A little detour before going back to that world, pick her up for me and for the two little hunters, I’m the one who decided her name, Gladiia – part 3

 Nameless look at her grandmother, What's the taste.

 Ame Warashi looks at her while chewing, unpalatable and after a brief moment she was like a magician in a circus doing some hand movements. She closes her left and right hand then opening it two small glasses like gem marble appeared, throwing one to Nameless and the another to Ishmael.

 Ishmael examine it, those worlds that empty was inside of it, a few worlds are missing it's the reward for the hunter. She thanks Ame Warashi but also made a little complaint. Why do the consciousness of these worlds, their life force was cut in half, seeing the old one didn't talk she bared her teeth at her.

 It's not my fault ok, it was just a little accident. Her thoughts: Damn it did she really need to check it that much; my unique skill really didn't drain them that will affect their functions as worlds. She turned around to ignore the little lady but added some words, I'll double the remuneration for what happens here. Deal or no deal?

 Ishmael: deal.

 While everyone was preparing to leave, an alarm notification appeared. A live broadcast screen started and a couple of minutes. In the game platform that being broadcasted two entities appeared and one of them was the most wanted entity in the three realms.

 Ishmael, her bodyguards and the IS group was in trance. Ishmael break the silence and shouted calling Ame Warashi's name then they all realize that the perfect hunter, Ame Warashi and their guardian family beasts was not there leaving only them out of blue.

 Sech: so, this is why that BASS us ask not to pick a target task that make them our enemies, his both eyes where focus at the thin lady in the live broadcast. A dangerous being that cause his passive danger perception skills and technique keeps alarming him not to made this being an enemy.


 5 territory clan faraway in an area where a certain galaxy within a peak cosmos, in a world that had multiple moons and a red sun, blending within the shadow of it. there were two female individuals that observing those countless of worlds marching to the upper origin realm, both are expert in long range combat. One was gunner while the other was an archer aka a bow master.

 Alisa adjusting her telescope locking every being on those worlds while Yingel that next to her was in a sniping position that waiting for her signal to shoot.

 Do we really need to joined if the war broke out? So bothersome.

 Alisa responded: Maybe not or we can do some simple assisting shoots to helps those soldier troops that had been deployed over there under the command of that little evil brigadier general.

 Neh, did you feel it right?

 Not only us who lock on those beings, the entity also makes sure that no one will feel it the same thing that we are doing.

 Do you think its Aniki?

 Nope he doesn't have a hobby to shoot powerful projectiles like his sisters. For the two of them the three leading bystanders were like family and sometimes the two always make a chaos year leave just to go out of the three realms to visit the place where the bystanders are.

 Maybe he had changed, some bystanders their mind is quite had a screw loose and always change in a flash.

 Hah, I miss those days when we go with them do some jobs but before she continues her words, she heard a munching sound. The sound of eating a crispy crunchy type of chips, the problem is its quite fragrant.

 Shifting her gaze to the person next to her and in that moment, she wanted to slap Yingel at the back of her head but she didn't do it.

 Partner we are on a job.

 What can I do, I forgot to eat before we depart ok.

 Make it fast then.

 Roger that, ah where the hell is your Stand?

 I let it roam freely as our guard you forgot some devourers are also aiming for resource of those world if a war happens, picking up leaks.

 Nioce, umai Alisa try this, holding a chip she called her trying to feed her.

 Tsk but before Alisa bite it the two pause then look at each other in serious face.

 Yingel: looks like we don't need to make a move.

 Alisa: what a shoot, a clean silent shoot. Both of them smile because those worlds and its entourage was now ceased to exist, cannot even reborn nor enter the main wheel of samsara their soul was wipe as clean that didn't even leave a small trace.


 The time before Nameless made the shoot, let's move to the area where Gengchen and co. was now facing a tall dark handsome elf, the intermediary of those worlds that advancing and one of those being that had the system that cause this situation.

 This being is half naked showing off his handsome body, his momentum was quite sharp or just acting tough, his perception had detected and scan everyone already buy of course he missed all the protector and soldiers that hiding deep in the sea of dark matter that using high tier concealment and items that blocks any investigation skills.

 When this being appeared, the slime bounces down and the other also set their alertness to the maximum.

