A little detour before going back to that world, pick her up for me and for the two little hunters, I’m the one who decided her name, Gladiia - Part 2

 Outside the sealed domain, in a certain piece of land that floating around the timeline roads. Roland wakes up, seeing his wife beautiful face above his after waking up he gave a smile at her.

 Enjoying a lap pillow from you always complete my day.

 Ah, stop that we still on our job. You should stretch, check up your body and soul if there are still damages.

 He carefully touches his wife face; thank goodness we survive and slowly wipes the trace of tears on her eyes but their moment broke, Roland heard some voices arguing for something around him like he was in a trade market. Confusion? He sat up and saw a large mouse having a bargain fight to one member of IF criminal group. He looks back and ask his wife that's a Pokémon, right? He suddenly smells a nice aroma of food. his wife fixes his position to see who walks to them in a cartoonist footstep, it was a Munchlax carrying some freshly cook food and offering it to them.

 He still cannot get it? how can Pokémon's enter this place and what's up with their tier? His wife laughs but before he gets it someone answered him.

 It was Sech, he had just finished his food that given by the Munchlax. This Pokémon's are being trained to a certain path with no return, devourers not just a normal devourer that we can see in the middle realm but its more refined and you know who can do it nor who are the entities can make it happen. They called this type of devourers called family guardian beast, a partner, a protector and a family. For us if we train some monsters to become a devourer as this three Pokémon's, if we mess up in a single step the result was not like them but an entity that had a distort sanity and cannot even retained their original appearance, the regular things out there always hiding in the deep sea of dark matter. Those humans nor being that also take this path always failed on it, taking a special route to become more powerful than anything was hard as always. He pauses, he had a plan back then to become a devourer nor try to take a path that the bystanders did but when he did, he failed the moment before he start. He lacks resolve and things he needed to throw but at least now as the leader of IF group he still made it to a level that cannot be bullied, hunted nor killed by any powerful beings.

 I see so they were being trained by sensei, still they were Pokémon's and everyone in the middle nor upper origin realm knows that those creatures lack potentials to become entities?

 All in all, Angelica reminded him. Our bystander teachers are different from any norm even thou we can see them as weak as an ant sometimes, that also make them more and more scary than anything. That's why we had a long peace in the upper origin realm, any clans, races and powerful beings hated to fight nor had no ability to kill them. How can you even kill a being that needed his/her body and soul to be wipe out in a single strike or else they will keep regenerating. We also know that if we entered their outer soul, we already lose same circumstance in what happen with that perfect hunter a while ago.

 Roland: yeah, I know. He sat cross legs to meditate to check everything from inside and out of his existence.

 Angelica only smiles and look at the Pikachu that being guarded by a white fatty with four floating mechanical arms while Sech was thinking something.

 Roland finish checking everything, his gaze stops in a pile of rubbish and with his keen observation he gets what are those. The items that they had use while confronting the hunter, even thou those things were destroyed it still made from high quality tier of minerals, smelting and created using aura of powerful beings.

 Let Rascal do this thing, among us here he was the one who had the most expensive things on it. Roland scratches the back of his head then he receives a poke on his right cheek. I know, he turned around to face Angelica only seeing her eating the food offered by the Munchlax, he sighed and join her.

 Rascal: that's not it, the amount still quite little you should add more.

 Pika pika "just drop a ***cking price, you're getting in my nerve and you wanted me to a praise each broken items excluding yours. Tsk it will take time" again Chopin calculate adding more zeros for her offer price.

 Rascal: you didn't check those things that turned to a pile of mineral dust, it had the aura from the fight that happen.

 Chopin on the same size of him sudden wanted to rush to punch the guy up but Grand use his extra arms to hold her back.

 Pika pika "What the heck, do you thing those dust still usable?"

 Rascal: you think I didn't know what kind of devourer you plan to take; I've seen those devourers followed one of the leading bystanders specialize in creating and recreating items from minerals, either whole nor turned to dust as long you grasp the real potential of a maker you can do it right. He hit it right, he looks at the large mouse. If I drop a price, I know you can pay it up but I don't need money, what I want are some items aka new minerals stronger than the things I had use on creating those weapons that destroyed by that perfect hunter.

 Genga "you're asking too much from a us Pokémon's"

 Emily: yeah, don't bully these poor creatures

 Rascal: Sech what do you think? he turned around to ask an opinion.

 Sech: If their master trainer was here, we all just receive scolding?

 Arturia: Sensei surely will not listen to you. She was like a customer sitting and eating while asking the Munchlax to cook other foods that it knows. She doesn't want to join the bidding, only leaving a small comment returning her attention to Lex.

