Suou Green, My New Name


Some of the names of people and places in this story are figments of my imagination and have no connection with the real world.


1st July 1981, London

(3rd Person POV)

It was a calm summer night. The sky was clear without any clouds and the moon and stars were visible. Only slight wind was blowing and moving the leaves of the oak trees on the courtyard before the orphanage in the suburbs of London. The orphanage was a wide two-story building built from dark red bricks. Over the Brown wooden door on the front wall were bronze letters forming the name of the orphanage. Oak Leaf Orphanage.

The serenity of the night was disturbed by the sudden appearance of a sky blue shining circle, right before the door of the orphanage. The circle was a portal leading to what looked like an endless black void.

A small bundle of white cloth suddenly dropped out from the circle. The bundle fell directly on the threshold in front of the orphanage' door. From the bundle of cloth peeked a pair of pale green eyes. In the eyes was visible intelligence as they looked at the world around them. But the eyes were suddenly full of tears and a loud baby cry was heard.

After a while, the orphanage's door opened and the outcome slime figure was clothed in a grey-colored coat over a purple pajama dress. It was a young woman that looked like she was in her late twenties with long brown hair and grey eyes behind simple glasses. She immediately looked down at the crying bundle and hurriedly picked it up in her arms and looked around. Seeing no one she looked at the baby in her embrace.

"Ah, another unfortunate child. You don't have to worry, we will take care of you. Now stop your cry." She cradled the baby in her arms and she slowly stopped crying and looked at the person holding it with curiosity in its gaze. "Now that's better. You shouldn't cry with such beautiful pale green eyes. It would be a waste."

She stepped back inside the building and shut the door behind her. In the light of the hallway, she gave the baby a better look. The baby was probably one year old and it was a cute little girl with silky red hair and pale green eyes. She had both European and Asian features. The only thing she had other than the white cloth she was wrapped in was a silver locket with big round amber around her neck. When she tried she couldn't open it, so she let it around her neck. It was surely something her mother left her with, despite that she couldn't or didn't want to take care of the child, thought the woman.

When the woman thought that she wouldn't find out anything about the child and was going to think about the name of the little girl, she found a small piece of paper hidden in the cloth. She took it in her hand, unfolded it, and read the name written on it.

"Suou Green. So that's your name little one. My name is Anna Drinkwater. Nice to meet you little Suou and welcome to Oak Leaf Orphanage."

(Anna POV)

"Anna! What are you doing so late at night? What's going on?"

I was going to put little Suou in the baby room at the end of the ground floor when I was interrupted by the shout of Mrs. Williams, the Director of this orphanage. She was an older woman in her late forties with a stocky build, short blond hair to her shoulders with some strands of graying hair, and a few wrinkles were visible on her stern face. Her brown eyes were directed at me, but then she noticed the baby in my arms and sighed. "Haa. Another abandoned child is it? Let me look at her." With care, I gave the little girl into her arms.

She carefully looked over the child if she was alright. "What's her name?" She asked me with her permanently stern voice.

"Her name is Suou Green. From the looks of it, she is Half-Asian. I hope she will not have problems with other kids. They sure can be pretty mean sometimes."

"Well not in this orphanage and under my watch." Replied Mrs. Williams to my worries. She is the best Director this orphanage could have. Although she was always stern and seemed a little cold she is also a very kind person that will do everything she means for the kids living here. "Did the child have anything with her?"

"Only the paper with her name and that locket she has around her neck," I replied.

"Then tomorrow we will have to prepare to make her documents and take her to a doctor. She looks healthy, but we have to make sure. Though she sure has blank look on her face she is maybe just tired. Now take her to the baby room and put her to sleep in one of the free beds. Good night Anna, I will go to sleep first." Director said and went back to her room after she gave me the child back.

"Good night Director." I wished her a good night and with little Suou again in my arms I walked to the baby room that is behind the door at the end of the hallway to the left.

The baby room was for babies small children unit the age of three. It was a big room with two bay windows. One window was on the wall across the door and the second was on the wall on the left side of the door. The wall had wallpapers in pastel purple color with white and yellow flowers. Part of the wooden floor was covered by dark blue carpet and on it were a few pillows and various plushies. In the corner between the door and window was standing a big wooden cabinet. Along the wall on the right side of the door were lined up eight wooden baby cribs of which five were already occupied. There were also two padded chairs next to the cribs.

