Chapter 3 - Enemy

Nancy ran fast as she could.

And went to Girl's bathroom.

Nancy:- ....Kenichi, I don't want to see you getting hurt.

She couldn't hold back her tears.

Nancy:- I am sorry Kenichi, but this was the only way.

Few Weeks Later....

A random classmate:- Kenichi, can you solve this problem this equation for me? pretty please.

Kenichi:- Sorry, I am feeling unwell. You could ask Ayame.

A random classmate:- Oh, okay then.

Ayame:- ....

It's been weeks after that incident.

Nancy is ignoring me continuously, including Ayame too.

Ayame:- Kenichi... Earth to Kenichi....

Kenichi:- I am sorry, I am getting headache day by day.

Ayame:- It's expected, after all you've been through that incident.

Kenichi:- But something doesn't feel right.

Ayame:- What makes you think that?

Kenichi:- It's me who pushed her from the rooftop, and She hardly got injured.

Ayame:- Because there were bushes, which broke her fall.

Kenichi:- But still, I didn't get called by teachers and principle.

Ayame:- Well, about that...

Ayame:- She decided not to report this incident to teachers.

Kenichi:- !!

Don't look down on me.

Ayame:- Kenichi, are you okay?

Kenichi:- Again...

Ayame:- Again?

Kenichi:- Again....again.....



Ayame:- What happened?

Kenichi hold her arms tightly.

Ayame:- Kenichi? S-stop.. It hurts..

Kenichi:- Don't look down on me, like I am some sort of creep.

Ayame pushes him back


He got back his senses.

Kenichi:- I...

Kenichi:- I am sorry...

Kenichi burst out of tears.

Ayame:- I am here for you.

Kenichi:- I...


Kenichi:- I am a murderer.

Ayame:- !!!

Kenichi:- Also, it wasn't my first time doing this to Nancy.

Kenichi:- This incident happened when I was in previous school.


Long time ago...

Bully:- Hey you, four eyes. We have something for you.

Kenichi:- ....

Bully:- I am talking to you.

Kenichi:- Go away.

Bully's friend:- Boss, he has the audacity to answer you back.

Bully:- Well, color me impressed.

Bully grabs Kenichi tightly.

Kenichi:- Let me go.

Bully:- Word of advice, If I am talking to you....

Bully knocks him out.

Bully:- You have no right to talk back to me.

Kenichi:- huff.... puff.....

Bully's friend:- Leave him, he looks pathetic. One more knock and he will die.

Bully:- You're right, but this is not the world for weaklings. I don't care if something happens to him.

Bully:- Let's go, we don't spend time with wimpy kid.



Kenichi:- I was less talkative and loner back then. And didn't had any friends.

Ayame:- That's awful, I never knew that you suffered everyday like that.

Kenichi:- It was fine, I was used to it.

Kenichi:- But one day, I lost myself.


On old school rooftop - During Recess

Kenichi:- Well, time to dig in.

Bully:- Hey!

Bully:- Found you.

Kenichi:- !!

Bully joins in, with his friend.

Bully:- So, this is where you eat. No wonder you're invisible during recess.

Kenichi:- Leave me alone.

Bully:- Show us what you're eating.

Bully:- Fish Cutlet?? You're pretty lucky that you have best parent.

Bully:- Let me taste one.

He takes a fish cutlet from him.

Kenichi:- That's mine!

Bully:- So, there's no name written on it.

Kenichi:- Just leave me alone.

Bully grabs him again.

Bully:- So, what are you gonna do? Huh!!

Bully:- I told you before, didn't I?

Bully:- When I am talking to you, You have no right to talk back to me.

His grip became tighter.

Bully:- So, what are you gonna do?

Bully:- Call your parents, cry, or call your friends.

Bully:- Oh wait, You don't have any friends to begin with.

Bully:- It would be a shame if you die and nobody comes to your funeral.

I had enough.


Kenichi pushes the bully so hard, that he fell down from rooftop and ended up on ground.



Kenichi:- !!!

What he saw, was unimaginable.

Two broken legs.

Bully lying on pool of blood.

His blood.


It's red, yet satisfying.

The Bully faints out.

Kenichi:- I don't care if you die.

Bully's friend:- K-kenichi...

Kenichi's eyes went to his friend. And he snapped out of this madness.

His friend was trembling so much.

Bully's friend:- L-l-lis-sten...

Kenichi starts trembling in fear too.

Kenichi:- I-i...

His voice gets cancelled every time he tries to talk to him.

Kenichi:- ...

He runs away, and didn't look back.

The next day

During class..

Homeroom teacher:- As all of you got the news, one of our student left the school.

Ex-classmate 1:- What happened teacher?

Homeroom teacher:- He fell down from the school rooftop and got critically Injured. Which left him paralysed permanently.

Ex-classmate 2:- But how?