 Emily: Sis you're learning while watching the guy? She only receives a silent nodded from Arturia. She looks at Lex, the Munchlax had a sword intent with a level of mastery that almost same level of a certain member of their group that specialize with swords. This guy still improving, that made her bewildered on what kind of training did this Munchlax do.

 Rascal: Tsk, how about it we wait for the one who lead you three here before I decided to accept your offer or drop my price for everything. You know you had just hacked our inventories that's also a taboo for us even thou you just pick up destroyed items ok. all in all, if you did buy it with the highest quality and amount of origin crystals as the result, we as the owners also the sellers of those things also need to divided it equally among all of us right, he turned around and look at Ishmael.

 Ishmael: I really don't mind at all because someone will pay me up. Ah looks like they had finished the fight and they just resting a little. All of you need to prepare, if the hunter still in the bad mood we will still get beaten you know.

 Emily: can sensei at least teach his children to hold back, it's very bad thing to see a child killing adult in an unknown speed. It leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

 Ishmael look at them and said, you didn't know she is older than all of you.

 Sech: yes, oh yeah from this event I decided to cancel the mission we had accepted, the bounty about you posted by those entities in evil alignment. Ah, money that turned to nothing.

 Ishmael: do you think I can't read you. She pulled a note, nope it wasn't but a paper with her picture. A commission to those criminal group, it said below try to stop her from meeting the bystander and if you had a chance kill her.

 Arturia laugh looks like you put some spy to other criminal clans and groups.

 What can I do, I manage timeline roads. I need to check and list who become a real entity after they break or cut their fate, destiny and erasing every single copy of themselves in every timeline they had.

 Emily: make it simple, cutting roads. We also did it to begin with after becoming a peak tier 13 administrator. Ah I envy those being born in a perfect world without story and governance of a powerful entity.

 Sech: envy huh but we have killed a lot of them. A perfect world that can produce a lot of resource to support and produce several powerful entities either those beings did the normal way of cultivation or taking another route. He didn't continue but he looks up.

 Everyone also did look up; the expansion shrinks and slowly vanish leaving a group that floating and slowly approaching were they are.

 The Pokémon's are the one who greeted them 1st while the others stand and waited for a word from Ame Warashi.

 Ame Warashi: well, that's wrap all things here and those who need to go just go or maybe you wanted to watch a little show, she smiles at them eerily.

 Nameless was like a little kid in her arms, she looks up and signal her grandma to drop her down. Upon landed she walks in front of Ishmael only to look at her face like she was waiting for something.

 While the Pokémon's was meeting two of their seniors, Larg and Soel also happy to see this three. Both of them heard that this three done the impossible among those Alice created, the training given by their master Clow to those who wanted to become a guardian family beast was quite something.

 Pika pika "Teach, help me check these things, appraise and also talk to this guy" Chopin called Lim who was just sitting above Larg and observing everything around her.

 Lim look at the IF group, she already scans the things that Chopin pointed in instant. I don't know what happen to all of you but all I know your bystander teachers will feel dejected knowing their students choosing to align themselves in the dark side. They always said to their students be in neutral, if a war starts above just choose or follow your heart nor follow your family, the most important person on your life and clan on what side they will choose.

 Sech, he hesitated before giving a reply: It was a certain situation, a hidden line of transmission that we accidentally track and receive. Seeing different reality, erasing a large territory in the middle realm that own of a certain clan that loses the war above. That day we lose trust to the whole council that managing the living worlds of upper origin realm. Even those born as origin beings, entities that had enough tier to called powerful that lives there was just nothing. It's like everything was recycled not even plunder nor excavating resources but those beings' their souls were burned slowly making sure they will not be reincarnated. Their cries were enough, time to time we group was able to track and read those missions that make us throw up. Why not take those living beings as slaves or just send those innocents to a better world, why and why as always, the question appeared in our thoughts.

 Ame Warashi: Well, if I'm still there no such things will happen, I can welcome anybody to my comfy large supper large territory called origin underworlds.

 Soel cannot stop laughing and Larg said: that place is not for the living. 

 Lim: I see you had seen it, well there are no more group that monitor those beings that align to evil but madam Ame Warashi don't joke around anymore. The origin underworlds are for those entities that had no corporeal body aka got killed that wanted a home not wanted to reborn but of course when they landed to those worlds, they all can manifest a body. Yokais, spirits from normal to abnormal, monsters from myth to legends and so on that cannot be tolerated of a living world. Yet it's also the best place to relocate if you all just wanted to training until you all had the power to prevent that kind of situations. Look at those friends of the bystanders, they all work hard and only trust themselves. You also known that bystanders also receive similar commission to some old entities.

 Emily: We know but the teachers are different they do their job in a fast way and as for their friends we are not them, they all powerful from the start.