 Hmph, the entity was fast snaping his fingers he had pick up the beautiful beings that following the slime while Gengchen was not being included because of her disguised.

 "Author Note: AINTNOWAY your only using ah, damn it "seeing Gengchen giving me a sharp gaze" that's only a pair of nerd glasses????"

 "Gengchen: you should buy and try it up sometimes Mr. Normie Narrator"

 In the same time the tan man, pixie and the teenage pink haired girl flickered to gang up the entity. Before they made contact the dark elf wave his hand shifting the three changing and transferring their positions where Gengchen is as the target to be killed by them because for him Gengchen was a variable that can messed up his kidnapping plan.

 Gengchen only sighed, the three felt being slap by something, offsetting their attacks and sending them faraway.

 Ciel: calculating, calculating, the entity drags them in an expansion to isolate and turn off all their passive skills then applying or high jacking their will and consciousness by putting a mindset that powerful to change their alignment, this also can cause for them to change in form.

 Rimuru: damn, anyway for them to get out before they corroded.

 Ciel: kill the entity as fast as possible or attack the expansion from inside and out using a high degree of sword intent that can cut through multi dimension, reality, rules, laws, DAO's and TAO's.

 Rimuru: Copy that partner, I leave the horsepower output to you.

 The slime enters his humanization or human transformation but before he calls Veldora the tan tall man that had been deflected by Gengchen, someone already did attack the entity.

 The level of collision was massive pinning the entity in a multi-invisible foothold, the force made it like a multi mirror broke that shoot by a bullet in the middle. A small stature of a blonde-haired child, she was so fast that her existence bypass everyone's total perception. Making a round house kick hitting the entity's chin from the right, its force was enough to drag its whole body down.

 The girl instantly uses her weigh by stepping the entity's back, her presence was too heavy like a stone in the top of a pile of papers, restraining it then she stomps it's back and instantly used her aura to invade the entity's system skill panel. Turning off all passive and active mechanisms of the guy, she made a creepy evil smile.

 She pointed her old classic riffle equip with a customize beret knife in its tip. Stand down and don't try to make a move. The girl was wearing a unique military uniform matching her soldier hat. Hah, she knows about those beings that trap, waving her gun like it was a sword, the beret knife was easily cut the hidden expansion releasing the friends of the slime.

 Gengchen walks 4 meters apart to the officer, brigadier general Tanya why did you move without a command? I can handle things here. Her voice had a tone of a leader trying to question her underlings.

 Tsk, the moment I felt it I need to do things in my own way ah, looks like all of you didn't notice it. She shifted her gaze and pointed the directions of those worlds that stops moving, in same time the slime and his co. also look at the place she pointed. Yet they didn't see anything, bewildered. Something amiss then they realize, no one's there and their total perception didn't detect anyone nor anything that had the sign of life.


 Confusion for them even the guy that had pinned down by then a child voice echoes in their mind.

 A monologue?

 She bites her thumb and look at Gengchen, it's the hunter, she strikes and looks like someone did make a commission other than Beth.

 No why why why. The dark elf didn't want to believe it, everyone he knows vanish without leaving a tiny sign of their existence or a thing that they existed.

 He tried to ask his system yet he didn't receive any respond to it.

 Gengchen: looks like your system sacrifice itself to save you, its host. What a rare and heroic deed to do.

 The handsome dark elf face cannot be painted to a canvas anymore, he was crying and also snot leaking under his nose, everything he loves and wanted to protect was now gone.

 Rimuru: what did she mean? A normal human can kill monsters?

 Before he receives an answer from Ciel, Gengchen turned around to look at him with a little deterrence.

 Like I said back then there are a lot of laws, rules, Dao's, Tao's and Path. Profiency and enlightenment can remove the limits and restriction of those who achieve its peak to the maximum. An active skill turning to a passive, a multi skills turning to one, you had that right fusing but that's not it. Those skills and techniques become a daily routine, a part of their lives and as for those beings who made it are those who really understand the real meaning of the word entity.

