Chapter 2 - Prank

Kenichi:- ...

I don't even know why am I running.

And what am I running from?

Kenichi:- .... can't ..... (huff) ....keep up.....

Kenichi:- !!!

I can't move, something is stopping me.

A little girl came in front of him.

Kenichi:- ?

Before he could think of something, the girl told him in a cold tone.

???:- D o y o u w a n t t o k i l l y o u r f r i e n d s ?

Kenichi:- ..!?

Kenichi:- Huh?, Was that just a dream?

Kenichi found himself half asleep on the bed.

Kenichi:- Right on time, I should get ready.

Ever since I became friends with Ayame, I am having a strange dream of an empty void.

I thought it was just a dream, but it felt way too real. And today, I met a girl who wants me to kill my friends.

Also, I am getting headaches for some time. It must be due to stress.

Ayame:- Hello Kenichi. You look like you're going to collapse at any moment.

Kenichi:- Yes. another nightmare.

Ayame:- Again? it's been 5 times a week. Are you sure you don't want to visit a doctor?

Kenichi:- I am fine, thanks for asking though.

Ayame:- Ah, looks like the teacher is coming. We will chat in recess.

In Recess

Kenichi:- .....


???:- D o y o u w a n t t o k i l l y o u r f r i e n d s ?


Kenichi:- ...sigh...

A female Student:- ¿Estás bien?

Kenichi:- Ah? Oh, hello Nancy.

Nancy:- Hola.

This is Nancy. She recently got transferred to this school.

and my other friend.

Nancy:- You look tired, did something happen?

Kenichi:- Nothing, it must be stress.

Nancy:- You should go to the infirmary before it gets worse.

Kenichi:- I told you it's fine. A sleep or two will keep my body healthy.

Nancy:- If you need any help, call me. Your health is your priority.

Kenichi:- I will.

Nancy:- As you know, I am free today. Can we hang ou-

Out of nowhere, Ayame joins in.

Ayame:- I won't let you.

Kenichi:- D-Don't scare me like that.

Nancy:- Hola, Ayame.

Ayame:- Hello.

Nancy:- You could join us, we never stopped you. But at least no surprises.

Ayame:- Sorry, bad habit of mine. I sometimes scare people with my unexpected presence.

Nancy:- Last time, when did you scare other people?

Ayame:- Hmm, when I saw you reading manga in toilet yeste-


Kenichi:- What manga were you reading?

Nancy:- U-Ummm, I-It's n-nothin-

Ayame:- It's an ecchi manga, it's The wor-

Nancy shuts Ayame's mouth with her hand.

Nancy:- I-I told you, it-it's nothing.

After class

Nancy:- Are you free today?

Kenichi:- Yes, I am. Wanna go somewh-

Ayame joins in, yet again.

Ayame:- I won't let you.

Kenichi:- Is that supposed to be Deja Vu?

Ayame:- Sorry, but Kenichi and I were supposed to be studying right now.

Kenichi:- Don't worry about it, I will manage the tim-

Ayame:- We already got late, let's go.

Ayame grabs his hand and drags him along with her.

Ayame:- See you tomorrow, Nancy.

Nancy:- Bye.

Both of them left.

Nancy:- ...

Ayame:- Are you feeling ok, say something.

Kenichi:- Y-Your h-hand...

Ayame:- ...!

She lets go of his hand.

Ayame:- sorry.

Kenichi:- What are you hiding?

Ayame burst out laughing.

Ayame:- You dummy, she's in love with you.

Kenichi:- Then why did you bring me here?

Ayame:- Because of today's 31st March.

Kenichi:- So?

Ayame:- Tomorrow's 1st April, April Fools Day.

Kenichi:- There's no way I am not going to prank her.

Ayame:- Silly, you don't have to prank her. You just have to propose to her.

Kenichi:- W-What?

Ayame:- Isn't it obvious that she likes you and you like her too? Propose each other already, my patience is running out.

Kenichi:- What if she rejects me?

Ayame:- Then tell her that it was a prank. Simple, right?

Kenichi:- No wonder you're a genius in many ways.

Ayame:- Right. Wait, what's that supposed to mean?

Kenichi:- So, where should I propose to her?

Ayame:- Hmmmm, how about the rooftop?

Kenichi's eyes widen.

Kenichi:- .....

Ayame:- Is something wrong, you were looking like that you just saw a ghost.

Kenichi:- Sorry, I was at a loss for thought. And sure, why not.

Ayame:- ...

Kenichi's Room

I am so tired. The headache won't stop.

I should take a nap and it will be alright.

Kenichi falls into a deep sleep.

In his Dream

Where am I?

At least she isn't here. Finally, the nightmare has ended.

Wait, is that....

He finds himself on a school rooftop.

I thought I was able to surpass my true nightmare.

How long has it been?

Oh wait, it was recent, wasn't it?

Yes, I can hear the raw screams.

Blood grudging from a body.

And seeing the scared face of someone.

Kenichi:- This is where I...

This is where I murdered a student.

The alarm goes off.

Kenichi:- ........ughhhh....



Kenichi:- What it...

Kenichi:- OH $HIT, I AM LATE.

Kenichi was able to reach School on time.

Kenichi:- huff.....puff.... I made it.. in the last second.

Kenichi:- Now my headache is gone. That's weird.

Kenichi spots Nancy in the hallway.

Kenichi:- Hello Nancy, nice seeing you here.

Kenichi:- Would you mind if we mee-


Kenichi:- ....?

Kenichi saw her in tears.

Nancy:- ....

Nancy ran away.

Kenichi:- I don't get it.

Ayame:- Kenichiiiiiii

Ayame ran towards him

Ayame:- It's no use, she's not talking to me anymore.

Kenichi:- But why, she was fine yesterday. I was supposed to propose to her today.

Ayame:- What are you talking about? It was yesterday. Now today is 2nd April.

Kenichi:- Let me guess, you both are pranking me, aren't you?

Ayame:- I am serious, check your phone.

It was indeed 2nd April.

Kenichi:- But how? I don't remember anything.

Ayame:- Looks like those stress and headaches caused you to lose yesterday's memory.

Kenichi:- Tell me what happened back then.

Ayame:- Well....

Ayame:- You pushed her off the rooftop.

Kenichi:- What?

Did I just

Actually do it