 Arturia added: your wrong about that Emily, every entity starts from zero.

 Rascal: I can't deny what Arturia had said.

 Sech: we don't regret, we will never in what way we had chosen to become strong and in what path we had taken even if it's good or evil, it was our realization from the words from their teachers.

 Lim: Ok then, just remember this do not try to accept missions that will point to us as a target.

 Sech: We don't look for death, we only look for a better life. Can we stay here for a moment I think Arturia still in a bad shape. Seeing that Arturia almost drop down, Emily was quite quick she reaches and catch her then slowly assisted her up.

 Ame Warashi: We don't mind but can your sanity handle the next thing that you will be seeing?

 Ishmael: Madam why she looking at me like this, not comfortable at all.

 Ame Warashi: good gracious granddaughter can you just ask it in a normal way. She walks next her just to give her a patting and told to Ishmael, the job that you wanted to commission to his father give it to her. It's better for her to do it because you know if that niece of mine did it surely only annihilation will happen, it will be not the same result on what you wanted to see.

 Who never knew that the monitor of the timeline roads pouted like a normal human being and listen like a child to the being in front of her. In front of Nameless a screen appeared that contain a mission.

 Upon reading the content she looks at Ishmael then said. Can I ask a different reward for this one? Ishmael only nodded and waited for what kind of thing that this hunter wanted.

 For the reward 5 – 9 middle worlds that's all, hunting that's my expertise while dad he only knows how to wipe everything.

 Ishmael pause with a question mark, are you sure. it's a large combine territory compose of lower to peak cosmoses that moving up but for you to ask for a couple middle ones and adding a range for the reward, you're bartering for this mission. It's too cheap really then shifting her gaze to Ame Warashi.

 Ame Warashi: you deal with it on your own, she really just wanted a little reward and this mission is for her own good to.

 Ishmael scratch the back of her head and look down at the small hunter. I don't know what will you do to those worlds, it's just a small galaxy if you combine it. She checks her pocket watch; she had already calculated the time of entry of those worlds to the upper origin realm. Time really short but also long for an entity, deal. Upon saying it the contract was made, it's time for the perfect hunter to hunt.

 Nameless: Lim the two that you had use on blocking us. the BASS pull the two different size katanas that slow floats in front of her. She made a snap and two weapon spirits of this weapons manifested, the two of you done a good job but I don't want to see both of you vanish just like this. Everyone was watching her; she didn't hide anything. The power that both weapons had absorbed, she use half of each to made a designated container for them. looks good, looking at the badge she made for them as their new home then sending it to Lim for keeping.

 The two weapons that lost its spirit landed in the ground, she picks them then a smile appeared in her face but before everyone felt something the two weapons in her arms deformed, she let go of it for them float and complete the transmutation process. Two ordinary bullets appeared that had an old design for a certain gun, encryption that cannot be decipher and those entity around her cannot even appraise it.

 When she summoned that hunter's gun, everyone felt a tingling sensation. A pressure that cannot be determine if it was fear or excitement to something, Ame Warashi and of course the members of her family Bloodborne smiled they know what's next.

 BOOK. Especial category page, the book flips itself until it stops then Nameless pull a deck, releasing her hands on it to float next to the gun. "Multiple extraction: Full Deck Gain" Each melted like liquid, each represents any kind of passive buff and negative status effect was given to the gun.

 Lim: putting those customize or unique engravement that can boost horsepower of an entities weapon to a card for storing on a certain circumstance, those things are created by you right young boss? what a monster.

 They all watch the little hunter slowly reload the two bullets normal. Nameless called Lim, Lim knows what she means then said give it a go. On that moment she made a deep breath, pointing the gun upward without any aim or any target that can be seen. Readying to chant, closing and opening her eyes but of course her vision changes. What she sees now was those worlds that slow advancing to upper origin realm. 

 Ame Warashi: do you really need to add a chant on it, the buff from those cards already in perfection.

 Nameless: Then if you don't want me to chant let me borrow some line from those punishers from origin underworlds.

 Ame Warashi: Why? You wanted to tell a small tale or just giving everyone a small advice. Well, it's just words that I made for my employees while being bored. Using telepathy that only family members can receive she just send it all to her, it will depend to Nameless on what line she will pick. For her as the master of underworlds the most important thing is the victims, she can punish any sinners. Nobody knows what really are underworlds and no one knows she had left her mindset that covers everything on it and also living a small piece of her consciousness to send message to those beings that will be receiving the name Yeomra. everyone can start a new life, build a family, group, clan, sect and etc. like a normal world but of course she had made the impossible the enjoyment for them the arena. You can kill entity without damaging their soul, one of the rules she had made and those who die will instant resurrected.