 The one who made the shoot erasing every life in those planets was just displaying her total proficiency of a single path. For human they call it mortal path as for those monsters and beings that cannot be describe they call it a normal path. A mortal to immortal, immortal to mortal, a normal being to a monster, a monster to a normal being. You already had an idea right, it was the moment that you become the only one, no copies in any timeline roads. An original, so what path do you want to take, it will depend to you but of course you can have it all if you can understand every content of each to its maximum.

 You can never judge an entity by its cover, they always say when you saw a child, an old being or a beggar alone in a void path you should not look down and try to hit them because you didn't know if they are beings who already in that step without a return, a being that already exceed in same tier, an unscientific to begin with, it only results to your death without knowing how it happen. This is a reminder, don't ever made a mistake that even us nor lady Bethlehem cannot solve.

 The dark elf that slowly calming down, even without its system the feeling of being underestimated. He cannot tolerate it, knowing his skills and techniques were shutdown he had a way for it, he had a preparation when he volunteers for this work. Wounding his right palm with its nail, using its blood to activate the inventory pouch in his side waist. Something inside had been activated, in just a millisecond the elf roared entering a new phased, its body started to distort that made Tanya to move backwards, it was releasing a dangerous vibe.

 Eh, using an item to force yourself to devouring state, can you even maintain your sanity? It getting bigger and grotesque, it's skill and techniques were forcedly fuse resulting to a new one compatible to its new form.

 What is the cost? Nothing you already lost everything yet you want to escape to start over before the phased is completed Tanya already plan to end it, of course there is always faster and better than her that had arrived.

 Sword Draw

 Initial Cross Impact

 A dark red thin aura cut both its body and soul in 4.

 With an annoyed face she turned around to look at the being who killed her target, that's my opponent Mr. Hanbin. A fully build man wearing a plain white shirt, jean short and a matching sandal were standing not far away from Gengchen. This man looks like he was been ask by a family member to go out to purchase a bottle of soy sauce but he was able to made a sword art empty handed.

 Rimuru and his companion only see a simple sword art, the shock to them was still there on how it cut through the sea of dark matter.

 Just passing by, I thought that being will self-destruct using it as an escape. You know that some entities had time mark skill as a backup, a point to a certain place for their resurrection is unknown.

 Tanya: That being was just going to its next phase to fight like those bosses in games. You, you pay up or else I'm gonna file a complaint to Beth if you don't.

 Eh? I'm just really just running an errand; he pulled his phone from his inventory then shows a message from his wife as evidence.

 Ah, this can't be after seeing the content, she looks at him then stomp her right for being irritated. The message was real and can be used as a counter if ever she files a complaint.

 It was just all coincidence and especially there is still one survivor, quite good in hiding.

 When Tanya heard it, she instantly expands her perception and activated all her search techniques that literally pierce through those worlds that stopped and the sea of dark matter around them.

 A beautiful female in a cheongsam dress that hiding, melding within the shadow of those worlds around her, soon she felt the scan that exceed the level of her concealment that in maximum, she bites her lips her reaction was too late. She was already been lock as a target by some entities not only Tanya, her danger perception keeps alarming those being was ready to fire nor already ready to attack to devour her.

 She moves at the moment her internal damage almost repaired cause by her system being destroyed, automatically adjusting her passive skills to counter the pressure she was receiving being lock up by the gaze nor perception of these beings. She dives out ready to jump hyperspace to leaves that place.

 Not only Tanya and also those entities was hiding deeper made a move but before their attack reaches the female a devourer hiding in the same spot 97 chaos years deep also shoots.

 It launches a small part of its body that slowly become bigger than 3 peak cosmoses, a colossal mix of flesh and blood was like a whale dive out of the sea that blocks those attacks incoming at the woman.

 Those flesh and appendages with visible veins, countless of eyes sudden opens locking only the female as its prey. A huge mouth opens up like a sanction swallowing the sea of dark matter, stars, some worlds and debris around without any resistance at all.

 The beautiful female panic, series of pressure made her body heavy and then everyone shrugged. They saw it a small figurine attach to her back without her knowing it.

 It was a lifeform, a baby ginseng. After closing its mouth, eating its target a massive explosion that had a horsepower combine of a special rule, laws, power of moons and suns.

 Tsk how many people eyeing or here to pick up some leaks and damn archeologist can you at least control your pets.