Kenichi:- ....

Homeroom teacher:- He claimed that he was playing on rooftop during recess and tripped.

Homeroom teacher:- As a matter of fact, we decided to close the access to the school rooftops for students.

Kenichi:- !!!!

Homeroom teacher:- But for now, let's study. Shall we?

All students:- Yes mam!



Why didn't you tell the truth...

Kenichi's eyes went to Bully's friend, yet again.

The kid looked at him, and then immediately looked down on the desk. Completely ignoring him.



Do not look down on me.

Like I am some sort of creep.


Present time

Ayame:- ...

She was completely speechless. As expected.

Kenichi:- As I was struggling with this situation, my father got shift in job. Which led me to change the school and leave the past.

Kenichi:- But it caught me, again.

Kenichi:- Now you know my truth, there's no way you want to be friends with criminal.

Ayame:- Kenichi....

Kenichi:- It would be better if you cut ties with me.

Ayame hugs him.

Kenichi:- .....Stop it...

Ayame:- Remember, when you confronted me when I was in complete despair.

Ayame:- Because of you, I am accepting myself as I am now.

Ayame:- So don't say dumb stuff like that.

Kenichi calmed down.

Kenichi:- Can I hold you a little longer?

Ayame:- Of course, you deserve happiness.

Outside the school.

Kenichi:- Aren't you coming along Ayame?

Ayame:- Sorry, but I have a duty in Library.

Kenichi:- I will wait for you then.

Ayame:- It would be better if you don't, You should rest a little after what you've been through.

Kenichi:- I will see you tomorrow.

Ayame:- Bye.

In Kenichi's room

I don't know why, but I feel more relaxed.

Is it because I opened up about my dark past to someone I trust?

Or because I accepted myself as I am.

Kenichi:- 7 May....

This day is the happiest day of my life.

For some reason, I feel so sleepy.

I should take a nap.





Kenichi:- Ugh, my head hurts so bad...

Since I am awake, I should get ready.

Mirror mirror on the wall, show me the happiest boy in the world.

Huh, what's that?

He noticed that he got tear marks on his face.

When did I cry?

And I smell weird.

Who cares, it must be sleepy tears.

I should take a bath quickly, Ayame is waiting for me.



She's not here.

Did she left without me?

She has a duty in Library, So I don't blame her.

I can meet her in school.



In School

Every student is starting at him.

All of them are gossiping about him.

Nobody wants to approach towards him.

This was enough to give Kenichi cold feet.

Kenichi:- ...

All the students are staring at him.

The whispers are echoing through hallways.

Kenichi:- Uhhh.. Did something happened?

All of them are disgusted.

Kenichi:- ....

Why am I feeling bad about this?

I better ask about this to Ayame.

He saw Ayame with two other girls, which he didn't recognized any one of them.

Kenichi:- Ayame, wait. Can you tell me what's with today's environment?

Ayame:- ....

Ayame is ignoring him...

Kenichi:- Everyone is ignoring me lately. As if I stopped existing.

Ayame:- ...

Ayame is still ignoring him...

As expected.

Kenichi:- I am talking to you. Don't tell me you're also ignoring me.

Kenichi puts his hand on her shoulder.



Ayame slapped him.


Kenichi:- What are you talking about?

Ayame:- Are you fucking deaf, don't touch me. You fucking psychopath.

Ayame:- Ah wait, don't tell me you lost your memory yet again.

Kenichi immediately checked his phone.

9th May....

Ayame:- At least, it's a good thing you lost your memory.

Kenichi:- What do you mean?

Ayame:- Let's say, your secret got exposed and your classmates beat you up.

Kenichi:- ...

Ayame:- If that's not enough, those male classmates bought you to bathroom and pissed at you.

Ayame:- Not only that, those you called them friends, also stopped talking to you.

Ayame's Friend 1:- Don't forget that this midget puked on the floor and lied on it.

Ayame's Friend 2:- It was my favourite part, where nobody helped him to bring him to pharmacy.

Ayame:- Knock it girls, My favourite part was seeing him got naked and ran through hallways. This punishment is created by the school principal.

He fell down in shock as he learnt more and more.

Kenichi:- How can you say like that? Aren't we friends?

Ayame:- Of course we are, silly~~

Ayame:- If you answer me this question.

Kenichi:- I will answer your any and every question you want to ask.

Ayame:- So, What did our teacher taught us this month?

Kenichi:- Yes, It was.....


I can't remember anything.

Kenichi:- I don't know....

Ayame:- Did you say something?

Kenichi:- I don't remember any of it.

Ayame:- It's sad that you forgot everything you learnt.

Ayame:- You're useless to me. Do not meet me ever again. Goodbye.~~

Ayame left.


Kenichi grabbed her hand.

Kenichi:- YOU!!!

Kenichi:- You did this, didn't you?

