Some Worlds really had F**k Up Story – 1st Part

The crowd that line's up felt something amiss, all of them felt that they had leave a bubble suddenly and some old entities made a sudden deployment of defensive auras towering enough to covered themselves also their people.

One of the groups was consist of the Jiang clan. The old man among them just sighed and told the younger generation of his clan to prepare their own life saving treasure, everything they had.

Some new entities that had plan to enter the upper origin realm sudden saw a woman appeared above the city wearing a military uniform, they didn't feel anything from her but the realization they got was she was stronger than their own tier, stronger enough that she look like a normal being.

Mr. Jiang what's happening and why the head of management appeared?

Before the old man respond he heard a call.

Oi Jiang Chen you're helping your clan younger generation on their training?

Jiang Chen look at the person who sudden called him, it was a friend of his, a man clads on white.

Barton? What are doing here you've been retired?

Huh, just enjoying life and at least it's much ok than doing job like fixing cosmos, killing, observing or monitoring variable entities, etc.

Barton pointed on a direction.

Jiang Chen look at the direction he saw some acquaintances and Alpha was waving at them, damn why do RED list entities gather here outside the gate.

Barton pass by Jiang Chen and look at the younger generation of jiang clan that sweating because of his presence.

Neh we should go to them making sure no one will get hurt, that place is much safer than this spot.

Jiang Chen look at his group, he decides and also Barton was right.

Let's go I'll explain everything that will next happen on 1 or 3 mins.

The group flickered appearing to the place were Lucia, Vergilius, Alpha and Ling Fan playing mahjong.


Sharano still remember the event where the three-1st bystander 1st appeared above, it was like the day before now and a silent day that turned bloody.

A commotion of the Bloodborne siblings sneaking entering the gate, their concealment was so perfect that nobody among the management on duty was able to detect them.

They don't want anybody else knows they exist but a certain trouble started on the line that made their concealment canceled.

Higher tier entities can change their alignment between good or evil. A certain group of alien type entities decided to pick up a fight on some races weaker than them on the line even the guards on duty was being suppress on because they were accompanied by their elders.

On this incident three sneaky guys were drag in; their sudden appearance made a mission alarm send to every entity on that area. The realm consciousness pointed at them an existence that can trouble or topple the entire balance of upper origin realm. All the commotion earlier now was shifted to the three.

Employees, dimension travelers, mercenaries, fixers and different entity races receive this mission to suppress or capture the three was the highest priority but as the result of everything was beyond their capabilities, every single entity inside the management were beaten on instant, it was a turn table event and to bloody that some appendages or limbs scattered on every corner of the place but no one was dead and the three had never receive a single trace of damage or scratches on their body inside and out.

Sharona was among of these entities that was defeated within a minute, the mission alarm didn't stop and the three knows that the situation had already escalated. They made an exit and all the entities that they had beaten was drag by them as hostages. She heard a beautiful laughter; she didn't even feel how these three moves everyone easily. All the entities were trying to recovered but it was pointless, the aura of the three was stack on their wounds cancelling all their recovery skills and lifesaving items.

Sharona tried to look up even though she felt being bind by something, she saw the three stops on a huge dead cosmos, her perception is block same with the others but their gaze caught something. The three was leaving traces on the route they had taken, yet everyone understand the three was not trying to escape. They were ready for any fight and mock those who will come.

She's still one of the best inspectors in the management on this time, trying to understand every movement of the enemies but before she formulates something the three started to made an interaction to each other.

Big sister, why did you laugh a while ago when our concealment was cancelled?

Oh, Noel about that my answer is quite simple. On that moment the realm consciousness detected us and it analyze me as a perfect candidate as the next owner of the realms then because it was like a noisy bell that keeps calling to me, I ignore it but it tried to high jack my whole being though that made me laugh. It fails because I'm too strong and its failure was my way to turn or made a payback as an opportunity to hack it and ask it back to play a simple game with my own rules.

So, what did you put?

Everyone that heard her stops their struggle. Some entities returned to their original large size after they got out of the management building, the management had a debuff or a special place to make large entities to a humanoid entity on a size of a regular human being. The damage their receive to the three was still remain, their focus was now on the fully build man that ask the young lady that hugging a white furball monster.

It just a simple game bro, we enter sneakily and failed so I put that in this incident every entity on their peak cultivation tier to come at us on full force. If they failed to kill or capture the three of us, they will be no penalty but on the eyes on the younger generation they will be labeled as a waste that enjoyed the realm resources.

Hmph, we still need to fight huh? I don't mind about that but if it is a fight can I start killing now?

Brother you cannot do that, I did include on the rules that we will not kill anybody.

I want to make them feel the pain, broke their positive thinking to the ground bleeding asking for us to stop.

Sis you're to sadistic, the other lady was busy drawing something while humming a happy song but the problem is the song had a vibe of a hunting festival.

Ha ha ha well looks like elders of some races, heroes, their armies started to move. Neh brother should we warm up a little, she receives a nodded to the man then she started to do stretching exercise while throwing the white furball ups and down.

Among the entities on the ground one of them was able to sit and shout at their direction.

What the **ck and who the hell are you three? Especially you who almost destroyed my body with a single hand, your attainment of swords was higher than any entities that had met on my life. This entity was the oldest among of all the hostages and the head of the management of this time. While rushing on the lobby after receiving the mission request, he change his plan to shoot from the upper floor with his sword but for some reason his weapon was not letting him to be pull out of its container and on that moment, he had touched its hilt the man among the three had already made a move.

Everyone heard that shivered? The nearest employee called with concern to the old man.

