Chapter 9

This subordinate would become useful in the future and in fact in the present, with Ryan siphoning off 0.001% of his XP he could use the attendant to kill high level beasts, ones impossible to kill for a Lv1 and take some of the XP.

"Ok now I still need to measure my aptitude and affinity for the different elements. So if you don't mind, scooch" Ryan said as he walked towards the orb in the centre of the room, there was more confidence in his walk now as he had gained a subordinate and was promised another elixir. Latavia stood behind him with a keen smile on her face as she awaited the results of Ryan's aptitude test hoping it was good. Even though elemental affinities were mainly helpful for magic, they would also help to guide a warrior on the best path for them. But Ryan wanted to be both a wizard and a warrior, someone in his past life managed to get a second class by altering his race and Ryan wanted to do this in order to become both a wizard and a Dark Oni warrior at the same time.

Once more he moved to place his hand against the orb and this time he wasn't interrupted. As soon as his hand made contact with the orb his body became enveloped in the calm blue mana exuded buy the crystal.










Class recommended: [Need stronger Crystal]


In his previous life his Undeath affinity was only a D grade and his Divinity affinity was the same. But now, maybe because he died and was reborn which goes against two of the Three Gods, his Undeath was at the max and he had no Divine affinity. What was strange was that there was a new attribute that he had never seen before, even in his past life no one ever said anything about Aethar. Even on the screen before him the affinity was slightly blurred out as if it wasn't supposed to be there and from Latavia's expression, he didn't think she could see it. His affinity with the Undead was both amazing and terrible, it meant that his affinity with the Dark Oni class increased and he would be able to use the skills without trouble, but it also meant that if he ever ran into a member of the Great Church that worshipped the God of Life then he would be hunted and killed.

His mood turned sour until a notification appeared in front of him, he vaguely remembered it as one of the notifications that he dismissed when he first entered the game.

[Due to your affinity with Undeath, the unholy essence of Aether calls you and wishes to bring you to the Nether Dimension. Do you want to open a portal there now? Yes/ No]

His face lit up with glee as he read the quote, the first people to enter the nether dimension would do so in about three or four months and they were only given the opportunity because they had completed enough missions for the Nether Church and built up enough trust with them.

This was an amazing opportunity for Ryan to thrive in an area untouched by other people this time around, so much XP and treasures to take for himself.

"Ahhh Ryan, you seem to have a great affinity with the undead. That must mean that you have been called to the Nether Dimension and I am sure you don't want to go as it is a vile and terrible place, but I implore you, please enter the nether and kill as many demons or demonic animals as you can. The kingdom's prophets have predicted that within a year the demons will attack our plane of existence and attempt to steal all the resources they can from our lands. So I must ask that you enter the Nether Realm. But I know that you are not yet ready for such a task, so I will help you as much as I can before you are ready to leave." Latavia said seriously while staring straight into Ryan's eyes.

[Unique Quest!]

Latavia has heard of the incoming invasion and wants your help in reducing the demon population before it occurs.

Requirements: Kill 1 Demon General (repeatable) (rewards vary)

Kill 1 Demon (repeatable)

Kill 1 Demonic Animal (repeatable)

Rewards: For every requirement met +2000 XP and 50 copper coins +10 Reputation

Penalty for failure: None

Time limit: None

This was quite literally the best outcome from the situation, now he would gain extra rewards for doing what he planned to do anyway. He was desperate for the XP anyway so this was a welcome surprise, at level one he only needed 100XP to level up and he could do that by simply killing 10 Lv1 rabbits but after that the requirement for a level up grew exponentially increasing by 1.5% for each level. At level 2, 150XP was needed, then 225 then 337 and so on. Eventually even millions of XP would only make a tiny dent in the XP required and because of this even the slightest more XP for each kill was amazing.

"Well teacher, this is one thing you could do, I only lack strength due to my lack of levels and so would it be possible for you to power level me?" Ryan asked while thinking he was a genius.

"Unfortunately, I can't. I have many very important matters to attend to but I shall let Ezekiel here follow you and help you increase your strength. Now here is the elixir of endurance I promised."

Out between her breasts she pulled out a dark green vial that his shield seemed to resinate with.

[Elixir of Endurance]

Helps to harden your body

+10 Endurance

Ryan quickly popped the top and drank the entire thing before even thinking about it. The green liquid flowed down his throat with ease and it had a minty freshness akin to gum. He could feel the elixir as it slowly made its way into his stomach, with each second that passed his skin became thicker and thicker.

Once the strange feeling had passed, he could feel mentally that his skin had become thicker even though the change was not visible.

"Well thanks for that, it is gonna really help me stay alive a lot longer. I think I'll head out now if that's alright"

Ryan didn't really know what to say, although he did really feel thankful, he also had alot of things that he had to do before logging off. For example, get that egg of his checked out.

With a quick wave, Ryan exited the Class Hall with Ezekiel hot on his heels ready to serve him.

Once again Ryan wondered about how easily the people of Horizon submitted to Players.

Once they were out of the Class Hall, a wave of noise hit them as they were once more exposed to the clamour of sounds that came from the day to day life of the city. He knew exactly which roads to take if he wanted to reach the Beast Taming Store in the quickest possible time, but he wanted to enjoy the walk. It was the first time in years that he was able to freely walked the streets without worrying for his life or trying to think of how to keep up with his payments or escaping his captors.

Ryan walked past multiple stands that sold beautiful smelling foods, luxurious clothes, simple wares and even a few beast cores. At every stand, Ryan stood and looked at their goods, sometimes buying something if he wanted. After twenty stalls Ryan had purchased a multitude of food and beast cores, almost everything went into his inventory and stomach, the rest went to Ezekiel. When he shared the food with Ezekiel a screen popped up in front of him.

[Followers Loyalty]

Ezekiel's loyalty

50/100 —> 55/100

Every little bit helps.

It wasn't long before they reached the Beast Tamer Store and Ryan walked through the massive doors into a hall full of people, the sight reminded him of something important he had almost forgotten. The black market. It was still a day or two away but Ryan couldn't wait to see the goods available. With the amount of money he had, he could easily buy at least one item and hopefully it was a good one.

"Hello sir how can I help you?" an attendant greeted him as he walked through the door.

"See Ezekiel, that's how you treat a customer. Uh yes, can I get my egg analysed, it is a Soul Beast egg and I would quite like to know how to hatch it" Ryan said as he changed his look from his subordinate to the polite attendant.

"Yes of course sir, the Store hasn't seen a Soul Beast in a while so we would be happy to do this for a reduced fee" the attendant said with a bright smile on her face.

Ryan handed over ten silvers and the woman gracefully accepted before taking the egg and examining it with a special monocle thingy.

"Ahh it's a rare one, the store only has two documented cases of this beast. Lucky you!" The attendant said as she passed back the egg to Ryan.

[Soul Beast Egg of Abyssal Rhino]

The Abyssal Rhino was first created by the great Devil Sin of Gluttony as a mount to help her carry her massive mass around, normal mounts couldn't withstand the pressure, so she took a piece of the Abyssal stone and encased an Iron Rhino with it and gave birth to a new species, the Abyssal Rhino.

Conditions for hatching:

The heat of the River Pyros of the Nether Dimension.

Owner of Egg near

Blood of preferred beast surrounding the egg