a white long hair, she had different color of pupils. The other players were a fully build man and his opposite was a black-haired woman that almost identical to the white-haired woman.

An attack incoming, I think I can properly block it with 60 – 70 percent of my power if the three of you don't help.

Lucia don't try to make a sacrifice ok; we are just RED individuals. Oh well I win, putting down her winning tiles she looks at them.

The man with a red gaze pulled some pack of launch boxes on his inventory same with the fully build man.

Vergi you really don't care losing your stock of food, Alpha are you sure you're not cheating?

The man with the red gaze looks at the fully build man, Lin Fan my family are quite sensible they know how to take care of an old man like me.

Old man your *ss your stronger than any horse, well I too don't care especially I own a lot of restaurants.

Ok you guys let's continue, let's just observe a little if we will help her the one, she was talking was the head of management.

That's ok for me, Lucia replied then her gaze shifted to the busy road going to the upper origin plane realm muttering they didn't even feel that they were inside of a large outer soul of an entity.

Lin Fan shake his head and his phone sudden vibrate, opening the message the content was simple. He had found her and I think he will ask us when he will comeback above. This message was from his wife, taking a deep breath he texted his daughter, planning to use her to gave Clow a message for him. A simple message asking a friend if he was ok.

Alpha and the man with the red gaze saw Lin Fan's movement but Lucia was the one that ask.

Looks like this attack was just a warning. Let me made a guessed, the family that he was looking for a long time he had found her, right?

Lin Fan didn't answer he put down his phone and with a competitive gaze he was the first to mix the mahjong tiles.

That friend of ours was quite protective to his family members.

Alpha interjected the man with red gaze. Hey if not for him you should be the one on his place planning to start a genocide.

The man with the red gaze snickered at Alpha.

Here she comes the one that talk was Lucia. Their eyes fix on the entity appeared above the city Infront of the large gate, it was Sharona on her especial war horse that looks like a nightmare.