Boss stay still your still bleeding, trying to lift his/her head while focusing his/her aura to check the old man that losses an arm and some chunk of meat revealing his beating heart. It was like ripped apart by a strong force by passing all kind of defense and his resistance.

Huh, don't worry about me little ones. I'm already old but still being defeated by something without me putting a fight really leaves a bitterness feeling on my mind. He shrugged fixing his gaze to the three waiting for their respond.

Hey Alice we are already on this situation why not let all the entities on this realm understand what we are, it will start from me testing the waters.

? why ask from the start nor the beginning we don't need to restrained ourselves brother, saying it with confidence while giggling.

On that moment she said that, every entity that being captive nor everyone on the upper origin realm felt that they being drown of 3 different ocean aka outer soul force, dense enough to made a pressure that can restrict or limit some of their movements like a bird drench on the rain that cannot even fly properly because of how heavy its wet feathers.

One of the biggest entities that maintaining his/her injury that look like a suzaku that had three legs, its color was not red as fire but dark bluish color and 13 pair of wings also shouted at the direction of the three. How the hell the three of you without any titles nor job classes had a massive soul? Even with a hoarse voice talking while spitting blood essence and trying to release a deterrence to fought back of the pressure they had receiving.

Some of these entities got an insight. When the moment they received the automatic request that cannot be decline and when they release a little of their powers, intent, bloodlust, etc. The three had already made a move that they cannot even trace nor keeps up of their speed resulting on the outcome now.

Sharona didn't hear the answer of the three to giant being but she saw him flickered in front of old man aka the head of management.

Pouring what she all had, she jumps between them shielding the old man.


Her eyes with vigilance stay fix at him.

Mister what's your name? ignoring Sharona who was on guard.

The old man laughs, I see so that's it. Sharona turned to her boss with a confuse face.

Sir are you still sane?

Schwartz after the old man laugh, he gave his name. 1st class inspector relax I think I know who the three of them now.

Everyone embeds every word he had said.

The three of you are the children of that shop owner who granted that entity wish right and not only that you three are from that lineage with that last name but looking at it something was missing or maybe you three took the different route.

I had read on a certain old index that they were not live on seclusion but blending properly among us, hunting is their life, being bathed by blood of entities made them strong, it's like consuming the whole existence of their prey that they hunted.

Now tell me if I'm correct, are you three are hunters or just beings with a thin thread of line that will easily snaps to be fallen from grace "sanity".

Sharpening his gaze as much as the old man can and with a calm voice like making a command he continued.

Revenge? Or to Hunt that entity? Tell me what do you three Bloodborne wants?

When he said their last name, everyone that being captive was shaken through their soul, the heaviness of it was enough that some of them fainted on the spot.

Sharona was trying to bare the heaviness of it till the man sudden made her position change back where she was earlier and then she saw him crouch down leveling himself her injured boss.

You literally correct but I was enough to try to hunt it of course that entity was not here on this whole realm, I already scan the radius of my whole outer soul is and looks like the realm had kick it out.

The old man replied, yes and it was sealed by the two chains made of your parents' existence. That entity is so strong that even you had this kind of power it is impossible for you to kill it success fully.

I see, Tobi stands up fixing his posture he said to him. Stay still everything will be finish soon and walking to his sisters to had a little chat.

While having a simple chat all powerful entities started to gather, forming battalions according to their races and titles just to fight three individuals that trespasses the upper origin realm.

He got the point, we two wanted to live a simple life here to try to taste the realm benefits while you are here to prepare and ready everything what you can to fight that entity.

Shrugging to his sisters he added looks like the 1st batch of cannon fodder was already arrived.

Noel that busy sketching a blueprint stops and with a serious tone she said to the two. As always, I will be the support, nee-san will be the attacker and you brother will be the tank.

When the old man heard her, he picks up that those dead worlds on this dead cosmos turned to mechanical weaponry. He understands that the three had different specialties.

Ok no problem let them come… Alice put down Akuma while pulling 2 pair of cool black gloves, giving the other pair to Noel and the last is a simple dagger as her weapon.

We already done with the warm up or not? So, what direction ops they are already all over the whole place surrounding us.

Tobi had no choice to made a snap cancelling their concealment and revealing those who are hidden.

Damn all of them really come with cool armors and some of them are mechanical beings or maybe just composition nor they had combined part of it on their body. This made me want to dissect some of them, it was Noel who said that.

When their concealment breaks, all their preparation for a sneak attack wasted. They wanted to make an attack faster they could do but it didn't happen.

Huh? Did some really point swords toward us, they **ck up looks like more than half already invalidated tsk brother can you control yourself.

Too bad for them their training on their life, achievements, enlightenments through swinging a sword had collapsed and well we cannot do anything about that, I just wish the next batch there will be no sword user on them.

Alice and Noel saw those entities wielding swords started to bleeds on their body orifice, their sword disperse like smoke, titles like primordial sword master and related to swords vanish.

The three still having a chat but the enemies already receiving unknown attack.

Everyone that captive understand it, the three was moving on a speed that they cannot follow. They may be standing there but of course on their speed without living afterimages they move in instant, from ripped by something, cut by a certain weapon and bullet holes that explode inside their bodies damaging the internals of every single entities that started to attack them.

Invisible chain started to bind the 1st battalion dragging them and mix it with the earliest hostages.

For Sharona this was a vivid nightmare, the battle of the three against different battalion that compose of high tier individuals also included of the man climbing to a certain injured ancestral type primordial dragon digging its flesh eating it raw and ignoring everyone that made commotion of this movement.

Her reminiscence of that memory finished.