Chapter 8

"Thank you so much teacher, but would it be possible for you to take me to the Class Hall?"

Ryan asked

"Unfortunately I have a lot of work to do and am not able to do so but you can follow the signs to get there by yourself. Good luck on vanquishing the beast and return safely, I don't want to lose my only disciple."

"I will try my best teacher, good bye" Ryan said before turning and walking out of the training field. It was now evening and the sun was low on the Horizon, he checked the time and it read 22:37 on his timer. That meant that he had spent two hours in the training field which was longer than he had expected, but it was not too bad.

As he left he saw a man running into the training field with a happy look on his face, this was the man who originally discovered the quest line. Ryan felt no remorse for stealing his fate as Ryan had technically saved the man from dying. After blabbing about the amazing things he got from his quest line, an assassin guild killed him to get his things but you only dropped one or two items when you died so he was slaughtered multiple times just for his loot. This was extremely dangerous as the Soul in Horizon was linked to the Soul in real life and with every death your soul got weaker until it vanished into nothing and you entered a coma that you could never wake up from. This is what happened to the man as he had died numerous times fighting the creature in the forest and his soul was already very weak so it didn't take a lot to truly kill him.

But that was not something Ryan truly cared about at the moment, he continued walking towards the Class Hall and was eventually greeted by an attendant with a look on his face that would have made you think he was staring at a leper. The attendant looked this way because not only was Ryan wearing only rags and no proper clothes, his body was now covered in sweat and mud from the training field.

Not looking at the attendant, Ryan pushed past and walking into the class hall. It was a giant room with a massive blue ball of crystal hovering in the middle with stand of mana constantly stretching out from it and attaching to different parts of the room. Like tentacles the strands of light searched every crevice of the room before discovering Ryan, once he had been found almost all of the tendrils reached towards him, inviting him towards the orb. This was the aptitude crystal, it could effectively measure how well different attributes suited you and could determine the correct class for you based on this. All Ryan had to do was walk up to it and place his hand against it and by following the light tendrils he made his way towards the massive orb.

Just as he was about to place his hand against it, the attendant shouted.

"Get your dirty hands away from the Orb of Aptitude, you fucking peasant"

Spit flew from his mouth and covered Ryan's face, partially cleaning it.

"That wasn't very nice, I will wash my hands okay? Also calm down on the language, it's vulgar" Ryan said wiping the spit from his face, he refrained from attacking the attendant because he was not yet strong enough to have the balls to start a fight in a city. As soon as he threw the first punch a guard would show up and arrest him for a week, he wouldn't be able to log out at that time and Ryan couldn't afford to be a week behind everyone. Even though, admittedly, he was about a month or four ahead of even the best players.

"How about you leave instead, your just a peasant that probably has no fucking chance to get a single affinity above F grade. Now get the fuck out of my sight and never come back you filthy bitch" the attendant started shouting again.

This was what happened to people that believed they were better than others just because they wore fancy clothes or had a little bit of money, also the attendant was used to being respected by nobles that wanted to apply their children to be adventurers, so his ego became massive and his respect for other people diminished greatly.

"Ya know what, fuck you. Call Latavia over, ya know the head of the Training and Class Halls, and say that Ryan wants her to fire you. Chop chop ya cunt."

"Shut your dirty mouth and don't look at me when you speak. You are not worthy to even mutter the head's name, now leave you fucking scum."

With one quick motion, the attendant struck Ryan across the face with the palm of his hand and it sent him flying. At that point Ryan wasn't strong enough to withstand a strike from a mere attendant and his HP plummeted to 1/14. His body skittered across the marble floor and slammed against a wall making him throw up blood. Each breath he took was agony as his ribs had punctured his lungs and he was slowly losing the attachment to his life. His vision began to fade, but before his life diminished he witnessed a woman fly through one of the golden walls and begin screaming. He knew it would be okay for him, maybe not the attendant though.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" Latavia screamed at the attendant.

She was enraged at the idea that her student was almost killed by one of her employees. Utilising her insane speed she rushed to Ryan, crossing 50 metres in less that 2 seconds and poured a red health potion down his throat that instantly restored his health to max. His bones began fixing themselves and his eyes snapped open, with a sudden gasp and a heavy intake of air Ryan's lungs went back to normal.

After helping him recover and stand at his full 5,10 height, she turned to the attendant and started screaming at him.


She had the power to do so as well, she helped to train the city guards so they wouldn't dare to arrest her as they knew her strength and righteous personality and knew she wouldn't do something wrong without reason.

"Miss I am so sorry, please spare me. Because of his clothes and appearance I never suspected he could be such an amazing person and under your amazing tutelage. Please spare me."

The attendant was now on his knees, tears flowing from his eyes as he believed he would lose his life. His hands were tight together as he pleaded for his life, with a whimpering voice, he attempted to convince Latavia not to kill him. Tears hit the floor and formed a puddle with his snot as he cried and begged for his life.

Ryan, although he didn't exactly like the attendants, didn't like to see anyone in such a state.

"Teacher, please do not harm this man. I understand why he did what he did, and I do not believe he should lose his life." Ryan said with a smile on his face.

"Student you are truly more benevolent than I, for your show of righteousness I will grant you an elixir of endurance that will help you withstand hits from scum properly. I shall allow him to live." Latavia said with a gentle smile on her face as she looked at Ryan.

"Young master thank you so much for sparing my life, I am indebted to you for the rest of my life."

The people of Horizon were truly strange, one kind act would change their entire perspective of you and they would swear loyalty. This was probably due to how harsh and cruel the world of Horizon was and how deprived of love its citizens were. Many people attributed this attitude to prove that they were less human like and were in fact NPCs but Ryan never believed that.

"If you truly wish to repay me then become my subordinate and stand for if you dare to be in such a miserable state again then you will have dishonoured me." Ryan knew exactly how to speak to the people of Horizon as he had spent the majority of the past 10 years kissing their asses and hoping for kindness.

"Yes my master" the attendant said.

[You have gained the Lv 15 subordinate (Ezekiel Grimstone)! 0.001% of all experience he gains will be transferred to you.]

Every time he saw how Horizon's people changed their minds so quickly Ryan was baffled.