 Tanya was having a hard time processing this and her co. look at the large sink hole left behind by the explosion.

 The devourer didn't howl it was just a small part of it destroyed yet on that empty hole its real body was being exposed to everyone.

 A humanoid one, its smile painted in its face was quite dreadful. The sanity of those looking at it was touch; their resistance was being shaken. This also the 1st time that the slime and his friends seen a real devourer.

 Ku, ku. kU. As expected of a top archeologist, to able to cultivate pets in that level trying to match the bystanders but it's not enough, its power still lacking to kill a normal devourer well I'll give it a praise for it to penetrate and destroyed a little portion of my body.

 The mouths all over its body were making different sound or volume level of laughter after saying that.

 Tanya and Gengchen instantly covered Beth territory with their immense aura, the soldiers, mercenary, fixers and dimensional adventurers that accepted this mission appeared readying themselves for a confrontation against this devourer.

 AH ICANT, I'm not here to fight especially with the appearance of you a failed product of a certain world that become an entity closet to them is here.

 Hanbin only shook's his head, he doesn't feel any malice nor any evil intention on it, it was like this being was just doing a stroll.

 Huh, if I didn't expand my perception, I almost didn't detect the two who also ready to shoot in any time. That woman really prepared a lot for a mere territory.

 Yet before it continues to talk a group of devourers suddenly just appeared out of nowhere bigger than it.

 The one leading them talk. No.2 this place was not your jurisdiction nor your hunting ground. Better to back away before you breach the contract to each of us devourers.

 Tsk tsk, what bullying me because I'm alone well you guys also registered as neutral beings to the adventurer's association and had an especial contract to that bystander. The feeling of their gaze and oppression against to its existence, even its rank on the list was no.2, it knows he cannot win against them so with a defeated vibe around it, it slowly retreated without leaving any trace.

 Before the area of the explosion repaired this group of devourers also left leaving a sentence that will mark a situation or will become a nightmare to those who were weak.

 Looks like we cannot even take a single world how sad it is.

 Everyone felt being drowned by something, the heaviness of this adult woman voice echoes through their mind, their resistance was invalidated and some of them almost fainted.

 Devouring Field

 All those empty worlds disappeared just like that.


 Tanya and Gengchen was in shock because after they achieve the initial peak tier 15, they automatically received about what are the taboos, information and ban beings that set as the top classified that only initial peak tier 15 can acquire. Beings that had unique skills that can only be obtain nor use upon becoming a ruler of a certain part or area in upper origin realm.


 Habin: The Yoemra never left his throne, that man is quite busy than any living above.

 Gengchen had a clue, she loves to read and research those ban information. This should be the retired one that had been kickout and according to the papers she had read the current Yoemra was a substitute until the former returned. According to it the payment for the current will be his proper reincarnation to an original world, a peaceful life without touching the myth nor any supernatural things.

 A bitter smile from the general, fixing her military hat she looks at her soldiers and wanted to shout to say something. A failure of operation, acquiring resources as a trophy to become an accomplishment to show at their leader Beth yet before she says something multiple notification rang from their systems and com devices. A video message from Bethlehem.

 Hello everyone I already know what happen, be still and don't pry who did that. I know it's quite depressing but I thanks everyone for their participation in protecting our territory so I still plan to reward everybody and Mr. Hanbin someone is here, she quite worried because she knows that the track, you're using to go to that shop where you will buy the thing she needs is quite near to my territory, she said you didn't reply to her messages so she appeared here.

 Oh, with an awkward expression he connected his phone to the network from above then he receives a lot of messages, it's quite late after looking to its every content he immediately called her. He didn't look back nor no one can stop him, he leaves without a goodbye to everyone that present after doing a kill steal "KS".

 Rimuru had a lot of questions, Tanya and Gengchen was ready to command everyone to return to their post.

 An hour of peace was broken by another alarm. Not only them but to every entity in their early to peak tier 15 and this also included to those beings that had achieved the highest tier that the three realms can holds, the 16th.

 What appeared Infront of everybody was a livestream platform. They were hack, their systems and high-tech communication terminal panel didn't even have the will to fight back.