I put little Suou in the vacant crib nearest to the window and put on her red onesie from the cabinet. I covered her with my blanket and waited for her to sleep. She only looked at me with a blank look making me a little uncomfortable by it. She is a quiet child apart from the cry at the beginning she didn't make any noise.

After a while of staring she did what looked like a roll of eyes and closed her eyes. I must have seen wrong from the tiredness. Well, it looks like she is sleeping already so I should go to sleep too. I give her a kiss on the forehead, checked the other small ones, and went back to my room on the ground floor to my bed to sleep.


/a Few minutes ago.../

(Suou POV)

When I woke up I was looking at the clear night sky and I was lying in front of a building that appears to be an orphanage.

I was confused. I tried to sort my thoughts and then it struck me. I was reborn as a Demon in my one-year-old body. And I was now a girl. I didn't know what to do, so I just followed the instincts of my young body and started crying. Ahh... I feel the depression coming up.

After a while, someone came out of the building and picked me up in their arms. I wanted to look at the person, but couldn't see through the tears. It took a while until I finally stopped crying. It isn't a good feeling, to only have animal control over my body. Curse this one-year-old body.

She took me inside and started to examine me. She looked at the locket that I apparently had around my neck. So this is the locket from which I can materialize the PTRD-41 Anti-tank sniper rifle. I can't wait until I can try firing from it and use the knowledge about Marksmanship that I now have in my head, thanks to this body. Yes, let's think positively, although I am now a girl, I can materialize an Anti-tank sniper rifle and have knowledge over and talent for Marksmanship.

Hmm, not enough positivity. Still feel depressed.

The woman took out a piece of paper from the cloth I was bundled in and read something written on it.

"Suou Green. So that's your name little one. My name is Anna Drinkwater. Nice to meet you little Suou and welcome to Oak Leaf Orphanage."

Suou Green. So that's my name from now on. Celine must have used a lot of imagination when she came up whit it. All she did, was that she put the name of my new body and the name of my past self together. Well, t, the name sounds good so I will keep it. It's also good that it doesn't really feel like a female name. My already depressed mind will not take it, if I had some overly girly name.

Then arrived a stern older woman with a stocky build. She appears to be the director of this orphanage. I was handed over to her and again examined.

How many times do I have to get examined? Can't this baby have some privacy and personal space? I currently don't have anything on me other than the white cloth and I don't like to be stared at when I am naked. It's embarrassing and furthermore, I am not an exhibitionist.

I was handed over back to Anna. It looks like they will take me to a doctor tomorrow. How funny, I will once again be examined all over. I hope they will not find anything weird about me as I am Demon now. Well, those are worries for tomorrow.

Anna walked with me to a baby room. The room was rather nice. Anna put me into the crib nearest to the window and put a red onesie on me that she grabbed from the cabinet. Finally, I am properly clothed. Anna then put a chair next to my crib and sat down and stared at me.

What do you want woman? I still didn't make any noise and just stared back at her. A while after our staring contest she began to look a little uncomfortable. What does she want? Maybe she is waiting until I will fall asleep? I just rolled my eyes and closed them. Playing that I fell asleep.

I then heard the sounds of her receding footsteps and closing doors. Even after I was sure that she is gone I still kept my eyes closed. I was trying to feel the Demon Seed somewhere in me. I found it almost immediately. It felt like a very small orb in my chest on the opposite side of my heart. It was giving off a feeling of both cold and warm, but it felt strangely comfortable.

But there was something else that I felt. Something was flowing everywhere in the air around me. That something was flowing even in my body. Most probably in my blood. This must be Magic.

I willed it and there was a ripple in the magic around me. A small smile formed on my formerly blank face.


/At the same time.../

(3rd POV)

In a certain magical castle in Scotland's Highlands next to a big lake.

In a certain room, a big and old-looking book suddenly opened. From its side, a magical quill then floated up and started to write a certain name in it. After it was done the quill returned back to its pad and the book closed.