 Thank you, even thou she knows that some of the target was just scouted their alignment had already shrouded.

 Ha, only pure human can kill an entity

 I don't really want to do this….

 Roland and Angelica: that's not a chant, right? Why it's so heavy and what do you mean you're a pure human. Both know what it means a human that had no impurity, sin nor did any kind of things just to become strong like using high end technology or etc.

 For Sech the mission from Ishmael was the same to those they had seen but different because the one who will perform it was the hunter, no painful death just a fast one that those targets will never feel anything or didn't know what kind of attack will hit them and where it came from.

 The family guardian beasts had group themselves, sitting and eating while watching Nameless do a job because they know no one here can disturb her monologue.

 Entities committed crimes, picking on the weak but everyone knows that the weak can forgive.

 Punishment can be reduced but the victim pain will never disappear.

 Sin is a sin it will never vanish.

 And yet, some authorities turn blind to it but I can't allow it.

 The punisher does not forget the sin and as the one who accepted this commission.

 This hunter will be the punisher, I will make my own judgement.

 She pulled the trigger then she put the hunter's rifle down, its muzzle still smoking hard. She faces everyone, her voice was clear and she spoke. They always said a gun cannot kill people but people do same on how it goes to entities, her gaze shifted at Ishamel. It's done but there is a little problem, two of the main targets was alive because of their system felt in millisecond my attack so they sacrifice themselves to save their host, I thought they were been use by the systems looks like it was not? Ishmael just nodded while wiping her sweat.

 I'm not the one whose gonna kill them thou? She just smiles with confidence and returned her gun in her inventory.

 The IF group didn't deny for themselves what they had just seen, yet this process should be made for those hidden mission that they had track, read and watch to be accomplish. The being in front of them had shown a small prowess of a perfect hunter and they cannot deny it that this little chap was the daughter of the strongest bystander. Again, they felt weak but they had a little enlightenment, even it was small they should at least give thanks to her.

 Ame Warashi Thought: a topnotch usage of banishing bullets, the concept that she had use was like reformatting a computer. Not erasing a single entity but all the beings in her range of fire. Refraction to retraction even that entity can made a timeline for an escape nor jumps to a different world or territory he/she will still be erase like Nameless uninstalled an app then erasing the total cache of it in the computer and as for the last step in making sure that those worlds as computers was cleansed using all kind of world purification skills that those cards buff in her gun aka the complete reformatting to remove the dirty mindset that put on them. impressive truly the same way of thinking as me, not bad then she made her move to get those empty worlds that stop mobilizing.

 Everyone around except her family members felt her cold voice: Devouring field.


 The situation now was shift almost to the border and where a huge territory that like a huge country where the gate between the middle and upper origin realm located before Nameless made her shot.

 Some clan territories are giving way to those worlds that slowly advancing, those entities that managing them don't want to pull hatred nor start a friction to these guys and yet one of this territory was owned by Bethlehem, a friend of those bystanders. She was not here of course; this was just a small territory of hers but still she loves her people that's why she had already mobilize some of her military officers with their troops and called some friends.

 A woman wearing an office outfit was standing still watching this marching of worlds, she was one of the people appointed by Beth to watch her territory here, fixing her glasses that she always wears as a camouflage for her beauty and her charm to be fix in zero numerical value. She turned around to look who were approaching her location, a peak tier 14 true dragon. A group was riding on its head, the one leading them was a slime being carried by a female Oni with a purple-colored hair wearing a business attire.

 The dragon stops next to her to line up, a small fairy that busy eating cookies sitting next a cool tan guy reading a manga shifted her gaze behind them. Lady Gengchen did madam Beth called this army just to protect us? as for others aka below tier 15 they cannot see anything because the army was hidden 10 layers below the sea of dark matter.

 The slime was just on trance but of course he was communicating to an entity inside of him. Ciel what do you think? Ciel replied to the slime, someone of those entities was quite fast in moving to each territory they pass by to solicit or turned them to their side. So, they were using some kind of techniques, skills or just treasure item? I don't know but if that being appeared here to do that, I can help you check, predict and calculate his/her thinking process. Ok, thanks partner as always.

 Neh lady Gengchen if they tried snatching people to just force them in join this entourage or to start something that harm madam Beth territory can we join the fight?

 Gengchen: who never thought that you guys really improve a lot, you all only took a couple of chaos years to entered tier 15 but remember this if a war broke out here you all need to rely to yourselves ok, seeing the youthful girl that looks like in her early teens that had a glossy platinum pick color hair tied in twin tails and blues jumps happily, Gengchen only fix her glasses like a villain. Let's us wait and see for now.