 A chess game was readying to be broadcast but the players in opposite side was still empty. Some of those on peak knows about this chess game, it a special and a different one. both players require to use their horsepower to lifeforce in playing this game, they both will pick a race from the start. As long no one win from the 1st board a new board will appeared. This was a cosmic building chess game, if one of the players is weak the result was death from being old, he/she will be drain by the game.

 The two players still not visible, in a minute one of the square panel lit up to show the actual appearance of this player. When it lit up its IGN also appeared from its top, all entities that had played the game already know who it was. A teenage girl with red hair was helping a man with a large proportional build body, red-haired man with a distinctive under-bite, green eyes, and side-burns. He wears a white shirt with a red tie under a black waistcoat, as well as black pants with brown dress shoes. He also wears glasses. The back of his vest is adorned with a small silver cross. This man was busy eating sweets while doing some paper works.

 The lady with red hair: Dad you're getting old, at least learn or research how to use the new technology that will come out next time before purchasing it. Oh, I think it's already good, were already connected and everyone in the three realms should be able to see us clearly.

 Hmph? Already done?

 Yeah, now then I'll be going to help mom tidy up the new plants that you order in the garden. Before she walks out, she added some words to him, oh yeah dad. Mom said don't bully auntie she just wakes up and under rehabilitation.

 The man stops on what he was doing and gave a wave at her daughter. He fixes his chair to face up the pc for everyone to see him properly. Let's wait a bit, it's been a while everyone, well you all heard my daughter right. This game is a special one because I'll be playing with someone that all you may know. Oh, looks like they were here readying to connect.

 Another empty screen below his lit up. The view become visible; a dragon maid was being broadcast like she was adjusting the whole setup of a pc. The camera angle was a bit far because everyone can see people or beings at her back. A male was sleeping in a sofa, in front of him was a table with empty plates and wine glasses. A patient thin lady was reading an old newspaper covered her half body and face, her wheel chair was being hold by another dragon maid.

 The chat room exploded, those peak tier 15 and the other tier 16 knows who was the male sleeping.




 Oh, what is this?

 New Pandora dragon: I had a clue, who wants to bet. As a new sister of his I also wanted to see her.

 Just a Passing Retired Oldman: ???? damn it like I thought she was a member of your family.

 All those old beings also confuse.

 One of them was spamming, awaken the bystander up. Fight, fight, fight.

 The dragon maid ignores the chat then she turned to called the lady in the wheel chair.

 Young lady I already finish setting all up, she stands up to move aside while her co dragon maid push the wheel chair to move their young lady in front of the pc.

 The young lady put down the newspaper, no accessories nor façade. She still needs a lot of time to recovered and her age exceed her old self in that timeline.

 The chat pauses not a single entered a word nor a sentence. In the three realms those early to mid-tier 15 was having a hard time to breath while those in peak was shaken of her existence even, thou this was just a live broadcast, she was affecting them like she can reach them in any time.

 Hello everyone, my maids said to ignore the chat thingy, she pauses then continue I just awaken from deep slumber. Let me introduce myself as courtesy right cousin Klaus, seeing Klause approval she started. This also the 1st time seeing the new head of the bystander racial race, the 1st and the oldest kin of her auntie Alice.

 I'm Liliana Bloodbrone the 2nd daughter of the entity known as the 1st bystander, I don't want to be a dead weight to them because I know I was strong enough so if some of you wanted a fight, I don't mind it just come, ah I forgot the wanted poster was up-to-date, my appearance in that timeline is much younger than reality. I'm 100% sure after my recovery I'm more matured than it.


 Just a Passing Retired Oldman: wake him up I need an explanation properly, tell him to DM me.



 Old timer phoenix: How can a man give birth to a daughter without a wife??

 Below these words another +1 and question marks had been spam.

 A crippled tiger: You mean you're in coma so you have been with him before the bystanders appeared above.

 Blind man: Oh, I get it know 90-99% of your soul was transferred to that timeline and the timeline road was detach from his, an experiment or just an accident.

 Birdwoman but a swordswoman: let me guess the perfect hunter was your sister? You said you're the 2nd ha ha ha ha what a man how can you produce such daughters. Where the heck is the words that every entity wanted a surrogate child if they lost their own, entities had desires especially those who falls they will become crazy to achieved what they wanted.