Ayame smirked.

Ayame:- You're quite slow, but you're correct.

Kenichi:- Why did you do this to me?

Ayame:- This questing should be asked to you.

Ayame:- What the FUCK did I do to deserve this?

Ayame:- You took my first position, and stole my spotlight.

Ayame:- So I took the spotlight from you.

Kenichi:- I will tell this to everyone.

Ayame:- Good luck with that. Since nobody's going to believe you.

Kenichi:- !!!!

Ayame:- Wait, Actually. I have best spotlight for you.

Ayame grabbed his collar and bought him to school hallway with all his classmates.

She threw him on the floor.

Kenichi:- What do you think you're doing?

Ayame:- Lick..

Kenichi:- What?

Ayame:- Lick my shoe.

Kenichi looked everywhere, but no students dared to help him.

Not to mention others wants him to do it.

Out of desperate, He licked her shoe.

Ayame:- Uhhh, I am not satisfied. Oh right, why not bark for me.

Kenichi:- !!!

Ayame put her foot on his head.

Ayame:- I told you to bark, you dumbfuck.

Kenichi:- w-woof.


Ayame stomped on his head.

Ayame:- That's what I wanted. What a pathetic pig you are.

Ayame:- My ugly pet pig.

Ayame's Friend 2:- You mean dog?

Ayame:- No, A Pig.


Ayame:- The dumbest pig...


Ayame:- Who


Ayame:- doesn't


Ayame:- know


Ayame:- how


Ayame:- to


Ayame:- Oink!!!

She was continuously stomping on his head.

Help me. Someone, Anyone.

He saw Nancy from far distance. But..

Nancy:- ...

She completely ignored him.


He grabbed Ayame's leg and pulled down her skirt.


She kicked him on his stomach.

I can't breathe.


I didn't meant to do this.

What's gotten into me?

Other classmates:- He's gone rogue again. Let's teach this idiot.

All the classmates joined and starts beating him.

Ayame's Friend 1:- We have to leave before our teacher sees us.

Ayame:- Yeah, right.

Ayame:- You motherfucker, you will be dead by tomorrow.

The gang left the scene.

Teacher:- What's going on here?

The teacher came in the scene and broke the fight.

Kenichi:- huff....puff....

Teacher:- Also Kenichi, come to teacher's lounge. Right Now.


Teacher:- Do you have any idea what have you done?

Kenichi:- ...

Teacher:- There's a rumor going around, in which you're sexualizing and physically attacking other students.

Kenichi:- ...

Teacher:- You're not here to talk, huh.

Teacher:- As a matter of fact, If the rumor gets outside the school, Our school reputation will be ruined.

Teacher:- But since it's serious for all other students.

Teacher:- We, as Teachers, and the Principal decided to let you leave this school.

Kenichi:- !!!

Teacher:- You have one week. If you don't leave by that time, we have no choice but to expell you immediately.

Teacher:- It's for our own good. No students wants to come to school if you're here.

Kenichi:- ...

He left the room, without saying a word.

In his home.

Kenichi's mom got shocked when she saw him in this state.

Kenichi's Mom:- What happened!!! You got bruises all over your body.

Kenichi:- ...

Not a single word.

Kenichi went to his room and lied on bed.


Kenichi:- .....I.....

Kenichi:- .....I want to die....


Finally, he went to sleep.


Have a sweet dream, Kenichi.


Kenichi:- ....


Why am I dreaming this.


Ayame:- What's with holdup. Don't tell me you can't think anything, can you?

Who's here.....

I can't hear anything clearly.



all I can see is red....

Ayame:- You little dumbfuck, nobody wants to be friends with you. Seeing you makes me wanna puke.

Am I a murderer...

Or a fool.....?

Nancy:- Why are you still alive, after what've done to me.


All of you are fake....

Bully: YOU!!! Because of you, I am suffering day by day.

Bully: Why do you even exist in first place?

Bully: You're nothing, but a curse.

stop this....

all of you, stop this...

Fellow Classmate 1:- Stay away from me, you psychopath.

Fellow Classmate 2:- Nobody likes a tool, like you, but you're broken. A tool but also useless.

Fellow Classmate 3:- You're not genius anymore. Well, goodbye and never come back again.

Fellow Classmate 4 :- It would be better if you disappear forever

I said stop.....

I don't want to hurt anyone....

I just want to make friends...

Ayame:- Friends? You're just a fucking dumb pig.

Ayame:- I told you before, Nobody wants to be friends with useless tool.

Ayame:- So please, go to your room and die peacefully. Nobody will care if you disappear forever, not even your parents.





Ayame:- You're still alive, that's a shame. Just die already.

Ayame:- After all....

Ayame:- You're just a murderer.


???:- Have you found your answer?


That girl again.

???:- Let me ask you again..

???:- Do you want to kill your friends?


Are you...