 I don't want to wake my dad, his quite a grumpy old guy when someone disturb his sleep.

 Just a Passing Retired Oldman: Klaus can you ask your BASS to turned off nor limit the broadcast to those in peak only, my son called me he said a lot of early and mid-tier 15 was having a relapse because of her sole existence.

 Just a Passing Retired Oldman: look at her, she doesn't even have tier level, to exceed the unknown. What are you to begin with? I think the realms consciousness now was having a dilemma.

 Liliana only scratches the tip of her nose then she decided to ignore the chat and called up Klaus. Cousin I'm already good let's start, both of them started to move picking up the race that they will use.

 Klaus: You said in the family chat you had read and try the tutorials of the game. Eh? Your picking alien race you know it was a diverse not only one type, right? Oh yeah not afraid being assassinated?

 Liliana: Why do I need to be afraid; I can even detect anyone in the three realms if I wanted to and also if something happened to me. I had dad, sis and all of you go to war against all of them.

 Klaus: I don't mind it at all if you push us in, well mother also think if anyone harm you, she will pull everyone siding to that origin seed. The origin abyss itself will become our friend, an infinite renewable resource.

 Just a Passing Retired Oldman: Oi oi you two plotting it live seriously, KEKW tsk tsk not a threat but wanted to command. Not bad little Chad.

 Underworld King: Can I surrender and join your side. The living beings here had no chance of winning even we are included.

 Below it a lot of them added +1

 Just a Passing Retired Oldman: you all, really.

 Yet before another series of message in the chat. Nameless and Ame Warashi appeared out of nowhere, they were visible in the screen that all the viewers can see them in 4k.

 Fake Underworld King: Master is that you, can I retired and find someone inherit your name? so that's the perfect hunter, she quite young.

 Liliana who's still adapting moving some units see the message then look back, seeing two entities that she didn't notice was just standing at her back with a sharp gaze fix on her.

 Ame Warashi: Why are you sweating dear? Look how thin you are, I think a little blow of wind can carry you away any time.

 Nameless: What are you doing, showing yourself without my approval nor dad?

 Ame Warashi tap Nameless shoulder, pointing not to flare and let her slide. Nameless shrugged and look at the dragon maids.

 Nameless: Did dad prepare my renumerations. Seeing the two dragon maids pointing at another table in front of a kitchen she decided to check it. She was not in a hurry to pay up.

 Ame Warashi: Look at this guy, he doesn't want to carry my legacy. He the only disciple that I had. Did he really think that anyone can just be a Yoemra without any hard work. I'll gonna message you later and Liliana don't overdo it, if you ever see that you don't have a chance of winning just push the button next to your IGN to surrender. Well, the penalty of surrendering was just a chaos year of ban or depends if it was a rank match. She turned around and added, what food do you want or you still had the same favorite type of food when you're still a little kid.

 It was still the same grandma, I'm not picky as long it was cook by a family member.

 Ok then. She walks near the kitchen bypassing Nameless that started to eat but of course she didn't like the vibe around of this portable mobile kitchen, dematerializing it she made a move.

 Reality expansion: Hell's Kitchen. The empty space vibrated and a large kitchen that can be use by colossal entities appeared.

 The Pokémon's, Lim and the two rabbit like creature that riding at Lex apron pocket arrived quite late. Lex smells the aroma of unique ingredients, turning his body to face the direction he saw his master trainer aunt that started to cook, he walks near the table next to the sofa to put down his seniors that napping then to the hell's kitchen.

 Lim just arrived in front of her boss then disappeared, time for her to get back playing some games.

 Grand and Chopin notice that the young boss was eating her remuneration while the young lady that they needed to protect was in front of a pc.

 The two dragon maids gave way to them, Liliana who had just stop Klaus's 1st set up on the 1st board was having another problem, a new set up of the race Klaus pick started in their 2nd match stage, she needs to think what move she need to take after being in draw in the 1st board. She felt the arrival of the two Pokémon's next to her side, she was quite fond of horror, underworlds or ghostly beings. Grand can you turned or change your size to a doll, the white Gengar was confuse but still he listens to her. Liliana picks up the doll creature and hug it in a single arm, she quite happy but her eyes was serious and focus in the game. Chopin was a little jealous, she just recreated an old armor and put it on then summoned some ghost lantern to serve as fire, putting up a cold aura around her that makes her like an armored undead, she sits next to the keyboard for the viewers to see. Oh, not bad for a cosplay, this is nice my family members are the best.

 Klaus: Should I send that guy, mother said to me when you wake up, she thinks that being will also awaken. You know that being should be the 3rd to become a tier 16 but before that happened it was kick out by the realms same for the other guardian beasts of the main family. That furball, wolf, fox, cat, two rabbits and the iron eater that fond in caring about your whole existence was now powerful, so powerful that we cannot afford to command, us ordinary member of the family except of the three, you and of course Nameless your sister the perfect hunter.

 Liliana: Never underestimate a low race, even she was an iron eater she did work hard to search for her own opportunity to evolve and train so hard without any rest except of her time of hibernation. She doesn't envy those who had a Beastmaster because she knows she was trained by grandpa in a different route than any guardian family beasts.

 Yet everyone in the chat felt a sudden change that almost reach where they are. they don't know why but seeing Liliana turned around to focus her eyes in her sister that started to snore. She face up the pc again and said, a little disturbance my sister just entered her dream.

 Sage Mo: The legendary hunter's dream, a hunter that can dream is a killable being. I had read that the dream should been destroyed by those entities that almost eaten every cosmos in the whole 9 realms before it become 3.

 Just a Passing Retired Oldman: Little Mo, there are a lot of hidden information or details in some ruins that the top 10 archeologist is researching now. I think one of them found some details, the three leading bystanders is hiding another problem from us.

 Klaus: don't mind it, my cousin will handle it alone. All of you had no chance against those beings.

The entities in Chat are making random comments, some are confused and some are making an assumption.


 Nameless appeared in an empty medieval city, the road ahead was so clean and yet she looks up. She can see them, the whole sky in this dream was connected to those beings imprison in that place. Countless of bleeding eyes was focus at her, no such thing as a blood rain.

 Oh, come on the 1st time I appeared here this city was dilapidated and what, some of you was absorbing the power of this so-called hunter's dream. Yet my appearance here was just a plain of hard work and not a coincidence, she started to hear their growls and beast roars. Can you all just shut up and back away, returned to your slumber, just wait there peacefully for me. A little more time, just a bit more soon you all have a proper rest. Her voice was sharp, those countless of eyes close up and the sky in her eyes become normal. She started to walk in the empty street of this city leading to a certain area.

 Couple of minutes she arrived in front of a graveyard, in middle of it stands a manor. She opens the gate and entered slowly.

 There was an entity busy scattering wine shake in every place of this graveyard. A doll that looks like a human in a western lady dress, while this doll was doing her job she sudden reminiscence a certain memory of hers. This dream was so tattered and she was in verge of being destroyed, the countless of tentacles and appendages that was dropping in the sky was unstoppable, some small tentacles was digging the tombstone in every corner of the graveyard, the tombstone of every past hunter, her masters. In those unknown years of her protecting the dream without a master, in her helpless moment before she lost her function and her grip to the dream. A voice echoes in her destroyed ears, she muttered her last energy to look up and in front her was a little girl wielding a katana without Tsuba, the blade was bathed by blood of those entities. Painful cries of those entities were heard by her, blood rain slowly drops from the sky. You're the caretaker of this dream, Hmph from now on this is my dream, only mine and those who will become a hunter will be just a co-owner.

 The girl looks up and shouted, you all better not to touch what I owned because there is nothing I could kill. Those entities quivered then back off, they felt it this little being that appeared in the dream was a new hunter, a different one and the sky of the dream that was like a broken glass started to repair.

 The doll always getting surprises from her, the new hunter and her new master. She was repaired, upgraded and all her memories from the moment she was made was all intact. The manor, its facilities, every tombstones even those remains that was already been snatch by those entities was returned back to normal. Even the city that had been dilapidated beyond repair from the start was become a new. She pauses, she detected it, her master had come. The doll tidies up her work as fast as she can just to greet her master that paying this lonely dream a visit.